WORD Terrorism

“In the beginning was the WORD: The WORD was with God and the WORD was God.” – John the Evangelist

“When poetry becomes popular enough to fill cabarets and music halls, then something is wrong with that poetry or with that audience.” – Charles Bukowski


You can call me a WORD Terrorist: A Terrorist with WORDS strapped to my chest.

Go ahead. I don’t mind.

The WORDS I write, they are what they are. My WORDS would be ill-suited to feed to young minds at university. My WORDS would not sell Coca-Cola. My WORDS need a hot meal, a shower, and a shave.

My WORDS are unwanted. Spray-painted in crude lettering across your front sidewalk sometime during the night. Reminders that you sold your soul for cable TV and an iPhone and the Devil comes tomorrow to collect.

I was young once. I was young and I was naïve and I did not know how the world worked. I did not know how WORDS worked. In my youth and my naïveté I believed I would free WORDS. I believed I would free YOU. I would be a Freedom Fighter.

My weapon would be TRUTH.

Don’t laugh. I was young and I was naïve and I did not know how WORDS worked.

Now I am old, and I am not a WORD Freedom Fighter. I am a WORD Terrorist. I’m the reason you get X-rayed before you go into a classroom. “Check her shoes, check her shoes! I bet good money that bitch is smuggling in explosive scraps of TRUTH!”


When I was young and naïve, I used to pay some attention. I listened to WORDS spoken authoritatively into microphones. To my still-dewy ears and my still-dewy brain, they seemed like the WORD Terrorists. Terrorists of the WORD, twisting meanings to fit agenda or whim.

But their WORDS sold Coca-Cola. Their WORDS sent out armies of banks and books and boxcars.

There is one rule and the rule is this: He whose WORDS sell Coca-Cola gets to say what WORDS mean.


A long time ago, naughty bits got banned. Bits like pussy and like tits and like fuck, too. You could not send those WORDS in the mails.

Then one day, somebody smart figured out if they slapped a corporate logo on tits and on pussy and on fuck, too, it would sell Coca-Cola.

So now you can send the naughty bits in the mails.


If Billy Shakespeare wrote WORDS today, he’d be penniless and on the run and his fourth draft of the screenplay for “Mighty Ducks 5” would have just been rejected by every movie studio in Hollywood.


My WORDS and a dollar-fifty will get you a bottle of brown, carbonated sugar water.

My WORDS are beginning to smell infected. You oughta put a Band-Aid over my WORDS so you don’t keep picking at them. My WORDS won’t sell even at 5 for $1, but good citizens shell out good money to have them flushed away with their sewage and their elderly, their infirm and insane.

If I ever wrote WORDS and found a someone or someones founding a religion on them, I’d know they did not understand my WORDS. If I wrote WORDS and found a someone or someones trying to kill me for them – nailing me to a piece of wood, perhaps – chances are better than even that they understood the WORDS I wrote.

I am a WORD Terrorist, and people don’t spend their hard-earned money to feel bad.

I am a WORD Terrorist, so I can’t afford back-up dancers and a throbbing techno beat.

My WORDS make everyone in the neighborhood peer out through their blinds in the middle of the night: “John! Wake up! Wake up! Did you hear that sound from outside? What’s out there? I think something’s happened!”



  1. I love the dark Samuel Clemens stuff. Use the right word, not the 2nd cousin. Book of Mormon was anesthesia in print... but I digress

    I want to say sticks and stones Adri, but I am pretty sure no one ever went to war over sticks and stones. No one has yet to pound their shoe on the table at the UN then throw sticks & stone. Nope, words are powerful elements not listed on the periodical table.

    I freely admit to being a spin doctor. I will leave the dangerous work of Word warefare to you literary alchemists.

  2. Some of us were just meant to be word terrorists, Adri. I guess that's how it goes.

  3. I hope you're wrong about the fate Shakespeare would meet today. But you're probably right.

    I hope to be a word terrorist someday. I've seen how the majority works, and I don't want to be with those people.

