In the mysterious world of hypnosis, there’s something known as a trigger word.
Supposedly, it works like this: If I am a hypnotist – and I’m no hypnotist, truth be told – but if I were, and if I had you under hypnosis, and if I wanted you to, say, launch into a rousing rendition of Aretha Franklin’s classic tribute to female independence, “Respect,” sometime in the next week, I could suggest one of these so-called trigger words.
For example, I could say to you, while you were in this hypnotic state, “Okay you, the next time you hear the words ‘Paris Hilton,’ you will launch into a rousing rendition of Aretha Franklin’s classic tribute to female independence, ‘Respect’.”
In this scenario I am relating to you now, “Paris Hilton” would be the trigger word. And if next Thursday, your best friend called you up and said, “Damn! Did you see what that idiot Paris Hilton said today?” then, yep, you guessed it… “R-E-S-P-E-C-T,” my friend.
The thing is, in the land where I live, we have developed our own nationwide trigger word. It is almost as though the government has conducted a farflung psycho-social experiment – and one that costs trillions of dollars, to boot – and hypnotized all of the residents of the land.
Now, ever since this experiment kicked in, every single time someone mutters the trigger word, which is “Iraq ,” we all go apeshit and begin behaving just like chimpanzees injected with a stunningly potent steroid/testosterone cocktail.
If I were ever to be cornered by a large contingent of police officers and/or citizenry after comitting a robbery or other nonviolent crime, I am fairly certain I could merely yell, “Iraq!” and then wait for the ensuing fight to break out as cover for my getaway.
“Iraq ” is not the name of the land where I live. Iraq is something that the rulers of the land where I live decided to invade. Iraq is an eater of children and dollars.
Anyway, now I hope you can understand a little better why it is I am so disappointed that, smack dab in the middle of my chemically delicious Christmas party this past Tuesday, what should appear, but my late boyfriend’s little brother to announce he’s enlisted late in the year. And all of a sudden, there arises such a clatter, my strange friends gather ‘round me to see what is the matter.
And me, I finally ask him, “What does your family say about this, Eddie?” It’s the only thing, on such a spur of such a moment, that I can really think to ask.
Eddie, he looks around at all of the distorted faces looking back at him, and he looks at some subjective hallucinations which have somehow become manifest to us all. Even the fractal elves of hyperspace, which only Harry should be seeing, cease their dancing and perk up their pointy ears in all of the corners of the room to hear here what it is that Eddie has to say.
“Well,” Eddie, he starts slow and then he picks up steam, “my one grandfather [20 years in the Navy, 20 years civil service at an Air Force base] says I am a blazing idiot. The other [Air Force Lieutenant Colonel] grandfather says it is a good way to build discipline, but then asks why I would do this to my dad. Dad says he just kind of assumes all his loved ones are destined to die useless deaths.”
Eddie’s brother died from leukemia in 2001. Eddie’s mother died while SCUBA diving in Beliz in 2007.
And the King of Montrose, he appears to be turning blue next to me. I connect this hue change to his recent inhalation of something rancid out of a makeshift smoking apparatus in my back yard, and not to Eddie’s announcement. But I’m not always good with cause and effect.
Incidentally, the King of Montrose isn’t really the king of the land where I live. The King of Montrose is a dwarf who carries a branch staff and possesses a magic guard dog and cruises the streets of my neighborhood when it’s dark.
The King of Montrose is standing at attention, right in my room, and he’s facing Eddie, stiff as a board. No one is quite sure just why this is, but again, it is presumed to have something to do with all the smoking.
“And what,” I question Eddie further, “do YOU think about it, Eddie?”
Eddie, who has just enlisted in the Army, he looks around the room again. He says, “Well, I think the military is the only chance a working class kid like me ever has to be respected by the rich and powerful in this country.”
Eddie looks down, satisfied with his answer, like he’s just successfully spelled the word “appoggiatura” in a spelling bee.
“Bullshit,” my boyfriend, Greg replies without looking up from my computer.
Where I come from, “bullshit” is a word that everyone knows. Not like “appoggiatura,” which hardly anybody knows at all. “Bullshit” refers to the waste product of a male cow, although it is rarely used in that context at Christmas parties, unless the partygoers are so unlucky as to be engaged in bovine bingo.
“Bovine bingo” is… Oh never mind. I’ll save that topic for another day.
Greg keeps talking. “That’s bullshit you’re talking, man. They have to act like they honor the poor kids dying to support their system. It has to be the holiest of holy sacraments. It must be the ultimate taboo to question the beauty of volunteering to sacrifice yourself in order that the dudes in charge can keep counting their mountains of gold.”
Greg says something like this, anyway. You get the idea.
And Greg types something into the computer and finds a quote by Major General Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine in the history of the country I live in. And Greg tells us that this highly decorated Major General Smedley Butler said this:
“I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. … I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers 1909-12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests. I helped make Honduras ‘right’ for American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. …I was rewarded with honors, medals, promotion. Looking back on it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three city districts. We Marines operated on three continents.”
Everyone in my room falls quiet. Their drugs are all wearing off, thanks mostly to the late damn Major General Smedley Butler.
Just to maintain the proper surrealistic tone, the King of Montrose remains standing at attention, edge of his right hand touching his proportionally much-too-wide dwarfen forehead.
As for your fearless party hostess, I take this as my cue to reach up behind some books on my bookshelf and pull out two enormous cigars. A cigar is a tightly rolled bundle of tobacco leaves which is lit aflame and smoked.
It looks like this:
These particular cigars – the ones I pull out from behind the books, not those in the picture – are contraband in the land where I am from. They are contraband because the leaders of the land where I am from do not like the leaders of the land where these particular tobacco leaves are grown.
So these leaves have been contraband for forty-nine years.
Can you imagine such a thing?
I wrap my arm around the shoulders of Eddie, my late boyfriend’s little brother. “You have made your own decision, and that decision is going to change your life one way or the other. Let’s go out on the roof for a smoke in celebration.”
I’m paraphrasing, of course.
And then, the moment Eddie and I are safely on the ledge of the roof outside my bedroom window, one of my guests yells “Iraq !” and the room erupts into civil war.
Some trigger words work each and every time they are spoken.
You must have paraphrased too much, I don’t see enough juices for a bar fight here that you had advertised. Still, thank you for educating the public with the quote of the general. They don’t teach stuff like that in school any more; oh, did they ever?
ReplyDeleteRoy Rogers had a horse named Trigger .... His name was his trigger and he was adept at making horseshit, but not bullshit. Trigger never went to Iraq but was eventually stuffed like a fat cigar. Trigger's trigger "Trigger" hasn't worked since Roy had him stuffed like a fat cigar. I always wondered what happened to Trigger after that, but now I suspect he's behind some books in Adri's bookcase and eventually she'll get aroung to smoking him .... things like that are always happening in Adri's Universe, strange but true.
ReplyDeleteI had a top secret government clearance in 2003. I saw documents that had GPS coordinates of suspected sites of WMD in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteThat said, while I am neoconservative in my belief in the invasion was correct, I also don't think it should have to cost 3.5trillion, shouldn't see blackwater killing iraqui civilians and running away with cash.
