So don’t look at me while I’m talking. Look at that wall across the street over there, the way that the dusk shadows crawl across the green brick ‘round this time of day.
Yeah, I think I might like the guy.
I know, I know. He wasn’t overly difficult for me to snag at the start, which always turns to a negative later on when you’re left wondering what sort of idiot would have fallen for your lines. In addition, yeah, his musical tastes lie rotting somewhere along the road from Mediocre to Abysmal, that stretch where you’d never want your 1970 Sonic Plymouth breaking down.
And I haul out my guy checklist, the one I store in the back closet of my noggin, and it’s well-thought-out. An aerodynamic thing of intrinsic beauty. Anyway, I pull it out and start going over it, and it’s clear he doesn’t completely measure up to the entirely hypothetical males that I’ve Frankensteined from parts of other guys I’ve met and/or imagined over the years.
For example, I know guys who can add bigger series of numbers in their heads than Greg can. Can I just let this go without comment? His vertical jump isn’t as high as this one guy I talked to for a while back in Austin . His right dimple? Not nearly so cute as a guy I saw in the downtown tunnels last week.
Deaf/dumb/blind/plays-a-mean-pinball? After careful consideration, I have decided to cross those off my list of requirements altogether.
But Greg… Well, Greg… He holds up pretty well, even against the most fantastical of imaginary competitors.
Like this other night, I’ve gone vrooming off to meet a couple self-proclaimed Thanatonauts from online, vroomed off and vroomed back again, and I’m sprawled out across the couch in my hip urban bachellorette pad, babbling about it. ‘Cause these guys, they kill each other for fun and sport, only it’s just temporary, ya dig? They fancy themselves adventurers.
And Greg seems less alarmed by it all than one might imagine. He doesn’t get jealous that I’m meeting new and exciting people from online. He doesn’t even forbid me to see them again, which is too bad, because I think that would sound hysterical, a once-in-a-lifetime spontaneous one-liner.
“Adri, I forbid you to see those darned Thanatonauts anymore!”
Greg, you know, I might not go so far as to say he understands how my head works, but he gives it enough berth for it to feed.
Still, I’ve known men with a more encyclopedic knowledge of psychedelic folk music. And he is unable to levitate himself the way the man from my dreams can.
A slow learner, he’ll sometimes still let me drive. The other night, and I’m going down to the store on his motorcycle for late night caffeine. He updates his last will and testament, calls his mother to say he loves her, stoically hops on the back of the bike while I start her up, and he’s clutching me all the way.
And I swear to you, hand on heart and needles in eye, this old dude was nowhere near me when I took that corner in the parking lot. It was an entirely respectable turn. I would have taken my grandmother on a turn like that. But still, I shut down the bike and Greg gets off and I hear Old Dude screaming my way.
He’s old, and he has a sort of Slavic accent and an unhealthy egg-shaped nodule of nondescript growth swimming under the skin of his forehead. And, sure, he’s got a walker, but he’s screaming like mad, and some of it I’m even following. “She needs learn to drive! Do not you try and protect her!” he spits out at Greg as Greg steps between the two of us.
And Greg, shrugging, he steps back. “Fine, but it wasn’t her I was trying to protect.”
“You!” he curses me as I move to remount the bike. “And where do you go you think you are?”
Me: “You were making so goddamn much noise over there, I was going to start the bike back up and have a second go at ya.”
And this stuns him in place long enough for Greg and I to take our leave and head into the store, but then we get back out and the motorcycle is lying on its side on the ground. Old Slavic Dude’s car is still sitting there.
Greg: “He has a walker. How did he even manage that?”
Me: “Oh, hell no! I’m going back in to find Gustav. It’s going down…”
I stomp back into the store, but Mister Greg, he stands calmly next to the motorcycle and he waits for the sound of approaching sirens or gunfire, helicopters, maybe a SWAT team or two.
And he waits and he waits, and he gets no sign of what might be happening inside until a heavyset woman with multiple chins and a marked limp bounds out into the parking lot looking for her SUV. She looks Greg up and she looks Greg down and she glances at the motorcycle beside him.
“You need to tell your lady-friend that if she doesn’t learn herself some manners, someone is going to come and shove that motorcycle up her ass someday.”
