Darkness Fish

To: Arresting Officer <arrestingofficer@cityofhouston.net>
Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 3:11:46 PM
Subject: Darkness Fish
Darkness fish** have found me again.                                                                                                                                                                                   I don/t know why i thought this, but i really did not think they would this time. I thought that maybe – just maybe! – this time i had somehow managed to build the perfect castle, to construct a labyrinth that would, that could, well…                                                                                                                                                                                   It doesn/t matter. It didn/t work, after all, & darkness fish have found me again.                                                                                                                                                                            I know that it all must sound a little bit strange to you. A little fishy. Most people don/t live their lives in fear of being hunted down by… fish. I mean, i/m guessing not. Hypothesizing. I haven/t done a poll or anything.                                                                                                                                                                                  But these aren/t garden variety domesticated guppies we/re talking here. They/re darkness fish, & by God, they/ve found me. They swam & they swem & they swim, & when they could neither swom nor swum no more, here I was, precisely where they/d left me.                                                                                                                                                                                       Believe me when i say that i/ve tried everything – i/ve been through this in my mind a thousand ways, to the point where i stay up at night making blueprints & such. Maybe fish ain/t so good with right angles or with patterns, or maybe something with mirrored walls... It/s been so many years & darkness fish are still there & i/ve done the best i can.                                                                                                                                                                            First i tried MUSICS. I believed, in order to relax the mind & refresh the soul, one could subject oneself to the sound of musics to keep darkness fish away.                                                                                                                                                                             This seemed like it should have been a spectacular success, especially since darkness fish find their way around mostly using sonar. Like a bat or a porpoise.                                                                                                                                                                              & so it was to this end that i 1st purchased an item of rhythmic noise patterns imprinted upon a disc of polycarbonate plastic. I remember i was just 8 years in this world, & that the rhythmic noise patterns had been made by noisemakers known collectively as “the cure.” So choosing these particular noises made sense, in some weird way.                                                                                                                                                                              & i pressed “play” & i sat back & it made everything better for a little while. It even made everything good for a little while.                                                                                                                                                                                  & darkness fish, they stayed away for a little while.                                                                                                                                                                          But one cannot forever listen to the same sounds all of the time, over & over, ad nauseum-like. No, for that is the road to madness, contempt, boredom, & darkness fish.                                                                                                                                                                                     It/s like @ my aunt maxine/s house w/ the goddamn dog. The goddamn dog, it will bark day in & it will bark day out. So when you arrive @ her house, you think to yourself, “I am not going to be able to stay here for very long, not with this goddamn dog barking.”                                                                                                                                                                                    But then a little bit of time passes – hardly any time @ all, really – & the goddamn dog is still barking, but you do not even hear it anymore.                                                                                                                                                                                & that is what listening to the same musics over & over is like. Background noise. & darkness fish can swim quite well through background noise, so there had to be MORE musics purchased, & the cure was followed by the smiths & then pink floyd genesis yes king crimson can brian eno lou reed john cale john cage captain beefheart tom waits nusrat fateh ali khan legendary pink dots current 93 mount eerie devendra banhart old time relijun incredible string band nick cave mastodon                                                                                                                                                                                and you/re playing it louder & louder and you/re playing some shit or other all of the goddamn time but it/s never enough now & it/s all background noise & then you taste the bile back in the back of your throat & then you know darkness fish have found you again.                                                                                                                                                                            Have found me again, i mean.                                                                                                                                                                                    So then it/s back to the drawing board time.                                                                                                                                                                         I nailed shut all of the doors & i nailed shut all of the windows & i left the lights on all the time & eventually, i found me a new new fish maze. I found that – were i to apply CUTS @ my wrists & @ my legs just so & very precisely w/ razors – the pain would keep darkness fish @ bay. & the 1st time the pain sang out like pure light & angelsong & darkness fish could not find me.                                                                                                                                                                                -  Oh, how i wish you could have been there to hear it! -                                                                                                                                                                                & the 2nd time the pain sang out like nearly pure light & almost heavenly angelsong & darkness fish did not find me.                                                                                                                                                                                  & then there was something about a 3rd time & a 4th, but…                                                                                                                                                                                  Next came ALCOHOLS. I know. I know what you are thinking, but follow my logic here. Mental health experts – experts w/ very impressive degrees & very impressive letters after their very impressive names – had been telling me for years that these fish were only inside my head.                                                                                                                                                                                         So me, i just figured, if the fish were inside my head, & if inside my head was drunk… Drunk fish can/t very well track a fully grown adult human female of reasonable intelligence, can they? Go try it out on your beta fish some time. Give the little finned fuckers a pabst blue ribbon & a shotgun & then maybe get yourself like a 15-minute head start on them.                                                                                                                                                                              Next came BUDDHISMS, & those were even worse. I sat & i breathed deeply & i emptied out my mind completely, just like it said in the book. & when i opened my eyes again, there were darkness fish, right in front of me, staring me down. I/d cleared everything else out of the goddamn room, of course they found me w/ no problem whatsoever!                                                                                                                                                                                  COMES NOW, THE LAWS. The laws, w/ their icy peaks of precedent, flying res ipsa loquiturs, their jeweled & shining vigilantibus non dormientibus aequitas subvenits! The laws were a beautiful hopeless labyrinthine edifice & i was the resident queen & i just knew i could wander aimlessly endlessly lost for many lifetimes through legal twists & loops & never never ever even come close to being found.                                                                                                                                                                                                             But something was gnawing away @ me & i knew something was not right & finally, there came a day when i heard banging @ the castle door & i knew…                                                                                                                                                                           Now i/m older & the greens aren/t so green & the come don/t come so good & maybe i should see the world go to medical school fall in love have a kid become the world/s leading expert on reality television.                                                                                                                                                                                 Maybe i ought to transform myself into the world/s greatest fisherman. Fisherwoman? That/s what i/ll do! I/ll be the greatest fisherperson that ever fished for a fish of darkness.  I/ll start off fishing for mine, & then i/ll put myself out there for hire:                                                                                                                                                                          “Got darkness fish? Adri/s got the bait that/ll catch em every time, hook, line & sinker!”                                                                                                                                                                             Maybe that/s what i/ll do. Maybe i/ll do it soon. But darkness fish have found me & i can taste it & though it makes me retch, i cannot cough it up & THAT/S why we probably shouldn/t see each other for a little while.                                                                                                                                                                             Just until this darkness fish thing is resolved.                                                                                                                                                                                     I hope that you can understand.                                                                                                                                                                             Love,                                                                                                                                                                           Adri
From: Arresting Officer <arrestingofficer@cityofhouston.net>
Sent: Tue, August 17, 2010 3:17:35 PM
Subject: Re: Darkness Fish
ok, adri.
**The term “darkness fish” is taken from Nurse with Wound’s 1992 CD, Who Can I Turn to Stereo?


