Today, I’d like to tell you a story about my angry friend Bobby and his amazing Pink Floyd Glugh-Glugh Tree. He’s the guy with the sandy-colored hair and the creepy squint you see me with sometimes. Not lately, mind you, but sometimes.
And to the best of my recollection – which admittedly is far from perfect – Bobby’s always been a fan of a British psychedelic/progressive rock band from the 1970’s called Pink Floyd. As long as I’ve known him, he has been. He hasn’t always been angry like he most definitely is now, though. The anger is something new.
That anger? Well, that’s just started since he got the Pink Floyd Glugh-Glugh Tree.
And really, even that didn’t start off so bad. A few weeks back – the day of the storm when the fence fell down in my back yard – it was just an anonymous envelope full of seeds and a small book of instructions. And Bobby mentioned that he had gotten this envelope in the mail. It wasn’t anything that either of us thought much about.
But then a couple weeks passed, the kind of weeks where you’re so busy focusing on what seems at the time like an important project that you fail to notice time passing at all, and I showed up at my Bobby’s house and there was this tree. An enormous tree, many years old you would have thought, and taking up a good portion of his small back yard.
The Pink Floyd Glugh-Glugh Tree.
It went like this: I was inside Bobby’s house, flipping channels on his television. “Ya wanna watch ‘The Simpsons’?” I yelled out to Bobby.
And then Bobby, he pulled out this shiny silver ball, kind of like a big ball bearing, the size of a tennis bell or thereabouts. And Bobby, why, he wrote on the silver ball with a special thick marker, a big thick marker with a label on it I couldn’t make out, something like hieroglyphics. Bobby took the strange marker and he wrote on the silver ball. He wrote “The Simpsons” on it.
Then Bobby took the ball and walked out back. He walked right up to that Pink Floyd Glugh-Glugh Tree and stuffed the silver ball into an opening in the trunk. There was this awful slurping sound as the tree took the ball into its dark interior. It was a sound of gassy consumption, of a … I shudder to think of it even now.
After a few moments, Bobby took a step back, smiling from ear to ear. The tree, it emitted this gurgling sound, and a distinctive – unforgettable, even – “Glugh-glugh.”
And out popped the silver ball!
But now, instead of having Bobby’s question written on the side, it had other writing. I can’t for the life of me even speculate as to how that writing appeared on there during the time that the ball had been inside that tree. But the ball now had new writing on it, just the same. Looking over Bobby’s shoulder, I could make out something about Simpsons creator Matt Groening being a fan of art rock, and of a Pink Floyd reference in some Simpsons episode or other. Something about walking hammers when Homer accidentally put hallucinogens in Springfield ’s canned fruit supply.
Bobby read the silver ball closely, furrowing his brow with undue concentration. Then he said to me, “Sure. I can watch ‘The Simpsons’.”
To tell you the truth, I didn’t think much of the incident at the time, as I was fairly stressed out from work and, well, on a lot of drugs. But gradually, over the next week, I started to take more notice of changes in Bobby’s behavior. He fixed breakfast according to strict dietary specifications that his tree borrowed from Pink Floyd’s 1970 album Atom Heart Mother. He got rid of his faithful dog, Roy , because of the tree’s warnings about the unflattering social picture painted of canines on Pink Floyd’s Animals album.
This, now this was getting to be weird stuff, even for me.
Then came the day when I asked Bobby – now clearly a more angry Bobby – whether he wanted to watch the show, “House, M.D.” Like before, he wrote the question on a silver ball, plugged the ball into the tree in his back yard.
And the tree went “Glugh-glugh” and out popped the ball again. Like before.
Bobby read the ball. “No,” he informed me stoically. “Hell no, I won’t watch that damn show.”
I took a step back, a bit confused. “Um… Season Two of ‘House’ had an indirect reference to former Floyd singer Syd Barrett’s schizophrenia. And it’s on the same channel as ‘The Simpsons’, at any rate.”
“House is on Fox!” Bobby shouted at me angrily. His face was drawn out, distorted, animalistic. “FoxNews attacked Floyd’s Roger Waters for some political statements he made during a concert two years ago! They are a part of the subhuman, highly mobilized anti-Pink Floyd conspiracy in the corporate media of this country! Get’em up against the wall!”
Needless to say, I didn’t go to visit Bobby for a while after that.
But that wasn’t the end of it.
A few days later, I was talking to Bobby’s sister, Anne. I was talking to her on the telephone. I was talking to her about some local news.