Greg keeps smiling, rocking back ‘n forth on the balls of his feet. “Yep. I see you met my girlfriend.”
Ya gotta love a guy who doesn’t let this kind of thing faze him.
So don’t tell him I told you this, but I’m thinking of keeping Greg around for the time being.
If cupid hit you, it must have been at a long range with a blow gun or something. Maybe some sort of spy type laser guided secret weapon, who knows? I am sure he learned long ago to keep his distance (especially when you are driving)
ReplyDeleteYou have to admit, Greg has a good combination of grit, reckless abandon and laid back attitude.
I am not coming back!
ReplyDeleteI think he might be from NJ. Jersey boys are used to us jersey girls acting like this. The smart ones just sit back and watch what happens. They know we dont need backup hehehehe.
ReplyDeleteSeems like a natural for the daughter of Frankenstein ..... of course he'll need a new last name, something like Frankenfurter.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta keep a man around who doesn't mind that you CAN and WILL take care of yourself. He didn't even bother to go in and watch!! Although, I AM surprised he didn't come in to protect the Slavic guy. I mean, does Greg keep bail money on him? Even on cafffiene runs?
ReplyDeleteSmart man...he knows that us redheads have fiery tempers..haha I loved that he stood back and waited for whatever to happen...cute blog...BTW he sounds like a
ReplyDeleteGreg may not measure up in some imaginary ways... but he certainly seems to have a lot of latitude and willing to let you breathe after your own fashion. That's pretty good! If you think you found something good, then believe it and don't be afraid to let it grow.
ReplyDeleteIt's always good when the real ones are better than the ones who live in our heads. So even if he can't levitate, I have to agree he sounds like a good one. I'm happy for you. :)
ReplyDeleteI can see how difficult it would be to ditch such an apt enabler. You should definitely sign that guy up for the long haul.
ReplyDeletei was going to write a scathingly skeptical reply to this, again citing his shifty eyes, but i won't. i just want to wish you well. i hope he deserves you. (not to be confused with 'i hope he gets what he deserves')
ReplyDeletesigh. does he have a brother, that, um... well, never mind. yup. keeper. totally.
ReplyDelete..or in your case, occasionally couldn't and wouldn't... it's all magic! Go Greg. Go Adri.
ReplyDeleteIs this intended as a Literary work, or piece on Fan fodder, or an Interpersonal social missive not to be confused with Communal Friendship.. or bits of all? Aren't there boundaries somewhere? *grin*
ReplyDeleteHell Adri. I like Greg already. But can he really hold up to you?
ReplyDeleteOMG. Who are you and what did you do with Adri???? Half of me wants to have a heart attack and the other half feels like smirking after reading this. I totally would have beat that old man's ass. Totally. I think we have something in common, which is that we are good at expressing ourselves. I tell stupid people i Walmart that they are stupid. If somebody is being annoying, I tell them. If somebody tries to buy me a drink at a bar I use the exact words, "Fuck off." You fucking rock dude. Even though this entry made me a little naseaous. But, good for you.
ReplyDeleteI think the lobotomy helped a lot in tolerating me.
ReplyDeleteIt's all about being ready for your death at any given moment. Once you've made peace with that, hanging out with me is a breeze...
Um. OK.
ReplyDelete"Got no time for the corner boys, down the street makin' all that noise..."
ReplyDeleteOh, sorry. Your comment made me want to start singing "Jersey Girl." Tom Waits' version, not Bruce Springsteen's.
You think it's a regional thing? I've never been to Jersey, though I'll take your word for it. Hmmm...
Al Franken talks about how he and Ben Stein used to go on radio to debate each other about politics. They called it the Stein/Franken talks, and everyone always seemed upset that they didn't use the more obvious reference.
ReplyDeleteYour comment made me think of that. I don't know why. However, I'm going to start going with the stream of consciousness responses...
He needs to. I had to go get him out of jail a couple weeks back when he ticked off a judge he was arguing before. I let him sit there for longer than I needed to, thena sked the judge how long he planned to leave him in, and then showed up to bail him out 5 minutes after the judge ordered him released.
ReplyDeleteReally, he hardly seemed mad about it...
That's going to jinx me.
ReplyDeleteDon't you understand that this is the part where the wheels always come off my relationships?
Spectacular explosions. Blood everywhere.