I applaud all who enter military service. My father and several who knew me told me I shouldn't, I did anyway and am a better person for it.
Well, I think that might be a good thing.
ReplyDeleteHad I inserted any statements about how people for or against the war "suck," it probably would have induced the predictable bar fights.
I can try harder next time.
We generally avoid bar fights here at the Sanitarium. Which is just as well, because we take all the sharp objects away from residents upon entry, and what fun is a bar fight without sharp objects?
You just totally blew my mind... This entry is loaded with synchronicities I had not contemplated. Again.
ReplyDelete*dang* Gayle.. that was a smokin' missive!
ReplyDeleteExcellent piece Adri - It rollicks more than Part I ! Especially Harry's fractal elves of hyperspace!
ReplyDeleteEddie's grandfather (the lieutenant colonel) went from a dirt poor swamp kid in Louisiana to a well-to-do manager of a security company thanks to the military. There are all sorts of examples of people who ended up in much better straits than they would have been in had they stayed back at home.
ReplyDeleteAnd somebody needs to do it, especially since I'm not doing it.
And chances are good he won't be killed. There's about a 1 in 3 chance if he gets sent into a war zone, he'll come back with serious mental problems, which is still better odds than if he stuck around and hung out with me...
You know, the first three comments to this blog were as different as three comments could be.
ReplyDeleteAnd the weird part is, no one has attacked Greg yet, although I'm sure that's coming.
Nevertheless, the absurdist responses such as yours are my most favoritest. I likes the brain tickling...
There is always the bar, made from wood boards and steel tubes, and of course the chairs and tables, all pretty good at breaking the heads of the damn shit-lying blood-sucking tax-cheating soldier-killing nations-ruining air-polluting law-breaking Republicans.
ReplyDeleteThere ya go.
ReplyDeleteI knew somebody around here just HAD to know some trigger words!
better straits?
ReplyDeleteThis ended up way longer than I had intended. Still, it has most of my classic components. If it had some mild sexual references, it would have every damn ingredient...
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to dire straits, of course.
ReplyDeleteDire straits will only get you installing microwave ovens, custom kitchen delivery-y-y, we got to move these refigerators, we got to move these color tv's...
According to wikipedia, "A strait is a narrow, navigable channel of water that connects two larger navigable bodies of water."
Who knew I actually chose a real word? It happens sometimes, although just as often, I make words up.
Which is way more fun...
Don't the Dire Straits make fun of Michael Jackson in that song?
ReplyDeleteGreg is right and so are you. The 1 in 3 odds seem crappy to me, but I can drive myself crazy just sitting at home thinking about the forty ways Bush and his goons are screwing us right now.. Nice blog.
Um, doesn't Eddie's reason, as he approximately tells it.. say it all. He isn't going out of Patriotism, Love of Country, or to defend against a threat. He's got a twisted economic class motivated reason. (Which is potentially the motivation for the war anyway...) The irony is thick.
ReplyDeleteBut.. I also give him the benefit of doubt, and that upon further introspection his motivations may become clearer to himself.
I was going to be content to assume a position on top of the china cabinet and watch the fur fly without comment (perhaps shouting IRAQ once in a while if things started quiteing down) until I realized that Greg, indeed, need a good talking to about his attitude.
ReplyDeleteYou are throwing the parties of all Christmas parties (you had fractal elves from hyperspace even!) and Greg is surfing the web? Comments without looking up? As the boyfriend of the hostess, he should have been passing plates of brownies or stuffed mushroom caps.
I do support the troops and appreciate that they go selfless to defend our country. It is a beautiful thing. Those folks who go and protest at funerals are cruel and mean spirited. But, I do think that the people who have orchestrated this war and are helping themselves and their fat cat big business buddies profit from it, are wrong. The soldiers pay the price, and the American economy. It is sad that a tiny percentage of America is profiting from a war that probably will not fix the problems that region continually faces. It seems like a lose lose situation. But, yes some soldiers come out and have many more opportunities than they ever would have had otherwise. The Army can be a good choice for some people. We all could probably benefit from some discipline.
Look on yonder misty mountain
See the young monk meditating rhododendron forest
Over dusty years, I ask you
What's it been like being you ?
Through all levels you've been changing
Getting a little bit better no doubt,
The doctor bit was so far out.
Looking through crystal spectacles,
I can see I had your fun.
Doing us paperback reader
Made the teacher suspicious about insanity,
Fingers always touching girl.
Through all levels you've been changing
Getting a little bit better no doubt,
The doctor bit was so far out.
Looking through all kinds of windows
I can see I had your fun.
Looking through all kinds of windows
I can see I had your fun.
Looking through crystal spectacles
I can see I had your fun.
Looking through crystal spectacles
I can see I had your fun.
Rebelling against society,
Such a tiny speculating whether to be a hip or
Skip along quite merrily.
Through all levels you've been changing
Elevator in the brain hotel
Broken down a-just as well-a
Looking through crystal spectacles,
Ah, I can see I had your fun.
Dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum
Dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum
Dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum
Dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum
Dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum dum
I know there is an Adri connection in this, but I can't say what - nor can I say why it belongs here, but it does ... it's all part of a biger picture and it makes me wish I had a large flat screen television in the back of my head, but I don't. I'm not even certain the back of my head is still back there ... I guess I should look ... it belongs back there. I know, time for me to go back in my box!
Yay! Abby caught a music reference in the comments!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember whether there is a Michael Jackson reference in the lyrics, but it would make sense if there was in the video, at least.
This could be a job for Leah. She seems like a potential 80's expert...
But anyway, I was in San Antonio this past summer, and there is a big military hospital there. Walking around the River Walk, there seemed to be way too many young guys in their 20's missing limbs. Then someone told me about the military hospital.
It seems so easy for everyone to act like they are experts on the war because they read a couple articles or books and then go online and yell and scream about how correct they are. But that's the real deal, you know? We're going to have these potent reminders of Iraq around for a long, long time...
I think there are some people who go for reasons of patriotism. But I'm not sure how many even of the WW2 generation went strictly for that.
ReplyDeleteIf patriotism were the only motivator, they wouldn't have to be paying out the big signing bonuses. You're patriotic for a price?
Still, I would hope that most kids wouldn't sign up for the other side if, say al Qaeda started in with larger signing bonuses. I don't think we're dealing with mercenaries. That's Blackwater territory. I therefore believe patriotism plays a part in going into the military.
Worse comes to worse, he's got a front row seat to the Apocalypse...
Good point! Damn it!
ReplyDeleteHe was originally on the computer in order to play us subsonic sounds, and it turned into... surfing the web.
That having been said, he was the second most sober person there throughout the evening. Second only to myself.
What kind of man is it who doesn't even look up to notice fractal elves of hyperspace?
Regardless of what the mushrooms or brownies were stuffed with, one can assume there was going to be a munchie crisis sometime that evening.
ReplyDeleteDidn't the Fractal Elves open for David Bowie at MSG?