I was talking to Bobby’s sister, Anne, about local news when I heard – clearly and unmistakably – across the phone line, a distinctive “Glugh-glugh.” I heard it clear as day, and then Anne said to me: “Don’t quote me something from that immoral pro-Chevy paper, the Houston Chronicle. Those bastards would like to see Ford Motors go out of business entirely!”
Evidently, you see, Anne had received seeds for a Ford Motors Glugh-Glugh Tree in the mail. Her Glugh-Glugh Tree spit out propaganda from a pro-Ford perspective and, like Bobby’s tree, was slowly becoming sick back there in the flaky Houston soil. Slowly becoming poisoned.
Then the day after that, one of my co-workers brought silver balls in to work that explained everything in the world from the perspective of chicken farming.
And I switched on my radio, tuned it into a talk station. A caller was complaining about his ankle, which he’d recently sprained. I heard a slurping sound, and I heard a Glugh-glugh, and the host screamed, “Liberalism! Liberalism caused your sprained ankle! And it caused the storm last night, and it gave my dog heartworms, and liberalism stole my shoes and caused my Uncle Arthur’s pancreatitis!”
You can’t hear the glughs in Multiply blogs, but they’re there, just the same, I know. I see the signs – the entries about how if we don’t advocate the killing of each and every Muslim, it means we want to be forced to pray to Allah. The pro-Hillary entries, which nothing but an insanely evil Hillary Glugh-Glugh Tree could ever explain. Ron Paul supporters with that faraway, glazed-over look in their eyes.
And don’t even get me started on the rantings and ravings of my neighbors, the Sneetches, the ones with the bellies with stars. It seems that most of the evil in the world is caused by a well-organized cabal of Sneetches without stars on thars.
In the end, with the glugh-glugh filling the air wherever I went, I decided to hightail it back to where it all began. I went on back to the house of my angry friend, Bobby. I found him out back right next to the tree. And the tree’s thick roots, they’d grown into his body and grown into his head. They’d wrapped ‘round his eyes, though somehow, he could still see.
He could sort of still see, anyway. The world he saw through that root was just a battleground, a non-stop battleground between pro-Pink Floyd and anti-Pink Floyd forces. And no matter who you were, if you were not rabidly pro-Pink Floyd (in a really crazy way, actually), then you were the enemy.
I was the enemy.
“Would you like to watch TV or get between the sheets / Or contemplate this violent freeway / Would you like something eat?” Bobby sang, shouting out in a strange and menacing way, complete with faux-British accent. “Would ya like to learn to fly? / Would you like to see me try? / Would you like to call the cops? / Do you think it’s time I stopped? / Why are you running away?”
I hold in my hand at this very moment an envelope I received today. An envelope full of seemingly non-threatening seeds. Just, you know, seeds.
Seeds for a Freethinker Glugh-Glugh Tree. A tree that would tell me how to think in a way that defies authority, that spits in the face religious and political institutions, that does not apply the boring rules of society. The information on the balls it would spit out, well, they’d brainwash me into seeing the rest of the world as brainwashed.
And of course, based on what I’ve seen around here lately, the rest of the world might really be brainwashed, thanks to all these goddamn glugh-glugh trees.
But I think I’ll just flush the seeds, anyway. Or maybe I’ll throw them in a drawer and give it more thought in the morning.
It’s been a long week, and I’m a bit tired.
I mean, do you want the seeds? Life is so simple when every answer is there on the silver ball. Glugh-glugh…
I'd better come and see you more often.
ReplyDeleteAs I thought. Hats off to you!
ReplyDeleteThe pen is always mightier than the gun.
I might suggest smoking the seeds, the only good time space continuim mind altering things worth doing are the ones you smoke ... with the posible exception of quad bars, but you already knew that. A now a non-Christmas influenced hug for you!
ReplyDeleteGlugh-glugh... What? You don't like Adri's Sanitarium?
ReplyDeleteI think I know what tree I have... but it's small, and I keep it trimmed like a bonsai. If you need any help down in Houston, I'll whip up some napalm, and we can rent ourselves a chopper!
*sigh* guilty as charged.
ReplyDeletei can't think of anything to say... i just want to giggle and bat coquettish eyes at you and wait for the bear paw to swing at my head.
ReplyDeleteOMG. You're doing some substance you need to slip to me. Think of it as Charity. ;)
ReplyDeleteSo that's why I've had that faraway, glazed-over look these past couple weeks.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there's a deeper meaning here, if I could only get to the glugh-glugh root of it. If I had one of those sinful trees I'd be able to figure it out.
you know, it's damn hard to find a decent parable nowadays. seems like ever since dr. seuss died the whole art form's gone in the old crapper. if this story weren't true, i'd consider it right up there with the masters... aesop, jesus, and dr seuss. would you glugh glugh with a fox? would you, could you, in a box?