Then I'll have nothing but my sweet, sweet sanitarium...
You know, I read through the comments a little while ago, and couldn't figure out what leah meant by "Who are you and what did you do with Adri?"
ReplyDeleteThen I came back to your comment and figured it out. I'm writing cute stuff?
Man. This has got to stop.
Fortunately, I'm keeping my edge enough to chase down old men with walkers. They can't take that away from me.
Thanks for the comment :) I like your avatar (actually, I like what you've done with your page in general). I have a pic of me in a Jessica Rabbit outfit a few years back...
Are you saying that this sounds like an advertisement for Greg? But wait! There's more. he also comes with this set of Jinsu knives...
ReplyDeleteMan! Now I have to swing clear the other way with my next entry. See, this is how I end up having "Cocksucker Blues" followed up with one about me going to Confession.
Regardless, to answer the second half of your comment - there are no boundaries. No rules, no boundaries. Use the Force, Luke...
Well, and the third ear is a little weird. And he calls me "Donna" for some reason I can't understand. Oh, and won't look me in the eye. And will never put his dentures in when we're in bed.
ReplyDeleteBut the positives are evident from this piece, yes.
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteIt has been, for all practical purposes, almost exactly six years since I've had a bf. So, although I realize it's slightly tacky to gush like this, I don't care. I'll enjoy it while it lasts...
Took it pretty well for an ex-husband, I think....
ReplyDeleteWow! Recorder Joe making his presence on Multiply known. I think I've seen you around here MORE already than I ever did on 360.
ReplyDeleteWhat I want to know, though, is why I don't see your blog updates when I go to my Contacts' recent updates. Damn it all.
I blame Multiply for my absence on your page. But it's also that your writing makes me jealous...
Thank you, Bob. Incidentally, Greg thought your Uninspirational posters were hysterical.
ReplyDeleteNot me, though. I'm way too highbrow for that stuff...
Actually, I suspect Greg would be the best bet for, um... But he's taken for the time being.
ReplyDeleteAnd besides. You never heard it form me...
The wonderful tings about being around me is that everyone ends up the lesser for it. I mean, I accidentally destroy people.
ReplyDeleteSo chances are, no. But we'll see how the ride goes.
I know. I'm getting sappy. It will pass. And I DID kick ass in this one, so it all balances out.
ReplyDeleteI don't go to WalMart anymore, because I'm always afraid my head is going to explode while I'm in there. I know, I know: in Huntsville, what choice do you have? The WalMart is always a hundred times busier than the entire mall.
Plus, if I was in Huntsville WalMart, I'd have to be a little careful, because everyone else would be armed too, and I don't know how many people I can take on at once...
What counts is if he keeps you levitating ;-)
ReplyDeleteI would have marched back in there to give that ol' focker a piece of my mind too. He had no right to do what he did. Of course, maybe he was trying to ride it and it fell over and he was embarrassed? Nah! Grumpy old coot!
Good to see ya! You know, in the dead of night, when I lie staring at the ceiling, I sometimes wonder why I don't let some things go. Not every battle needs to be fought.
ReplyDeleteHey! When I was in Omaha a couple years ago, we went into Iowa - somewhere around around Council Bluffs, I assume - to a place called Minden park. Is that around Minden? I mean, logic says it would be, but... it is Iowa, after all...
Yes, I was quite impressed! I think it's because you've moved on, too.
ReplyDeleteYou've grown a lot of headfruit since our time together...
Jealousy is the best I can do?
ReplyDeleteHeck, I've been out and out cursing your name for the past few months and finding zero solace, even with the voo doo doll. Unless of course it's actually been working. You haven't been feeling any sharp pains in your left knee, right and left shoulder, lower back region or forehead have you?
Sure don't!
ReplyDeleteBut at the end, life is a fight, always, against nature, against death, against those that done us wrong, and even against those who were more or less innocent all along. So we pick our battles, knowing that it's simply more fun to go on dates and even beat up some old geezer who looked at you wrong.
No, no... life isn't a fight, though. Or else it shouldn't be.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit highstrung sometimes. And, yeah, borderline nuts. But at my best, I know that life isn't always a fight. I think it was Gurdijieff (or maybe Chesterton) who said that it's one thing to look at a fictional animal like a gryphon and be amazed. It's a higher faculty to look at something that actually is -- like a giraffe -- and have that same sense of amazement.
