
When I got out of rehab, I found out the world had changed. Things had gotten uglier – there was more brown and less indigo, the cacti had wilted, and all the insects had lost their ability to communicate through telepathy.

I wondered, “Was my altered consciousness the only thing sustaining them all these years?”

I apologized to brown, and to the cacti, and of course to the insects, who could no longer understand me.
When I got out of rehab, I drove just as badly as before. I still drove too fast and I still carried a gun and I still had an intricate assortment of hand gestures to communicate my feelings to other drivers.

I got out of rehab, you see. But as it turns out, it is possible to make bad decisions while sober, too.

When I got out of rehab, I went to see old friends. And these old friends, they’d apologize for beer commercials that appeared on the tele, and then they’d sit there. Expectantly. Waiting. Just staring, with their arms crossed, like “Well?”

Finally, it occurred to me they were expecting an apology. Each of them – separate people, separate apologies!

They’d all heard – seen it in a movie or maybe read it in some confessions-of-a-newly-sober-diva book – that apologies fit in somewhere amongst those famous twelve steps. And so it was that each of them – completely independently of all of the others, so far as I was able to discern – got it into their heads that an individualized, made-to-fit apology would be forthcoming at any moment.

Maybe this guy thought I’d apologize for calling him an idiot that time he acted idiotically. Maybe that woman thought I’d say my inebriation had been to blame for crushing her in court back in April, crushing her so badly that she’d given up the practice of law entirely. Maybe this other fellow – this one over here – believed I’d found Buddha or Muhammad or Plato and the Jackson 5 whilst my body was de-pickling for that month, that I’d be less apt to point out some serious irregularities in his logic now.

And so it was we’d sit there – me over here and my friends over there – and we’d sort of stare it out. I’d try to ignore the uncomfortable silences surrounding Lindsay Lohan references, or how everyone would say the word “alcohol” in a whisper now whenever I was around.

But after a little while had passed, I’d get up and I’d go back home. We’d go our separate ways: me, without changing my opinion of their idiocies; them, without getting their duly-expected apology.

And just before leaving, I’d turn to them, in that kind of Lt. Columbo way of mine, and I’d say, “Oh! Yes. Just one last thing.”

I’d say, “Keep holding your breath on that apology.”

I’d say, “My Higher Power thinks you’re an idiot, too.”

When I got out of rehab, the monsters didn’t go away. They patted me on the back with their huge demon-claws when I got home, and they welcomed my return. They looked sincere about it! But it seems that despite what I’d been told, the monsters, they’d never been hallucinations at all.

And when I got out of rehab, the nights got longer, and my house had been rezoned into the Insomnia District, and the cobwebs in the corners always frightened the Sandman away.

It’s been a long, long night, since when I got out of rehab.


  1. Believe me,an idiot is an idiot whether you're sober or not! Your sobriety does NOT cancel out their idiocy.
    Maybe you changed but it doesn't necessarily mean THEY changed!

  2. Seems like when you need support you get selfish first ...

  3. ron white pretty much nailed it with 'can't cure stupid.' true at whatever level of stupidity. and then the rest, it's all pretty much nietzsche and the herd, a pretty tight power trio backed by amps so loud that just their turning them on can burst your ear drums and cause your brain to harden into a clodden mass that bounces around in your cranium like a bb. but really, who the fuck cares? the sound and feeling of your own brain rattling like a tin can dragged by a cat may be quite satisfying. or so much more satisfying than the alternative, i.e., a life full of the living dead. so i say be the hello to those angst ridden bitches. in time there are plenty of bright colors: didn't even aleister crowley stop because he found something better?

  4. fact there.

    question is whether you have joined the lunacy again on their terms. i don't think so. i actually hope not.

    but it's not my call one way or another.

  5. Well, hopefully the war is over.



  6. As a betting man, had I the opportunity to make a bet, I'd have bet that you'd feel much like you describe yourself above. Personally I'm glad you're still a bad ass, as you will be or already have been defined by the attitudes of those you've described, and those yet to see the same old bad ass. Those of us who by accident, luck, or because your flaws result in your "CQ" (Charisma Quotient), knew you'd never sell out. I am personaly happy you didn't. If you don't have any flaws, you don't have any character and I would never take time to winnow out something I really liked about you. I like the way you write, among other things, for several reasons, You've got talent and you have plenty of subjects to write about. You'll remember the old Chinese Curse which goes something like this. "May you live an interesting life!"