Having spent most of the evening resisting the temptation to break into the sacramental Single Malt, I applaude your choice to be the most sober person in the room. Lastly, either I need to up my meds to the point whereI don't care or I really need to start proof reading my entries before submitting.
Its too quiet and calm here....isnt this a sanitarium?
ReplyDelete<---runs thru the room Yelling IRAQ IRAQ IRAQ!! just to see if anyones awake after all that dipping into the magic box.
i was sure you made up the name smedley butler just for the story till i just googled him. the general's nicknames are worth noting. he was known as The Fighting Quaker, a fine oxymoron. i believe richard nixon was also a quaker of this ilk. Gen. Butler was also known as Old Gimlet Eye. i'm sure there's a story there, and i'd love to hear it. if you should find how he got that nickname, could you include it in the bovine bingo blog? i'd appreciate it.
ReplyDeletei know it's usually my job to be the one attacking greg, i just can't work up the necessary ire at the moment. maybe you could just wag your finger at him for me and give him the 'there's a time and a place for everything, and my party is not the place.......blah blah blah.' speech.
are you having a new year's eve party? when can we expect that blog?
I have garnered actual opinions on the war in this blog. Finally, the topic I have avoided like the plague prior to now has come home to this gentle Sanitarium...
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, the funeral protesters are not actually your typical peacenik war protester types, but rather weirdo "God Hates Fags" people from a tiny church in Kansas. When I say small, I mean it's mostly just the pastor and his family.
But I can think of few things that set off the screaming and bickering any more than when the suggestion began to be made that somehow, if you opposed American military action overseas, then you wanted troops to die.
I'm going to stop before I begin quoting old Merle Haggard lyrics as examples of the mindset...
Donavon lyrics! Man, I have a hippie contingent floating around in here.
ReplyDeleteI'm on a big psychedelic music kick right now. Haven't gotten to Donovan yet. Nevertheless, there are colors...
Proofreading iis overrratramated.
ReplyDeleteI know, what does it mean when I hit the Iraq topic and there's still an echo?
ReplyDeleteThe only time I've had any screaming lately is when I threatened to leave.
I can hardly even be said to be Multiplying...
Why am I very agitated after reading this?! At least I didn't hear the trigger phrase, "US interests in the region" so what is it? Contemplating...Contemplating... To many other trigger words for me Adri.. not that that is a bad thing, it's just got me stupified at the moment, yikes! all this dumb bullshit going on
ReplyDeleteOh no. That brings up horrible memories from high school. Except we were the Fighting Amish. We still beat the crap out of the Fighting Taoists on the football field.
ReplyDeleteThe night games sucked, though, there of course being no electricity allowed...
But yes, the main difference between Greg and me is that I have a filter for my mouth, and he doesn't really take context and environment into consideration before he speaks. The New Year's party will be smaller, I suspect, so there will be less opportunity for this kind of thing. I never know - I hope something happens that is worth writing about...
There is a reputed Chinese proverb that reads, "May you live in interesting times."
ReplyDeleteIt's actually supposed to be a curse. I never understood how it could be a curse until recently. I'll be damned, but it IS a curse!
I generally steer clear of politics in my blog, unless it's something just absurd like the Tony Snow piece. And even with this one, it's probably too lengthy and subtle to get people really going.
Besides, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up and realize the last 6 years have all been a dream...
Well sitting here stupefied and reading what I wrote I wondered how I could be bothered about too many triggers at once if I'd never been hypnotized... or had I ?
ReplyDeleteThank you for coming clean on that Adri, and please snap your fingers any time (meaning ASAP) **wondering now how and where I met you 6 years ago**
Lovely writing btw if you don't mind the part about being enraged to the point of melancholy.
Joining the army for the respect of republicans, makes me (I was going to say "gag" "puke" "sick" but maybe this is it) mentally defeated to think things have gotten to a point where people are making decisions with this kind of reasoning. I've heard some reasoning but that's a new one. Cripes, the Democrates will be running things when he gets out anyway so what's the good of doing anything based on it's impression to a republican.
Joining the military to better oneself is all well and good but does anybody else think this is extreme. I get the feeling people are good with that, "Oh to better yourself oh well in that case have at it," WTF! How is it a country can suck so bad that for someone to get ahead they need to enlist, put their life on the line, possibly end up killing other people, and risk that 1 out of 3 headcase problem? Isn't that the same reason with a twist to it that punks join gangs in the ghetto (they don't have to relocate after enlisting though).
I think that this blog veered off of its intended path. Young people joining the military and the reason that we are currently at war are two very different subjects. Joining the military during a time of war requires more motivation even though they all go in understanding that war can happen at any time. I think that a lot of us feel differently for the people in the military because of our political beliefs and thoughts on the reason that we are at war in the first place. Go USA, just with reason, there are a lot more things that we could be investing all that money in: (for example: affordable health care for the 60 million people that do not have any, 40 million work full time; education, medical/technological/scientific research) But I guess it could be worse, we could spend it building a big ass moat to keep out all the Mexicans and Salvadorians.
ReplyDeleteAlso, no offense to anyone (I do not use this word) but I did find the Michael Jackson reference within the song:
See the little f*gg*t with the earring and the makeup
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little f*gg*t got his own jet airplane
That little f*gg*t he's a millionaire
Hope I am not banned for life from the Sanitarium. :)
*sigh* Reality at Christmas time... whata downer. Ok, I'll play along. It aggravates me that these men believe this is their way to respect and power. I can honestly say that I missed that angle and I thank Eddie for opening my eyes to many questions. Is this the governments "Get Rich Quick Scheme"? Are Amway & the US Government in cahoots?
ReplyDeleteI hope that Eddie has thoroughly considered this and understands that there is a difference between being respected and being patronized.
Great blog Adri, thank you sincerely for the reality trip.
I always thought they were referring to Boy George, who was also popular at that time. If the glove fits... the King of Pop also works.
ReplyDeleteWhen you get to Donovan be sure to listen to Lalena, one of my all time favorites ... a Donovan song that never got the due it deserved. Also, I am a psychedellic music knowledge data base if you ever feel the need to find the pyschedellic core, let me know! Lastly, there is an album by Shawn Phillips called Collaberation from 70-71 that is quite awesome and worth a listen. Shawn was a musician's musician and taught Donovan and George Harrison to play Sitar. I have 3 copies of the CD and would be happy to send you one if you can't find it ( have 4 copies of the scatched album ... it really was that good). .... happy listening!
ReplyDeleteThe military does have a better health care plan.
ReplyDeleteBetter rides, too. Russia is probably the only place street gangs have taken to the air using military hardware.
I should probably mention WW2, as well.
Anyway, you're right - since we didn't meet, if you've been hypnotized, it would have had to be through other means. Let's think through the possibilities.... Do you ever stare into a big electronic box that delivers messages from corporations or the government? Because if you had such a device, that would be a good way for the coporations or the government to brainwash you, I would think. Just thinking out loud here...
