Sex & the Scene of the Crime

The philosopher and poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, once said – or at least he’s credited with having once said – “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”  

I submit to you that Ralph was right. I submit to you there’s nothing wrong with changing one’s mind, even about the biggest things in life. And I submit to you that for those of us who are thinkers, theorists, sages, and scholars, it is only to be expected that we should occasionally approach a given situation on one path, only to soon find ourselves upon a very different path indeed once we reach the other side.

I will, however, qualify these submissions by adding that there are probably more opportune and less opportune times at which we great thinkers of the world can be moved to completely change our impressive, impressive minds.

For example, lying in bed beneath the body of a red-blooded American male, having been, er, freshly boned, so to speak. This would be a poor time for one to decide that one has no interest in dating, no interest in relationships, and frankly, absolute zero interest in getting boned.

And so it is with the greatest sadness that I, your humble heroine, admit to you that this is precisely the predicament in which I found myself after a particularly ho-hum blind date recently.

Yeah, I know.

Shut up. Don’t judge me. I’ve seen what you’ve been doing, and it’s at least ten times less respectable than anything I would ever dream of. 

Anyway, so I lay there for a little while, contemplating how I might extricate myself from under this aforementioned red-blooded American male without waking him and risking having to have another go at it.

[Involuntary shudder]

To this end, I proceeded to engage in a series of decreasingly graceful maneuvers, at the end of which I had accomplished two things: 1) I had managed to free myself and now stood next to the bed, bathing in the glow of my newfound physical autonomy; and 2) I had the realization that there was absolutely nothing I could do that was likely to wake this guy up from his chemical slumber for the next few hours.

I was, therefore, free. Free of my date’s body, free to make noise and tromp around the strange dark house at will, and free – of course! – to act upon my newly formulated desire not to date, not to enter into a relationship and not, under any circumstances, to get boned.

Exercising this freedom, I soon found myself locked in a bathroom, dialing my cell phone. “Harry, hi. What are you doing?”

Harry is the private investigator and odd jobs man hired out by my law office when we find ourselves in a particularly tight fix.

“I’m working, Adri,” he replied. He sounded groggy. Groggier than usual, even. “I’m sitting outside a hotel taking pictures of someone’s wife getting boned.” There seemed to be a lot of that going on. The boning, I mean. It was really catching on like wildfire.

“Wait,” Harry said with a yawn. “What the hell time is it? Where are you?”

Well, that was an easy one. “I have no idea where I am,” I replied instantly. “I’m gonna need for you to come pick me up right now.”

As Harry was quick to point out, this paradox presented us with a series of obstacles. But after feeling my way through the unfamiliar house, using the light from my cell phone screen to guide me, I eventually located a stack of the red-blooded American male’s mail. Now I knew where I was. I was quite impressed with myself. I should’a been a spy, I thought gleefully…

Harry decreed that the address in question was far too far a distance from my house to be traversed on foot at… at… let’s see… three o’clock in the morning. And so it was that Harry announced that presently, he would throw everything back into his van and be on his way to come rescue me.

But if you can remember back a ways, we’ve already established that there is nothing whatsoever wrong with a change in plans. Some changes in plans, in fact, are veritable revelations.

Me: “Wait! Wait, Harry. Do you have fake blood in your van?”

Harry: “Of course!”

Me: “How easy is it to tell fake blood from real blood?”
Harry: “Well, not so easy on film. Easy in person, though, because it doesn’t coagulate and it tastes like syrup.” As it turns out, fake blood tastes like syrup because, well, it’s syrup. For the change of plans I was planning, this would not do.

“Okay,” I started pacing around the bathroom, thinking out loud. “Harry, my roommate has a cage full of rats to feed her snake. I’m gonna need for you to bring me a bowl or a bucket of the blood of those rats.”

Long silence. “But Adri… How am I going to get the blood out of the rats?”

This was a ridiculous question, in my estimation. “Now Harry, what do I pay you for?”

Harry, exhaling loudly, groaned: “To get the blood out of the rats without having to ask you how.”