  1. you posted this twice ... I guess to make a point ....

    I never did the fishes ... just the nothings that were something ... nothing .... unidefinable and unexplainable

    it's not a good thing to isolate ......

    *hugs you* ... wishes I could help, know I can't ......

    I resolved my issues but it took a good personal pillaging to do so .... I still wonder if it was worth it ......

    is what it is ....

  2. So nobody died this time. Glad that things must be getting better now.

    Oh, maybe I should read the whole blog now?


  3. Now that I have read it,

    it is the most beautiful thing you have ever written,

    full of life, full of light, full of courage and strength, of love, and what makes you divine,

    thank you. :-)

  4. I read something else into this ... *goes back read again*

  5. Still strikes me as dark .... hope you're right about this ...and not me

  6. EERIE. About how I feel today. SO much hate on these Multiply pages. It's disgusting. Deep , dark , angry people lurking. Stirring up old wounds. Going to have to keep reading thru it to see what's really behind it.

  7. You're weird Adri...brilliant, but weird! Most of us tortured geniuses are though...and I kinda like that in a person. Be careful of dose darkness fishes dough...or you may end up sleepin wit dem! Next time you may want to try the Prozacs...that usually works for me (for a while anyway). And you're wrong about one thing - I could listen to "Friday I'm In Love" every hour on the hour for the rest of my life and never get sick of it :)

  8. Hi Adri. I just signed up for Multiply today. I saw you read some of your shit at Sedition Books on Richmond Avenue a few weeks back and I have been trying to find more of your writing ever since.

    I'm so happy I found your page! Nick Cooper says you're a force of nature.

    There is so much to read here. If this blog is any indication, its a roller coaster ride.

  9. Yes Ardi is a force of Nature. A very wonderful and brilliant force of nature.

  10. Nope. Just screwed up with the first version and tried it again.
    I wouldn't want the blog to be CONFUSING or anything.

    I figure since the last one got more than 300 comments, I could push everybody a bit more this time out.
    Weed out the weakly.

  11. Haha... Yes, well there's the silver lining on this particular cloud.
    No humans were killed or injured in the making of this blog.

  12. Thanks, I think.
    While I was writing it, I felt it was unusually dark for me.
    But I don't know. I'm going to have to try and read it again in a couple days.

  13. Whoa now... I don't know if we're allowing seconds until everyone has already had firsts.
    Save room for dessert...

  14. Oh SNAP! You're onto me again. Ah well, I have you now, if for a bit of time. just me and your brilliant, slightly flawed mind. I think I like it. Until you figure out how to get me out of your head, I am, by all accounts and thus known at this particular time of the year in ages past before the invention of some serious needy things like toilet paper, your servant, Lugh.

  15. Yup - some days, you can really FEEL the fear and guilt and weird stuff that is going on behind the smiles.
    Sometimes, that feels like the best part.
    Everybody should howl at the moon or something...

  16. & I for one am very sorry that you HAD to read it.
    The original draft had more butterflies & kittens...

    ...& instead of running from Darkness Fish, I was running from Gerald Ford.

    Alas, in the second draft, things went in a direction I had not foreseen...

  17. The 1st CD I ever had was The Cure's "Pornography."
    Less accessible than their later stuff, maybe?
    Sounds like someone left "Disintegration" out in the rain too long or something.

  18. You were the girl with the arrow tats!
    Come to think of it, you probably still are...

    You should have a look around. This is a cool little area around here...
    I write stuff of varying quality... then tons of people stop by & insult me or write what is essentially fan fiction in the comments...

    I don't know what you'd call it. But it's better than facebook and your relatives would never think to look for you here...

  19. You keep coming right back, even though I have caused you nothing but problems as of late.
    Every time you hang out with me on other people's pages, we end up getting into a bar fight...
    This is what I get for hanging out with people w/o gall bladders...

  20. SIGHTLY flawed, huh?

    Well, now that you mention it, I DID find it in that bin. You know, the one with minds that various imperfections in them.
    You can hardly notice, really... just a seam that's a little off or a stain on one side.