    Great pic. :)

  4. You aren't the only WORD terrorist in the world. Although yours are mush more eloquent than most.

  5. Dang it Cal, now I want to get a cigar.

  6. It is amazing what words, images, concepts, indoctrination, knowing your audience really well etc can accomplish. That big moneyed corporate cola-selling stuff really works - it's crazy and ingenious. Now this makes me think of Carl Rove for some reason.

  7. Words are both meaningful and meaningless, are powerless and are powerful, depending on the weight that is given to them. Words don't have much to do with the truth, because words are merely references to what may or not be true, depending on the speaker and the receiver of those words. It is easy to see how words can be flimsy tools, and the truth can be forever elusive, unobtainable and hard to discover. Good luck to you my friend, in your endeavor to parse words and find the truth. I'm tempted to think that the best a person can do is find some sort of personal solace with their own version of the truth, and leave it at that.

  8. sometimes i'm just not sure how to respond. this was a little different than i'm used to reading from you. this is one of those pieces where i'd love to sit down with you and have you talk me through it. i'm not going to assume i understand what you're saying. maybe i just need sleep. i'll come back and read it again tomorrow. don't go on any word suicide missions, please.

  9. Well, there's WORD terrorists... and then there's WORD buffoons... what Can I say ? I make no appologies.

  10. hmmmm. i'm thinking of a word. maybe two. but neither would have value to you.

    interesting, tho. maybe tomorrow this will have more (or less) value than it currently has. :)

  11. Adri, life is random, shitty, and wrong.

    The end.

    Your words have value. To me.

  12. Before squidma gets here I'de like to point out that you're full of it. Word up.

  13. This photo is givin' Adris' mid-rif a run for it's money.

  14. They, whoever they are, say pictures are more powerful than WORDS. A few words or a picture may be in order.

  15. baby love your new Adjective Word Terrorist. Like so politically incorrect. Again I like I would brand u on the Net Adrianna Word Terrorist. She just appeared at the embattled mass senator's race and her words infected the Boston press and she joked about it on Redeye late at night. Even Greg Gutfield called Adrianna the hottie word terrorist. oh yeah ever his babe guest love Adrianna Word Terrorist. In fact her words terrorized the publlisher of New York times.

  16. To the extent that I have failed in the past to live up to my responsibility to make readers uncomfortable, I resolve to fix things this year.

  17. You can always choose to write Hallmark cards, odes to your dog, songs about civilization's progress.

  18. Shakespeare MIGHT have been good enough that he would be able to work his message and vision into whatever medium he chose.

    But it's tough to get people to see the message and vision if you're competing with CGI explosions... Or external links all over the screen. The temptaiton to stop reading somehting online and go to a link is almost irresistible...

    "Romeo, oh Romeo, where art thou.... Hey, there's a sale at Macy's! I'll click that!"

  19. That's right - there are PLENTY of writers living under bridges in everyone's town, in jails and hiding away in the back aisle of libraries and soup kitchens.

  20. Manson was able tow rite songs, though.

    He also lived on a farm out in the desert and let followers come to him - as opposed to being beamed into everyone's homes 5 days a week.

  21. My roof, 10:30 PM. I have extras.

  22. Knowing my audience is why I stapled that pic onto an otherwise abstract blog, haha...

    I liked this one, though! It busted my usual format.

  23. It's a fight to the finish between sex, violence, and politics, huh? I think advertising wins.

  24. I don't know whether there are people who feel compelled to collect stamps or ride a bike or garden. Maybe!

    None of those things necessarily change the world or hold Truth with a capital "T".

    I feel compelled to write. The other 23 hours of the day often feel like window-dressing. It probably doesn't even DO anything, doesn't capture anything, and in fact might well ruin the rest of my life, haha...

  25. Thank you! It felt different while I was writing it. I considered breaking it up into a poem-type ordering.

    I'll read it again in three months and see whether I can figure out why I wrote it.

  26. Depends on who is assigning the labels, is all.

  27. Is one of the words "Banjo"?



  28. Ha. Are you SURE you don't work in advertising? Because I might buy a shirt or a bike with that as the tag line:

    "The new iPhone. Because life is random, shitty, and wrong."