One thing about Harry: He always comes through for me.

*          *          *          *          *

One hour later, and I was sitting in the passenger seat of Harry’s beat-up white van, peering through binoculars to see what I could see through the hotel window. Harry was still on the clock for his wife-spying gig.

He twisted around in his seat to look at me. “So, your blind date guy is going to wake up and find you gone and his bathroom covered in blood and unidentifiably squishy body parts?”


“Won’t he try to call and check on you? Call the police? Make sure you’re not… not… you know, dead and murdered and hacked to pieces?”

I handed Harry back the binoculars, shaking my head. “No way.”

“Why didn’t you just tell him you didn’t want to see him again?”

I lit up a cigar. “This makes the same point with less ambiguity.”

“That was a first date?”

I glared at Harry. I said: “Yeah, I know. Shut up. Don’t judge me. I’ve seen what you’ve been doing, and it’s at least ten times less respectable than anything I would ever dream of.”

There’s not a damn thing wrong, in the end, with deciding that one is better off on one’s own. There’s nothing wrong with acting upon that decision in the best way one knows how. Right?

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said this: “Solitude is impractical yet society is fatal.” At least, he’s credited with having once said that.

And I submit to you that Ralph was right.



  1. Sounds like the kind of date you'd want to gnaw your arm off to get away from if he were laying on it.

  2. Can't understand why you prefer and enjoy doing it this way ... the worst way there is.

  3. Maybe that's why.

    You've got to admit, it certainly leaves no doubt in another person's mind that nothing is going to come of the date...

  4. Oh yeah, I've done the assorted bloody body parts on the bathroom floor gag myself. It's a hoot.

  5. Where on earth do you get these pictures, Adri?

  6. Good thing you didn't go to midnight mass with that dude ..... just sayin'

  7. Yeah well sorry, sometimes it's just like that. You just don't know till you get there. Sounds good to have an extraction "team," even if it is a team of one. Blood in the bathroom with squishy body parts?! I have no experience with that to know what message that sends or how I'd react or expect someone to react to that. It would be cause to track you down is my first reaction I guess?! hmm maybe definitely be trying to call you? That's freaken me out thinking about it so gtg.

  8. Eh... Wasn't his fault, really.

    He was an innocent bystander. Or bylayer, as the case may be...

  9. I'm sure whatever Harry did to them was no worse a form of death than being eaten alive by a ball python.

  10. An allegedly wise man once informed me on my blog that most people do not behave in a rational manner, as a rule...

    Do you object to the word "boned"? I can go change it to "made love," I suppose... though it would be ridiculous and inaccurate...

  11. You can't be ambiguous with some guys.

    As far as messages go, making them think you might have been brutally murdered - or wanted them to think you were - is pretty clear.

  12. Yep. It's right up there with the old "dropping-the-plugged-in-radio-into-the-bathtub" gag...

  13. Doesn't EVERYONE have a picture of a chick leapfrogging plaster penises on a beach saved on their C-Drive?

  14. Sadly, I suspect we could have gone to midnight mass and still been done with the date in time for Harry to come fetch me...

  15. Haha...

    Well, he did text message me the next day asking after my well-being... sort of panicked, actually, but I did not respond and that was pretty much the end of it.

  16. does this mean no more phone sex?

  17. Not that you asked, but my favorite? - "For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure."

    Nice to see Harry again!

  18. For some reason, I thought Harry had died.

  19. I'm going to have to remember this bucket of rat's blood thing the next time I'm in this situation.

  20. Hobogoblins, snakes, rats, sex (kind of ), blood, - this one contains everything a good story should have. Maybe you should sell it to Disney, they are in a need for this stuff.

  21. First date or not I believe I would be calling the police about the blood. Cute story

  22. I would love to know what strange site you find the photos on,.....i think i could look through it for hours LOL

  23. ... or you could have substituted him for a wafer and washed him down with wine

  24. Do you see now how helpful my blog is?

  25. Haha... Well, of course phone sex is out of the question. There's WAY too much emotional connection in that form of communication...