    Then, next thing you know, there are huge evil fish with needles for teeth gnawing at your eyes and you think, "I should have probably spent the extra $3 for one without the flaws."

  21. By the way, the shuffle setting on the iPod is the worst way to keep away the Darkness Fish** Shuffle setting = background noise.

  22. LOL And you had the gall to say that? ;-)

  23. Yeah... I sorta lift 'em up & knock 'em down.
    Y'all have seen more than your fair share of my victims over the years.
    I'm afraid I'm going to have to start visiting neighboring villages soon...

  24. I hope I'm not violating attorney-client privilege by telling you that Darkness Fish are actually entirely responsible for the mp3 phenomenon.
    Sub-CD-quality compressed files, my ass. Whoever heard of quality going DOWN with new technology?

  25. Damn!
    I'm out of gall bladder jokes.

    You win this time, spacestevie...

    I WILL have you note that I mentioned bile in this blog entry.
    I think you're just bitter because (according to wikipedia) YOU don't have anywhere to store yours anymore...

  26. just don't get caught up in the mafia wars . . . those digital blocks they tie ya up with to throw ya in the east binary river are a bitch to clean off. i'm sure those fucking darkness fish are there, too.

    i'll miss the victims. and the shrink.

  27. LOL You got to stop.. I can't breathe I am laughing so hard... :-)

  28. You thinking of going towards Austin or maybe up the road towards Dallas? Personally I would stay out of Dallas. Or maybe that is a good place to pillage...err... settle for a while?


  29. hey there kid - i am no expert ... but i know where you are coming from
    you are not alone - you can come play in my sandbox anytime you want

    ok some weird stuff - massive doses of vitamin B12 helps - don't know why
    when the darkness over takes me i get obsessive with brain overload ienumber puzzles - writing computer code - (building new brain pathways)
    by the way - take your shower, brush your teeth and go to work every day


  30. sure, I will bite
    The early bird may get the worm, 
    but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese. 

  31. I know that it all must sound a little bit strange to you. A little fishy. 
    Most people don/t live their lives in fear of being hunted down by… fish. I mean, i/m guessing not. 
    But these aren/t garden variety domesticated guppies we/re talking here. They/re darkness fish, & by God, they/ve found me. 
    They swam & they swem & they swim, & when they could neither swom nor swum no more, here I was, precisely where they/d left me.   

  32. Ha. Yeah, I might run out of men in Houston & have to search elsewhere, but that still would not be enough to drive me to Facebook.
    The Google folks said last week that to shake loose of our cyber-pasts, people might want to consider changing their name.

    Multiply is the best collective shrink that a gal could have.
    I say crazy stuff - y'all encourage me!

  33. I'd better stop, then.
    Half of my friends on Multiply are facing life-threatening health crises already.
    They're dropping so fast, you'd think I was dating them...

  34. Austin is the most overrated city I've ever seen. I'm constantly told how well I'd like it - how beautifully I'd fit in there. I can't see it.

    If there were mountains here in East Texas, I could go sit on a mountain top somewhere and ponder the Universe for a year.
    I might have to settle for my lakehouse.
    More likely, I'll just keep working right here.

  35. Exactly.
    I think the part of my brain that pokes me and says, "Hey! Isn't there more to Life than THIS?" is the same part that I can distract with new and shiny things and Jedi Mind Tricks. Number puzzles would quite possibly trap the fish for a few days...

  36. Cute.
    I need to get you to find the typefaces and pics for my blogs sometime. They seem much less dark and cold when you do it.

  37. Hey, Lloyd!
    Thank you for caring.

    I think I'm alright.
    Sometimes, they're just dark.

  38. no problem; if I am not doing an offshore thing - just PM me

  39. Silly me, I should have known you were speaking of villages metaphorically.

    You have the beautiful Piney Woods in East texas. You can contemplate trees taller than 30 feet (can't do that here in the North Texas Prairie. They are regulated to a limit of 29.5 feet). There are mountain like objects in west Texas, at least I have crossed them a number of times. Half way between El Paso and Odessa. The only thing to ponder there are rattle snakes and sunburn. Houston seems the most logical literal choice. Let me know if you fine another metaphorical village to reside.

  40. Ha. I was just joking that I'd run out of men here in Houston.
    I haven't actually.
    I mean, I keep breaking up with them, but they keep making more men.

    The problem with these city boys is that I can out-talk, out-race, out-shoot, and out-drink every one of 'em.

  41. The more I think about it, the better it sounds.

  42. Men are gluttons, we see an attractive red head who is smart and in good shape, a line forms to be the next guy to auger in.

    Based on what I have seen around here, I don't doubt that the least little bit your abilities to out talk, out race, out shoot, etc. For the most part, it is a lot of talk and fluff, not much in the way of action or experience.

  43. I love the term "auger in"! Ha!

    You know, if someone is silly enough to have read my blogs and STILL form a line, then maybe they deserve what they get...

  44. Very cool... I totally get something from this. But, in order to interpret it properly, I need you to move the fish over a bit. The translation is a bit blurry from all the dirt kicked up in the water.

    I feel sorry for the arresting officer, but sometimes, you just need to do that!

  45. Are you saying that putting 15 tab lengths between my paragraphs made this hard to read?

    I might have to do that more often.

    Y'all have had it too easy for too long around here!