  29. Alas, no one is more painfully aware of that than I am!

  30. "They" might have been illiterate. Or unimaginative.

    Or right.

  31. See, that's unfortunate, because I've always found the Muslim god to be frosty, delicious fun.

  32. The CafePress site goes up over on my Blogger page next week.

    Watch this space, and all that....

  33. It might compliment the nose hoop... let's discuss where you want the brand. (sorry)

  34. Hey Will! Speaking of branding one's words and image for the masses: The decision for me to open a Sanitarium branch on Blogger has been reached. Long time coming.

    Watch this space, and all that...

  35. Yes, it was!!!!!


    Keep me posted. I know you will.

  36. Is it the red hot poker side of the equation that sparked your interest or the cattle normally associated with branding?

  37. I think it was the image of a little wisp of smoke rising off singed flesh.. and of course the lasting pattern of the brand itself, a sweetly possesive stirring.

  38. adrisanitarium
    adrisanitarium wrote today at 9:22 AM
    beeg687 said
    "Dang it Cal, now I want to get a cigar."
    Adri replied
    My roof, 10:30 PM. I have extras."

    Will these cigars be "cured" by Monica or Ardi? I'd like one regardless.

  39. I've never had to consider it, mostly because I have vowed to keep my vagina far away from Bill Clinton.

    I'm too old for him at this point anyway.

  40. I strive to keep that thought foremost in your mind - it's one thing I've been pretty good at.

  41. It's a lucky thing, too, or else who knows what might have happened!

    (Have I mentioned I wrote a blog above these comoments?)

  42. Ever see Wim Wenders' "Until the End of the World?" Some hate it. I love it as a tribute to the power of the written word.

  43. Never saw it - I remember when it came out, because the soundtrack had Lou Reed, Nick Cave, U2, REM, Can, Talking Heads, etc.

    I'll have to put it on my list.

  44. *laugh*
    I think it's a pretty safe bet to say we wouldn't still be communicating at this point.

  45. only when preceded by the word, "wild". ;)

    you haven't lost your touch, even with the hiatus. :)

  46. I saw Wenders' untile the end of the world and I loved it too. I hope it gets a us release here in the states. I have the soundtrack but I love the adventure element and the end of the world element with the Indian satellite.

  47. I appreciate the show of support, but I'm less confident myself.

    Since I've sobered up, I've switched from writing about drunken adventures to writing about Buddhism, the 3rd Amendment, and the process of writing.

    I'm like Popeye without the Spinach...

  48. Wenders called the theatrical version a "reader's Digest" version, meaning - I assume - that the director's cut is (surprise, surprise) truer to his vision, blah blah blah...

    I can't say, not having seen ANY version of it.

    Sometimes, however, the theatrical release is a REALLY castrated version of a film. Terry Gilliam's "Brazil" being one of the best examples. Gilliam's version is damn cool... the American theatrical release is merely really good.

  49. Unless it can be measured/quantified, there is very little that is "truth" Usually it is tainted by perception and bias.

  50. Huh?

    I have been assuming the rest of the world is a mere projection of my psyche, and therefore whatever I "know" is Truth.

    The flow and flux of what YOU, my psychic projections, believe or feel in some passing fashion is of course more subjective and temporal.


    Of course, from another point of view, I agree that there might not be any big Truth or objective stance, but there are some things that are important and generally true and worth thinking about - life, birth, creation, beauty, ugliness, death, sickness, entropy, etc.

    Then there are words that people would pay for.

    And never the twain shall meet.

  51. Hooters are profitable, though.

    The tits in Playboy are profitable. You could stamp a Coke ad on those puppies.

    Hell, you could probably fill the implants with Coke and charge guys a helluva lot more for the contents than the lousy $1.50 they get for a 20 oz bottle... and the areola bottlecaps would be quite the collector's items...

  52. Well sure as heck let's not think about having less self-confidence when you're sober.. those kinda thoughts ain't gonna get you nowhere.