  26. I don't know as much about Emerson and Thoreau as a person with my particular proclivities ought to know...

    Maybe they'll be my projects this Fall. They seem like writers I would like... or if not like, at least respect.

  27. He's been MIA for a lot of the tiime since Hurricane Ike. He disappeared in the mdst of that confusion and hasn't been back very long.

    Alive? Yes. Well? Um, sort of...

  28. If EVERYONE starts doing it to get out of bad situations, then it will not be effective anymore.

    How embarrassing will that be to be getting ready to splash blood around after a casual hookup, only to run into the other person in the hall about to do the same thing?

  29. Haha... yes, well, OF COURSE.

    Most of my stories are about things you want to gather the kiddies around you to hear about. I'm pretty family-friendly...

  30. I read this out to my daughter and now she wants to try it.

  31. Believe me, I spent a considerable amount of time tryiing to calculate what laws I might be violating in doing that.

    Couldn't think of any...

    Wonder how long it would take the police to figure out it was mostly rat blood?

  32. Thanks.

    When I used to blog every week, I'd spend a couple hours per week looking for potential good blog pics. has a lot.

  33. It's so inspiring for me that my words bring families together... Mothers and daughters, sitting together, discussing how to escape after a casual hook-up...

  34. Very interesting... I liked the rat component...

  35. I'd hate to see what you come up with when you're bored and have time on your hands.

  36. Haha, thanks.

    Sure, some rats probably died, but it was worth it for the greater good.

    I mean, I assume they died. I don't ask Harry about specifics...

  37. I like to think that blasphemy is its own reward...

  38. No kidding. The other night, I had this dream that I got REALLY bored and started this web page that got 200 comments per blog entry and became a full-time job to keep up with...

    Oh. Wait...

  39. And the definition for "greater good" is??? Escaping a one-nighter??

  40. The definition of "the greater good" is, according to Webster's, "That which benefits Adri."

    Don't blame me. Blame Webster's and the English language... It's right there in black and white...

  41. Actually, it could be turned around... "Society is impractical, yet solitude is fatal." Or really, I think it is more like this: "Society is fatal, and solitude is fatal." Ultimately it is all fatal, so perhaps a fatalistic point of view is necessary. What would be my fatalistic approach? Perhaps not to rely on society, or solitude either. As a result, one must just find sustenance where one can get it.

  42. You should have quoted Kirk here - "Because the needs of the one... outweigh the needs of the many. Or of rats"

    "No rats were injured during the writing of this blog. This blog was never tested on animals, although it is rumored that some animals read it."

  43. It's like the old line about marriage: Half end in divorce; the other half end in death.

    I find I end up feeling as though my time is better utilized when spent alone. However, I can generally manage to socialize when necessary...

  44. Damn! I can't believe that I was so negligent as to forget to do a disclaimer like that.

    Where the hell were my comic instincts when typing up this blog?

  45. First the pictures are fantastic. Obviously I have been going to PG 13 rated beaches. The real question is where do you find little Adri clones to play leap frog over phallic objects?

    Second, as soon as I realized your juxtaposition and feeling about said red blooded male person, I decided it was necessary to get coffee to fully digest the tale. I don't know why it was necessary, but it was.

    Lastly, your resolution to the situation is poetic but yet ironic. The blood and entrails will only flame his red blooded male desire even more. Hopefully he doesn't know where you live. On the upside, Harry knows where HE lives, so I suppose there is nothing to worry about.

  46. With a traditional Disney ending, the guy would have to tumble out of bed and off a cliff to meet his doom in the unseen ground below. Acutally that ending might have worked just as well for our heroine.

  47. Somehow, I missed that last word in the Old English translation of the word. Good to know there are actual updates that I need to pay attention to...

  48. Ok, just took a gander at the bottom photo again... talk about blue balls!

  49. This was a long one, but I thought I owed it to the story (and the poor guy) not to give it short shrift.

    Glad to see a few folks stuck with it to the bitter end...

  50. No, that's not how this one ended, although it has been known to happen.

    In my defense, as the guys fall out of bed to their doom, they are always yelling, "It was worth i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-t!!!