I don't live up to all of my own standards. But I know that everything isn't a fight.
Ha, no one does; however, if you think about it, we actually all do, most of the times any way. The standards may change, but we do try to stick to them, otherwise half the world would be crazy beyond believe. One BW is enough, thank God!
ReplyDeleteOh, do you still argue like this in court? I didn't say "everything" is a fight, just the few moments that you remember for life. Go think for a second, any one can do this, the few things that you remember in life, I bet they were all some sort of fight against something or someone. Next time, leave the geezer alone, pls.
1. The geezer started the fight. I finished it.
ReplyDelete2. No, the best moments in life are not fights. I do well in that environment - I don't lose a lot of intellectual fights. But the very, very best moments... The very best moments are when I'm not worried about my ego, which is a very big ego, as far as egos go. Achievements, and knocking others down, that helps the ego. But the heights, that leaves Adri behind.
Life is a fight, but one chooses how one wages the battle. In many instances, to not wage a battle brings about more desired results, and can be relatively peaceful. Only very occasionally should deadly force be used.
ReplyDeleteLife should be about peace.
This puts a new spin on the phenomenon of "road rage." You actually argue in Texas now? What happen to those famous gun fighters? Meet ya at high noon. I guess we got the crown now in Florida. Here we shoot first, ambush, and then go to the beach.
ReplyDeleteSo yer going to keep him, I guess ya already have a taxidermists.
ReplyDeleteNo, not at all, I'm stuck in the prevous Lightnening Blog..
ReplyDelete"There’s gotta be a difference between having fans and having friends, even online;
has to be some sort of happy medium between social networking and introducing
oneself to one’s would-be stalkers."
Is this current 'Greg praising' a friendly sharing of your life and an invitation to Friendship or is it simply The Next Episode in the made-for-tv "As The Sanitarium Turns?
My boundaries comment was sarcasm, YOU were looking for boundaries in Lightening Hits The Fans, I'm simply pointing out that you seem to play fast and lose with them. cheers.
I hope I didn't come off as callous. You have the right to be happy and I am very happy for you. This entry was the first non cynical thing you wrote. And hell yes, you're still keeping your edge by confronting old men with walkers. As for the Huntsville Walmart, I was there with Abby last night and a combination of three screaming children, so I was ready to take anybody at that point..... you really should try it sometime, and after this blog entry..... I can see that you might not be immune to children in the future
ReplyDeleteI hope I didn't come off as callous. You have the right to be happy and I am very happy for you. This entry was the first non cynical thing you wrote. And hell yes, you're still keeping your edge by confronting old men with walkers. As for the Huntsville Walmart, I was there with Abby last night and a combination of three screaming children, so I was ready to take anybody at that point..... you really should try it sometime, and after this blog entry..... I can see that you might not be immune to children in the future
ReplyDeleteI have a hand in raising a red-head. She’s three. I’m glad that Greg will be around a while as I may be seeking him out for ideas in dealing with the anomaly. He seems to be a pro. In all seriousness, congratulations, finding one worth keeping is difficult.
ReplyDeleteAh yes the wonders of medication and booze may strike us all at any unsuspecting time...My miracle love potion consists of booze, hormonal scented potion, and old karate chopping folks with walkers held defiantly airborne... I hope your mix of potions continue to stimulate you and Greggy both while I go off for another ice cold beer...picking up some pieces here and there and wondering where our next adventure of the sanitarium awaits...but shhhhhh!!!! our lil psychotic secret ok baby?
You might have opened this blog up by standing up and saying “ My name is Adri, and I have a problem” with the rest of the sanitarium replying “Hi Adri” in unison. Seriously, I think it has been evident in your blogs for a while that this was going to work out for you. You paid a price, at least initially, for going after something that clearly had potential. Good for you! and of course for Greg.
ReplyDeleteI do miss Ling’s take on all this, or maybe I don’t ha!
"It's all about being ready for your death at any given moment. Once you've made peace with that, hanging out with me is a breeze..."
ReplyDeleteNow I am beginning to understand why you have a hard time findind a suitable assistant. It it tough finding someone willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for $15 an hour.