  53. ..twist off and turn on.. just like your grandfathers Coke.

  54. You know, three years ago, every comment to this blog would have been about the picture. I don't know if I've embarrassed everyone into behaving or if my getting old means that the OTHER comments cease.

    And beyond that, whether such a change is positive or negative.

    What does it all MEAN, Torrent?

  55. I suspect it's a change for the positive, titillation as a topic is fairly shallow, the more intellectuallly inclined Residents simply moved on when it became apparent after a year or so that you just didn't revel in shallow sexuality - let alone get visceral or erotic. Whatever happend to that Original Sanitarium tagline?

    Sure.. you played along for a bit now and again.. but.. the wall was eventually reached. And when you did do any wall mounting.. is was in grand blog fashion. (Of course.. too much blatant sexuality runs the risk of a really ugly crowd, stalking, infatuation exhinbitted by more three or four Residents.. and that just gets distracting for everybody.)

    It's only the most simple minded, and possibly most masochistic amongst us that still maintain a fairly consistent level of innnuendo to entertain ourselves.

    Just the facts M'am.

  56. The oh-so-famous Coca-Cola bottle.
    The Coke bottle itself is perfectly easy to grip and it’s curvy shape resembles the woman’s body, a timelessly beautiful structure

  57. Samuel Clemens was a great writer, but beyond an enviable mustache, he wasn't much to look at so the lack of comments about him are understandable. The OTHER picture? Ohhhh... I have no explanation for that other than maybe your audience is maturing? OK so that isn't' it. It was a blog about words so this time they didn't look at the pictures? Yes that was funny. Maybe you didn't show enough skin? Who knows, this is a pretty fickle group some days

    Interesting observation to be sure.

  58. The Lucy VanPelt of the Santitarium. Good business model Torrent, work only in cash, keep your prices low.

  59. Too much time on the internet has raised the stakes for how much skin must be shown in order to capture the attention...

    That's a possibility.

    Had Samuel Clemens been more conventionally handsome, his writing probably would have sucked. Conventionally attractive people don't write well, because they don't have to unless they're psychically damaged.

  60. Billboards, print, TV, the nation is awash in skin. I suspect we are all a little numb after several years of Lindsey, Paris and Britney flashing their junk every week. You really don't want to be competitive with that lot.

    I will say when I saw your picture, my frist thought was DAMN that girl has a flat stomach. Probably wasn't the reaction you expected. I know you run a lot. It has paid off (assuming you were going for the slim and trim look).

  61. Well, I do sometimes climb out of the backseats of cars at odd angles while wearing short skirts and no underwear, but there are rarely paparazzi there to memorialize the moment. So Lindsay, Paris, and Britney have me beat there.

    I worked my ass off last year, working out and running and dieting. Compliments are therefore allowed, haha...

  62. In that case, you look fantastic. I first noticed it on your CA beach video. Holy crap, that is her belly button! As one who struggles to maintain a profile other than that of the Michelin Man, I appreciate the hard work and dedication that goes in to looking that good. Well done Miss Adri

    On the other matter, you need a better publicist to alert the media to your whereabouts. Harry can't do everything.

  63. ..and it's all about volume.. need any advice?

  64. However, if you happen to be the kicker on the football team, don't trust Torrent to hold the ball...

  65. By the way, the first thought I would expect anyone to have upon seeing the pic is, "What's with the fishnet glove things and why is she doing a cat-scratch-thing with her hand?"

    It is, after all, the thought that passed through my mind when I saw it.

    Come to think of it, the whole ensemble confuses me a bit... This WAS after I sobered up, too...

    Regardless, thank you. I shall go eat a double cheesburger in celebration of my accomplishment...

  66. oh sure.. now you have Trust issues.. I was trying to keep those reserved for my wife. shit.

  67. I wasn't sure about the outfit either, but who am I to judge? Look at me, I am a pair of pointy toed boots.

  68. So you have to hold your own nutsack when your wife gets ready to tee off on you? Damn, that is harsh

  69. Wait... didn't you mention "girlfriend" in a comment a couple blogs back?

  70. *damn* I'm getting sloppy. Old age.

