From time to time, we here at Adri’s Sanitarium come to you with what we hope are helpful hints about how one ought to handle oneself in a variety of common yet exceedingly dangerous everyday situations. You might, for example, remember our previous presentations, “So You Think Your Lung Might Be Punctured” and “So You’ve Accidentally Answered Your Door to Mormon Missionaries.”
This week, we are honored to bring to you a methodical and highbrow intellectual exercise we like to call “So You’ve Woken Up with a Penis in Your Mouth.”
Certainly, this is a situation that has befallen nearly all of us at one time or another, and in such moments of crisis, the mind is besieged in a veritable hailstorm of questions like “Where the hell am I?” and “What did I do last night?” In our experience, however, it is only by approaching this conundrum in a systematic, tried-and-true manner that one can extricate oneself from or further implicate oneself in the situation at hand as necessary.
Furthermore, these simple steps can be called to mind at will using the mnemonic, B-L-O-W-J-O-B.
B stands for Be Aware of Your Own Gender. In any given instance where you find yourself rising into consciousness with a penis in your mouth, you should immediately ask yourself, “What gender am I?” Even if – as seems likely in this scenario – you consumed a prodigious amount of alcohol the night before, this information can in most circumstances be easily recalled or else determined on the spot. If, after conducting the requisite reconnaissance work, you find that you are a male, I refer you to our past presentation, “So You’re Damned to Hell.”
L. Let’s Stay Calm. Assuming you have determined that a) you are in fact a female, and b) you will therefore simply be able to confess this incident to your parish priest or other relevant spiritual advisor and be completely absolved, we now move on to step two (2): Stay calm. Do not panic, scream, or for pete’s sake, bite down. Also, don’t make any sounds that could be interpreted as gagging, for this is a huge turnoff for most males of the species and who knows, it might turn out that you weren’t wearing beer goggles last night after all.
O. Only a Penis. So there you are: Awake. Committing what is at worst probably a venial sin. Calm. Collected. Not biting down. But have you considered why it is you are so certain that it is a penis that you have in your oral orifice?
Didn’t think of that, did you? But that is why we are here, and why we offer these ingenious little presentations.
Extensive clinical research has shown that nearly two-thirds of women who believe they have awakened with a penis in their mouth are mistaken. Explanations for this misapprehension vary widely.
First and foremost, sex toy technology has improved at breakneck speed in recent years. Twenty-first century vibrators and dildos are miles beyond anything ever imagined by the wives of America ’s Founding Fathers. Such sex toys might easily be mistaken for an actual penis in your mouth. If the size and texture of the object is not a dead giveaway as to its true nature, you might want to try swirling your tongue rapidly around the tip and listening for ensuing moaning somewhere above you.
In the 1990’s, the rock band King Missile increased worldwide awareness of the phenomenon known as the “Detachable Penis.” In addition, research has demonstrated that nearly 3% of the women in question are simply sucking their thumbs in their sleep. If you find this to be your situation, please refer to our previous presentation, “So You’re 30 Years Old and Still Suck Your Thumb.”
The ugly truth is you might never truly know whether it is a real, in-the-flesh penis you have in your mouth. There are far too many variables at work. It boggles the mind. However, by both checking as to whether the phallic object seems to be attached to a body and checking for nearby testicles, you should be able to set your mind at ease well enough to move on to the fourth step.
W. Whose Penis Have I Got in My Mouth? And no, that’s not a reference to the popular Sixties British game show of the same name. Alfred Kinsey’s research into human sexual behavior revealed that upwards of 37% of women who had a penis in their mouth actually knew the man connected to the penis in question. So you see, chances are at least fair to middling that you have met this man prior to this morning.
You might want to ask yourself, “Am I married?” Of course, if you find that you are in fact married, you should immediately remove the penis from your mouth. You are, after all, married, so there is no reason to do this sort of thing ever again.
Also ask yourself, “Have I got a boyfriend?” or “Did I order pizza delivery last night?”