    It's a curse alright. unless you can hack it. I reckon you're a hacker.
    I know bunches high stepping 12 steppers I'd never buy used car from. There are plenty of active alkys I'd let stay in my house without a entertaining the thought of them stealing anything from me. There are drinkers and dopers out there I know who are absolutely loyal to me.

    People who have never had a drink, smoked a cigarette and never stolen a dime from anyone, only means they've never been sufficiently tempted or motivated. It is not enough to judge them by. although I might give them the benefit of the doubt quicker. That only proves they've never been tempted enough or never needed to steal. That's not now I judge people nor would I out much stock in them if that's the way they judge.

  7. Sorry if this is a lame way to start my comment, but is that your artwork? It's beautiful.

    One of the most frustrating things in life is the way people can just be idiots. You expect them not to be, or at least to show some sensitivity, and then you learn that they think, really think, the whole world revolves around them. I've found, kind of recently, that people like that maybe aren't really friends, and that I need to distance myself from them, and surround myself with people who actually know that people besides themselves matter. No offense to your friends, the dynamic just sounds familiar. They owe you the apology for being dumb-asses.

    It sounds as if it has been a difficult transition in many ways. I'm so proud of you for doing it. I believe it will get better, but that doesn't always make things easier when they are being experienced.

    This is really, really beautifully written, although that shouldn't surprise me. So poignant!

    You have online friends too, just so you know. Even if we haven't met in person, we're still friends, I believe, and a lot of people here are supporting you and know how great you obviously are. Thanks for sharing this, and tell those other people, from me, that I think they are idiots too. Hugs!!

  8. If I''d had the opportunity to bet I'd have bet you wouldn't be brainwashed. Loyalty, dependability and honesty toward me are absolute musts. I know lots of high stepping 12 steppers who I'd never buy a used car from. Anyone who's never lied, stolen, or screwed up someway have never been sufficiently tempted or motivated. Remember the Chinese Curse? "May you live an interesting life!"

    You must have lived it because of your "CQ" or Charisma Quotient. It's a hard life but satisfying if you can hack it. I reckon you are a real hacker.

  9. As you peer cautiously through your newly found Johari Window, perhaps your view hasn't changed; it simply is a little clearer for you. For those who choose to peer back, they have the option of accepting the view they now see or rejecting it to live with the memory of what they saw before.

  10. Darlin' AA, I Just Want To Say....Keep It Simple,Minute By Minute....Leave Your Ego Behind...I'll Ask The Gods I'm Still in Good Favor With To Watch Over You.......You Are Important To Me......

  11. I was going to say "apology accepted" with the assumption your response would be telling me to fuck off.

    Unfortunately the demons get uglier and more personal when sober. With any luck at all they will get bored with your new sobriety and go find someone else to annoy. Send them towards Alabama and not up Dallass way, please.

  12. It's kind of disappointinig, in a way, Toddy. I'd always sort of hoped everyone just LOOKED that way because I was so messed up.

    Oh well. Turns out that I WAS the only sane one, after all...

  13. I think I might have lost interest in that. Time for something new...

  14. I THINK I understand where the others are coming from, though.

    It just turns out that what they thought was a symptom was actually my personality...

  15. Do the individual members of the herd realize they are members of the herd?

    I suppose they wouldn't. At the very least, there would be a leader wandering around telling them they were something more, of only so he could get something out of them...

    Crowley started climbing mountains. Physical exhertion is another addiction, though. People use it to replace drugs - look at Glenn Danzig, Henry Rollins, or (for God's sake) Trent Reznor (who as of late looks as though he ATE Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig, and maybe Anthony Kiedis, too)...

  16. Probably not, but... I'm still interested in what comes next...

  17. Thank you! I am so glad you're here...

    None of the artwork on this site is ever mine - all stolen, with the exception of some rudimentary drawings on a political entry a few months back.

    I DO have some of my stuff on another site, of which you are familiar...