  71. Adri you look hot in just about any clothes you put on. You would make Britanny,Miley and Lindsey envy with your clothes.Like new pic above makes me wanna run my fingers through you redhair. Another nickname RedAdri like the barbarian heroine Red Sonjay. I can see whipping sword about about freaking some lame guys about. Red Adri beware. Now did I make u laugh?

  72. I am wearing cowboy boots today.

    Sadly, there have been no pictures to commemorate it.

  73. My understanding is that women are shaped that way so that we are easy to grip.

    The original plan was to have us with and enormous heads, medium sized bodies, and tiny feet, but we kept falling over and couldn't fix dinner for the men...

  74. Which is why I now have a user's manual that folks must read and sign off on before any real life interaction with me.

  75. In real life I would buy you coffee at Starbucks,yes u can wear your cowboy boots. I have a pair which I wear for special occassions. Of course I would read the user manuel's and I would want to hear your voice over my mobile phone. I would photograph u as a lawyer,cowgirl,redhead night on the town. I'm not kidding I would buy you coffee now. I'm gentleman. U have adorable sense of humor. Lawyers need show more of that in judicial arguements before the judges.

  76. Thanks for the morning laugh - makes the day brighter
    BTW - I think this is your best blog ever! Word Terrorist is now part of my vocabulary and I will be linking to it in the future.This blog covers so many concepts that I find it tough not to flood your comments

  77. shit grl u looking good! damn.
    i like ur words here. im not sure ur blogs r dangerous most wks. but they should b.
    n other wurds keep working @ it & someday u might b a word terrorist!
    fuck em.

  78. Adri is an OUTSTANDING word terrorist !

  79. <<== having some Hunter S. Thompson thoughts 
     A good word terrorist

  80. Thanks for the brain food. I have linked to this blog atHunter S Thompson - Doing Fear

  81. Thanks! That's high praise.

    Plus, I really love knowing that somebody gets something out of my words...

  82. Some judges just can't appreciate a sense of humor. Which is odd, because so much of what goes on inside a courtroom is so absurd...

  83. I won't even mention the part where you promised to get us out of two unwinnable wars, then...

  84. This is a tease for a big summer blockbuster, isn't it?

    I'm going to start seeing billboards all over, completely blank except for the question, "Who is Manuel?"

  85. There have been many times in the past when I have written of trivial things.

    I suspect there will continue to be a bit more of that.

    I generally have no control over what happens when I start writing.

  86. Absolutely! He's on my short list...

    At his best, he shot out ideas, insults, and insights like automatic rifle fire.

  87. For some reason yesterday was an "up yours I am from Texas" day. I put on my pair of black pointy toed boots and my Stetson, climbed into my full sized car with the V-8 and went to a meeting. I never wear the hat because I always think I look silly in it. I decided that by in large looking good is a matter of attitdue rather than fashion sense.

  88. Our Public Schools kick ass and I don't need none of your controlling money.

  89. You'll be sorry when we secede, Tor.

    When Texas has to patrol its own northern and southern borders, pay for the world's highest % of uninsured, go without NASA, numerous military bases, give the US back all that federal money we generally take without too much fighting, etc....

    Yeah, what will y'all Yankees do THEN?

  90. ..and the threat from the North would be? *grin* oh.. yeah, of course.. we'de be comin' for the Women.

  91. all you damn libertards must be reeling today huh

  92. Sadly, it appears that Multiply is dying. The fact is, facebook has cornered the social networking market and true blogging fora are taking the blogging market, so a B- mix of BOTH (i.e. Multiply) is just not going to be able to survive beyond a narrow demographic.

    I have no use for social networking, but I want to write, so if the choice has to made, I know which way I'm going.

    The page exists, and by this weekend, I'll begin posting.

    Done it before... will probably have to do it again...