No, no. I suspect I'd rather have friends than fans, Torrent, even if my behavior says otherwise sometimes. I really do tend to write about whatever happens in my life or that I'm thinking about at any given time.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't looking for boundaries, although reading that blog again, I can see the potential for misunderstanding. The weird part of having the two guys approach me was not that they approached me, but rather that they felt the need to call me "ma'am" and look nervous...
I thought you lived in Texas? Are you sure you're not French or something?
ReplyDeleteYou sound like one of them lilly-livered, terrorist-loving foreigners...
(I'm kidding, of course. As I said, um, somewhere else in this mess that is my comments section: I don't always live up to my own standards. It's the severe mental illness that does it...)
Florida actually DOES have the crown now, I think. Don't they have it set up where you can kill first, then NOT ask questions later if it all made sense in your deluded little head at the time?
ReplyDeleteIt encourages me so: All those post-retirement northerners arming themselves down there in Florida.
We are peace-loving folks in Texas - hadn't you heard. It's just that there can't be peace until we've killed everyone who thinks differently than us. And then there's the problem of figuring out who "us" is...
Jealousy in the writing realm probably works better on me than trying to harm me with voodoo.
ReplyDeleteAlthough the forehead thing might be working... I thought it was from slamming my head against the desk, but who knows?
Hey! I let him talk. He says moderately interesting things at times. I'd miss that if I had him stuffed...
ReplyDeleteNo, no, no. Tolerating another human being in my immediate vicinity does not equal wanting children. I haven't sold out all my principles for companionship.
ReplyDeleteBut you're right - it probably IS the first non-cynical blog I've had. Losing my damn edge, I tell you. Losing my edge...
Thank you...
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that Greg is dealing so much as just staying out of the way. Which, in the end, might be the best advice one can give.
I'd say that my own behavior doesn't have anything to do with hair color, but it might... There appears to be trends in that direction based on empirical evidence involving redheads...
I've been doing good with remaining within the general bounds of sobriety as of late. Again.
ReplyDeleteAny erratic behavior one might perceive is probably caused by chemical problems inherent in my brain and not anything I've taken from without.
Although, honestly, someday I'm going to have write about NOS energy drink. That stuff is like mainlining animal steroids...
he is a keeper and a very very lucky man. and on an entirely separate note... pleeez learn to drive that bike. i want you to be alive and unmaimed and i want him to be there for you. mwah.
ReplyDeleteHmm... Ling generally predicted a time period for everything, put them on a timeline. He predicted the Sanitarium would stay out of 360 for 3 weeks, for example. He initially - about a year ago, actually - yelled at other commenters for saying nice things about me.
ReplyDeleteI'm not criticising, mind you. I am merely saying that, based on my experience, his take would be "I give it a month."
Regardless, I tend to be at least a BIT cynical about things, and I know I should not rub my own happiness of the moment in anyone else's face. So there won't be a lot more of this type of entry. But, hell, I kind of liked the scene outside the store, so there it is...
In June, I wrote a blog about the tests I put potential assistants through, comparing it to both Navy SEAL training and students of Zen.
ReplyDeleteHOWEVER, I've been working regularly and Sorcha has agreed to help me out again. So Ha! I've either found someone tough enough or self-loathing enough to work for me. Which, come to think of it, might be the two potential categories for people dating me as well...
Yep, I live in Texas. A Texas peacenik! Your ex-husband, the draft card burner!
ReplyDeleteI'm taking notes... good material. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI miss Kayli, and her assets.
ReplyDeleteOh my God...I just laughed my ass I need help picking it back up and putting it back on. It doesn't weigh much...maybe 5 lbs or so...but it is really hard to put it back on by myself. Can't reach around or see around that far back.
ReplyDeleteSeriously. I swear you must be be twin by osmosis....except none of the guys I date would let me drive their bikes. I'm always the arm candy in the bitch seat. (sigh) One of these days I'll get my own...then to hell with the guys. Who needs one when you've got an 850 lb vibrator under your seat?
Scratch that...bikes can't hug or kiss.....and I do love a good kisser....
She's been fine...
ReplyDeleteIt hasn't been entirely easy finding a guy who would let me drive at all. Of course, there have been car accidents in the past, so I'm not saying that the guys' fears have been without merit...
ReplyDelete..yeah.. she's holding up well. Be sure to say Hi.