    I have a couple true blue friends, I think. Which is as much as anyone can hope for, really. Can't say I was much surprised by who fell on which side of the line...

  18. Thanks, Frank.

    I've been away for a while.

    It's surprising to see so many folks still around now that I've wandered back in for a day...

  19. Hi, Tim!

    I am remarkably similar without the chemicals.

    Andy Warhol once said of a newly sober person he knew: "What does it mean when you give up drinking and you're still so mean?"


  20. Hey, John... Good words, good words. I will remember...

  21. I kind of assume anything bad that's buzzing 'round gets sent over to off the coast of Louisiana.

  22. Well, my precious, it is possible to try to love everyone we meet, but there will always be some people who make it easier than others. Thanks for your candid thoughts, expressed so clearly!

  23. Drunk or sober, stoned or straight, the world is a messed up place, the people in the society are messed up, all looking for a semblance of community, not finding it, not being able to create it even. Nothing makes sense, except a successful escape, and sometimes the attempt to escape can be troublesome. I had thought that I could create an alternate world for myself, one that might be more controllable than the real world, but I haven't been able to do that. After years of trying to cultivate close relationships, I find that in most instances they go the wayside for any number of reasons. I guess I am trying to show sympathy for your struggle by relating my own struggle. May we all find peace, somehow.

  24. i have an anger problem. it's pretty well contained and only comes out when i think people are being stupid or hypocritical (which i largely manage by avoiding people). i've been thinking a bit about rage lately. i have time to because, as implied, i have no friends. might be that anger thing. i studied a lot of freud in college. he was all about the clash of primitive desire with the local episode of cultural morality as imposed through the family. the result is frustration which equals rage, i think. managing that over a lifetime, priceless.

    it's been a long time since i read diary of a dope fiend. i thought crowley had climbed mountains even before his addiction and that he had discovered something about the mind, an occupation with mind science, that was fascinating enough to keep him off the powder. that or he just liked to play dress up with his friends. i know that's fun.

  25. Thing is, when you get sober at some point, you realize the what you've been fighting is yourself. You can't move, because those demons are yours. They know you. They know your triggers. They know everything about you.

    Only real thing you can do is face them. Head on. And know you created them, and with the knowledge, you can damn sure get rid of them. They are yours. Own them.

    That said, I'm been forced into treatment myself. Part of why I keep some behaviors is my own independent feelings. Don't tell me what to do.

    The ego, sometimes it needs a stern talking to. Beat down. Tap out. Like thats a bad think.

    Self knowledge, I might add, is a mind fuck. Know thyself? I do. I feel what I do is my own business.

  26. I gave up Buddhism because I thought its adherents were so arrogant as to believe they could become angels.

    It became a thing for me for a while to get arrogant "enlightened" Buddhists to behave like the same selfish animals that we all are.

    It's fine to believe that you are disciplined & spiritual. You still have to go howl at the moon & eat raw babies once in a while...

  27. It's screwed up. I don't know what's going to be left after this one. Too many things in too short a time...

  28. Hmmm.. loving everyone me meet MIGHT be possible. Being loved by everyone we meet is not possible. Nor desirable.

    People who think everyone needs to love them have issues. plus they're bland. & probably have venereal diseases...

  29. Peace is overrated.

    No good art has ever been created through peace.

    I guess what I''m saying is that there are plenty of other things to screw us up than drugs.

  30. I don't even know what to say about that.

    I'm experimenting with sobriety the same way I experiment with Islam or listening to Current 93. I'll do anything once., you know?

    If you give up eating, though... it doesn't get easier on the 4th day.

  31. I heard a talk radio host from New Orleans on the news radio station here. He said the people of LA no longer feel part of the US. Every day he plays the past 2 presidents using nearly identical words to describe the federal response, with nearly identical reactions.

    This goes beyond ugly

  32. Good to see you again, Adri! Even thou i rarely go on multiply, and i rarely comment, i always come back to your site. I've actually been wondering when will you show up again.