  51. Well, yeah. Especially since this one involved, you know, ME.

    I expect people to keep up to date on all things Adri.

    I'm so disappointed...

  52. Yeah, I try and keep it classy...

  53. Right, my mistake. That is far too a mundane ending, unless there are point things waiting for the poor bastard when he hits the sudden stop at the end. We need dates turned into sushi and alien abductions.

  54. Men are stupid. Just built his ego when he woke up and thought, 'wow, I really "boned her good."

    Might have thought about the "shock factor" by putting the red lipstick on that pig.

  55. aristophanes or sophocles? lysistrata or electra? socrates said that unexamined featherless biped is not worth sleeping with and that the same cook will not be good at making both oysters and pork. i think that must be true, the favors and textures being so different. perhaps some disagree. well, it doesn't matter. perhaps one will learn to pay more attention. stay with what you are good at, bone in or bone out. look for the warning signs. it is not enough to eat. one must eat well. eat or be eaten. law of the urban jungle.

  56. Exactly. He's a lucky man to have escaped with his life...

  57. I'm glad to see my catch phrase of the week is catching on so well... Ha!

    Regardless, I have long ago given up hope on trying to figure out what the cause-and-effect relationship is between what I intend guys to understand and what they choose to hear. At least when it comes to sex and relationships. Were I to use a random phrase generator during conversations, it would be no LESS helpful in getting my point across...

    Ah well. I got a halfway decent blog out of the whole ordeal!

  58. I shall decline to make that relevant to the blog at hand...

  59. Maybe you need to franchise it, and give exclusive use rights in each county.

  60. During a good boning, a guy only hears the blood rushing from his brain.

  61. I could just package the blood and body parts and sell them at the neighborhood Walgreens, right next to the condoms.

    "Emergency Bad Date Extraction Kits."

    Sure, that would mean guys would know when they were being dumped, but... the short-term profits I'd see would be worth it.

  62. Thank God women remain completely and utterly rational at such times!


  63. I do try... there are a few barriers that make that difficult... Will have to see what can be done to minimize those interference issues...

    Rest assured that I will do what needs to be done...

  64. Perhaps the kid that sits out in my back yard watching me through binoculars can start twittering hourly updates to the masses...

  65. hmm, now you're telling us there has been a rational impetus to have sexual intercourse with this guy?
    I was assuming you were driven by inexorably emotions.

  66. Don't go gettin' too far ahead of yourself by bringing "what they choose to hear" into it... I suspect that you're gonna spend a lifetime figuring out what *you really want* to convey in these situations.
    Then again, that might not be important. ;-)

  67. Haha... There was surprisingly little emotion involved, actually.

  68. See, normally, I might agree with you. Most generic (and vaguely sexist) lines generalizing about how guys are or how women are.. well, they're pretty damn lame and mostly inaccurate. And not even funny.

    However, if a guy is wanting to think a woman is into him, there is almost nothing she can do to convince him she's not. ANY ambiguity in statements she makes is going to be interpreted in favor of her wanting to sleep with him.

  69. I don't disagree. And I suspect there are actually times when you communicate directly and clearly in these situations. Whatever, I was making a mountain out of a mole hill and you didn't let it squeek by. Carry on, nice bit of writing. :-)

  70. Pretty much the definition of 95% of blogging...

  71. ...rather it was a combination of alcohol and dead batteries?

  72. Since I am clearly not enlightened enough in all aspects of human behaviors, when years ago an old acquaintance of mine said to me, “well, I have been thinking about going to a hotel to sleep with you”, was that an ambiguous statement from a woman’s perspective? This was a true story, no metaphor here I promise.

  73. my lifes experiences have led me to a rule on these matters,

    if a woman wants to have anything to do with me sexually she puts her vagina in my face

    everything else is just friendly conversation

  74. For some inexplicable reason, everyone thinks I need to be dating someone. People try and set me up with guys. Usually I say no and everything is fine.