  93. The preferred epithet is "libtard".

  94. Sen. John Kerry freaked out when he realized Adri the adorable Redhead Word Terrorist help Scott Brown get elected. Even today is DC Beltway Speaker Nancy Pelosi is at a loss for words when she learned the word terrorist had been seen in Boston and beyond. She even went to a Red Sox game and got the question right on ESPN Sportscenter via satellite. Majority leader Harry Read didn't comment and couldn't comment. When contacted about the appearance of the sexy Word Terrorist in Beantown Sen. John Kerry couldn't comment. Press Secretary Gibbs dodge the question when Major Garret Fox News brought it up. Word from Kerry's Cheif of Staff they couldn't beleive she that she knew the answer to the question that Coakly missed.
    Word is now the Red Headed Word Terrorist pop up in New York City..she'd been seen in a tavern called Lucky's on Park Avenue.

  95. A Hope is a terrible thing to waste.

    I can only imagine that a Republican Resurgence is going to bring the Harmony our Holy President was unable to deliver in 365 days. Hope - Get 'er done!

  96. Makes me wonder who is going to part the Mississippi river on their way to DC?

  97. Bring 'em on... Democrat, Republican, good, bad, in between - we'll raise 'em up as a Savior just to rip 'em apart 6 months later.

    We'll probably insult their kids and the way their wife dresses a lot while we're at it.

  98. Reminds me of life at The Sanitarium.

  99. Haha... interesting.

    Although I find it harder and harder to cheer on ANYBODY in contemporary politics. There seems to be no shortage of villains and not a hero to be seen.

    Although some play a hero on TV.

  100. My servants are not of the public servant variety...

  101. Fox News Alert!
    Adri Word Terrorist has been spotted around the capital and she made Speaker Pelosi go into a dizzy tailspin. Adri hit back with no impunity making sure the blame failure of healthcare comes back to her. Boy did it; not only did she put nancy into a dizzy tailspin serveral Democratic senators including Ben Nelson have been swept into the storm. Ben couldn't explain his sweetheart deal and some MSNBC journalist were at a lost words. They were speaking in a different language according to anchors Shep Smith and Katie Couric. Speaker Pelosi,since the blame game has started, couldn't take the heat and she'd been rushed to the hospital.
    All of the adorable redhead dissappeared to the disappointment of lib journalists.

    She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and "sand painting" skills to interpret the invasion and occupation of her country from 1941-1945.

  103. I'm going to have t work on that name. It seems like maybe my name and picture shuld not be connected with a term like "terrorist".

    Perhaps I ought to be showing up with my face covered, at least.

    I'll show up anonymously on grainy footage sent into Al Jazeera, where I'll brutally cut the head off a helpless adverb.

  104. Some day, it's all going to come together...

  105. I have the greatest contacts anywhere.

    I am in a good mood this morning.

    Shhh! Don't tell anyone!

  106. ..so you're a gnab gib believer? Wha goes around comes around.

  107. As long as I'm the one doing the weaving, it's a sure bet.

    So long as doG is doing the heavy lifting, I'm not so sure.

  108. Prime location, good view... I do my best thinking up there, and no one has fallen off to their death yet!

  109. I need to stop reading about other writers' creative processes. It can do nothing but discourage me.

    Few writers of any sort have a creative period that lasts for much more than 12 years, you see.

    I'm no Lewis Carroll or Don Van Vliet, but these things are relative, and I'm at 12 years... NOW.

    It's all retreads from here, far as the eye can see...

  110. ..I dunno.. I think you'de get more gratification swallowing punctuation.

  111. That's a guy thing to say. Guys always think girls get something out of swallowing punctuation.

  112. ..actually I thought I was channelling Mick Jagger... but that might be the new meds talkin'.

  113. is this a good example of word terrorism are just silly ? 
    The Seven Pairs of Outer Space Orbs

  114. Let's look at words are, I tell ya. Nothing more than pictures that conjure an image in the mind, and from that, deduct the meaning thereof.

    It is shared. Sadly, shared. the mainstream gets to choose that this sound conjures this image........

  115. No silly words; just silly minds to interpret those words.

    How's that?