    Well... the world is a f*cked up place with or without drugs. People don't stop being stupid because you are sober, and it's no use in faking being nice to them, if this is not genuine. People will always find ways to insult you, find you more flaws than qualities and will play games behind your back. I always try to be as honest as i can, even thou i might hurt people's feelings. If they cannot appreciate the truth than there's no need to even try to make amends with them. What do you gain?

    I never thought you were so messed up to need rehab. I think if taken properly drugs can bring good changes in your life, without messing you up. If someone is responsible and well informed can use some drugs for higher purposes then just to "have fun". I owe some big changes in my life to Wonderland and i definitely think i learnt more about myself and everything around me this way.

    Oh... and the demons... the demons will always try to get to ya. When you first started to be conscious of you and world you were born into that's when the demons started lurking behind you. They won't go away if you're sober, drunk or high. Like lachlann said,the demons are yours. I always thought these demons are creations of the ego itself. Ego makes us hungry for power, ego makes us feel like shits or like gods. Once you get rid of the ego, the demons will leave also. They won't have anything to feed on. Maybe it's time for the whole world to start seeing inside of each and everyone of us. After all the true change comes from inside. Outside are only projections of relativity. How do we even know what's real, who's true or not. Everyone has a different way of looking at life, different ideas, different realities actually. The truth is inside and the peace also, demon-free.

    I loved the fact you didn't falsely apologize to anyone, always be true to yourself.

    Will you come back to the sanitarium? You are always missed when gone. Geezzz... that sounded weird :) Oh well, you got my point.

  33. Darlin' AA....Try One Thing, Just For Shits And Giggles.....Neale Donald Walsh...Conversations With God.....It's Not Gonna Save You, But It Helps You Understand.....Nothin' But Love Coming Your Way, John

  34. i think there was an abbot of one of the many san francisco buddhist enclaves who got aids and infected some of his followers, thinking his spiritual advancement would prevent him from infecting others. something of a fail.

    strangely enough, after a while, even the memory of succulent raw baby flesh starts to be less urgent. pretty soon you like your baby flesh cooked with a nice red wine reduction and some shallots, pan fried in a big old iron skillet. and though people accuse you then of being french, it's really okay.

  35. Apologize my ass...You gonna apologize for telling the truth. THEY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!

  36. HUGE tragedy - which is likely going to get worse - but I'm not sure what the feds can do with this spill.

    I mean, I'd like to think they could do SOMETHING.

    We still have a system where the President has limited powers, right?

    It's llike with Katrina: we really rely on the federal government for WATER?

    We're all screwed.

  37. Thank you for the kind words. The rehab WAS kind of... um, a deal with the D.A., so in that regard, I'm home free regardless of what i do from here on out.

    But yes... I'll never be sure what's real. Just because everyone agrees on some basics doesn't mean that it's the right Reality. Since when was majority agreement a good basis to decide anything?

  38. Other people have recommended this book to me - & they all seem to be from very different places on the spectrum, philosophically, theologically, etc. So that's always a good sign...

  39. I on the other hand like to think I embrace my enormous, gaping flaws.

  40. Haha... Exactly.

    There are plenty of people out there who will tell you what you want to hear. Go talk to them, you know?

  41. Peace may be overrated, but at least outbreaks of it might be a welcome experience. I think that there has been quite a bit of good art come from a peaceful rather than a tense or anxious experience. But you are correct, there are plenty of other things that screw us up other than drugs... in fact, there are plenty of other things that drive people to use drugs in the first place.

  42. i like to think that too! um, what?

  43. There is war, no explanation necessary. My 1st hand experience is not necessary to be repulsed by war. History records a relative, often brief, peace between major outbreaks of conflict and war. There are those who profit with war. I have not so there is my obvious bias but how can peace be over rated?

    We all die but the possibility to enjoy a full measure of days, peace provides an opinionated better option.

    With life there is choice, chance and often the early possibility of a range of recognition, with what is left to choice or chance we each have a different journey. Mental and or physical abilities and limitations, life status at birth, mind and conscious altering agendas, religion, sobriety, etc…again the range between chance and choice, account for significant individual differences.
    My salient life factors included 64 years of admitted and unavoidable bias, observation, and experience. 16 years of education in Midwest schools play a role.

    Good, bad, what should be, all are individual and group value judgments, with bias and experience, etc accounting for the outcome difference, finally possible results, there is and what is not. When is true objectivity possible and valid?