  46. Though Darkness Fish had snartch Adri for himself--he didn't realize the forces of Adri's realm would come. Angela her best friend had been the first to venture into this grey darkness realm. Followed by a slimmer Mirrorman with a samurai sword and a long barrel six shooter. But Angela pack the heat the heat with her .44 Auto Desert Eagles a gift from John Wayne. Now Angela and Mirrorman didn't come alone for the Man With No Name appeared as well. In deed Darkness Fish is in trouble for he has violated the yin and the yang.
    Darkness kept Adri in a brass cage on display in his grey realm. Which to Angela is his weakness..already Adri has lost her human color. Her once lovely glowing redhair is dull grey.as her face is white for this realm has sapped her living strength...
    Darkness Fish didn't realize he was up agains. Angela whipped out her autopistols and fired,followed by the Man with No Name who clipped him in the shoulder with his long barrel Winchester. Darkness Fish fell to the ground..Angela placed her cowboy boot on his throat and rammed her gun up his nose..Mirrorman freed a weak Adri from her cage..she collaspe wondering if she's dreaming...
    She wakes up.
    Angela is at her bedside..Adri has slept for a week for she has long forgotten Darkness Fish whoever or whatever he is..

  47. An term used by pilots to describe crashing a single engine, propeller driven aircraft. It seemed appropriate.

  48. u made my day darling..like my fictional addition? just came out of no where

  49. & Chucky gets back in the game with a vengeance!
    Good to see you, and thanks...

  50. No, no, no... I'm enough of an East Texas shit kicker that I know what an auger is.
    We used to use the word to refer to the big ass drills we used to dig post holes...

    (Although, I cans ee how the same term could theoretically be used to describe both of the items in question...)

  51. Guess I've been busy having so much fun living my life of decadence that I might be missing something here....are you, perhaps a "published writer" now?

  52. I knew you were aware of the traditional meaning, I just liked the visual of men crashing from above at ha high rate of speed all around you. Not that any of your previous boyfriends have departed this otherworld in such a mundane way.

  53. Well, It doesn't have a, well, wholesome feel to it, your mind, that is. But I like it just the same.

    Heh, heh. Fish though I am, I am on top of the food chain. Where I sit, though.

  54. Thank you, Lach.
    I can accept "unwholesome" as a compliment.

    Actually, with the week I've had, anything I can distort into resembling a compliment is great...

  55. I think my armor is just about hard enough these days to withstand that kind of aerial assault.
    Let 'em all crash and burn... Screw it...

  56. Um... my status in the publishing world is exactly as it was before.

    Why? What have you heard?

  57. I need me a really good rat trap tonight.
    No mercy...

  58. I got that info from what pashax said in this blog.

  59. Growing up in rural Nebraska, an Auger was any big screw that transported product from one place to another.

  60. Aha.
    You sneaky bastard, you.

    But no... You don't need to be a published author to read at Sedition Books.
    I'm not even sure you would need to be able to READ to read at Sedition Books.
    You might have to wear fire-retardant clothes, however: they've been burned to the ground at former locations.

  61. By that definition, my first boss when I got out of law school was an auger.

  62. Adr doesn't get out of her bed. She relaxes as her mind wonders when she first encountered the enigmatic Darkness Fish.
    As the sun fills into her room the memory comes back--like a vivid flash. It had been months ago at a bungalow on Malibu,beach California. She'd seen first seen his dark figure in the Pacific water and she thought she'd been hallincating. But not it was real. Darkness Fish stood out like some dark spectre she would see in a real time digital video. But he approached her,memorized her and she froze as she felt the Pacific surf wash over her feet; she recalls the the slim fingers stroking her redhair..his nose smelling her. She wanted to run from him but Darkness Fish work his magic over her..the last thing she recalls from that first encounter she passed out on the beach..
    then after midnight he appeared to her again in her bungalow. Again she couldn't move--she remain in her bed..as he hoverred over her: her eyes staring into his. He'd been like a ghost. The last thing she recall is his lips meeting hers...her mind being swallowed by hers..she wanted to scream but couldn't..
    At that mem recall Adri props herself in her bed..wondering how this Darkness Fish found her again and took her back to his realm. Puzzling..
    will he return? she thinks.

  63. In the business you're in, that must have been a rather large auger.

  64. At the peak of Empire, when the Roman pantheon still held sway over much of the Mediterranean, the Chief Augur of Iuppiter Optimus Maximus would don purple and cover his head in the robe of Pontifex Maximus; he would supervise the sacrifice of a goose or a fowl, at which point his supplicants would ritually paint his face in the blood of the animal, after which he would 'read' the entrails (particularly the liver).

    From this, he made predictions. Of course, these 'predictions' often were purchased ahead of time in order to secure the very real and material blessings of a rich patron or the Senate for some venture or another.

    As with now, religion was very much based on money....

  65. Thanks, Chuck.
    Keep writing.

    I've noticed lately that what I like to write and what others like to read are not generally the same thing.
    Which sort of sucks, because the point of writing is theoretically communication, right?
    But this blog is my favorite one this year.

    My point is that keep writing no matter what everybody says.
    Ray Bradbury said that writers ought to make lists of images, and train themselves to stick to that list as their color palette.
    YOUR color palette definitely includes dark beasts abducting buxom young nymphs on islands.
    And that's cool - someday, alien anthropologists will find your writing in a foot locker or something and you'll be a sensation on Saturn.