That could be about practically any of the big 80's acts. Haha... Really, though, I don't remember who I connected it with when I used to hear it. Next time I hear it, I'll see what mental image comes bubbling up.
ReplyDeleteThe song, as I remember was supposed to be from the point of view of some blue collar manual labor guys. When I think of that "type," I always think of an old boyfriend of mine's father. And HE hated... let's see... Prince and Duran Duran.
But anyway, playing off what Beeg said in response to you, isn't it sad that, in retrospect now, Michael Jackson seems weirder than Boy George?
The Presidential race in November is VERY likely going to be between two people who were never in the military. They're leadership class, not the ones who go out and get shot up.
ReplyDeleteI'm avoiding generalizations, though, because I really believe that, for instance, the WW2 military guys changed this nation in bulk - they created the country we think of as America, by sheer numbers and by actions.
Sometime today, the folks on my list who served in the military are going to descend on this blog and make some corrections for us. Of course, I said the same thing when I hit the religious topics, and it doesn't usually happen with much contention. But I want some balance.
Thanks for stopping by again, and Happy New Year!
I'll get to him, because my current kick is kind of.... psychedelic folks. And I hear that Donovan is a lot more than, you know, "Mellow Yellow."
ReplyDeleteI've been listening to Floyd's first (very psychedelic) "Piper at the Gates of Dawn." I first bought the album when I was... 12(?) and I hated it. Just awful. Then someone bought me the mono version for Christmas, and it is great! Just amazing. I think the bad, quasi-tranfer to stereo is what I had always hated about it. They screwed up everything about the album in trying to make it stereo.
Anyway, the search for the perfect sound continues...
Ammun Duul II is the Ultimate German pyschedellic space voyage from back then if you are looking for synthesized space music ... warning: if you are no wasted when you listen to it you won't deal with it well .... but then, you might like it. Atomic Rooster and Tucky Buzzard are English and more listenable .... I have boxes and boxes of this stuff .... you'd think I did a fair amount of drugs back then ... frankly, I don't remember! (lol ...hmmmm, ok, I do) .... Pink Floyd's "More" soundtrack is worth a listen if you run across it!
ReplyDeleteTorrent can balance a ball on the end of his nose and clap his hands at the same time but that's as close to balanced as he gets ... you gotta love him!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry.. but that just sent me into hysterical maniacal laughter :^))
ReplyDeleteThe russian gangs have taken to the air using military hardware?! Way cool! Oh wait are you just refering to their government and military aren't you, duh ooops.
I have one of those said boxes, but I only watch broadcast news on it, ya think that might have something to do with it?! Just kiddin' ... but I do have many trees in my apartment though they make a strange gulping noise when applying the metallic fertilizer orbs. And another seems to sprout every time a show on that-there big electronic box goes to commercial, it's delightful, it's delicious, it's de-lovely (it's deranged, hehe).
My psychedelic discovery of the year was a psych-folk outfit called The Incredible String Band. They released a few mysticky-type hippie albums between 1967 and 1970 before becoming Scientologists (I swear) and ceasing recording as a group, basically.
ReplyDeleteIf you look up "hippie music" in the dictionary, I'm pretty sure there would be a picture of them next to it.
Their producer was Joe Boyd, who produced Nick Drake, Vashti Bunyan, very early Floyd, and Fairport Convention, among others.
Homegrown: has anyone ever told you that you kind of look like the male detective on Law & Order SVU? That is a complement. :)
ReplyDeleteGayle: Torrent has many odd talents...
Beeg: My mom says you are right, Boy George. Dad says the King of Pop. Toss up.
don't believe everything you read ... believe what you hear ... Those bands are fringe .....
ReplyDeleteI like fringe. I kind of start with fringe and move in, until I start to recognize things and get bored.
ReplyDeleteI use to have a lot of people say David Letterman, but that was a decade ago and I probably am too old now to look like him, lol. Someone told me I looked like Mike Rowe of Dirty Jobs.
ReplyDeleteHaven't ever heard that about the male detective on Law & Order SVU. I'm not sure about who the cast is or which guy. I'll just thank you now without knowing though.. appreciate you saying that, thank you! ;^)
We share that trait, and it's part of what makes The Sanitarium special for me.
ReplyDeleteHey Adri ... It's A Beautiful Day's first album "It's A beautiful Day" is the best of the fringe ... Wikipedia it ... the signature song is White Bird ... David and Linda LaFlamme ... good hippy Mormon stock from SLC ... I know you'd like it ... much better than Incredible String Band but similar ... Curved Aire is another .... both loaded with electric violin ... you can find some video of both on YouTube.
ReplyDeleteposted a couple songs for you in my blog
ReplyDeleteAbby, I hope you meant Christopher Melroni, lol. These are the closest two pics I could match up. Maybe a little, about the same hairline, watdayathink?! lol
ReplyDeleteNot fluffing.... but a better hairline on you for sure. LOL...
ReplyDeleteWow Homegrown. U do look like that dude. But your hairline is way nicer. Abby. Your dad looks like David Letterman. I have always thought that. And he has the same dry wit.
ReplyDeleteAdri I think you did the right thing by supporting his choice. That is all you can do at this point. Its too late to make him feel bad about it. And we should always support our military and troops even though Bush is a moron. Christmas at your house sounds like fun. I wish I was there instead of opening presents of socks with my crazy grandmother. I did make sure to take my meds prior to the visit though.....
Well the one positive note in “Eddie’s” story is that at least he is doing it, to some degree, with his own interests in mind. To serve ones country is honorable, to serve at the pleasure of a madman is not.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has their own triggers, and I find it ludicrously hilarious that a tiny Caribbean nation can be subject to such harshness by successive American governments and still manage to survive. You’d almost think it was personal. The good side to this of course, is that we non Americans can go on holiday and not be subjected to any American touristas during our stay. Viva la revolucion!
Good God! You are right again! That is really, really sad.
ReplyDeleteHomegrown: You do look more like Mike Rowe than Christopher Melroni. Actually I meant Ice T, but Melroni is a better fit. :) Hell, Leah may have a point, you do favor my Dad...
ReplyDeleteLeah: Your Dad looks like an angry conservative a-hole. :) No offense or anything.
I was thinking the exact same thing today at lunch. However, I will always yield the right of first response, in this case to BadDog. The only addendum is in the US culture, serving your country is always honorable, regardless of administration. In many other countries, everybody serves their in the military. It is their culture and an expected obligation from youth.
ReplyDeleteThat is true, some places there is no option.
ReplyDeleteThanks Adri and Abby, now I am overthinking 80's culture... We can add Freddy Mercury from Queen and the boys from Wham! to the list of fellows with earrings, make-up and jet airplanes... Although I am still sticking with Boy George
ReplyDeleteEddie has clearly been through more than his share of rough times, and he made a tough choice, and I think he's pretty lucky to have you around to talk to about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm especially glad you chose to celebrate with him using the contraband leaves. It seems perfectly fitting somehow.