    Then once in a blue moon, I'll say yes to a date. It generally results in explosions, bodies flying everywhere, alien abductions, governments crumbling, hordes of locusts, rivers of blood, frogs falling from the sky...

  75. Hey now... that was my idea... no stealing...

    By the way, I like that robe...

  76. Seems unambiguous.
    Although there is that "thinking about" component.
    And there is also the time-senstive nature of the statement...

  77. See, now that seems unambiguous!

    You're a man without false expectations...

  78. That peer pressure is insideous ain't it? And you... always willing to tend back towards the mean and give it another go.. such the optimist. *smiles*

  79. ..perhaps they were drunk at the time. And very confused. *smiles*

  80. Like an Alzheimer's patient standing in front of hot stovetop burners, I keep setting my hand down to give it another go.

  81. I'm thinking perhaps the alleged acquaintance might fall in the rubric of "presences whose existence cannot be proven," too. You know, like the ghosts and spirits and angels he spoke against in the last blog?

    Just speculating...

  82. Hey, that's the breaks. That's why it's called an open exchange of ideas... Everything is up for grabs...

  83. "Are you happy to see me, or is that a EBDEK in your pocket?"

  84. Yeah, but ghosts and spirits can easily be forgotten because they were never real, but this one was different, it was a real person, you know, much like the red blooded body you tried to get rid of but somehow still worked back into your mind.

    "Should old acquaintance be forgot,
    and never brought to mind ?
    Should old acquaintance be forgot,
    and old lang syne ? ..."

    Why did you write this blog any way, and when did this date take place?

  85. you know our President got in deep doo-doo for claiming he bowled like a Special Olympian, your ice is thin....

  86. another good rule to live by. You're havin' a good week!

  87. Oh, now you tell me. I was wondering what the hell happened in my back yard when I woke up on Sunday. And I'll tell you one thing different from cats and frogs. When they fall out of the sky, frogs DO NOT land on their feet and walk away. Yech!

  88. even then, you might end up with rat parts scattered about the loo.. but if you had been conscious at the awakening that *might* have been avoided. (And then we wouldn't have a blog episode would we...)

  89. One nifty freedom I have that the President of the United States does not - I don't have to backtrack my words everytime some moron in Dayton gets a little offended.

  90. This I shall forever remember...

  91. yep,
    sickness, sadness death

    taxes and notre dame football

    all that "philosophy"

    seduction at some point involves being alone in the same room and the pants coming off

    wether its like last night which included a bottle of wine, and the movie twilight,
    or the night before which involved letting her win every arguement and avoiding all fights
    or was it the sixty dollars spent on tulips on friday that got me laid two nights ago

  92. Thank GOD for making me aware of this, I was starting to worry about the grocery lists being handed to me.

  93. Yeah. I might have to work on that name.

  94. I think I've written evertything I want anyone to know about it...

  95. your google ads: rodent control, american pest, rat & mouse repellent, san diego exterminators.

  96. lol

    those are messed up but obvioiusly key word related

  97. Please see previous 159 blog entries...

  98. Sadly, cats don't always land on their feet either. I knocked my roommate's cat off the couch the other day. He landed sort of on his side and sort of on his back, injured his tail... she declared it broken and it ended up costing $300 to get him x-rayed and a-okayed.

    The tail was not broken.

    All of that could have been avoided if he could live up to the old saw about cats landing on their feet...

  99. It applies to a lot of things in life - although, for better or worse, not me.

  100. I had a pro bono client ask me how she could avoid being arrested for prostitution yesterday.

    It's my favorite client quesiotn of the year so far.

    I don't even remember what I answered. My initial thought was that the proper response would be, "Well, don't sell yourself for sex."

    It's moments like that which make me keep carrying around a little notepad, so I don't forget 'em...

  101. Bhoomi constanmtly has mice and rats in the house to feed her python.

    Most snakes will eat dead mice and rats, which can be purchased and then tossed in the freezer until needed.

    Not this snake...