  66. If you use small augers, the clients won't be able to feel it.

    You know, the funny part is, you mentioned rural Nebraska, and I used to be in Nebraska fairly regularly because my old firm represented an insurance company and a farm equipment company up there.

    The first time I went up there, the (Muslim) associate who went up there with me asked the farm equipment owner, "Why do country people all have fat elbows?"
    For the record, the mumbled answer had something to do with being "corn-fed."

  67. I've decided I like superstition - just not cliched superstition.
    But, you know... convincing myself that the bright orange and pink spray paint that city workers leave on the sidewalk are secret messages intended for ME... that's fine.

    CG Jung wrote an amazing intro to an old edition of the I Ching. He said interpreting the random falling of yarrow sticks or finding messages in tea leaves or flocks of geese could well be as good a method of making decisions as the ones we pretend are reasonable.

    As someone who has argued completely cogent arguments in court - once proving that NO ONE should be allowed to have custody of children - I have to see the wisdom in that.

    My point - and I definitely HAVE a point - is that I might start making my major life decisions based on goose entrails.

  68. Jung, of course, was being satirical in this - I've read the same intro. Hal Lindsay completely misquoted him out of context ("...I've never known the I Ching to be wrong....") - of course he was being ironic, but that didn't stop Mr. Rapture from throwing him under the bus.

    Sometimes, I think goose-entrails are just as good as anything else, reasonable or no. I look at some of the decisions I've made - and every time I didn't trust my own 'gut', things didn't turn out very well.

    Maybe making decisions based on my own entrails wouldn't be such a bad idea.

    Never mind. I've been up since 4:00....

  69. then could be your fish fry well done to be in charge and all that plus aunt maxine her in her hot yellow polyester pants keeping it squeaky clean could feed the goddamn dog what do I know

  70. It's always looked to me as though Jung really threw the door open in his later years, leaving open many possibilities for connections between events, people, etc beyond what a kind of Newtonian billiard ball vision of the universe would dictate. Some of Jung's investigations worked; some didn't.

    I have an interesting books called "Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious" by a guy named Gerd Gigerenzer that talks about how people can sometimes make better decisions when they don't consciously know what they're basing decisions on - that their unconscious uses cues and information that they might not be consciously aware of. It's at least thought-provoking, if not Pulitzer Prize material...

  71. This is kind of a "sacred cows make the best hamburgers" kind of statement.
    I approve.

  72. adri brushes her long redhair stares in the mirror within her room. Darkness Fish is still on her mind..who,what he is a puzzle. Just staring at her own lovely glowing face in the mirror another memory of the Malibue bungalow flashes back, Vivid. Color...
    She sits in a different room stroking her hair with her comb the dark figure of Darkness Fish standing behind her. She feels his hands on her bare shoulders. She feels that sense of powerlessness but not helplessness. His dark figure is anourmored over her..she feels his eyes,his breath but it doesn't speak. She sees his thoughts but their vague to figure out..she gasps when his fingers stroke her neck in a sensual manner. She blacks out--
    Her Blackberry rings slamming her back into reality. She sees the text of her best friend and he wants to meet up with her at Starbucks. She glances at her watch and she's expected at her law firm in downtown Houston for a meeting with a client she can't miss.
    Darkness Fish lingers still in mind..the memory doesn't provide her answers but she can't shake what this entity is either..
    Since you're courious about abducted buxom babes it goes back to Heavy Metal film which came nearly 30yrs ago. I fell in love with Richard Corben's Den. Den was this earth whimp kid who gets transformed into a hero on the planet of Neverwhere. Corben base his planet on Edgar RIce Burroughs whom I've read by the way. I see that as my dark side if u can call it that.
    I think found an alternate reality theme to play with Red Dawn. In 1984 the movie came out and it looked at the invasion of US by Russians and thier allies. Yet the alternate 80s idea was spawned by Watchmen too. There isn't nothing definite as a plot but I figure I can return to the post Russian occuppied American west and play with the elments. The ideas hit when I watch the movie again on dvd.

  73. After an exhausting workday in Houston..Adri returned to her home in Montrose. She venture back upstairs to her bedroom changer her clothes and fell on her bed. Exhasust she went to sleep. A deep sleep. Then the real lifelike vivid dream feels her counciosus mind--
    Adri finds hereself relax on his steed resting on his leopard horse mane. She feels his dark thin hand anchoring her down as if she's some long lost poessission..she glances to see Darkness Fish in poessission of her again. His long leg horse gallups in slow motion in grey dark land; dead cactuses and dead trees decorate the lanndscape like a Dali painting. Yet a Dali painting devoid of technicolor..
    Adr figures she's in some alternate texas landscape..for the desert morphs into dark grass but Darkness Fish doesn't let her go..she feels gradually her own lifeforces being drained..in the distance she sees a dark ranch on the landscape. A storm has whip up with lightening,thunder..she sees the dark ranch draw closer..
    A clap of thunder wakes her up..Adri checks the time on her digital clock which is little after midnight..the vivid dream lingers in bits and peices..
    What does Darkness Fish want from me? She questions as she stares out her window at the pouring rain..

  74. What's dark for some may be normal for others. If it's true, then it is simply what it should be, and those who know would not feel anything different or special about it at all.