J. Jagging Him. Vulgar though it might sound, the importance of this step cannot be overstated. Simply moving one’s hand up and down the shaft of the penis, no matter how unartfully accomplished, can buy you valuable time to better assess the situation, look around the room, or even place a cell phone call to a friend to ask what in the world led to your being in this situation in the first place.
O. Oh Boy, There’s the Tremor. Unfortunately, it now appears that you are running out of time. That tremor – and if he’s a gentleman, the accompanying warning tap upon your head – means you must quickly recall whether you fall into the category of swallower or spitter.
Oh hell, never mind. It’s a bit too late now, isn’t it?
We should consider making the mnemonic a bit shorter.
B. Be Friendly. After a reasonable amount of time has passed, remove the penis from your mouth.
If appropriate, introduce yourself.
And the rest, dear Sanitarium resident, is up to you. You are awake. Chances are, the gentleman in question is in a relatively good mood. Who knows? You might even find yourself referring to our beloved presentation, “So Now it’s Your Turn.”
We hope you found this presentation to be helpful. As always, we encourage you to keep in mind that not one of us here at the Sanitarium is a licensed clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, sexologist, or has ever been in a long-term adult relationship.
We would also like to take this opportunity to announce the topic of next week’s presentation, “So Your Multiply Friends Have All De-Friended You Because Your Blog Suddenly Became Uncharacteristically Offensive.”
This and Sky Sperm are my 2 favorite posts. Which reminds me, are Sky Sperm seasonal? I am working outside tomorrow and am hoping to dispense with the rain suit, hard hat eye and ear protection. The neighbors already think I am odd with me running like an escaped sanitarium patient.
ReplyDeleteI can safely say I've never woken up in that position...but it's nice to know the info is here for anybody who needs it.
ReplyDeleteI've actually got a recording of Keith Richards singing a song called "Cocksucker Blues" but I'm not supposed to tell anyone about it or where I got it..............................but who's going to see this on the internet? really!
ReplyDeletehehe...good stuff..I love the "introduce yourself" line. Funny. Good points to ponder..hehe Have a good one!
ReplyDeleteHmmm De Javu all over again.
ReplyDeleteMmm Hmmm, I seen this one before... I still love the pic!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA!!! This a great, fascinating and indepth article!! This should be posted in the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times! At the very least as advice on the Yahoo homepage!!! A run a bit of a Ward myself and could use a few helpers. Certifications not required. Have an awesome weekend!!! I look forward to reading more!
ReplyDeleteYep. I'm slowly moving the old ones over here. It will be an ongoing process. There are 99 more to move...
ReplyDeleteYup. As I said above, there will be about 99 more that you might have seen before coming over here. One at a time as it turns out, since Multiply doesn't like curved apostrophes. What the hell is that all about.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. If you move curved apostrophes over from 360 (the kid you get from Word as opposed to, well here), it will turn it into boxes.
So it's kind of a time-consuming process, getting everything over here looking decent.
I got the title of this one from a Rolling Stones documentary of the same name. My guess is that they got the name of the documentary from the song you mentioned. Cool...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, you just posted it on my site, so you should be safe. Ha!
We don't pass judgment here if you have, Marty. It's ok. Alcohol will make you do things at times...
ReplyDeleteThanks, Rene. Everyone seems to have liked this one over at 360 when I posted it. It's not typical for me.
ReplyDeleteNo one had mentioned the "introduce yourself" line (which I thought was one of the better lines) until you. At least, at last...
You just never know when the sky sperm will strike. I wish I could give you better news...
ReplyDeleteI saw that! Well, I'm certian a few folks will wander over there now to see if they can help.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite line when I posted this over at 360 was, "I thought that is how the Sanitarium administered medicine!"
And sometimes, we do. So it's good to know how to handle oneself...
love this post..lmao..too many missed blogs of late. Glad I get to catch up..still trying to figure this site out..better late than never..eek..hugz
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteI am still trying to figure it out, too. For instance, I'm trying to figure out why it is that this is the only blog post that doesn't show up on my "Recent Updates" when someone adds a comment.
