Attic Jesus

Author’s Note: You know what? The more I think about this, the worse of an idea it seems to be. A great possibility exists that this blog entry should be read by absolutely no one. If you choose to ignore this warning, do so with the understanding that the following does not necessarily reflect the beliefs and opinions of Adri’s Sanitarium nor its management, officers, employees, or residents. I hear it would be wise to never talk about religion, politics, or sex with strangers, nor on a first date. But I’m merely telling you what I saw – don’t shoot the messenger, folks.

I’ve got Jesus in my attic.

He’s been up for a week. Or it might have been much longer; time flies with Christ around. Yeah, the Son of God’s upstairs from me, and I’ll never run low on bread and wine again. I’m not really sure what He does all day, up there above my head. I think sometimes He’s watching me right through all these ceilings and down through all these floors.

‘Cause everyone knows Our Lord, that He’s got that x-ray vision thing going – that’s how He knows who’s been naughty or nice.

It all started a few weeks back when I was up on the lake. I was staying way up north of Houston, out where the stars still aren’t afraid to shine. They say – the old ones do – that we used to have flickering stars in the skies of the big city here, but the old ones are old and their minds start to wither and I don’t believe in their wisdom at all.

Anyway, on this particular morning I speak of, at the very start of this specific day, I was standing out by the lake trying to skip stones across the surface of the waters, trying to dream up new orders in which to write the same old words.

That’s when I saw Him, and He was standing on the shore like I was. And He was constructing some sort of a giant wooden basket or some such thing, something that was about yay big with a nice, sturdy handle. You know, a man’s basket that you could really carry things in, if you had a thing that needed to be carried. And this man I saw, He was doing His building with a degree of determination and a degree of expertise that just screamed “carpenter.” To tell you the truth, I first started to suspect something the moment I saw Him hammering in a nail that He’d just carefully pulled out of His hand.

Seriously, it’s true. I wouldn’t lie to you. Not now, not with Him right there all the time, making His list and checking it twice all year long…

This guy on the shore, He was a little swarthy Jewish dude, with a long curly beard that He had braided at the end in the way that Terry Riley and LaMonte Young and those guys from System of a Down used to do. And yeah, I knew pretty quick who He was, even though He wasn’t wearing a red cape, and even though He lacked that elusive charismatic spark you would have expected from someone with His particular genetic credentials.

So me, I walked right up, and I said, “Hey man, so are you back or what? Trumpets, horsemen, wormwood, apocalypse? Seven seals, Rapture, mark of the Beast, the whole bit?”

Jesus looked up from His work and He said, “Uh uh, I’m not even here. This is nothing official, just a little getaway like we all need from time to time. I know, I know what I said, way back when long ago. But you know how it is – it’s like when you quit working someplace, and you say you’re going to come back to visit every week? But when you move on then you move on, and when you’re gone, you’re gone.”

Then He walked across the surface of the lake, and He just smiled as the fish leapt right up out of the water and into the basket He held in His arms.

“I had every intention of making a Grand Return,” He then informed me. “It was going to be at the stroke of midnight, January 1, 2000. It was gonna be stupendous. But then I missed it – it just entirely slipped my mind. So I moved it to the next year, which as you know was really the start of the new Millennium anyway. That summer I came down just to have a look around, and you’ll never guess what I discovered…”

“I don’t much care for you people. Any of you. Not the ones who go around wearing little dead Me’s around their necks, and not the ones that don’t. How come all the ones on the TV, the ones who talk about me so much, why do they all have crazy eyes?”

I considered his legitimate question a moment before replying, “Because they’re filled with the spirit of You.”

Jesus rolled His eyes and shrugged. “Oh, sure. Blame me. And why not? It might be my fault, the shape things are in. I said the poor and the meek would inherit this joint, so now the rich are trying to wreck it all to make sure that there’s nothing left for the poor and meek to get. I should’a seen it coming. So I didn’t come back because I didn’t want to have to go on ‘Larry King’.”

I exhaled more loudly than I’d intended. At the time, I remember hoping I hadn’t offended. “So if You’re not really here, then how is it that I can see You?”

At this, Jesus looked genuinely surprised for the very first time all morning. “Why, you don’t know? You haven’t deduced it by now? My dear girl, you are the Devil. Not just A devil but THE. You know: the Devil? Satan? Beelzebub? The Wicked One, the piercing serpent, Leviathan, Abaddon, Asmodeus, Ashtaroth? Any of this sounding familiar?”

Smoky images appeared in the air, fiery scenes apparently all traceable to me. “The Great Red Dragon, the Father of Lies, Tempter, the Archfiend, and the Fallen Angel of the Bottomless Pit. The spirit that works in the children of disobedience. He… be YOU.”

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And with a wave of a heavenly hand, the images all vanished just as quickly as they’d come. “Surely you knew. You had to have guessed. At least you suspected. You’re a lawyer, a Texan, a writer of evil tales. I would have thought the fact that you sometimes eat children would have been a big clue.”