ReplyDeleteI remember the June blog. In my original response, I was going to suggest that some ex Blackwater employees may be available, so we were thinking alike. Glad Sorcha is back working with you!
ReplyDeleteI don't give a rat's ass about Greg... All I want to know is Santa's address so I can send him the Kayli pic cuz' THAT's what I want for Christmas....!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf she has half your witts Anna, I'ma go buy a Stalking for Dummies book right away...
Who is she anyway? Does she fall for east-european immigrants in Italy? Do rhinos sneeze? Is God black?
Now THOSE are assets one should invest into....
ReplyDeleteKayli was my secretary/legal assistant/Jill-of-all-trades for a couple of years. She quit at lunch one day, reportedly because I am hard to work with. Who knew?
ReplyDeleteI really wasn't testing you!
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, if I'm ever looking for another assistant, I think I might put you in charge of the search!
..can you measure hit-counts on your Multiply site?
ReplyDelete...can you measure hit-counts on your Multiply site?
ReplyDeletePlease bear with me, but I wanted to add some clarity to what I was trying to say.
ReplyDeleteLife is a struggle, and a fight and one has to battle with it sometimes. But in the process, some people think that there is only a struggle, that there are only battles. Some people wage battles when there are no battles to wage, and some people see struggles where there are none.
People should reach for peace for themselves, and for each other, when it can be had. Out of habit, many people only battle with each other.
I do as well on the bike as I do a car.
ReplyDeleteWhich is saying... okay, it's not saying very much.
You're right. I have pondered the possibility that the human race was lost at the beginning of the Iron Age, when the whole paternalistic, macho, linear thinking warrior thing started and was rewarded.
ReplyDeleteBecause we'll keep doing battle and struggling to be top dog and accumulate the most stuff and do battle literally and metaphorically as long as it is rewarded.
I can kick ass with the best of them. But it's not what I'm "here" for.
You can measure views on each individual page by Multiply users. Which is not the same thing, of course.
ReplyDeleteIt is good that you feel that you are not here to do "battle". For one thing, there really isn't a whole lot to gain, and a peaceful existence (even a part-time peaceful existence) is lost. Humanity is in the same boat, we are born, we live and we die. I personally just want to promote the seed in people's minds that even though life is a struggle.... getting peace where one can is also a battle, but mostly a battle with ourselves.
ReplyDelete..does the Great State of Texas prefer that you have a motorcycle endorsement on your dirvers license when you ride?
ReplyDeleteYes but the true Ling would by now be ranting about Christianity vs Capitalism or no doubt have jumped in on the peaceful existence conversation.
ReplyDeleteThe new Ling appears to be cunning, subtle, stealthy, almost catlike in his prowess of spinnig comments without obvious insult.
I do believe this seagull may have indeed Snatched the pebbles from the Linguistic Masters hands
sounds like a match made in heaven.... but wait, you don't believe in heaven... so where is this match made, only in Houston?? I would have done the same thing you did if he trashed my bike. There are just some things that a person should respect. If he has issues, let him game on you, not the bike... Stand up and be counted damn it...
ReplyDeleteI thought it was clear - he was killed in the zombie attack. Old place.
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't made. Just happened. POssibly because we were both at places in our lives where we invited it. But anyway... I'm done being positive. It's ruining my rep around here...
ReplyDelete" “You need to tell your lady-friend that if she doesn’t learn herself some manners, someone is going to come and shove that motorcycle up her ass someday.”
ReplyDeleteGreg keeps smiling, rocking back ‘n forth on the balls of his feet. “Yep. I see you met my girlfriend.”
Ya gotta love a guy who doesn’t let this kind of thing faze him."
Calm in the face of fire.................he must have read the "Redheads For Dummies" book. Sounds like something I have said during my time in the trenches!
How we long for the trenches.
ReplyDeleteHa! Historical Zen Revisionism.
ReplyDeleteOh lordy, Adris gonna run off to Vegas fand we're gonna be left all alone to fend for ourselves in the padded wing.
ReplyDeleteHa. No wedding plans.
ReplyDeleteI feel no need to be part of an institution that was created as a basic property transaction...
HA! And they call ME sarcastic...
ReplyDeleteI've joined the Sanitarium cuz I am cuckoo.. And I need help... i sometimes get a weird feeling...