  102. My favorite oof the ads I'm seeing this moment along the right side of the screen is this:

    "Houston's Only Termite Sniffing Dog Call Tracer at 281.374.7770"

  103. what if you like girls instead of boys

    im just saying

    im some Shannon Sossamon clone on multiply what do i know

  104. at some point i need to just need to just get a regular Shannon Sossamon clone account instead of going to a yahoo search, doing "knights tale" to get the spelling of her last name to get a photograph

  105. I don't think that's it. That would be a simple explanation for my track record, but no...

    However, as far as women go, you ain't bad, really...

  106. Hahaha... How many times have you started Shannon Sossamn accounts?

    Do you just forget all the passwords or what?

  107. My page has become a kind of craigslist - you want to get a message to anyone, you just throw a note up on here and expect the other person to see it.

    "Me: Kroger's Thursday night, with the green shirt on.
    You: Cute guy with Tom Jones tattoo.
    Want to meet? 281-555-6708..."

  108. that one then the one last summer, for sure, there might have been a third one,

    for the most part the celebrity visitors are just me going to get a yahoo image, then going to multiply to start an account, for an email address i just put in a bunch of random letters and charachters and same with the password, go to your page or my page or torrents page and put up the message and usually forget about it, cause it takes the 2 minutes to start one so theres no point in remembering,

  109. Luckily I'm not living in your neighbourhood. Nevertheless I recommend an extensive workup of this including an MRI and some psychoanalysis. Should give us some interesting pictures and stories. Although thinking of the poor doctors you might just decide staying here in the sanitarium and enjoying the pros of assisted living

  110. You are indeed odd and yet..... " I’ve seen what you’ve been doing, and it’s at least ten times less respectable than anything I would ever dream of.”

  111. Well, she's at least way hotter than most of the younger celebrity women generally considered attractive.

    The chick from "House" - Olivia whatever - initially, I kind of thought she was cute. But now, she's been named Most Beautiful Woman in the World by some magazine, and she looks like an alien fetus to me. Megan Fox... also not so much.

    Ah well. I'm probably not their target market anyway...

  112. Have I mentioned I go through about 3 therapists a year?

  113. only because they missed the memo... (see above)

    ** The definition of "the greater good" is, according to Webster's, "That which benefits Adri." **

  114. i like olivia wilde in house and shes going to be in the movie that comes out on friday called year one that im probably going to go check out

    megan fox - i read her interview in entertainment weekly, i havent seen transformers and not going to see the sequel

    shes like - i dunno - shes basically saying the reason she gets acting jobs is cause shes hot and doesnt have to act - she even said the whole point of transformers was the robots in the interview

    you know whose hot

    ill tell you whose hot
    Zoe Saldana

    she played uhura in star trek this year
    thats hot
    and she acted

    i like my starletts to act

  115. Darling I love this one. Becouse there's a lot fact interwoven in it. These days babe dates are checking on thier dates via PIs. It makes me wonder if your former law firm actually had a real private investigator. It reminds of the Clooney flick Micheal Clayton which was released a few years ago. Now that was interesting film.

  116. No you didn't. Go through..hmm.. does this mean you were dating them? or is it more like inoculating them with your weird ideas? How many of those are inmates of this asylum now?

  117. ..and she's a Joisey girl.. she's hot.

  118. I didn't see "Transformers 1" either. My nephew was watching it once when i was at my brother's house.

    As with so much else, I don't think I was the target audience for that movie.

    I think I might be approximately 25 years older than the target audience, actually...

  119. Careful! Squidma is still on my friends list. You're going to get her racially outraged again...

  120. I've worked for a couple different firms over the years, and they all seem to have PI's they use.

    I don't use a real PI. I use Harry. He's less hung up on what's legal and what's ethical than a real PI...

  121. Hell no, I don't date them.

    Shrinks are like produce: Once you skin them, you need to consume them quickly or they're useless...

    No, I'm kidding. I just find reasons to switch shrinks a lot.

  122. Sounds like the making of a good Letterman Top Ten list.

  123. there's a rule i have,

    pwn someone once and leave it at that

  124. I'm surprised sodomy wasn't mentioned...

    I still feel so bad for the children.