I blame gremlins, but who knows? It could be elves.
yeah. Absolutely brilliant. I don't think you ever told me if you were a douglas adams fan but now I'm just going to presume you are. If you aren't you should be, and should probably read some terry pratchett as well.
ReplyDeleteI learned something too. I always thought I was a gentleman but never knew that I was supposed to tap my beloved on the head prior prior to.....
Always a good read, even the second time around... Have a great day Adri and Happy Thanksgiving..
ReplyDeleteI adore this blog. I wish, wish, wish, WISH I had written it.
ReplyDeleteAdri, you ROCK.
As military, I neither deny or confirm the existence of this phallic symbol in question, nor will any of my personnel. However, on the technical side, depending power ratio, and whether its AC or DC, which will give it mobility, this could be the WMD that our administration was looking for when we entered Iraq. Also, the pronunciations of the name Phallic is close enough to Phalanx which is a system that ejaculates rounds in such a high intensity that nothing can enter it's area of operation. Thus I would have to conclude, that indeed you have hit upon what the CIA couldn't find, the WMD, big, black and deadly. As one of my fellow Chiefs pointed out to me during an assault mission, "once you've had black, you will never go back!" Very profound for a white guy! I immediately sent him to the medics for color blindness examination. Also, I question your assumption that our founding father's didn't have the modern day toys. Uncle Ben wasn't flying a key on that kite as the history book maintain, I suggest it was the left over wood, not needed in the forming of George W's false teeth. After a lightning bolt hit, the charred and heated wood was inserted into George W's mouth which gave Martha W a charred, but non the less, heated frolic below Betsy Ross' quits.
ReplyDeleteTruly one of your finest efforts - destined to be a classic and of invaluable assistance for those souls who find themselves in a similar predicament. I enjoyed this when I first read it and I laughed equally hard this time - maybe 'hard' is the wrong word, given the topic.
ReplyDeleteO*M*G* --- this is brilliantly funny!!! Bravo!!! Bravissimo!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG.......HA HA do love it this blog ya!!!
ReplyDeleteHey - I guess I'm late to the dance (usual); last time 'round it was ME who first mentioned the Rolling Stones link to the documentary-which-never-aired....
ReplyDeleteOh, well -- it was funny reading, the second time, also....
ReplyDeleteAdri? in a Rambler? NOOOOOOOOO!! She likes motorcycles!! Vroom!! Vroom!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I love it! Luckily, I didn't even have to go to the first step since this has never happened to me.
ReplyDeleteIt appears that Tyme needs some answers.
I like Douglas Adams. There have been a couple parts of a couple of my blogs that were just blatant ripoffs of him.
ReplyDeleteI like Pratchett, too, although for some reaon I find it tough to read the last 1/4 of his books. Small Gods was great, though, as was the one he wrote with Neil Gaiman.
I read a ridiculous amount, and just keep the pieces that suit me...
ReplyDeleteAs Einstein suppostedly said (but according to Snopes, probably didn't): ""Fellatio is the ultimate act of trust."
I didn't mean for everyone to have to read it again. I'm just (very, very slowly) beginning to move my blogs from 360 over here. At the rate I'm going, it will take me years.
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, I'm glad you liked it the second time round...
Some people complain about sloppy seconds and all...
I almost wish I hadn't, haha.
ReplyDeleteIt was one of those that I wrote, thought about, laughed about, didn't knmow if I should admit to it.
I think I know how legitimate musicians feel when they write a novelty song. It's a guilty pleasure...
Oh no! You've seen through my fascade and into the hidden messages in my blog! It was a hidden message to my armies of... um, freedom fighters?
ReplyDeleteYou went even farther up the line of the conspiracy than i could have, though. I just know that the Illuminati are always involved if you look long enough...
well katie, its snowing out, and its hard, um dificult to ride stryder in this weather, not saying i havent.... if you want to go for a ride, then we need to get sone hot rum.... not to wory, i can let kona drive, ill just hook up the sidecar!!