ReplyDeleteAdri love this one! U made me think of Pink Floyd,The Wall. What memories from high school and college swim in my head babe:) by the way I intend to do a back blog story on your alter ego Dark Ruler Red on how she came to power in the Mirror Forest. Ideas welcome
ReplyDeleteI am a tree myself !Count on ME! But I don't glugh, I slurp instead...
ReplyDeleteThe seeds of intolerance have been sown probably since the start of mankind. The ones you received in the mail appear to be genetically engineered to yield high specific intolerances and outperform those of tolerance, understanding and compassion. Indeed life is simple when following is all that is required, regardless of the direction, with no effort for what we deem ourselves superior at, thought.
ReplyDeleteNot unlike Dow Chemical - without intolerance life itself would be impossible.
ReplyDeleteDepends on the task at hand, actually. A tool is only as good as what you're using it for.
ReplyDeleteI'll meet ya in the alley in 10 minutes - you bring a pen, I'll bring a gun. Best of luck!
You're a terrible, terrible influence, Gayle. But you have a damn nice hat in your profile pic, and I respect that in a person. So okay, I'll smoke the seeds.
ReplyDeleteBut it was YOUR idea...
Hell, girl. I'll send you my chainsaw and you can have a field day yelling "timber you mother fuckers" every time you cut down one of those damn trees. I hear the seeds work well in baking, maybe mix them in with your next batch of hemp brownies and see what happens.
ReplyDeleteYou know, seeing the world through a certain lens can be helpful - if you're an engineer, geologist, lawyer, doctor, whatever, it would be a big help. But you don't look at your wife or your family dinner through those lenses, and you certainly shouldn't have a constant chip on your shoulder regarding others who see things differently.
ReplyDeleteI don't mean "you."
And I don't lecture, as a rule. I have just been noticing so much anger and poison lately. And it makes me sad, because there are so many other good ways to humiliate someone intellectually other than a strict, thought-restricting philosophy.
We all are - why do you think we've been confined to this here sanitarium?
ReplyDeleteGood enough. That's actually a pretty good description of our time in the world, huh? Sitting here giggling until the bear paw comes down?
ReplyDeleteThank you. The whole "losing-my-mind" thing is coming along quite nicely as of late...
ReplyDeleteRon Paulite, are you? He's the most interesting character of the campaign season, even if I don't agree with much of what he says.
ReplyDeleteYou can brainwash yourself without a tree, buddy. Just find a group of poeple and blame every single thing you dislike, from skinned knees to bad TV shows, on them.
"Liberalism stole my shoes!"
This piece had a Ray Bradbury feel to it - I half-expected to see a sideways reference to "Boys! Grow Giant Mushrooms in YOUR Basement!", or "A Sound of Thunder".
ReplyDeleteStill, you managed to keep this one, as with most of them, none-too-heavy; as it didn't take itself seriously, your audience (meaning 'me') could stay outside it just-long-enough....
While a "Freethinker's Glugh-Glugh Tree" is perhaps oxymoronic -- in that the tree tells one what to think, and us Freethinkers don't much cotton to such things -- I can see a utility for such a critter - but only for the Great Unwashed.
Excuse me. I am surrounded by trees here on The Hilltop, and I believe one is calling my name....
It's a relief that you, at least, understand that every single word of my blogs is intended to be taken as literally true. This is the fundamentalist Sanitarium position, and it's growing.
ReplyDeleteBut stories make me happier than lectures, so stories it is. And that, in the end, might be why it is so difficult to find a good parable these days- everybody wants to take things literally. Well, that and the parable plant down on 13th and Mulberry closed down winter before last, and no mom & pop operation has stepped up to take up the slack...
Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteWith villains, in particular, it's always a good idea to make them start off as decent people in the back story and then explain how they became dark and/or evil. Take me, for instance- I was thrown in a vat of boiling radioactive acid as a child, and it's the reason I am part of the forces of the night today.
Wait... that actually might be the Joker. I get us mixed up sometimes...
I used to be a tree. In fact, I think I might have been shouting "I'm a tree! I'm a tree, damn it!" when they locked me up in here, come to think of it...
ReplyDeleteAgain, I'm not going to lecture. But when you have the same answer to every quesiton, you're not actually thinking, you know? It's like... Al Sharpton. It doesn't matter what the question is, his answer is going to be "Racism!"
ReplyDeleteIt would be so much easier if these folks would just get a string installed that we could pull when we wanted to hear their one note.