  125. No... it has to be at least vaguely funny to make a Letterman top ten list. For me to drop a shrink, any old reason or pseudo-reason will do...

  126. Whatever happened to kicking someone when they're down?

    You kids today are such pansies...

  127. Damn good point.

    EVERYTHING goes better with sodomy.

    Speaking of which, you got your sodomy in my peanut butter...

  128. but that IS funny. ok, ok.. I'll get to work on it.. sheesh.

  129. Took you long enough. I'm disappointed.

  130. I don't get it.

    Is this what happens when I ban the irrational number guy? The quality of the jokes just goes to hell?

  131. i think torrent's joke was some sort of s n m thing but i dunno,

    the irrational number guy - my own view independent of anyone elses analysis - i can only say from what i've seen here on adri's blog - the guy just seemed to be a "right richard" (dick)

    i view myself as a passive spectator to anyones life here on the internet - that doesn't mean i don't share advice to people in private, but i think theres definately a line, in public, know what i mean? i think the irrational number perhaps crossed that line

    that and a creepy vibe,

  132. yeah, but you set the bar pretty high with that one Adri... you didn't give us much of a chance by starting out with the sodomy in my peanut butter gag. I guess I did miss my que on that, and the standard comeback... "no, YOU got your peanut butter in my sodomy." See, it's all about timing and all just a little to late.


    some of my faves being - A Pair of Brown Eyes, Dirty Old Town, Waltzing Matilda.

  134. No, not the Pogues!

    Lead singer Shane MacGowan is, of course, the sexiest man on earth. I always go for the drunk Irish types with no front teeth...

  135. You know, I generally can keep the peace around here and get along with anyone.

    However, the past couple weeks have seen me dump three (3) longtime contacts, which is kind of surprising.

    Maybe it's the summer heat... I know it seems to make my clients start fighting with their landlords...

  136. I have to agree, he's not my choice for telegenic frontman.

  137. not to me

    at one point i had 80

    there just comes a point when you can't learn from a person anymore, or they troll and make every conversation about them

    or the inbox has their islamophobic crap

    theres nothing wrong with trimming the tree of contacts

  138. I have the Pogues' "Hell's Ditch" album. I've only listened to it a couple times.

  139. The sexiest man on earth is Tom Waits.

  140. A little bit of The Pogues goes a long way.

  141. After re-reading the blog and the comments, I am glad not to be single. Not because I might wake up to a bathroom of blood and gore after a night of sex, but because it all seems like way too much work. Sometimes it is good to realize you are in a good place, happily married or happily single.

    Things I am still pondering:
    On what beach did were you able to get a picture of you leap frogging over the penis statues?

    Why are you wearing a Mennonite dress (which only adds to the coolness of the picture, I might add)?

    Lastly, why doesn't Verizon use THIS kind of background in their commercials to show how good their signal strength is? I mean, what better symbol of a great signal to noise ratio than a 5 foot erect penis?

  142. She is testing out a new apparatus for the 2012 Olympics.

  143. I will start watching the olympics again!





    "there’s nothing wrong with changing one’s mind, even about the biggest things in life."


    SEE PAGE 4

  146. All I could think as I read this is "I would have done the exact same thing." Well written!

  147. See now =that's= San'tariun! George at the Console with Fingers Four and the Sophisticates.

    But then again I´m stoned.

  148. All good points to ponder... Hmm...

  149. I gave you that interview OFF THE RECORD, and here you go spilling the beans for everyone!

  150. Haha... Thanks, and glad ya could relate!

  151. You don't offer the rest of us any? Don't bogart it, man...

  152. <<== shares his toys and stuff
     this bud is for you š|

  153. sorry - I did not mean to turn the table on you. you it's just adding spin to the record

  154. I am pretty sure the only doctors on staff at the Sanitarium are Spin Doctors.

  155. ..and don't forget the revolving door between The Sanitarium and White House Press Spokeperson...

  156. The white house employes boh spin doctors and word weasles. Clearly the Bush administration favored spin doctors where Clinton was more of a word weasle kind of guy.