    Many years ago a famous actress directed and produced a period piece, called Heaven's Bath, where a young girl was swept up by the events of the times and got exiled to the frontiers. In trying to return home, she was raped repeatedly by all the local officials in hoping that such favors would earn her the papers to go home to her parents. Each night after the officials' visits, the shepherd who had been her host and guardian would ride out 10 miles to the river to fetch water for her to drink. But she would use it to cleanse herself instead. Later they botched her abortion, she lost too much blood. So the shepherd brought her dying body back to their camp site. He dug a pit in the tundra, filled it with water from the river that he warmed for her in the camp fire. He laid her in this bath beneath the heavens. He laid next to her. Then he shot them both dead.

    It could have been a true story. It was certainly true of the time period. It was also banned from showing in that country after it was filmed. After I saw it, I was numb, I had no reaction, for I knew it was true.

    The truth is the most powerful thing in this world. "Dark" is what the weak and the fortunate describe what their fragile minds are too afraid and too irresponsible to comprehend. We now have young sons and daughters get blown to pieces in the middle east on a daily basis, yet the fucking Republicans would cut their VA benefits and deny their medical treatments. Now, how we Americans could allow these fucking Republicans live and breathe another day of air is truly dark indeed.

  75. third reading and i'll still have to go back to get more....

    this one reminds me of memphisto.. so dark yet captivating and it's up to one's self to find the hope.....

    i like......

  76. I have never seen "Red Dawn."
    I know - it's one of those movies that everyone is supposed to have seen when they were kids.
    I did not.
    When everybody else was watching television or going to the movies as a kid, I was apparently doing something else, although I'm really not sure what it was.
    I have not seen "Top Gun" - in fact, I think the only Tom Cruise movies I've ever seen are "Eyes Wide Shut," "Minority Report," and "Vanilla Sky."
    I've never seen a movie with Patrick Swayze in it. The only John Travolta movie I've seen is ""Pulp Fiction," and I can hardly remember that.

    I could on.
    I will not.

  77. I've written dark bits that people like.
    And the fact is, I could easily post a goofy pic of myself or ask a question about current events that would get 10X the number of page views or comments I get with most of my long and difficult pieces.

    It's been 4 years that I've been doing this.
    I have figured out what it is I do.
    I write 2-4 page blogs chronicling whatever is going on my head at the time.

    Sometimes people come by to read these blogs.
    Sometimes they do not.

    Either way, I keep making more.

  78. I'll tell you why i like this one - it has TEXTURE. It reads well when I read it out loud.

    I'm like that with music, too.
    A piece of music might not have ANY discernible melody, but if it has a good texture, I keep going back to it.

    I don't know what that means.

  79. A rainy Saturday afternoon..
    Adri drifts back to sleep.
    His spell starts all over again..it's like as if Darkness Fish is like Freddy Krueger for he manipulates the elements of her dream..it's like in her subcouncious Darkness Fish has found a way to manipulate her most secret of her mind..her most precious,her most secret. She turns restlessly on her bed..her sleep is deep.
    She wakes up within her dream: she's in her bedroom and so is Darkness Fish. He's dark but his face has that handsome rogue look. She isn't sure what he has adapted but he has gone for the rugged cowboy look mixed with the modern suit,well toned body. It's as if the entity has learned to manipulate her desires. She can't control it. She raises her finger and curls it twice for him to come to her..
    Darkness Fish does.
    His embrace is warm,his hands powerful. She lays on her pillow feeling his long fingers stroke her long redhair; her eyes stare into him..she feels his lips on her neck she gasps and she screams--
    She snaps awake her mind alert. The storm has knocked the power out..her eyes search her room once more..she looks at the time. She rises up and heads her to closet gets dress and ventures out of the house. She stops on the sidewalk..stares back at the house..
    Darkness Fish lingers still as she heads toward her car..she wonders now she may not be alone in her house afterall.

  80. Seduction via verbage by 0chuck....I'll have to remember that kind of spell casting.

  81. you assuming that all comments are generally of equal 'value' in terms of 'wisdom' and 'learning' regardless of initial blog content and 'conversation' that results?

  82. ..and again, that's because you're running out of dating partners?

  83. This is a wonderful blog. I think I counted the use of the word Love, once. I assume that it's affect on Darkness Fish is similar to it's effect on you...

  84. indeed! i even did a statistical analysis of this 4 years ago....

  85. Nope.
    Had you read the whole comment, it would have been clear that's precisely the opposite of my point.

  86. Your stats, however, became largely null and void once things went crazy with the Sanitarium...
    Oh, and of course I ran out of pictures of that poor red head, whoever she was.

  87. Yes, actually.
    That would be impressive in any state BUT Nebraska, by the way.
    But there are only two cities and a town in the whole state.

  88. No.
    It is my experience that making major life decisions by reading the entrails of my dates is frowned upon by law enforcement.

  89. Envy will get you nowhere but Hell, my good pooh.

  90. Is that the 1st use of the word "love" ever in a Sanitarium blog?


    Where the hell is our statistician?

  91. Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, and Kearney. Cozad, maybe. I grew up for the most part between Grand Island and Kearney.

    Six years ago, I was traveling through the area on a transition in my life, and on a whim tuned to a favorite radio station of mine during my teen years. They were playing the same songs I remembered, in the same sequence. It's like a time warp hit that area. Yes, 20 years had passed, but in that area? NOT!

  92. I have spent considerable time in York, Nebraska.
    By "considerable," I mean more time than you'd expect.
    I think.
    I mean, how much time would you expect me to have spent in York, Nebraska?