Those trigger words are crazy. I think we live in a world full of trigger words, and that is the perfect description. "Terrorist" is another one. As soon as people hear it, their eyes seem to glaze over; they abandon all logic, reason, and compassion; and they repeat the mantra that torture is ok, without ever asking another question -- like how exactly do we know that those people are terrorists without any court proceedings?
How did we get here?
It sounds to me as if Eddie deserves a break, and I hope all goes well for him. I think, regardless of what anybody thinks of this war, he made a difficult choice, and he did it for the right reasons for him. I respect his choice, and my very best wishes to him.
Another captivating blog, with your usual incredible flair for writing. Thanks for this.
Beeg: You are so right, the possibilities are endless...
ReplyDeleteHomegrown: Found a picture of Ice-T yet? :)
Yeah, well, the Russian government is notable for certain mob-like characteristics.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, back in the early 90s when the Soviets fell, street gangs in the former Soviet republics were using surface-to-air missiles against each other in the streets. Which is kind of scary, in light of their nuclear arsenal and all.
Pop art, dividing us yet again...
ReplyDeleteYikes. Your sheet or whatever is the same color as his shirt, so it sort of looks as though the two of you are curled up together. Which, really, is your business...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Gayle! I will check it out. I use Youtube sparingly with old music, because a lot of those bands look more dated than they sound.
ReplyDeleteI never would have bought a Moody Blues album had I checked them out on Youtube first...
Soome days, I wish I had me one of them families.
ReplyDeleteIf nothing else, I could sure use some socks...
Have you ever read about our attemptes at assasination and overthrow?
ReplyDeleteSupposedly, we've tried a) the exploding cigar thing (I'm glad the CIA fired the Coyote after that) and b) some plot that would have made Castro's beard hair fall out.
I mean, IN THEORY, the guy does have to die someday, right?
Good point. It IS a volunteer military.
Ah, George Michael.
ReplyDeleteOf course.
So many singers from the 80's fitting this description, it's a wonder we're not all androgenous...
Great point, red. I think there are always a really sleazy class of people that we think should fall through the cracks of what we as a antion have guaranteed to people.
ReplyDeleteCommunists. Child predators. Terrorists. Really bad dudes.
But we have to be careful with dfinitions, like you said. And these holes in our process tend to expand to swallow everyone up.
Anyway, I'm hopeful that he'll look back on this decision as a great one...
That's funny - I was going to try and convince him you meant Ice-T, too.
ReplyDeleteCommunist! I heard my trigger word. Off to the underground bunker. Don't forget the beenie weenies!!!
ReplyDeleteWe are so ready here in East Texas...
ReplyDeleteOUr fearless leader doesn't wear a military uniform like the fearless leaders of so many other nations. Well, he sometimes wears a flight suit on planes that don't require that kind of flight suit...
ReplyDeleteSeriously, if you are leader of a nation and you feel it necessary to wear a military uniform all the time, you are a crazy dictator.
I think Jeff Foxworthy could do a bit, "You might be a crazed military dictator IF"... He's needed a new bit for a while now...
Bush could work for any of the Blue Collar guy's acts.
ReplyDeleteHere's your sign.
They call me "Tater for brains Bush"
Bush the Destruction Inspector
That and the court order dictating that you stay for 3 more years or until your doctors give you a clean bill of mental health...
ReplyDeleteI don't now if they're more trigger words or some phonetic rorschach test, telling more about you by your level of agitation than they say about the subject at hand. Regardless of your particular opinion regarding any of the various subjects at hand (Iraq, Al Queda, War, Bush, Clinton, Conservative Assholes, Liberal Dumb-fucks, or whatever...) it's a good thing that we're still talking, even if it's just to call each other names.
ReplyDeleteAs was posted in a previous comment, Eddie enlisted on his own free will, no one told him he had to join. That is what freedom is all about and respecting the rights and views of others. That is what makes North America the best continent in the world to live in.
ReplyDeleteHow could anybody take offense from being called an angry, conservative a-hole?
ReplyDeleteYou're right. I suppose.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wonder.
But I'm so bored of people who a) memorize what they hear one side or the other spout on the corporate media and then b) somehow think themselves an expert once they are in one or the other mindset, I could scream.
Tonight on CNN, it wasn't enough that they had a "left" and "right" speaker, they had them in little windows, and labeled.
Life sometimes has only one answer or point of view that's legit. Sometimes it has 4.
OK, I'm done ranting. I'm thinking I might be done with armchair politics for a while. It's time for me to either go back out and DO something or just shut up about it all.
Absolutely. And I respect his decision, although of course I'll worry about him.
ReplyDeleteHe should do it because he wants to and thinks it will improve him, and there's a damn good chance that it will.
A less GOOD reason is because he thinks he's saving democracy here at home or because he thinks it will make the people in charge of the country honor him, because it probably won't.
That havinig been said, I wouldn't pass the "BEST" tag to the entire continent. I'd rather live in Scandanavia than Northern Mexico... I think, anyway... Ha.
Fuck, I forgot about that. Damn lawyer.
ReplyDeleteIt's okay. I know you forget things since we had the metal plate installed in your head.
ReplyDeleteI've just been having this same conversation/monlogue over at the page of Sharia Vigilant, including my musings on the colorful "Masterful Forces" apellation for our US military. Do join us, trigger phrases abound. On second thought, nevermind.. we're past the fringe.. or not.. it's always hard to tell.
ReplyDeleteHaha... Yeah, Sharia Vigilent and I had some choice words yesterday. He/she/it railed against me until I won the argument, at which he/she/it decided I had misunderstood the opposing argument from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteI'm about done arguing in other's blogs. I can slice up my arms if I want voluntary pain...
OK, so northern mexico is out and I totally agree with you on that one, as for the government honoring the men and women who protect our countries, well, both our countries have a storied history on that subject and neither are any good. Canada has yet to honor it's servicemen from the Korean War because to our government it was a UN police action and not a war, therefor there are no benefits to the veterans. The list goes on and on on both sides of the border but I still believe in democracy and I will support and pray for those who choose to serve our countries as those who supported and prayed for me when I served.
ReplyDeleteNo shit.
ReplyDeleteThey are more like Sanitarium residents, but just don't know it yet...
ReplyDeleteAbby is a fucking communist. And a self professed one. She has been one since high school. I've heard her argue about it since she was 15 and arguing with the teachers and other people. And my meathead ex brother in law. I am a Capitalist Pig.
ReplyDeleteI was about to make the same observation. I was not inviting you in particular to come participate. You've done your penance.
ReplyDeleteAbby!!! too funny ;P lol :^))
ReplyDeleteMonica Lewinsky needs those cigars back...
ReplyDeleteAdri I tried to disguise the pic but you're too clever, you've seen through the sheets (or sleeping bag, whatever it was) Yes, me and Chris curled up together. It was strictly business though, making a movie you know, so it doesn't count, never happened. And besides are we talking about Meloni or Melroni?!
ReplyDeleteYup. I have issues.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, I shot a domesticated housecat tonight.
In self-defense.
Just wait for the blog. Wait for the blog...
Did Canada send people over there under the Candaian flag?