  157. Oh sure - I mention it at 6:45, and you offer at 9:40.

    Like I didn't go out and find some on my own by then...

  158. One word to describe recent politicians' media strategies...

    Clinton: Weaseled.
    Bush: Spun.
    Kerry: Flip-flopped (hyphenated, so therefore one word).
    Obama: Teleprompted.

  159. That is incorrect. Spin doctors cannot (legally) prescribe medicine.

    I sure learned that one the hard way...

  160. He's no fool. He just saved a few bucks. ;)

  161. Ten bucks says my shit is better than his anyway...

  162. LMAO! Well, I'll be the judge. How's that?

  163. lets see here

    you live in houston, close by mexico - chilies are hot but not that hot

    I live in the heart of thailand - chilies are hotter than hell

    have I made my point?

  164. least we now know that Private Clinger made it to thailand as was living as Noel McKay after getting out of his MASH unit in Korea.

  165. I'll have to get drunk, then. LOL

  166. Between this and the next comment, it sounds like a smoke-off challenge to me...

  167. Like I said: Smoke-off challenge!!

  168. Cool. I'm pretty sure I could tell the story of my life using only album covers. Not necessarily kitch covers from the 50's and 60's, but album covers just the same...

    One of these days...

  169. And who better to sample the smoke than an aged expert full of wisdom and knowledge?

  170. I'd like to have a bowl of chili right now but could use some of those hot Thai chillies in it to fire it up, get my point?! lol

  171. The first annual international smoke off!


  172. My pot's better than your pot
    My pot's better than yours
    My pot's better 'cause it's super hydro killz
    My pot's better than yours

  173. Flippedflopped like a flat tire going down the interstate

    Teleprompted made me snort laugh. Well done

  174. I say, solitude is rare luxury few could ever afford while society is plentiful poverty for all, without which there could be no solitude at all.

    Society’s greatest accomplishment is the generation of surpluses that made advancements in technology, science, art, and philosophy possible. If it wasn’t for the efficiency that is only achievable in a society, humans would have fared no better than all other life forms on earth, barely scraping a living while being one virus away from extinction. Ironically, it was the achievements of the human society that made us “human”, otherwise, we would still be calling ourselves as “yeyee, wuwoo” or “yayaaya” among the tree tops. Solitude in those days would put you into the stomach of a pack of wolves real fast, red hair and all. So, you should be thankful of the society on which you stand. Right?

    BTW, Ralph is soooo wrong, society is not fatal, he just got bored living his privileged life, having graduated from Harvard and then realized that religion was a charade as he served as a pastor. His aunt even called his second book, Self Reliance, a "strange medley of atheism and false independence," and this aunt of his was the intellectual guide and guardian in his life. I see why you would fawn over his words, for you have the same luxury he did.

  175. *double gasp!* Has there been some sort of rounding error, or are we trying out a new course of meds on His Pi-ness?! (wait for it... *smiles*)

  176. back ... and still mr crabby pi pants

  177. now, now.. let's find the other cheek. If it weren't for recidivists... um.. I forget. We know he needs tough love, I'll try to be civil if you will tina.

  178. Oh cool. Cal knows one of them old time wise men types.

    I wonder who the wise man IS?

  179. I believe I asked you not to grace my pages anymore. Now I'm going to have to actually block you outright, which I didn't want to do.

    I have grown to understand that my page is addictive, but c'mon!


  180. Of course I love and adored my Adri...
    here in the alternate Montrose which I rule she lays on the bed inviting. Her deep blue eyes glisten as she lays on my bed...she murmurs softly as she reacts to my touch. Indeed this human babe has been worth the taking. Now she's mind--all mind.
    She knows she can't escape through the portal for the portal has long since gown. I caress her with my lips,I hear her seductive voice as she murmurs softy. My hands stroke her long glossy redhair. She knows where she is but she doesn't try to escape. Nor try to flee. Our lips embrace. I feel her lips roam all over my neck,my face. "ZaZeem.." she murmurs..
    I hear the door open. The hobgoblin servant stares and I sneer at him,hissing through my fanged teeth...


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