  93. Ain't nuthin in "York" Kinda the last way stop before Grand Island on I-80.

    Poor thing. Kinda hell to be stranded in York. I have family in Lincoln, though.

  94. When I was in high school, I lived with my boyfriend's family, and they were originally from Nebraska.
    We would go up there in the summers.

    So I have waterskied on the Missouri River, searched the entire state for a decent record store, and helped balance the books for Tom' Construction in York, Nebraska.
    I've gotten the full Nebraska Experience...

  95. HA!!! That is some funny stuff (out of the mouths of Muslim's... oops, sorry that was the other blog. Sorry)

  96. Hey, I own property in Louisiana.
    Nebraska is a cakewalk.

  97. I forget how different rural folks are from city folks.
    I've kind of straddled both worlds at times, but...

    Today, I was reading a blog about how the person who sold cigarettes to a contact was transitioning from male to female.
    The blog had a bunch of comments that said, "I do not approve of that."

    And I thought, "Why would you approve OR disapprove of a 7-11 clerk having a sex change?"
    I mean, it's not the commenter's nuts getting cut off...

  98. This is a cutting reference? or admission or discussion?

  99. When you read her words, just read and listen and feel what it means to you. Don't ask her back, you will not get the answer, for this is not her attempt at discussing it with anyone. This is her attempt at finding the answer herself.

    Have a good night now.

  100. Not unusually dark, just a step in the process. In the last few years you seem to be on a particular path of which this is another step.

    Hard to read, harder to live, but brilliant nonetheless.

  101. Oh wow - it COULD be interpreted that way, huh?

    Seriously, though - I've talked about it before in here.
    In my ongoing efforts to be the most messed up, tragic figure on earth, I've hit all of the biggies.
    If I could be a handicapped black veteran welfare mother, I would...

  102. That would be the one-step-forward, two-steps-back path?

    Some day I am going to write a blog that makes everyone so perfectly uncomfortable that no one will comment.
    Haven't managed it yet. once in a while, I still write something I have reservations about posting.

  103. She stumble upon a physical clue to Darkness Fish literally by accident.
    The ebony medium marble Adr found by accident in her closet..when she picked it up and enclosed it her fist she collospe once again.
    A knowledge pathway has open--
    Amityville,New York Circa 1970s
    She knows its it the past for everything is so seventish not so exciting. Yet she's here in the fooray of the now much disputed Amityville house. A seance has long since been underway..she's a ghost herself since she's back in time. But what does Amityville have to do with this Darkness Fish?
    Daughter the answer shall come..be patient she hears own councious voice say.
    As she watches the seance she sees the tall dark entity of Darkness Fish leaning against the door frame. He toys with one of the channelers with his hand; it seems to be control fo somethings here in Amityville House. Time flashes foward..she now sees Darkness Fish playing with the Lutz family. As if intentionally spooking them by manipulating the forces in the house or creating the unseen forces. She disappears and Adri finds herself in the basement. Here had been in the infamous door to hell...now Darkness Fish has created it as if an illusion.
    Flash jump forrward--
    Adri now stands in the sidewalk and she sees this Darkness Fish relishes in the chaos he created. Buses in town to the so call haunted house. Which today may not be true. Did Darkness Fish create this? the ebony ball hmmmmm and glows.
    She wakes up--
    gradually she's learning whose this entiy is and what he can and can't do..but involvement with Amityville? Were the lutz family his first? Or one of many?
    I got insperation from a Smithsion documentry called the Amityville the real story..for this.

  104. been enjoying the Darkness Fish installments?

  105. I'm on that path....maybe that's why it seems familiar, lol.

    I think people can do with a little more discomfort. It pushes us to change when we really, really don't want to do it.

    Either way...keep writing.

  106. I am interested to know what this phrase means.

  107. Always.
    I'm just a lousy commenter.

  108. You know, when Multiply traffic went way down last year and contacts started disappearing - and my comment numbers plummeted - I thought about packing up & taking the show elsewhere.

    But I don't care anymore about any of that.
    I'm going to write and I'm going to post it here because I like to do that.
    And if I alienate everyone or if most everyone leaves to go to facebook, so what?

    I've said stuff on here that should have probably been at least locked down to friends only.
    I'm not running for President, though...

  109. when I came with that like knowledge pathway..you're learning some more about Darknes Fish..in my mind the knowledge pathway was like a portal in time and place but it could be anything in our councious and subcouncious mind I believe.

  110. As much as I love your writing, how could anyone think that moving to Facebook would make up for true creativity. Facebook is just a site to find people you know, try to meet people you don't know and pretend to be friends with people that you once knew just so you can say that a friendship still exists, even though we all know that if it was a real friendship, it would have lasted the test of time and not been subject to finding folks from the woodwork.

    Although I am a part of facebook, I know and communicate with everyone I have on my friends list. On Multiply, though I don't write much now days, I do enjoy dropping a line from time to time to check on peoples and see what they are up to. Some tell it to me straight, some tell me bedtime stories and some write to express themselves.

    I like your style because you can do all three and still leave a cliffhanger at the end. No matter what happens, even after I beat you at that one game of pool we will eventually have, don't stop. We need to read what you have to say as much as you need to write what you have to say!!!