ReplyDelete"And when I get that feeling / I need sexual healing" Would u share Kayli's phone number ? :))
Being positive suits you to a degree. You should try my program... That would fix the positive aspect and put you in an extreme mood...
ReplyDeleteHave an incredibly interesting day and stay awake to experience it!!
You are still cool though..... and you haven't lost your edge.....
ReplyDeleteAnybody want to take bets on how many children Adri will have??? I am guessing two girls. You can name one Adri and one Anna. They could be little demonic twins with red hair and special powers. Ha ha ha ha..... Ok. I'm going to quit harrassing you about your blog... I liked it though.
ReplyDelete"For shizzle my nizzle..." -(Jay Z)
Is it a conflict of interest for me to take that bet?
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty much a conflict of interest whenever you post.
ReplyDelete(and I recall this name-the-kids topic once upon a time at the old place.)
They'd be Gabble Ratchet and Devendra. Or maybe Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.
ReplyDeleteOh wait! I said "Who The Hell Do You Think You are?", didn't I?
I love that name. He'd never get picked on at school...
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan was a pretty great singer.... I have a double album of his.... One of my more favorite Pakistani singers....
ReplyDelete50 bucks on an adopted Namibian kid... :D
ReplyDeleteI don't want to attribute my addmittedly wonderful attitude on hair color.
Like most people, I want to believe I am who I am because of what I've experienced and not because of something ingrained in my wiring.
It's like the "Born gay" argument. Were I gay, I don't think I'd want to be told that I had no choice in the matter.
So it is with the hair.
Although, frankly, who knows? Maybe it is something with the hair...
But were your experiences somewhat influenced by the hair color therefore making you who you are?
ReplyDeleteI just speak from my vantage point and you sure fit the sterotype of my encounters with the red headed demons here in my little corner of hell.
BTW- Wasn't that Popeye's line? " I yam what I yam."
There are a couple possibilities here:
ReplyDelete1) Red hair tends to be tied to certain other genes, including the demons you note; or 2) People react a certain way to red hair and that brings out certain traits in those with red hair.
A more interesting theory is that people are born with a genetic predispoition to react a certain way to redheads, which in turn causes redheads to behave a certain way purely in reaction to that behavior on the part of others.
I call this latter theory my ad hoc "It's everyone else that's crazy, not me" theory.
I have to say that after a period of extended observation and data collection this theory is loosing influential adherents. Yourself of course exluded. But you're still dreamy.
ReplyDeleteIt's not a respected psychological tnheory?
ReplyDeleteWell, that's because all psychologists/psychiatrists belong to that set labelled "not me" and are therefore, by definition, among the crazy...
Although... hmm... all I know of other people is what I pick up via my senses. I have an image of them in my head. So if everyone that I perceive OUT THERE... well, if they all show up inside my head as crazy... Oh, damn.
But then again, perhaps none of you even exist outside my own head. Maybe you're all figments of my imagination.
Yeah, I'm going top go with that theory for now.
It avoids the problem of red hair.
Okay, but the dude left his motorcycle laying there! I mean, come on. Letting you run wild and fre is one thing, letting his motorcycle lie there like a wallowing beached whale is an entirely different matter. I'm telling you, Adri, there's something not right!
ReplyDeleteAs further proof of your statement, my brother was given medicine by his doctor to take in case he was having a psychotic episode. I found this somewhat odd since you never know you are having a psychotic episode. By defination, you are fine, it is the rest of the world who is having issues. One would think a medical professional would know this.
ReplyDeleteWell let me tell you you're my muse sometimes. I hope to do a backstory of the mirror forest on how Dark Ruler Red met her lover and how they conquored the forest. I see her as your opposite. U know Dar has a tatoo on her back? But her glowing redhair and her dark brown eyes are what makes her attractive. Don't be jealous of her...I bet your much cuter in person. But some men shouldn't be control freak with their girlfirends. Why? It ruins the relantiohship and but I'm not a control freak baby.
ReplyDeleteSorry I didn't respond before, herb. It's taken me an entire day to absorb the idea of my being positive suiting me.
ReplyDeleteI stick to a fairly good exercise routine. I'm still nuts, though.
There's a singer with that name, too?