ReplyDeleteThat's a wild story. I've never heard about that.
There needs to be health/mental/long-term care available to people when they've been in a war, regardless of whose flag it was, anyway.
There's a trigger word I wasn't thinking about.
Ok can't wait for you to try and explain away that one Adri, for goodness sakes it was a domesti-cat. So you were defending yourself against being domesti-cat-ed?! Cripes, it better be ok!
ReplyDeleteNo, it's not okay. Well, I mean, he is beyond pain now.
ReplyDeleteSorry I hope you're OK {{{hugs}}}
ReplyDeleteHey Adri, I think there is a job opening for ya at the San Fransisco zoo......
ReplyDeleteWhere were we hmmm I think we were discusing trigger words?!
ReplyDeleteabortion yeah that's one, abortion vs immaculate conception
ReplyDeleteyeah pitting them against each other really helps stir it up
ReplyDeleteShe was the one with the gun after all
ReplyDeleteYa think those were cubans? Could have been. Don't remember anyone asking about that. Wouldn't that have made a big story, if that came out that Clinton had Monica sucking on illegal cubans.
ReplyDeleteThe secret is out. I am a socialist, LEAH. There is a difference. Communism supposedly can never work, socialism in small groups can. Ok, maybe I am half communist and half socialist. At least my voter registration card does not have Republican stamped on it after I vote in the primaries. There are worse things...
ReplyDeleteIt would have been added to the impeachment charges, no doubt.
ReplyDeleteHey, leave me alone.
ReplyDeleteI'm turning into a cartoon character...
Socialism HAS in fact act least FUNCTIONED in many industrial nations in parts of the economy.
ReplyDeleteI don't think a communism anything like real communism has ever been tried.
"Cut and run."
ReplyDelete"Welfare queen."
"Racial quotas."
Wow, we keep coming up with these words, I might create the most nauseating blog ever.
Modern definition of the right-wing propaganda:
ReplyDelete9-11: “you should be scared senseless and defecating in your pants right now, and again, so that you can’t understand or have the ability to stop me from doing what I wanted to do ever since taking power: screw the world over so that I will go to my heaven, my family hedge funds will own all of your sorry asses, and all my right wing righteous buddies will sing praises for me in heaven and drowning out the angels’ tally of my murderous sins.”
Support the troop: “Instead of talking about how I have fucked up and still refused to recant and remediate a shitty, unjustified, and incompetent invasion of another sovereign nation, I am going to hold 150,000 of your sons and daughters HOSTAGE in Iraq, until you give me all the money the Treasury can borrow from my family hedge funds and my right wing righteous buddies’ family hedge funds at 8% annual compounded interest that will be paid by all your and your children and grandchildren’s sorry asses. Now, pay me the God Damn fucking ransom! After all, you made me the President, you shit-heads.”
Should I spell out the rest?
So, um, is that a "no" on supporting the President's mission in Iraq, Pi?
ReplyDeleteYou can't leave any ambiguity with these things, you know. Gotta tell us how you feel...
oh please.. you just plagarised the morning news from National Public Radio. With Gayle workin' on the cadence a bit this could really be sub-prime.
ReplyDeleteI say we leave him and his 150,000 idiots there until they rot. If any of these 150,000 idiots had a brain and sense of compassion for other human beings they would have all deserted and objected to going over there. They volunteered to protect this country, not to go kill innocent people who had nothing to do with 9-11. If their millions of family members have a brain they would have forced their congressmen to impeach this lying cheating and constitution-breaking monkey ass. If the monkey ass has a brain, he would have moved these 150,000 best trained soldiers on earth back to Afghanistan and into Pakistan, drive Bin Ladin into Iran, and then watch the Iranians eat him alive. Remember, Bin Ladin is a Saudi Sunni and Iranians are all Shiites. This is what you get by having an idiot monkey ass as your President, he is simply dumb. I feel sorry for the guy, poor George!!!
ReplyDeleteBut I tend to be too optimistic about people and things, which you know.
At the present rate, this blog will still be getting comments in 2009! It would boggle my mind if I had one ... the other thing about this blog is I keep getting an strange feeling I need to move to Canada before they reimpose the draft and it's quite unsettling!
ReplyDeleteAdri .... happy brain tickles in the new years! In fact, happy everything to you! You are a special individual and I am very glad our paths crossed! The best to Greg too! Happy New Years ... have fun and be safe!
Adri: You are right, true communism has not been truly attempted. And the same old argument comes up. Some people just do not have it in their nature to share. Cue the crybabies about those who get handouts. There are not supposed to be many handouts in communism, because everyone is supposed to pitch in. I gather berries, you kill the hog, Leah grows the herbs, Torrent makes the lean-tos, Beeg makes weapons, Homegrown does theater, Gayle finds water, JR does whatever Leah tells him to, and so on and so on...
ReplyDeleteSomwetimes no one pays attention, sometimes everyone piles on. I will never pretend to understand it. Well, except for "Cocksucker Blues" when I posted it over at 360. That time it could have been predicted.
ReplyDeleteI think we're both probably safe. The chance of a draft are unlikely, and if they start it up and get to us, something has gone horribly, horribly awry.
I like the part where we get to vote someone out at the end of each week.
ReplyDeleteOh, and the part where everyone has access to medicine, too...
I'de be happy to serve in your tank anytime.
ReplyDeleteOk, Adri doses out the meds.
ReplyDeleteTorrent: Lol
"Gayle finds water" truth be known, my forte is gathering nuts (grin)
ReplyDeleteNuts it is. You will definitely be there with all of us!
ReplyDeleteOur commune is coming together nicely...
ReplyDelete"Perfect" said the blind man feeling his image in the mirror
ReplyDeleteThinking to himself that the darkness was awfully bright, he donned a pair of sunglasses just in time to not see the full moon that was hidden by the cloudy night
Meanwhile, a deaf person down the street was lecturing a mime for being too loud and disturbing the continuity of those things that he could never hear even if he wasn't deaf
A short distance away a drunkard had been drooling, as drunks do from time to time, causing flash flooding in the 100 year flood plain where the lady without any legs had been jogging
The men without arms saw the lady without legs slip and fall and began laughing in an uncontrollable manner, but kept stealing hubcaps and motorboat props nonetheless
Simutaneously, the PopeMobile appeared at the top of the street, being driven by a white robed man that had been nailed upside down to a cross made of cotten candy
Nuns dressed like mice nibbled at the cotton candy as priests that had gone without for too long nibbled at them .... children sold wine and crackers on the roadside as the procession passed.
Next to the children, Jehovah's Witness were selling Pope On a Rope Soap and plastic dashboard Jesus replicas and speaking in tongues ....
Karl Marx was there passing out illustrated edible versions of The Communist Manifesto as Abby watched and reconsidered her place in the commune.
Painted Torrent was there and his hands had been replaced by cell phones
The Princess was there exposing herself to a procession of men rolling joints
Greg was there wondering how he had gotten there and promising to himself to never follow a rabbit down a hole again, that is if survived
Adri was laughing, actually it was more like cackling .... as she sat on her roof continuing to smoke what had once been the northern tip of Belize ....