When I was in law school, my torts prof had a defense attorney from Dow Chemical come in to talk to us about the breast implant litigation that had been going on. The woman compared breast implants to brain shunts.
ReplyDeleteDear, dear Dow - giving so many men so much visual stimulation. It's a blessed, blessed thing. Kind of makes me tear up a little...
I was going to have an axe scene in this, but I ran out of room. Plus, last time I took an axe to a tall tree, the mean giant fell all the way down it and almost smashed me. Stupid magic beans...
ReplyDeleteYeah, there's a certain irony in rejecting the confines of freethinking. But I think that I have limited myself at times in the past by my kneejerk reaction against utliizing the accumulated wisdom of, say, the Catholic Church or politically conservative intellectuals. Or pilots. Never learned a darn thing from an airplane pilot, and I blame myself.
ReplyDeleteThe trees aren't bad to consult once in a while - you just shouldn't be asking them how to fix your breakfast.
I guess.
Who knows? Don't look at me - I just write this crap.
Depends, Adri -- he could be a Army Ranger trained in hand-to-hand, and it could be your first time holding a gun. Then what?
ReplyDeleteYou don't mean me but I mean me... everyone has one, to an extent. As I said, mine's just a bonsai, as of yet...
ReplyDeleteYou assume the Great Unwashed want to be 'washed'.
ReplyDeleteTo each his own.
Why then, of course, I'd have no choice but to advocate pen control laws. Three-day waiting period and all that jazz...
ReplyDeleteI like to picture myself as one of the great huddled unwashed masses. But up here in my ivory tower, we wash fairly regularly. Or get washed, rather.
ReplyDeleteWe pay people to do that sort of thing...
We'd all be forced to use pencils. No, pencils are dangerous... the world would slip back to the days of slate and chalk! Worldly progression would grind to a halt! O, the humanity!
ReplyDeleteHmm. They wash my body regularly, of course. I don't want them to wash my brain though. I'm not into brain-washing.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing like the earthy feel of chiseling words into rock to make you feel the enormity of the writing process.
ReplyDeleteBut really, I'm a writer and not particularly a weapons expert, but the pen tends to have a great influence cleaning up the details after the gun gets finished. I would say that - ideally - the pen is indeed the better way to go, but the history of civilization (cough, cough) does not bear this out as often as I'd perhaps like to see...
Hey! The restraining order is still in place, buddy...
ReplyDeleteIf there's a sale, I'll buy you one too.
ReplyDeleteA well-trimmed bonzai tree never hurt anyone. There WAS that unfortunate incident involving my Uncle Marty, but he'd been provoking the little shrub for years...
ReplyDeleteI try to avoid falling into ruts in my thinking. I think it is safe to say it is impossible for all practical purposes. I do okay in my attempts, though, at least when it is something that does not threaten my well-being directly and I have time to think through a subject. If someone is walking up to you in a dark alley with a gun or something, you're not going to be re-thinking the laws of cause and effect or anything, though.
Oh c'mon, a couple hot, scantily-clad babes with wash rags and some cold hard cash set loose in a hot tub? You'd let them scrub your cerebrum clean and you know it.
ReplyDeleteYou'd get out of the hot tub an hour later shouting, "'Two and a Half Men' is a fantastic TV show and I defy anyone to try and tell me different!"
It's okay - it happens to even the greats. Bob Dylan is doing Cadillac commercials, for pete's sake.
Perhaps I'll decorate my bonsai tree and I'll send him a picture of it and me for the Christmas holiday. "Get well soon! From Baron and Bonsai."
ReplyDeleteI have my ideals but I can't be bound by them at all times. Some times it is best to take a step back.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of man do you take me for?!?!
ReplyDelete(Where can I sign up?)
How DARE you invoke the name of sweet Cadillacs. BLASPHEMY!
These are the seeds I need to order! I can see the next time I win the Nigerian lottery I shall send a envelope full of genuine stock glugh-glugh seeds as payment for my fortune!!! Wow just think internationla cooperation. I get all that money and share the wealth of the glugh-glugh :D
ReplyDeleteI feel I should warn you - I think this might be a kind of slow alien takeover, attack of the pod people, or something along those lines. In addition, you just don't know when you plant it what kind of tree it might be. You end up with a NASCAR glugh glugh tree or a stamp collecting glugh glugh tree, and what are you gonna do? Who can live with those kind of obsessions?
ReplyDeleteBut you're right - if you're getting offers from Nigerian princes or whatever, you do need money to advance them so that they can make the full wire transfer into your account. Those Nigerians so desperately need us for wire transfers. I can't believe there is not a nonprofit somewhere to help them...