    A life, lived to and with whatever individual possibilities is my measure of full days.

    Life Choice and or Chance, a Ridiculously Brief, Abridged Examination


  44. Probably.

    I'm not anti-personal peace. Nor am I opposed to the power of positive thinking (I guess). It's the people who are in denial about their level of personal peace/enlightenment/etc. that I was bitching about.

  45. No, not lie, but you could be wrong. Haha...

  46. :) Somebody ALWAYS has to come along & write a comment way better than my blog.

    This time it was you.

    I'll chalk it up to YOUR 64 years of admitted and unavoidable bias, observation, and experience.

  47. Completely with you on this one

  48. Some things change, people can change if they choose to and others still will dream of change but never take that first step. Being forced to change can qualify if you take one step in the direction of change.

    Habits are things that can also change, if provide an alternate release. Your muse is writing and it becomes the very nature of why we all come. Well, most of us anyway!

    Here's to the writing on the wall, the demons who welcomed you back and still others who have yet to witness the creative genius.

  49. ahh.. So it's what other people feel about themselves that really gets you. Interesting.

  50. Anyone who comes 'round for the pics is going to be increasingly disappointed, haha...

    I don't think the sobriety has hurt my writing. Now, obviously, I'm not doing the Sanitarium like before, but I'm still writing a lot and trying to do new things with my writing.

  51. that remains to be seen, the Resurrection has only just begun.

  52. Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.


    No, I obviously communicated that badly.

    Go read "I am Not a Buddhist" or whatever it was called. I speak of liberal, spiritually enlightened elitists who believe they have conquered their dark sides. Nobody has conquered their dark side - they are just in varying states of denial about its existence...

  53. I have seen enough to know that my interest is not only in the mind of the artist formerly known as..., but the content that is put on paper. Though one can not fully understand, interpret or decipher true meaning out of chaos, the method by which it is put together provides a unique symmetry that is one with the writer.

    Your style of writing, though evolving, is not curtailing your true readership. Only shifting the readers to embark on evolutionary times. I look forward to the next episode.

  54. I gotcha Adri. The smiley faces get on my nerves as well. The smugness about self-found contentment implying that they have something that you don't is annoying.

  55. What you want to hear NOT what you need to hear.

  56. ah adri. it's so good to see you again. it seems you are forever giving up things. drinking, talking, sex, blogging, etc. etc. etc... this is not a bad thing, i think the trick is to figure out what needs to be given up for what length of time. i guess everything is one day at a time when it comes right down to it.

    i don't mean to get overly serious here, but you are one of my favorite people on multiply and i want you very much to be happy in your life, or at least content. you're one of a kind. i'm not sure if that''s a good thing or bad. either way, i'm glad to know you. you make this a better place.

  57. I think things have changed at Multiply - there really ARE fewer people wandering around.

    I'm having just as much fun with the smaller numbers of people. I suppose, for me, it's more like what Multiply was supposed to be anyway.

    Not that having 2,000,000 anonymous contacts wouldn't be an EXCELLENT use of my time.

    40 people come to my page now, but they all contribute in some way. Especially this one guy named Herb...

  58. Fruity faces are so much more preferable!

  59. Hola, Bob! I hadn't really thought of that... Most of my other vows were not inspired by a deal with the District Attorney's office.

    OK, the celibacy one might have been... It's hard to remember...

    I think I'm going to have to check in from time to time,k even if if I don't blog here on a regular basis. 4 years with most of this crowd. Creepy...

  60. I've seen some of his comments. Not the brightest bulb out there, but can make a point if he needs to. Seems decent enough.

    On another note, I have noticed the tendancy of multipliers to stay closer to home. Maybe its the bloody economy and people shedding things they don't need. I know I personally drop off from time to time just to reflect and gain some momentum. Maybe a few dropped off and forgot their password?? LOL

  61. adrisanitarium wrote today at 6:47 AM
    OK, the celibacy one might have been.....Say It Ain't So.....!

  62. You seem appear to be getting more intelligent interaction and none of the drama. It is much more enjoyable from this side of the computer screen

  63. The Celibacy Vow was way back in 2006.

    Since then, I haven't even had the excuse of a Vow...