Gayle watched it all unfold and thought to herself .... "how fucking absurd" ... "something like this could only happen on Adri's blog .....
but then, the night was still young .......
A crazy commune, what a novel concept.
ReplyDeleteWell technically she wasn't (ahem) "sucking" on them.
ReplyDelete"Did Canada send people over there under the Candaian flag?"
ReplyDeleteYes they did.
"Vote someone out every week" too funny! lol
ReplyDeleteAdri needs to be our lawyer too, and advise on how to get us tax exemption.
But Actually:
Tax the fucking churches I say, separation of Church and state doesn't mean you give them special status! That's what the government isn't suppose to do! Treat 'em like very other money grubbing enterprise, Christ! Everyone is a Church unto themselves, so where's our special tax free status?! Bastards! You can't give anyone any special considerations, it just sets us up for being taken advantage of. I know it seems harsh, but it's best for everyone in the long run. You want to feed the wild animals but don't do it, not prudent!
No there aren't any communes anymore because they all got themselves incorporated as eastern religion cults with gazillion dollar churches with gazillions of acres of tax free land.
Everyone taking a free ride and nobody accountable for anything. It doesn't holdup, all the hippies in San Fransisco in the 60's had to go home and get jobs.
Look at France, they are the biggest freaking commune in the world. You want to live like that?!
btw... Pi, awesome comments!
Well, I AM in Texas, where it's all communes and fun and games 'til Janet Reno shows up...
ReplyDeleteAnd so goes another year...
ReplyDeleteThat kind of thing always makes me wonder how much is just bureaucratic idiocy and how much is antipathy towards the military. Man...
ReplyDeleteit is the way ... It would be a disappointment if it were otherwise. I like it when my mind smiles and I have to admit to a certain addiction to that feeling ... thanks!
ReplyDeleteI did once have an edible version of On The Road...
ReplyDeleteWith the possible exception of all those nuclear power plants.. yeah.. I wanna live like that!
ReplyDeleteRemember that the women over there don't shave their pits Torrent? :) I am sure as long as there are women ready and willing to talk dirty on the phone, you will be just fine.
ReplyDeletegosh Abby! ... you have discovered Torrent's essence .... LOL! The hairy pits are disgusting!
ReplyDeleteNice one.
ReplyDeleteForget "On the Road" - I want an edible version of "Naked Lunch."
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I have completely lost track of the different trails of conversation, and have no idea what your comment means, anyway.
It does make me wonder what different well-known novels would taste like...
Everyone here at the Sanitarium shall have a good year in 2008.
ReplyDeleteFree Enlightenment for everyone!
I ate lunch naked once ... it was great, until I spilled hot soup!
ReplyDeleteOuch. I once ate lunch while everybody else was naked. But, I was at one of Leah's crazy parties and everyone was doing crazy stuff...
ReplyDeleteOnce played Strip Paper/Rock/Scissors.
ReplyDeleteProbably should not admit that, huh?
Or at the very least, I should save it for a future blog.
I can swear that I have heard about this one, too.
ReplyDeleteHey, I think the righteously evil right-wing crowd that tend to attack you on their blogs are a bunch of scared pee-less pussies who are incapable to face even your mildest challenge to the right-wing philosophy and selfish greed through modern history. Some of the smart ones, like Chief, probably knows that deep down they are wrong on many things, just like why Cheney has no comment about his daughter being gay, or why Teddy Roosevelt, one of the most celebrated Republican president in history, turned out to enact the most liberal and socially conscious policies of his time.
Hey Adri! Would you please throw another blog together real quick .... this rightest/leftest/centrist black hole we are spinning in is making me dizzy! As I write, I am certain Castro is planning a Bay Of Pigs Pizza Conspiracy that has the potential to elimate Pizzas with Canadian Bacon forever ... I'm not sure I could deal with that! How about something lighter .... maybe a law that mandates all mini skirts be made from mini-blinds or something??
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether people feel their entire political philosophy is wrong or not. But I do believe people know some OTHER things deep down.
ReplyDeleteMost religion - and keep in mind that I CAN'T believe anything - it seems to me is whistling in the dark. I think folks know the truth but it's too tough and too taboo to acknowledge it. I think that people know the political system is broken and rigged but do not want to acknowledge it.
You know, people have vested interests, and seeing the truth causes the whole cognitive dissonance thing.
Yeah Adri. This blog is getting nutty, probably because I am responding so much. :) What did you think about my Barbie blog? :)
ReplyDeleteThere was an observational piece in the Sunday NYT about how the dial-tone is likely to become a relic. And the poignent observation that it is like the voice of God. Always ready to listen, indicating that the connection is ready to be initiated, and all so personal... cupped in that little earpiece, just for you.
ReplyDeleteAbby - Hairy pits!? Now there's the end of the world. Next your going to tell me that vaginal hair is the work of the devil and all women should shave and look like they are 7 years old for intercourse. Y'all are so quaint.
What makes you think a Blog has ever effected the Comment section here at The Sanitarium?
ReplyDeleteIt’s like why I applaud Eddie for choosing to face death and still deciding to go, while many people here just want to talk about sex, drugs, and rock’n roll. Do we ever think about why the rich and powerful have allowed these things for decades – in fact centuries and millenniums – while they had gone ballistic the first moment their power was challenged by outsiders like the Russians, Koreans, Vietnamese, or the Iraqis?
Sex, drugs, and rock’n roll, along with all forms of religion, distract and incapacitate the masses, and reduce their threat to the rich and powerful. But the Russians or the Iraqis, while they never had a vote in the American elections, could and did immediately challenge the personal and collective interests of the American upper class. Kings always fought against other Kings, but it’s the damn idiotic serfs who paid the price with their blood and treasure. So once a long while, a bunch of smarter serfs would rise up and slaughter the blood-sucking monkey ass.
Any takers? I mean to vote come this November; I don't own a gun, yet.
I just wanted to have cookies and milk with Abbey ... I never expected The Spanish Inquisition!
ReplyDeleteNo one expects the Spanish Inquisition
ReplyDeleteExactly, no one gave Cardinal Fang the respect he was due!
ReplyDeletePi, you lost me somewhere in the first paragraph... but I think I agree!
ReplyDeleteWell, yeah, but people don't live for politics. Civic reponsibilities are at most a duty, sure, butrarely does someone use social responsibility as their goal in life.
ReplyDeleteSex, drugs, rock 'n roll, those sound more like things you live for.
I tried the "fight-the-power" thing 24/7 for a few years - I was miserable and not much fun to be around.
When you fight smeone 24/7, you're allowing the person you're fighting against to exert considerable control over your life...
You agree with the individual words, if not their order or meaning...
ReplyDeleteIf the Inquisition started grabbing people up now, no one - not even the Monty Python dudes - would be ready for them.
ReplyDeleteWe have Winner.. First Deep Observation of 2008. (ok, after perhaps the 'living for sex, drgus, and rock 'n roll.)
ReplyDeleteGreat. I'll stuff it into a fortune cookie.