Hmmm... Did not mean to disparage the name of the car. In fact, I thought the associaiton was disparaging the name of Dylan.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, that would have been more of a disparagement because of advertising, not Caddies...
Your Cadillac Glugh Glugh Tree needs watering...
*sigh* I'll go do that now...
ReplyDeleteWhy would I need seeds when I have my faithful Eight-Ball? I hate sheep, love the freethinker in you. Great entry Adri.
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether anyone has ever become a veritable slave to their 8-Ball. You know - unable to make decisions without it. However, that would make a hell of a chracter. It would make a good presidential character - as a candidate, he could hide the 8-ball behind the podium during debates. Later on, he'd have to bring it into the situation room with him...
ReplyDeleteAnyway, thanks for stopping by. No one has taken me to task for getting preachy in this one, so I suppose I got away with it...
Whoa!!! A true Floydaholic!!!! I probably woud like one of those trees of my own bc my decisions seem to be shitty according to well frankly, everyone. But I think I would be too lazy to walk back there everytime I had to decide something and go thru all that effort. So I guess I'll stick with my own brain for the time being although its for lazy reasons.....
ReplyDeleteLaziness is truly what makes the world work!!!
.. you tease, I'm still waiting on mine. Tell Harry I've got some perfectly good cinnamon schnapps going to waste.
ReplyDelete...I did like you up a tree. Back in the Dog days of 360.
ReplyDeleteI climbed a rock wall at my nephew's birthday party this afternoon. THAT you should have seen. I kicked ass, man... Way better than a lousy tree...
ReplyDeleteYou are significantly farther away from me than dear Pi. Although you are scarier.
ReplyDeleteSomeday, I'm going to lay out a perfect slacker's philosophy. I really do believe that slacking could save our world.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I'm just too lazy to write it all down. Who knew?
Absolutely brilliant.
ReplyDeleteBut can you explain to me why the glugh-glugh tree of Flag-Waving Pride and Ranty Superiority seems to spawn the glugh-glugh bush of Objectify Bikini-clad Women? One would think two such combative species would cancel each other out. But they seem to live symbiotically. How can this always be?
(And I'm not judging here. I have, at times in my life, waved a flag, ranted loudly, and worn a bikini.)
No. No, I think there's a point at which this metaphor breaks down, and there are mysteries that even a hastily-written blog cannot solve.
ReplyDeleteHowever, hmm... Two possibilities: 1) Many folks who are the least likely to question traditional institutions like family, nation, or church also hold strictly traditional notions of gender roles, ie women are created to be oggled; or 2) The flag-waving gene exists on the same gene sequence of DNA as the bikini-oggling gene sequence. Someone ought to look into that one...
Wow. I've heard it too. The glugh-glugh I mean.
ReplyDeleteYou've outdone yourself here. Brilliant.
But.. but.. where is the vociferous Mr France? Can he not see the tree for the forest? Will he not delve into the cesspool of wrong-thinking. Are you babbling intellectual irrelevencies to distract us all from your anti-American activities? Have you had non-public communication regarding this posting?
ReplyDeleteThank ya, Redhead! I was aiming for weird with a message.
ReplyDeleteYou know, the funny thing is that I am sort of attacking people who see the world through one set of glasses. Folks fueled by anger. But some of my better statements on my blog were spurred on by anger/sadness/fear of politics and social policy. Who knows?
Like I said up in the comments somewhere, i justw rite this stuff.
Thanks for stopping by!
Alas, I was not trying to start a conversation with him, he was merely the inspiration.
ReplyDeleteI know who has been by and who hasn't, though. We do, after all, have that nifty spy system rigged up in this forum...
Thank ya. Glad to see you around again.
ReplyDeleteAre you still hanging out at 360, or is your page just a little bit sad?
I thought I was the only one who was tired of the liberals being at fault for tooth decay and the right wing conspricy the reason my left shoe lace won't stay tied. Repeating the Sanitarium mantra, we are normal, it is really the rest of the world that is nuts.
ReplyDeleteI am going to give the Burpee's catalog very careful scan to make sure we don't accidently plant any glugh-glugh trees when I actually want a dwarf pear.
Yup. I am able to pass judgment on others because I am so sane and enlightened. But the thing is, it's not even about being crazy- it's about viewing everything in life from a particular bias.
ReplyDeleteI can actually think of ways to blame the left for tooth decay and the right for untied shoes. You just need to get into the proper paranoid mindset.
Dwarf pears prefer to be known as little pears now. The whole dwarf thing is insulting. Don't tick off fruit.