ReplyDeletewell now that does it.... ill be back after i confer with "MAJESTIC 12".... IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE LIL DUDES
recycling ?
ReplyDeleteWhen I originally wrote it, I had this awful fear that it was going to turn into some kind of meme. I'd end up discovering the cure for cancer or something, and all that would be on my tombstone would be "She Wrote Cocksucker Blues."
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, I'm always looking out for you. So I'm willing to look foolish if it helps my residents in this situaiton.
No, I'm moving blogs over.
ReplyDeleteGood God. Recycling? What kind of earth-loving liberal do you take me for?
Some of the wisest things ever said by my heroes were never said.
ReplyDeleteLike Jesus and that "do unto others" crap.
In this case, however, I have to say I think Einstein would have been right. I have a friend who says that when he looks back on some of the girls he "let" do that to him, he wonders how one of the psychos didn't end up biting it off...
When I originally posted it over on Yahoo, someone suggested that it should be printed up and posted next to the bed, just in case of emergency.
ReplyDeleteJust because you've never needed it doesn't mean someone you love won't.
Thank you, Christy. Always happy when my fellatio-related humor can bring joy...
ReplyDeleteMMM, turkey...
ReplyDeleteYes indeedy. I don't think I've ever said that before. "Indeedy."
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, I will make sure you receive credit for it. And I know you'd have been quicker on the draw this second time, too, except that I killed you off in the zombie blog.
I'm just moving them, though, so no one really needs to comment.
I'm getting folks I've never seen before commenting on this one. Again.
I've always said it. People like oral sex.
If I sucked you, you wouldn't forget who I was.
Ha. ;)
Fortunately, I'm in Houston. I had my AC on today.
ReplyDeleteGirl your a wild one... i like wild ones !! Happy T-Day
ReplyDeleteThank ya, Maximus. And a happy T-Day to you, as well...
ReplyDeleteOne of these days, that motorcycle of Greg's shall be mine...
ReplyDeleteI hope you have a happy vacation. you've given me good laugh, we can all use that.
ReplyDeleteAh yes, another year almost down.
ReplyDeleteBut, you know, a couple days off is good, too. A couple days off with FOOD.
Glad to see the old blogs are a hit here as it was on 360..Multiply can move all your blogs from 360 at one time rather than do it one by one. . have a great week and happy Thanksgiving where you might need that medicine after the holiday.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I used their transfer tool. However, I don't know which ones I want switched over, PLUS the tranfer doesn't like apostrophes (changes them to a series of boxes), so I'm going to do it slowly. I'm still manging to retain the original posting date, though...
ReplyDeleteI'll get the blogs over here right about the time that the sanitarium moves again...
Brilliant - I'm glad Wenchy sent me over here. lol
ReplyDeleteerm....You may need a response though, so umm....I did one. Hope you don't mind......
Was directed over here...Very well done.
ReplyDeleteIf I can easily stand through it the first time, why would I not want to wade through it again... I might even do it a third time, just for you...
ReplyDeleteThis is just too funny!
ReplyDeleteHa! Giving me a bit of my own medicine, I see.
ReplyDeleteYours, particularly in part b, might require instructions more than my scenario did. After all, guys tend to be more likely to go down on first dates, with promises of "Oh, I can go for hours," and "I love to do that."
Once the girl is duly impressed, it tends to be held back except for exceptionally drunk evenings.
Or so I've heard. I'm ridiculously limited in my experiences in the world, having just been relased from the lab last year.
Nevertheless, this made me laugh, and I'm glad to know I sparked it...
Thank you! Glad you liked...
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to remember now why I was hesitant to post it initially...
Thanks. That's the biggest compliment I can ever imagine getting from someone called crazychickendragon.
ReplyDeleteBut really, thanks for taking the time to come by and check it out.
Crazychickendragon. . .Son, is that you?
ReplyDeleteLove the sanitarium, and I have not been here before, so this is all new to me. I e-mailed a link to my boyfriend. Hope you don't mind. I'm certain he doesn't know the tap-on-the-head protocol. Thanks for your methodical approach. It's a great help.