  64. On the other hand, the Red Queen has not been kidnapped to a desert island by dinosaurs in MONTHS!

  65. There's a book title in there somewhere.

  66. This is true, the Red Queen is overdue for an Mesozoic era excursion.

  67. I can see where my own fruity face might get on other people's nerves! But thank you for expressing your preference, haha....

  68. Thing is, when you deprive yourself food........

    I went from 260 lbs to 140 in six months.

    I can say, on the sixth or seventh day, when your hunger pains are so much a part of you you forget they exist....... there is a strange sort of energy you start to feel. It's a buzz I still long for, but am unwilling to do what is necessarily to get it. I know why some people starve themselves. I know it ain't that bad. But I fear next time I won't be able to accept it.

  69. Oh, I've got book titles coming out the valhalla.

    It's the books themselves I'm coming up short on...

  70. I guess I just appreciate the healthy choice of food substances on your face.

  71. On the 8th day with no real food, you see Jesus.

    Or is that the 8th day with no sleep?

  72. If that's the case, then Jesus is a small black dog

  73. small black dog ... delicious! (erm, or, restful!)

  74. Obviously, Lachlann is our resident dyslexic.

    God, Lachlann. Jesus is a small black GOD.

  75. I like to think of it as sort of a Darwinian Feng Shui. If you haven't evolved enough to pull tour own head out of your ass, you probably don't belong in my home (much less my life). Good to see you about Adri.

  76. Wow! You're alive too?

    Your theory reminds me of my cross between karma & prophecy: You find what you expect to find. If I walk around convinced that all Asians are out to get me, then eventually, I'm going to find myself getting the shit beat out of me by a ninja. Or waiter in a Chinese restaurant...

  77. Crap they are after you too???

  78. No, No, No. God is a small black dog. I wrote what I meant. Although, I did LOL at that.

  79. Every minute of every day.

    You might be the only person around here with the skills to fight back!

  80. NOW we know why he made the world in six days & all.

    Dog treat.

    Dogs will do ANYTHING for a dog treat.

  81. some times a macho thinking and acting is a good thing - only my wife and kids has heard me say sorry

    all the really smart people (more than two types of high IQs) I know like to have more than a drink or two

    good friends don't need to hear you belittle your self ... or something like that

    have a good one

  82. I'm kinda with "goodstuff". If they're really your friends, they'd never accept (much less expect) an apology, and you'd never wouldn't have to think twice about offering one.

  83. I prefer to get them drunk on sake and take them out with bad sushi.

  84. "There's a link between high I.Q. and developing alcohol problems": http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/health/expert_advice/article5332469.ece

    However, while I was looking for this article, I stumbled upon one with a different headline: "High I.Q.linked to reduced risk of death."

    I thought, yeah, that makes sense. Especially if we're talking risk of death from electrocution. Or poking a pencil through one's ear. Or french kissing a bear...

  85. If they were really my friends, they should have known long ago what to expect.

    I'm a terrible bitch!

  86. In know just the Stop & Go where we can get the necessary supplies!

    (Mmm... Stop & Go sushi...)

  87. Perfect! The only other place would be airport sushi, but it has to be in a small, land locked place, like Tucson

  88. LOL - when I am not drinking; I have a lot free time - maybe you should buy a TV guide and take up knitting

  89. The great thing about the Stop 'N Go sushi is... Well, I mean, their cokes are stored at a constant 85 degrees and say "Best if used by 7/14/1994."

    So the sushi?


  90. That is very true.

    I was gouing to say something about "Where did all these HOURS come from?" but I thought I used it back in 2007 when I tried to give everything up for 3 months...

  91. @ adri
    Yes I'm alive. I'm a recovering hermit. It's a 12 step program and I've made it to step 8, "going online and sounding vaguely philosophical about subjects I know nothing about". Step 9 is convincing everyone to apologize to me for a world that would force me to be a hermit. I don't hold much hope for success in that regard. >:p

  92. I think you have to burrow in from time to time.

    To me, it's like going back to the well.

    Cover yourself with dirt for a few months, and then come back up and look around and you've got a new lease on life.