Haven't been around for the stunnigly simple motive of you posting the oldies from ground zero.. Your posts are great the first run through..
ReplyDeleteThe second time I get too philosophical and it's not work safe ... :D
And my page will never be happy.. I hate happy! Optimists are the dumbest race on the 3rd rock from the Sun...
On a serious note I really do not have time to embellish my page... and although I am a software developer, it seems I'm not bright enough to figure out the DOM and come up with a decent CSS for this friggin' multiply site.
Blog on, girly dude ! ;)
Crap - so my 72 MG Miget would now be a MG Small? I am up for my corporate PC retraining in January, apparently not a minute too soon!
ReplyDeleteAren't Texans exempt from all of this? I mention to people (mostly from NYC or worse, Philly) that I live outside Dallas and they get pissed off. Ohhh wait, it is really the tree's fault! I am starting to see the light.
My blogs have been few and far between lately. I think it happens with all blogs. However, I rather hope it's not an indicator that the natural life of my blog has cvome to an end.
ReplyDeleteI just said "blog" several times in a row in this comment, and I've never really considered what an ugly word it is before.
Regardless, I'm not anti-happy. I'm anti-whatever-most-folks-are-happy-about.
*swoon* what more can a guy ask.
ReplyDeletetoo many retorts to that one.. I'll pass.
ReplyDelete..and then attend Law School to polish the rough edges, so as to get paid for exercising the practice, or practicing the exercise?! (as you're the first to admit.)
ReplyDeleteDidn't you learn in your third year about entrapment? And, if it's your habit to automatically file for a "restraining order" every time you get a new roommate, you should have disclosed it when you took in my deposit. I guess there are sneaky underhanded lawyers, then there is you. This also makes me think just how you got rid of your old roommates: you got an easily accessible roof outside your window, you got a dark alley down there within handgun range, ... maybe I should keep my distance, just in case you one day ask me, "let's go for a ride..."
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. And as I said somewhere up in the comments, the ability to be able to think within a discipline, to approach problems from the point of view of a practitioner, can be really really helpful. I mean, I assume that geologists look at a picture of the outdoors and see something very different than what I see.
ReplyDeleteBut that's a far cry from, say, seeing every piece of news from a car crash to cancer rates as proving one's paranoid political ideology.
If it makes you feel better, I could defend attorneys. But I'd really rather not. I just ate.
People hate southeners, for whatever reason. I've known people who believed everyone with a southern accent was stupid.
ReplyDeleteI think it's just that - judging by the fake southern accents I hear in movies - northerners can't do southern accents.
Well, 4 out of our last 5 Presidents were at least arguably southern, and they probably haven't helped to raise our image, either...
I have... let's see... 131 residents here, I can't be expected to personalize everything for you. This information was in the boilerplate language on the back of your contract.
ReplyDeleteI'll have you know I'm very selective about restraining orders. In the past, it's mostly been seagulls, in fact. For better or worse, the seagull was apparently permenently erased after that recent zombie attack...
I was going to ramble on about how Law isn't a science and the goal is frequently other than finding the truth. But it's old news and the wrong blog. Point taken.
ReplyDeleteAdri when I wrote Seduce By came to me. In fact I saw you as her. But with her cove village I took an apocoplyptic approach. When the dark soceror came to me I thought of a wizard who wanted to pass his magic onward. I like the dieing approach with him. Still in my Dark Ruler Red is my curvious redhead. But before she became evil and I sort made her naive of the forest aroound her; I sort of put myself in the dark soceror's shoes. Say I abducted you and I need to pass my magic onward to someone young. It just worked. I hope it was visual too. I figure mind has some Stephen King in it. I was influence by his dark tower series.
ReplyDeleteI am not attacking DELETE in this blog. Really. He might have been the immediate cause of me thinking along these lines to write it, but... I have a couple folks on my friends list here that are far worse offenders than he could ever dream of being.
ReplyDeleteI react badly to hatred, to racism. By anyone. I mean, I can't fathom it. I can understand how people form patterns in their heads and connect that to a group of people - that is natural - but that's not the same as some of what I see online.
I don't know people like this. There's a blog on my contacts list that appears to be dedicated solely to finding stories that cast Muslims in a bad light, in an apparent attempt to get others to heap scorn on. Why someone would spend time out of their day to post stories attacking one group of people day in and day out is beyond me.
I try to extend my thinking - I've submerged myself in Christian thought, libertarian/objectivist crap, all sorts of things that really challenge me. Yet I can still not understand what makes people spend time in their lives to convince others that a group of people are sub-human. I can only react with anger, fear, and sadness in the face of that. In fact, I don't know what other reaction one could have.