I, too, am moving over here from 360. I understand your pain.--Porky
Everyone is more than welcome! Glad to be of service, and please come again...
ReplyDeleteComing again is alway an option. . . .
ReplyDeleteIs it really?
ReplyDeleteI noticed, however, that there were several hours between your initial comment and the the second one. So although coming again might be an option, it's just that long downtime in between that always a little disappointing...
(Oh, man. New topic? Anyone? Anyone?)
Because you don't have things well in hand?
ReplyDeleteThis topic was interesting....
ReplyDeletenot that it would happen to me, but still interesting.
Thank you - was fun to write about too. Not that it would happen to me, either, but still interesting...
ReplyDeletewhere were you sunday morning when i actually needed this advice?
ReplyDeleteI know, the best advice always comes a couple days too late. Some times ya have to learn things the hard way... Haha...
ReplyDeleteMy favourite. I think this was the first or second thing of yours I ever read.
ReplyDelete(so everything else has been a disappointment.... (joking of course)
Haha... No, you can admit it.
ReplyDeleteI've never even tried to write anything else like it. It's... uncharacteristic. I waited a week before I wrote it, because I wasn't sure I wanted to be associated with it. It's kind of my novelty hit.
When I run into someone elsewhere who knows the blog, they inevitably mention this one, "Attic Jesus" or "Stop Writing Poetry!" It makes me laugh...
great blog!!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cris.
ReplyDeleteEveryone always seems to like this one... I'm going to assume the subject matter is just something people like... Haha...
Well since it popped up on my list, I felt obligated to re-read it again. Thank you (again) for the much needed respite from export licenses and technical manual. I laughed as hard this time as i did the first.
ReplyDeleteWhat if you are a mouth breather? Waking up with a cock in your mouth could be a death sentence. Major causes of death for mouth breathers: giving blow jobs, eating, or attempting to breathe from the nose.
ReplyDeleteI will admit that - having never woken in this exact situation - I can't attest to the efficacy of your advice here - but it SOUNDS good, and I would approve of any female stuck in this situation on my account using it.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog; I ROFLed.
If you're a mouth-breather, you might not wake up at all if put into this situation.
ReplyDeleteProblem solved!
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI'm here to help friends and visitors to my page... Eeek, I mean with informaiton, not with, you know, actually putting this into action...
LOL I'm speechless...
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, this one tends to do that to people. I considered NOT posting it for a week before I did, and now it's the only blog of mine most people remember...
ReplyDeleteWell, if I ever end up with a cock in my mouth and don't remember how it got there, I know where to come for advice. You've done a public service for all of us. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteDo you love the Lord Jesus with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind? Well Jesus Loves you, and so do I....May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He watch over you alway.
With Love.
The Christian
Brilliant! I'm sure men of all ages everywhere are delighted that one of their favorite terms is *finally finally finally* being put to such good use as this clever easy-to-remember mnemonic device to help us out of such an awkward pickle of a jam.
ReplyDeleteSo in conclusion ladies and gents I simply say to the gentleman.Greg suck my dildo cocksucker!!!!!!!! heheheheheheheh
ReplyDeleteGosh, that penis sure got anything but a TOTAL bite down - and then it might just be a rubber thingy. Anyway, I'm still laughing and it's actually much too early here to do anything but sleep. And now I dare not for fear of what may be in my mouth when I wake up ....
ReplyDeleteWell, at least now you'll know what to do if you wake up in a compromising situation...
ReplyDeleteEh' what's going on here, didn't you just repost this entry? YES, YOU DID, YOU BAD CHEAT = off and write something new about cocksucking, etc..
ReplyDeleteHaha... No, it's still the original October '07 posting. There have just been some recent comments that resurrected it.
ReplyDeleteIf I had any recent cock news, I would in fact post it.
Not sure they still exist...
So glad to have found your blog. You've got talent and a wicked sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ray!
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the party...
and i miss her for that, too. :))