  93. Sounds like you could use a drink! I might suggest Żubrówka, Schneider Aventinus Schnapps, Schlenkerla Rauchbier Schnapps, d'Inn'Staade Wintersud, Lisberger Bock, Burgerbrau Naila Wohn's Keller Bock, or Gasthaus & Gosebrauerei Leipziger Gose!!! A toast to sobriety!

  94. i'd like to propose a toast to your amazing knowledge of extremely expensive and horrible tasting schnapps and beers (or should i say biers?)!! a toast to your wonderfully urbane metrosexual self! stay thirsty sir!

  95. Sounds like someone has spent a lot of time in trendy pubs, haha...

    I used to drink a lot of rum. I mean, rum was my NON-social drinking. The past few years, wine was my NON-social drink.

    When I went out, of course, anything was a possibility.

    Except beer. My parents used to drink REALLY bad, cheap beer (for reasons I could never quite fathom. It turned me off of beer for life...

    Good to see you around, by the way! :-)

  96. He is... the most interesting man... in the world...

    He doesn't ALWAYS drink... but when he does... he makes it Tres Burros Beer.

  97. nice to see your sexy creative side bursting again..I missed u. But I love how you approach the rehab I think u should now adapt Lindsey Lohan into the saniterium. Just a crazy idea of mine

  98. Well, we've both been in rehab AND jail.

    Plus, I played Linda Lovelace in a movie a few years back.

    So we've got those things in common.

    I think I might be too big of a star to work with Lohan now, though...

  99. darling you're twice as hot as Lindsey...I don't want you to forget and your more funner too:)

  100. it's too late in the night for me to insert some deep rooted links and the like - better I chase some wayward seamen on the local fishing boats

  101. I'm like a barrel of crack monkeys.

  102. I'll forgive the oversight, since you included "insert", "deep", "wayward" and "seamen" in your reply to a comment about Linda Lovelace.

  103. thud thud thud thud THUD THUD ...

  104. Since u left rehab leaving troubled Lilo behind it has been with u sense. At the rehab u could only see his ghoulish relfection but it couldn't penetrate the mirrors for some reason that puzzled u. Now back in Montrose u know that Mirrorman hasn't left u. U didn't care if he hauntd your dreams..your councions for to u he's real as a human but bolder. Now alone in the big house u can't shake fhe fact that he's going to return and take u at his own whim..
    u drift asleep on your soft bed during a summer thunderstorm and that's when u sense you're not alone..u hear his voice: I come from you my Adrianna... u pop up off the bed; as u stand erect u feel his fingers grab your hands and bind them behind your back..u let him thrust u over his shoulder once more and he strolls back through the mirror which feels like liquid water.
    You're back in wonderland..not as redhaired queen but as a slave u suspect as he prods u through a forest of mushrooms. But to see Wonderland again is comforting once again..u know this time you're not dreaming..

  105. “We heard that someone was choking a chicken in here”

    Lewd, crud and very amusing

  106. & as if on cue...

    The tubes that carry my blogs to some corners of the internet mean there's a lag time... but they all show up eventually...

  107. I have the same thing some days. No worries though. This is just play so I never take it personally.

  108. Haha... No, I'm not making fun of YOU. Chucky showed up on the blog the day before yesterday, after a week and a half. And he left a classic Chucky story, although there was no island or dinosaur this time.


  109. When logic and proportion
    Have fallen sloppy dead
    And the White Knight is talking backwards
    And the Red Queen's "off with her head!"
    Remember what the dormouse said;
    "Keep YOUR HEAD"

  110. Geeez......i asked myself that same question in grade school....catholic grade school!
    Nuns attempting to keep us (the herd) in line with guilt trips......fostering notions that being normal meant turning neurotic over always trying to control your emotions, watching some of my classmates seek alternative ways of coping with the stress through psychotropic malfeasance. Then, that's when the fucking fun begins, because now another element of controlling that aspect of an existence makes life an Einstein equation.

    Seeking help in finding the right level to ride out an existence requires a lot of work, and i see people giving up on that concept every day. Except........some of us are still here, fighting for the sanity of our mental real estate. Your words frame that very well.
    Thank you.