  111. Adri slumps into a daydream...
    a galloping of huffs..
    Adr stares blankly at his ranch as it comes closer; she feels Darkness Fish's rough hand as it strokes her back as if she's a high value ruby..she feels his finger in her long redhair. She's never been obsessed this way before..the last place she recalls is her room in rehab in Malibu...
    Darkness FIsh has her and he has no intent of letting her go.
    she feels his steed pull to a stop at his dark ranch..grey clouds streak fast above her. With his gun at her back Adri marches willingly into his ranch house. She knows her fate it seems. He locks her in an adjacent room she gazes out the room..no escape she realizes..the enity has her...
    Murmurs in a Texas Law library snap her from the dream..she gazes intently around for something tall,dark but she doesn't see it...her intution tells her he's here...

  112. I know those fish lol interesting style

  113. I closed my mom page after the whole TOS steals our rights thing. Now I don't write about the boy at all. I guess 5 years of stories for the boy to read when he's old and married is enough anyway.

    I still feel the need for a page...and people who 'get' you are hard to find.

  114. Somewhere in the desert...
    The ranch is a waystation and nothing more...
    Darkness Fish like an outlaw remain on the move. Adri feels the cool breeze brush again her face as she lays close ot his saddle. There's one thing about this dark entity he likes to control her; as she lays on her stomach..she gazes at the changing landscape of the desert. The colors of a rainbow dance back at her she moans softly..what makes this desert different she doesn't see a hint of a sandstorm which is common in desert of South Texas. She feels she's in a more bizarre alternate texas. With his dark hand resting upon Darkness Fish has now invvaded her mind but he invaded her mind long ago before he brought her to this surreal dream realm which feelst to real..
    though their minds are now linked..she can't find where he's taking her. One thing she knows he's obseessed over her for centuries..as she feels the long legs of his leopard horse gallup across the flat desert she knows she's trapped..she can't escape him...
    She snaps awake from the vivid dream. She props herself on her coutch and stares at her blackberry. No messages. No power. Strange..she lets her thoughts as her eyes search her den..he has to be here but where? She knows she isn't insane..but she knows Darkness Fish is.

  115. The ancient Hebrews had this idea called "anamnesis".
    Basically, it means when they celebrate certain events, they are PART of that event. Say, Passover. They're not repeating it - they are actually part of an eternal event that occurs ONCE but that once includes both then and now.

    I like the sound of your "knowledge pathway" for the same reason - two things connected acausally - not time or space connection, but rather connected via an idea.

    Cool stuff.

  116. I think your explanation that Facebook is good to "pretend to be friends with people that you once knew just so you can say that a friendship still exists" explains my problem with Facebook.
    I have another difficulty dealing with the people from my current "life" - adding in people from long ago is a bridge too far, and an abuse of internet technology, in my opinion.


    Besides, you think there's a chance in HELL I'd tell stories like this to people who I KNOW?

  117. Hey there!
    Sometimes, the blog is easier going.
    This week, there were fish.

  118. Yup. I can complain about Multiply a lot.
    But there is something that happens around here when things are just right that I can not duplicate or surpass elsewhere online.

    So I'll keep back up copies of my blogs and keep posting new stuff until they turn off the lights or people stop coming by.
    I don't enjoy going to OTHER folks' pages on any other forum.
    There are always cool blogs and discussions here.

  119. Something has happened..
    Adri passed out breifly but when she came councous something is wrong with her reality picture. She's no longer sitting on her coutch but in a huge bowl on a coffee table. Everything now around is much larger than her; she now realizes that Darkness Fish has done one of his magic tricks.
    His dark shadow now hovers over her. She gazes upward her eyes ablaze; his dark claw like hand reaches down and scoops his Adri up. Gently he places her like a rare toy in the palm of his hand..she feels his large finger stroke her long red hair. She's to weak to resist for he controls her sense of reality and space...
    She figures Darkness Fish has minisized her many times before..something similar happen when she'd been in rehab and appeared. She now recalls running from him and his fingers trapping her leg and he dropped her in his pocket..
    she's his pet now and she realizes it; she avoids eye contact with him..as she feels his fingers stroking her..
    she snaps awake again.
    she's laying on her coutch but then she sees something on her coffee table that hadn't there before: the bowl..
    he was here,she half whispered and murmured to herself

  120. Same here, which is why I have yet to pull the plug on the operation, even though I have had my hand on the kill switch more than once

  121. I was playing golf with my boss when he commented about the horse in the pasture next to the fairway. You couldn't see the head behind the round hay bail, but clearly it was the rear end of a cow. So yeah, I have straddled the fence also. These days I am quite happy in small town Texas.

    The fascination that people have with STRANGER'S lives amazes me. I don't get it. Who cares what someone you have never met is doing? As long as the guy talking the money for my coke isn't abusing people or small animals, its all good

  122. You should stay.
    My best blog ever is going to be written NEXT year, and you would not want to miss it!

  123. I would limit that to "not abusing people or small animals while he is taking my money."
    Because I don't know how I would FIND OUT if he's doing it any other time.

    (This is ignoring, of course, the fact that 7-11 clerks tend to want to tell me their life story...)

  124. Adri, you don't per chance have an overstimulated and oversized pineal gland might you?

    Per IMDB: In the sci-fi movie FROM BEYOND scientists create a resonator to stimulate the pineal gland (sixth sense), and open up a door to a parallel (and hostile) universe.

    The hostile creatures in FROM BEYOND were much like you describe the darkness fish to be. Don't worry I'll protect you.

  125. Trailer for H.P. Lovecraft's From Beyond. Disturbing footage, view at your own risk:



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