I put my hands on my hips and I tapped my toe and with a glare of my eyes and a nod of my head, I turned around and marched right out of there. I didn’t have to stand there and take that kind of abuse. No one ever carried out a Crusade or a large-scale Inquisition or even signed a pact with the Nazis in my name, after all.

So then two weeks go by and I’m home again when I hear this knock at the door. And I open it to find there stands Jesus, two suitcases at His side, asking if it’s alright if He just crashes with me for a while. What am I going to do, say there’s no room at the inn?

“You know, I don’t believe in you or even that you ever existed,” I hiss with a surprising degree of ferocity.

Jesus smiles an enormous, impossible smile, and He’s all teeth, whiter than white because Jesus doesn’t drink soft drinks or need dentists. “I know you don’t believe. But you’ve never been a jerk about it, and anyway, that’s what exactly what makes this little arrangement so brilliant on my part.”

Now I’ve got Jesus in my attic, Son of Man right up the stair. There’s a Christ amongst my rafters, a divinity right there.

All the neighbor kids are crazy ‘bout my Jesus.


  1. Is that a picture of you and Jesus? Jesus is hotter than I thought he'd be.

  2. Well, I mean, there aren't any actual contemporary documents chronicling anything about him at all, so Jesus could have been a woman, I suppose. Later on, after the Temple fell and the diaspora occurred, everyone would have just kind of assumed such a great thinker had been a man.

    So yes. Jesus had some great legs...

  3. is this what " religion " has done to you ? You are very spiritual. I can sense that...but why the venomous undertones ? Im not being " snarky "....just wondering. I saw Him for real. He is real.

    Having every reason to not believe in Him as a very legalistic Jewess I found Him preventing my physical death. he was so happy and Heaven was filled with laughter. He wasnt bi-polar and wasnt on medz. He was very handsome.He had been raised from the dead. I think I know what you are saying about the devil stuff...but youre way too sweet and precious to be the devil. I feel that as I scan your writings.Anyway...I totally respect your right to believe whatever...I was just drawn to read around here in the " sanitorium ". Its true, we can build our own sanitorium by our fears and thoughts of limitation. Youre a precious diamond to have found. Hugz ya. Anastasia

  4. Why look at that.. my alter-ego.. I'm gonna have to meet this nice jewish girl.

  5. You know, the amazing thing is, I posted this a while back on my Yahoo 360 blog. It got, you know, 90 comments or something. And not one person thought it was an attack on Jesus or religion.

    I was surprised, because I kind of thought it was, well, venemous (to use your word) when I wrote it. That's what the disclaimer at the start is all about. But a couple people who are very serious about their faith found this to be inspiring, to some degree. Reading it now, it's just humorous to me.

    I don't believe in an historical Jesus, but I think he is a powerful symbol of the old mind/body or spirit/matter question. What he represents is certainly a part of me.

    Regardless, I don't believe anything, religiously, philosophically. But I'm really not trying to proactively destroy anyone's beliefs, either. I'm fascinated by the idea of belief, and why people believe.

    Then again, I poke fun, sometimes pretty pointedly, at almost everything. I think that my usual political beliefs get made fun of - by me - more than just about anything in my blog except for, well, ME. I try to have fun and not be bitter in any of my parodies or rants, though.

    Thanks for reaidng and for actually thinking about what you've read. Your comment made me think...

  6. Oh, jeez, leave the poor girl alone, Torrent. Don't use my page as a single's bar!

  7. Now that I think about it, the prior blog to this, "Wrong-Handed," is actually an attack on how the Bible can be misused for folks' on purposes. It's probably - arguably - close to an assault on religion than this one is.

    Someday I'm going to have to find out more about your experience of Jesus, however... I collect religious experiences.

  8. *sheesh* why would I stop now? (ok, ok.. heaven forbid you have to ask me twice.)

  9. Actually, as long as everyone is made aware that I do not endorse anything you type, I'm ok with it.

  10. I really didnt see it so much as an attack as I did anger or sarcasm. I do understand some of that kind of reaction or opinion since I had many of those feelings be4 but they were kind of like sarcastic questions like " ummmmmmm..... " God "...Id rly like to see and talk to you but it feels like you are at least not hanging out with little ol me....could you drop by my house or send a cab ? Ill meet you ANYWHERE.... as long as youre not mad and feel like killing me"....I also knew I was a spiritual rebel and my mouth got me kicked out of quite a few " religious " circles......since I dared ask " where the heck is God ? I dont want to just read about Him..I want to go to Starbucks with Him "....I want Him ( or her ) to gush over me and put me on His favorites list "....then like I said....laying in a hospital and dying I found Jesus interrupting my physical death and definatly enlightening me. He was so happy and smiling and the love that rushed into me as His face was shining on me made me cry. It was 2 much happyness for an earthling to be smacked with at one tyme. I felt love and smiling charging every molecule of my being. It was totally yummy.Now I feel like a flipping princess and a little goddess being loved like that.