  111. your personality comment made me laugh

    Is this blog from the rehab experience where you ended up with giant pants and little feet , or is this from one after that?

  112. Precidely!

    There's a lot of room at the back of those closets. They are actually roomier than what they look, with secret tunnels and shit.

  113. Literature & music have always made me picture Wonderland as so much richer & cooler than Tim Burton's version.

  114. Was It Grace Slick & Jefferson Airplane/Starship "feed you head..." immortal lyrics to live by?

    or was my inspiration & trust extended foolishly?

  115. There seems to be some disagreement as to the final lyrics.

    I always thought it was "feed your head," too, but "keep your head" would actually make more sense in the "Alice" storyline.

    I will stick with my preferred version of the lyrics because... well, who cares what the writers intended?

  116. I made the same mistake before I read the lyrics - however "feed" your head is better

  117. stick with us Dude - we have one very cool magic carpet - blodly go where...

  118. it is "keep" your head? really? can't we vote or something?

  119. The more reputable lyrics sites seem to be saying "keep".

    I think the song belongs to the people now, though... it's become a cultural artifact and, as such, we should be able to collectively determine what the lyrics are and what they mean.

    Just like how I say that the otherwise inscrutable "The End of the World As We kKow it" is definitively about 5th grade.

  120. Is there nothing sacred? For many years I have attempted to feed my head with all manner of things, now some say it was all for naught. My guiding light leads to a dark alley, I have decided to keep my illusions, thank you very much.

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    Feed your head. Feed your head." and do not explicitly quote the Dormouse as is often assumed. "Remembering what the Dormouse said" probably refers to ...
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    And the Red Queen's "off with her head!" Remember what the dormouse said: "Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head" ...
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    Dormouse never said "feed your head"???: Lewis Carroll
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  121. and, if you don't mind, i will share them.

  122. maybe we should ask Neil Young what he thinks - better living through other peoples illusions

  123. We've accidentally stumbled upon one of those Mysteries of the Ages.


  124. My god, Steve. I KNEW i was different back then, at a boarding school in the SDA school system. Did I mention Different? Well.... I thought about things back then. And when I found a fossil in the creek, one that ceartain books in the Library seemed to say lived a long, long time ago, all the while being told, repeated, and bandied as gospel THRUTH! that the world was
    "only" six thousand years old........ Yes, I was different in that I THOUGHT ABOUT what was going on in my immediate years, and wasn't shy about asking questions......

    Needless to say I wasn't at all distressed with being kicked out, or never being, one with the in crowd. As much as my early education was screwed up, by being wrapped around a series of statements honored as truth and wrapped in a sacred cloth..... and realizing early to trust my own senses in many things, and to keep an open F'ing mind through all the NOISE.....

    Thankfully, there were others around, a few others, and understood this as well as I did. We still keep in touch.....

    As far as the shared reality we all find ourselves in? The world I was promised back then was hard work would reward me. ? really? Who didn't get the memo?

  125. While the Red Queen and the White Knight are both mentioned in the song, the references are incorrect in detail. In Lewis Carroll's original text, the White Knight does not talk backward and it is the Queen of Hearts, not the Red Queen, who says "Off with her head!". The movie Alice In Wonderland (1951) often refers to the Queen of Hearts as the Red Queen.

    The last lines of the song are "Remember what the Dormouse said. Feed your head. Feed your head." and do not explicitly quote the Dormouse as is often assumed. "Remembering what the Dormouse said" probably refers to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", Chapter XI 'Who Stole the Tarts', wherein a very nervous Mad Hatter is called to testify:

    "'But what did the Dormouse say?' one of the jury asked."
    "'That I can't remember', said the Hatter."

    It is therefore better to say that the lyrics were inspired by the book, rather than referencing them directly


  126. You were lied to.

    You were lied to by the People in Charge, who want for you to work your ass off for them... who want you to believe that working your ass off for them is the way you'll get ahead.

    Learn to love the lie.
    It's called "The American Dream!"

    (You aren't a commie, are you?)

  127. Somehow, Disney & Grace Slick couldn't ruin Carroll's little psychedelic classic, but Tim Burton could.
    Go figure.


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