Yeah, I can relate to DELETE really not being *that* bad. Although it's a slippery slope. I'm sure the psychological profile(s) of those who strive to inspire hate crimes or excercise hate speech fall along some well worn lines.
ReplyDeleteDELETE sometimes falls in the simplistic almost laughable realm. I think I really annoyed him by claiming he was a hoax and a parody of himself. But, enough is enough. sort of.
When I was an itinerant VP of Sales, I used to stay a week every moth with an old band mate who lived in Indy. Every waking moment while he was home, the TV was fixed on Fox news. Fox news… every single minute…every single day… 6:00 am, 6:00 pm, midnight, always on… fair and balanced (glugh-glugh) … I quickly went insane(er).
ReplyDeletepeople seem to have some unhappy contradictions: while we hate boredom we also insist on being right and will destroy all that disagree with us, which certainly continues to create drama, but eventually ends up in everyone believing the same thing, which leads to boredom. perhaps that's the good and bad of the yin and the yang out of which grow the 1000 things.
ReplyDeleteHaven't read the Dark Tower books, but it was more visual than your past efforts, yessir. Keep it up, keep it up...
ReplyDeleteI can't keep news channels on much anymore. It's not just Fox, although it's most widely noted for its methods. I think news channels get their ratings by highlighting stories geared towards getting people mad. I'm a lawyer, though, and I'm around enough hostile, hyper, and angry people all day. I don't want it when I come home.
ReplyDeleteI am stuck in this head, after all.
"Insane(r)" is a nifty word, by the way...
That could explain a lot: I'm rarely bored but believe absolutely nothing.
ReplyDeleteI cannot watch more than a minute or two either. The tone is very shrill with an incredible amount of LOOK AT ME stunts, by all of them. To spread the love, Nancy Grace has to be the worst interviewer I have ever seen (displacing Bryant Gumble, the most constipated personality on TV, from the top spot.)
ReplyDeleteSeveral months back I wrote a blog on the mean spirited nature of things these days & how the US had lost the notion of "I may disagree with what you are saying, but I will defend your right to say it." I figured it was too academic so never bothered posting.
In fact we've become so convoluted that while intolerance actually increases at home, we send soldiers overseas to kill in the name of Freedom, and then claim that we are doing it to defend the very rights we are letting wither at home. It's gonna be ugly when this karma comes home to roost.
ReplyDeleteWell yes the karma will be bad. I think the Sanitarium needs a storm shelter underneath that protects us from radiation and bombs and other bad stuff. We should definately start stock piling guns, water, drugs, and medication ASAP.
ReplyDeleteCome on! Move it people!!!
PS. This paranoia is not part of my psychosis!!!
yeah, like that was a helpfull distinction.
ReplyDeleteU know gorgous I don't blame u at all for not watching the news channels. Now I like to watch the business news channels like CNBC,FOX BUSINESS & THE BLOOMBERG REPORT. When news gets dry and boring I'll switch over to one of them.
ReplyDeleteU know gorgeous I don't blame u at all.. for anything, ever. *urf*
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty well stocked on drugs and guns.
ReplyDeleteWater. Yeah, that would help, huh? I've prioritized well.
If you have to ask that, then you're too far gone to care, anyway...
ReplyDeleteDon't make me hold you to that.
ReplyDeleteWhere would one go to buy a stone and chisel?
I want a cave painting-making kit
adrisanitarium wrote on Dec 8- "Those Nigerians so desperately need us for wire transfers. I can't believe there is not a nonprofit somewhere to help them..."
ReplyDeleteAfter much deliberation I've decided to forgo the wire transfer, rather I will trade in my lottery winnings on Nigerian lottery stocks and become a distributor myself and perhaps throw in a few glugh-glugh mystery seeds to a few (un) lucky winners...Therefore forward any email addresses of individuals who would like to be entered into the rarely won Nigerian lottery as I have now become an official lotterysian type dude. I even have an account at the official glugh-glugh Nigerian bank now...
Damn. I wish you would have written this blog earlier. You see, just last week I received such a package with some interesting seeds. There was a little misunderstanding...or...oh hell, there wasn't a misunderstanding. I was so jacked up on wine spritzers that I chopped up most of the seeds and snorted them.
ReplyDeleteAfter several hours of no effect I seeped the remaining dust into an interesting little tea (that tasted quite a bit like a pepperminty bile I'll have you know) and alternately sipped and injected the night away until I saw the world, finally, as I've never seen it before. I thank my lucky stars that I made this error. I'm not sure I could have waited for the tree to grow.