    As for religion I still dont fit....Im just hanging out on the outer galaxies with him....((( and Starbucks ))) Just Him and little ol me...

  11. btw I just stopped in to see how youre doing. Hope your happy and healthy and smiling....

  12. yeah, my approach is more of a sarcasm or satire than it is active hostility. And most of my sarcasm and satire is about religion or else different notions people have ABOUT God. The idea of people - orthodox believers or otherwise - having an experience of communication with something bigger is fascinating. Particularly mystical experiences, be they of 14th century Christian mystics or Sufi Muslims.

    "Yummy" is a fantastic descriptive word to see used in this context, by the way. Seeing your use of it made me smile. Godspeed on your continuing search for meaning...

  13. Thank you! Things are looking up...

  14. ty

    hugz ya ...and you also in your journey...Im sure you will end up in Godz armz drinking deeply of His river of bliss...

    yummmy blissssssssssssssssss 2

  15. Wore long flowing robes, hung out with a band of 12 guys - I think you may have nailed it. The church probably added the beard and genitalia later on to make the whole story more masculine.

  16. It's no dumber than some of the other thoeries I've heard.

    You know, if we wrote a fiction book/movie about this, we could make a mint...

  17. and if we could get some fundamentalists to boycott it, we could probably get it on all the networks - it'll be a blockbuster. Quick, phone Speilberg

  18. You WILL run low on bread and wine. You see, Jesus is a bit of a show off. He realises that if everyone has plenty of wine, it isn't that fancy to say, 'hey presto! Here's a nice red I prepared earlier'. On the other hand, if an otherwise cranking party has run out of wine and some previously annoying and preachy bearded guy saves the day, he will be remembered forever.

  19. Okay, after all this time at the Sanitarium and reading lots of your other stuff, I had to come read one of your "greatest hits".

    What I think is this is a great piece making one think about the whole religion aspect of our daily (or not so daily) lives and it was all provoked by a Halloween photo.

    This is exhibit A of why you are a much better than average blogger.

    That photo could also be used to show that you won't have to worry about your looks running out after your 38th birthday... unlike someone else in this comment....**sigh**

    But all in all, I have to agree with those who read before me that this blog will forever be one of the ones associated with you in future references to you (i.e. Adri Anna, best known for such blogs as "Cocksucker Blues", "Sky Sperm", and "Attic Jesus", was today named as the first Secretary of Blogging, the newest cabinet position created by President Matt Drudge), and rightly so.

  20. A boycott would be the ebst thing to ever happen to this blog.

    Right now, no one is aware of the fact that they're supposed to be outraged.

    I'm not even sure who shuld be outraged about this blog. But someone should be...

  21. He's supposed to be able to just make fish and loaves appear out of nowehere.

    But he'll probably demand that I call him my personal Savior before he does that trick again...

  22. I always divide groups of my blogs into artificial "seasons" like television shows have. All the ones you listed thereb were last season. With the current one, I don't know. Maybe these things need time to simmer and age before I know if they're any good.

    I'm going to keep writing them, though.

  23. When looking back at the older blogs I've done, with the ones I think are okay I wish I spent a little more time writing them to make them a little more readable, and the ones I think aren't that good I disassociated myself from them. Which is easy for me, as I have maybe 1/20th the readership you do.

    I wish I could get back in the mood to write more, I just haven't been in that place recently.

    Your new stuff has been good, just hasn't been around enough to gather a cult following yet. Give it time.

  24. I really fall out of the mood tow rite sometimes, but I never go for more than a couple weeks without a blog. I'm at the 1 week+ mark now, and do not see another one happening this weekend...

    But it'll happen. Sometimes, when I have forced myself to just sit down and start typing anything at all have been some of the best ones. There's no rhyme or reason to it.

  25. ...I had a word with him, it's ok if you keep using that phrase with me.

  26. And now I don't NEED to make a movie about it!

  27. If i could like...get ten minutes with Jesus...starting...


    Jesus: "yes my can i help you?"

    Timothy: " it alright if I call you Chris?"

    Jesus (in mocking voice): i-is it a-a-alright i-if i c-c-call you c-chri-sss?"

    Timothy: "You're MOCKING ME?!?!?"

    Jesus (in retarded voice): "nyourrrr mmmmmmmmocking meeeee?"

    Timothy: "Thats not very nice."

    Jesus: "I will give you a quick death."

    Timothy: "Look I need to ask you something."

    Jesus: "Fuck off...Im trying to watch Weeds...Andy and Doug are getting stoned again."

  28. Even Jesus needs some relaxation and down-time.

  29. You know, it's a shame you won't be writing here any more.

    I remember this from 360 -- I remember a lot of things.

    You're the best....

    (And that wasn't pandering. It's sincere. I'm like that.....)

  30. ...where the heck can one go for some good pandering these days?

  31. Oo, this is wild (-: Loved reading the post and also the comments!

  32. Thank you!

    I like to think there's somehting around her eot offend almost anyone!


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