ReplyDeleteI'm kidding, of course. I like most of the stuff he released on Real World records. Absolutely divine voice...
HAHAHAHH!!! It comes to pass that all us mortals at one point or another find we have very skewed views of the world. You had one vision in your mind and then were captured by the distorted vision that you believed could not possibly be a possibility! I happens quite often! Go with it! You never know what you may learn from your expeiences! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that guys seem to try to find things wrong with him... Women don't, which is the oposite of the way it usually is...
ReplyDeleteIt's almost as though... Nah...
OK. Your observation is duly noted.
Well, there are dynamics in every relationship. Some women need someone who will kind of lead. Some guys need it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not one of those women that would need, you know, control.
But many of the peple around these parts already knew that...
Yup. I think that part of it is... One person cannot be all things to another. Which might be one reason relationships often don't end up surviving.
ReplyDeleteBut trying to find a guy who lives up to some weird abstract is probably the reason I'd been single for so long.
Or one of the reasons. There are plenty of other reasons...
I beg your pardon. I guess you have just probably wiped me, your ex-husband, completely out of your mind. Not only could I not satisfy your relationship needs, I have been wiped from memory much like Stalin erased politburo enemies from photographs. I'm not just any bowl of fruit, I'll have you know.
ReplyDelete..which might be one reason realtionships ~that do not acknowledge this explicitly~ often don't end up surviving. Which leads to the verdant topic of monogamy.
ReplyDeleteI don't think that one person can be all things to another. However, this does not mean that an alternative to monogamy is superior to monogamy.
ReplyDeleteWhile I would not go so far as to explicitly condemn alternative lifestyles in this regard, it seems to me that the attempts to somehow decry as outdated monogamy and venture off into communal living or whatever often fail spectacularly. I mean spectacularly, and in exactly the ways that boring, conservative, traditional folks would have predicted.
I am not advocating for anything as formal as an 'alternative lifestyle.' Nor have I adopted one myself. I'm just saying, that among communicative and engaged and like minded parties there may be wiggle room in the realm of intimate relationships. We're not living in a black and white world.
ReplyDeleteWe find things wrong with him, because we all want you for ourselves. That should be patently obvious to a scholar and sanitarium hall monitor such as yourself.
ReplyDelete..and of course.. finding things wrong with Greg is more of a challenge... baa dump bum.
ReplyDeleteYessir, that would be a terrible plan to assist mental health.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with medicating people who are, well, psychotic, is that they start feeling okay and go off their meds. So... man, that would be a bad plan of medication...
Nuts, man. The type of folks who are drawn to the mental health profession are...
Oh, never mind. I'm not going to run down a group of people who might well have me confined to their facilities any day now...
"Genetis predisposition" you say?
ReplyDeleteMMMMMMMMMMM that does explain alot, although the scary thing is my knuckle-headed son seems to have a passing interest is a red-head !
Yikes! The curse has been passed on to my first born male child.
I hope you shoved Old Slavic Dude's walker up his ass sideways, and then asked questions later. lol
ReplyDeleteGreg's a lawyer not a Detective Furhman, so he knows well enough not to muck up evidence at a crime scene. I think that was the obvious reason for leaving the whale beached, besides, waiting for the coppers WAS mentioned.
ReplyDeleteOk, I didn't mean to be showboating and come to Greg's defense, after all I'M not a lawyer, that was just my take on it from the original transcript.
(why oh why do I say these things?! OK Adri, please, for one sec, forget YOU are a lawyer and just read the good parts ;^)) I think my praise and condescension balanced out here, lol. And if you don't relate the showboating part to lawyers, but just the coming to the defense of part, then we really should be peaches. :)
*not that there is anything wrong with showboating* hehe
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I'll take your word for it. I can see how a patnetly insane intermittent drug-abusing lawyer who destroys pretty much everyone she gets near would be attractive for a guy, after all...
ReplyDeleteIf someone can read my blogs and still think that I'd be a damn good date, I think they should consider... therapy, maybe?
Compared to finding things wrong with, me, it quite possibly is...
ReplyDeleteThe only solution I can think of is to let him spend some time around one. That generally cures the guys who like me...
ReplyDeleteI'll say that he left much less happy than he had arrived.
ReplyDeleteyeah. that's what I meant. *tongue sticking*