The clarity, my clarity, is stunning. The world is so wonderfully crisp with all those silly shades of grey removed. The edges are so sharp! HDTV would turn tail and run before tangling with this reality!
I wish everyone could get a taste or needle full of the seeds/seedjuice I took into my body. But alas, the tree that the seeds were meant to form are merely rolling through the digestive processes in my gut, not even a pre-fetus at this point.
The chances are indeed slim that the seeds have survived my eager punishment upon their tiny hulls, but just in case...just in case...I've been saving up my excretions for the middle of the night dumprun on my apartment lawn. Don't worry, I dig a shallow hole so it isn't like this stuff is just laying around. But then again, you might just want to stay on the sidewalk.
In any case, with luck there shall spring forth a new lovely tree with new lovely seeds that will, in the end, be just perfect and as lovely as it is meant to be.
Perfect for me, perfect for you too.
Just as perfect as I'm sure the next guy thinks his seeds and tree are. He's obviously wrong of course. So sad that he didn't get the right seeds. I seem to be the only lucky one that received the good seeds that provide me with the correct vision of the world and how it should be.
You know. On second thought. Trash the seeds. I've been attending so many potlucks, protests and fundraisers since that experience that I really haven't had the time to blog at all lately.
Damn seeds.
Entirely off topic, the US just "Bali-ed" out on the world... I have a dream.. In which George W. Bush and Wen Jiabao take a stroll on a oil covered beach, holding hands and caressing the dying fauna...
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I'm European and can pretend I'm doing something for the future of the planet..
I knew DELETE on 360, and he was usually respectful to me. Last week, he decided to attribute breast cancer rates to promiscuous liberal women of questionable virtue, and turned on me when I pointed out how silly this was.
ReplyDeleteI simply don't agree with his emphasis on what divides people. There are many, many others on here who have spiteful, blatantly racist blogs in a number and degree I never saw on 360. If Multiply wishes to hold a Klan rally - and in effect, it's what vast sectors of their forum have beocome - that is their business entirely, but I won't be a part of it.
So I am actively looking for an alternate forum that has not been overrun with racists who hurl vicious insults and names at one another unchecked. When I find it (hopefully this week) I shall not be coming back. There are only a few things that really get to me, and this constant racist drumbeat is one of them.
I didn't even know it was that crazy here. You should just keep pissing them off or let me get the ski mask. You shouldnt have to move. Just brainwash all the people at your Sanitarium. Maybe 360 is not dead. I havent checked it lately though. I can send you an invite to Mash. I havent really checked it out that well yet. Just let The Cool People Group know your new online address.....
ReplyDeleteNo, as it turns out, apparently I CANNOT keep pissing them off.
ReplyDeleteTo take a recent example, I was cussed out and threatened on another blog the other day by a user called nedmaverick (, a vile racist who uses offensive, violent, and openly racist language regularly when he's calling users names on other blogs (not so much his own, but everywhere else, apparently).
The other day he tried it with me and then warned me not to cross him, that bad things tend to happen to those who do.
I laughed him off, which sent him into hysterics.
He then reported me to Multiply, who in turn is threatening to terminate my account, apparently for laughing at someone whose language, advocacy of racial and religious violence, and blatant public threats to other users would violate any other forum's terms of service.
They have not responded to my counter-complaint nor my request for some sort of procedural guarantees prior to the termination of my account. But if this is the manner in which Multiply treats the folks who are just here to have fun, they can go burn their damn crosses without me.
Talk about a forum not ready for business... And, hell, have you ever heard me get pissed about anything before? I'm never Ms. Drama Blogger.
Wow. Maybe we are in crazy land. I checked out the page and DAMN. I thought we were the craziest people on the internet. That situation is totally insane. People take their online activities WAYYYYY too seriously. Geez. That is somebody that does not have a real life, and only an internet life. That is somebody who should not own a gun. Total wackness. I dont blame you. Geez.
ReplyDeleteI just read through the comments here, and have a pretty good idea what the problem was and who the perps were; ironically - I didn't get anything controversial out of the Glugh-Glugh tree -- I took it more or less at face-value as a grand tale with a Bradbury-esque 'twist'....
ReplyDeleteWow. I don't blame you for your reaction! Nobody should have to put up with that kind of utter garbage. I just made use of my block key. I will never understand people who thrive so vigorously on hatred.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I could rustle something up from the hardware store...
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun story. I don't know how you do it, but you do it really well. I'm wondering if you have been published? If not, you should be.
ReplyDeleteYes, but writing isn't nearly so much fun when you do it as a job.