  116. I used the word "monolingual" with one of my assistants a few weeks back. She responded "You're so funny."

    I explained to her that it was an actual word, and one she ought to know, living in Texas and all.

    She said I was making things overly difficult and asked why I couldn't just have said "only speaks one language."

  117. Is the idea behind this blog that writing about testicles and rehab is so rebellious and defiant that the majority must have you silenced or tune you out?

  118. Yes, the Scrotal Skin Purse is deviant and has me on the run.

    In addition, Bob Marley and Eric Clapton shot the sheriff. And don't tell anyone, but Johnny Cash shot a man in Reno just to watch him die!

  119. That clears it up. I was just thinking 'damn, that girl reminds me of Bob Marley!'

  120. It's a shame that you and Squidma don't seem to be getting along. Otherwise, you could go talk to her about tips on being a disgruntled reader of my blog.

    As much as I can appreciate having life goals, you should aim higher than irritating someone on Multiply.

  121. Gracias. My words like you, too. They told me.

  122. If you have an issue with me - and it appears that you do - please take it up with me and not my friends and contacts.

  123. Adri, I did not say one cross word to anyone but you. Your henchmen came at me. 2 are now gone.

  124. OK. Either grow the balls to reply to my PM or else tell me what you're looking for.

  125. I have already told you. I wish for you to abandon the Sanitarium. Perhaps I want to be Director. I have not yet decided.

    You are aware of what I have on you. You can weigh your options.

  126. I love you pen Adri! Keep creating and stimulating my friend!

    "What are word for when no one listens any more?....."

  127. First we take Manhatten / Then we take Berlin...

    Thanks for the WORDS of encouragement. It seems the barbarians are at the gates, and the weird thing is, I'm apparently not one of them. Who'd'a thunk?

  128. yeah - things have gotten all weird lately - "when stuff gets weird; the weird blog on" - been looking at some stats; this is just a phase

    however, I will not sink to the weird and mean level - messes with my karma

  129. We'll see what happens around these parts in the next couple weeks.

    I'm not sure what it is going on with Multiply.

    But I am going to write - where the words will turn up - if at all - I can't say. But the words will be somewhere.

  130. Blog blackmail is my favorite kind of blackmail.

    Well, except for blackmail spelled with an"e" and no "i".

  131. well whatever you do - for the sake of the words - get them out of your head so they have a chance to flourish and blossom. It gets crowded in there.. and although you may be tempted to argue to the contrary the world outside your head is larger. Cuz I say so.

  132. This reminds me of a Lou Reed song about advice Andy Warhol gave him:

    "No matter what I did it never seemed enough
    he said I was lazy, I said I was young
    He said, How many songs did you write
    I'd written zero, I'd lied and said Ten

    You won't be young forever
    you should have written fifteen
    It's work.

    You ought to make things big
    people like it that way
    And the songs with the dirty words
    make sure your record them that way."

  133. Dang Adri, your just plain HAWT ! :-)

  134. Geesh, I thought this fire was out... it's been rekindled it seems. ? ?

  135. Adri's not here right now, Mrs. Torrence.

  136. Every time I think I'm out, they PULL me back in...


  137. Hark...... The Spark that ignites many flames has speaked.

    May we be blessed with a rekindled flame here on Multiply.

  138. Ya, but but but.... I'm not "anywhere", I'm either somewhere or here on Multiply.
    So if you're "anywhere", I'd miss you.

  139. this was an awesome blog and stream of comments.. but then again, that can be said of so many Sanitarium oprioductions.

  140. Yes, well.. it's a shame my brain was eaten right after this, or there could have been more.

  141. Dear Sir,

    We have been called for a meeting by Customs, Kakinada on 26/05 to discuss with regard to recent alert received on Al-Quaida threat. As per the meeting it has been informed that all the vessels will be thoroughly inspected at any given time without notice and requested us to communicate this to all the vessels and its owners and requested for their co-operation.

    yeah right - wrong coast assholes

  142. has you know I really like your word terrorism blog. I have quoted and link to your blog at

    have a good one

  143. still a kick ass blog. oh, and the chic pic is righteous, too. :)


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