ReplyDeleteI thought YOU were our resident philosopher?
Righto, and thusly I declared it Deep. Your future looks promising Grasshopper.
ReplyDeleteBeing the resident (restrained and occasionally hog tied, depending on the day & meds) philosopher means you get to take someone else's idea, label it, spin it and declare is original? What a great gig! Adri, I told you all Torrent needed was a speech writer to be in politics. You volunteered. Look it is working already!
ReplyDeleteDuhhh ... as if they DO NOT have considerable control over your life NOW? Speaking like a true drugged-up masses.
ReplyDeleteAlright, I am taking my eggs elsewhere, because this blog is apparently coated with the thickest the blackest Teflon (TM) I have ever seen. Just look at the color of this page!
What's the damn early termination clause in our rental agreement?
apparent case of over steriodization if you ask me!
ReplyDeletePeople should stand up to power. People should not accept what they're handed without thinking about why they are accepting it.
ReplyDeleteBut I would work on my mind in Nazi germany. I would work on my interior life in a 1930s Soviet gulag.
I think I prioritize questioning/fighting authority higher than most people. But some things I rank even higher.
The shit inside my head? I have that instead of a family...
As did I until you ate it. Woe is me. But I digress.. let me Ponder Sumthin Important.
ReplyDeletePolytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or as Pi properly trademarked as DuPont Teflon, is the slickest substance known to man, but still has a lower Coefficient of Friction than Bill Clinton's reputation.
ReplyDeleteThe mad polymer chemist throws a Trigger phrase into the blog then runs out laughing!
(If I were a nerd I would add that PTFE is naturally a yellowish white color. To get black you have to add carbon, graphite or some other substance.)
The rich are threatened if John and Jane Q. are incapacitated and distracted from what the rich are selling or holding in stocks. What distracts the masses the rich find to be a threat, if they aren't in control of it. Sex, drugs, and rock'n roll use to be some of those threats. Now the rich are marketing those things.
ReplyDeleteRighto, and thusly I declared it Deep. Your future looks promising Grasshopper.
ReplyDeleteAha! Did you mean to say that Teflon still has a "higher" coefficient of friction than my dear buddy Bill? I don't know about chemists, but in my line of work I always have to be perfect with my logic, unless you meant to say that Teflon is still more slippery than our best leader of the modern age Bill.
ReplyDeleteAs for the color, well, thanks, that does explain why the new line of Calphalon stainless steel pots and pans that are coated with the thing is light yellow in appearance. Just goes to show you how much manipulation there is in the world: who gave them the right to add carbon to my cookware and not tell me about it! I need to go call my congresswoman to make some new laws, and while she's at it, she might as well add some new taxes too, call it a "black tax." Oh yeah, let's go watch C-SPAN.
It's not the carbon additive you need to worry about in cookware, its the teflon itself at high temperature
ReplyDeleteok, so are Pi and Greg the same person?
ReplyDeleteNo. Pi's a little highstrung, judging by his replies today.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I could hang out for long with someone more high strung than I am.
Or, quite possibly, the genetic engineering that went into the products you cook within it.
ReplyDeletehappy new year high priestess of modern entertaining and medicating. one day, when the boy looks back after a life followed in the footsteps of a man that made the world safe for american business at the point of a rifle, that he remembers you pulling out from somewhere a couple of banned products from an outlaw nation to honor him, and he laughs his ass off and feels something very warm towards you and, hopefully, his own humanity.
ReplyDeleteYou know what? I missed the irony/complementariness of getting out a cigar representing a rare example of a nation in the Western Hemisphere the US DID NOT gain influence over immediately after a quote about the many nations the US DID gain influence over.
ReplyDeleteThat is a wild connection, and one I missed. It's so obvious, I don't know how it possible, but it's true...
Das es fantastico!!! Bravo!
ReplyDeleteThis strategy works for me on the pro-assault weapon neo-con pages also!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the burn Torrent. Gotta have someone keeping us in line. Glad I am back in my place.
ReplyDeletePi - my mistake. In my rush to be clever, I was not paying attention to what I was typing. I stand corrected.
ReplyDeleteThat is why I call my new plan for extended murder and mayhem "liberty-freedom-family-good-democracy" days.
ReplyDeleteIn a couple decades, this quote will completely explain the first two decades of internet usage.
ReplyDeleteYou think Adri might have just dumped Greg for someone else? How else can you explain Pi coming up here all angry at something nobody gives a hoot any more. But some people may still just come out and say what's on their mind without ulterior motives or psycho imbalances. However, this may be the wrong audience for such clear thinking, I admit.
ReplyDeleteThere was a shooting recently, and some hint of Adri stops drinking. Do you have any idea what Adri is like when she is not drinking? Then there were the holidays, free times for idle hands you may say, especially in this place. I tell you I heard sounds and felt things from my basement closet of a bedroom that I would not even want to remember. Most times I don't have any idea of what's going on up there, but I think Jesus stays put for a reason, or two, or three...
lmao lol
ReplyDeleteAlways helping me keep things in perspective Adri :^) ty
Geez. How did I miss so much in just two days???? Abby has too much time on her hands now. Ha ha. And I'm the one that told her she should start a blog. Ha ha ha.
ReplyDeleteSo Greg has a twin named Pi? Cool. Is HE single? Ha ha ha...
gee Leah ... in your case it might be explained by drugs and alcohol .... but you are here now and that's all that counts ..... I love you so!
ReplyDeleteU know Gayle I think u r correct. I love u too and everyone else in the cool group.
ReplyDeleteBeats me.
ReplyDeleteI'm always the last to know...
It's hardly fair to credit drugs & alcohol for the Leah we all know and love...
ReplyDeleteJust my .02 worth, but joining the Navy back during Vietnam was still one of my better decisions in life. Of course I volunteered to work on nuclear reactors on submarines at the bottom of the ocean, but those dam VC can be very crafty. Anyway I just came home one night and announced what I had done as part of casual dinner conversation and left a few days later. It got me out of the hills of Tennessee and exposed me to the world, both good and bad.
ReplyDeleteYup, I have heard a lot of stories like that over the years.
ReplyDeleteMy own family was too hypocritical to join themselves. But I know for msot people, it's a good life experience.
It looks as though you returned in one piece mentally and physically, too, so bonus, huh?
Well, physically. Mentally, every other day or so you seem fine. Which is above average, because half is quite a bit of wit and common sense isn't.
Ok Adri, how would you explain Leah to a historian?
ReplyDeleteAs a phenomenon. Like tie dye and fanny packs....
ReplyDelete"It was a simpler time, back then. The Constitution was on hold, Lindsay Lohan was still alive, and the beloved Princess Leah entertained us all. Ah, yes Leah, they don't make 'em like her anymore.... This would have been shortly before everyone in the American South was eaten by mountain lions in 2008. We never should have extended gun rights to those critters, but hindsight is always 20/20..."
ReplyDeletehit a bulls eye with that pun.
ReplyDelete*tee hee*
ReplyDeleteha ha ha