I was standing on the roof in my nightdress looking for the moon.
And I was leaning way out – way, way out, even – out over the edge on my hands and knees, tendons I don’t have names for sticking all out of my craned neck at strange angles, I suppose. I can’t really vouch for the tendons, you see, because I did not have a photograph of the incident in question. Much in the same way I don’t own a nightdress, in fact, but it sounded so poetic, I used the image anyway. Just a moment ago. Right there.
I know, I know: Just stop, right? I think I said it myself, not so long ago.
Never did find that moon. But everybody deserves a night off once in a long while, don’t you think?
Half your basic British pop bands of the 1960s are nothing but watered-down versions of the Beatles, just like your Coldplay is a more presentable Radiohead. Coldplay’s Chris Martin is Thom Yorke sans the crazy eye and cum Gwyneth Paltrow. A Thom Yorke you can bring home to Mom and Dad.
And it was either Plato or else it was Deepak Chopra who used to talk about this theory of forms. About how both the king’s throne and that broken wooden rocking chair out by the curb partake in something called “chair-ness,” but maybe to different degrees. I admit I always reckoned Plato (or Deepak Chopra) was just full of shit until this week.
That was when I spotted the pile of rags, while I was hanging out over the edge of my roof in my imaginary nightdress. It was just outside my back door, and it was hairier than your typical pile of rags.
Unlike most piles of rags, it also had a set of bongo drums. So it had that going for it, I guess.
My boyfriend, Greg, had showed me his elder brother’s business card when he told me about the impending visit, and the card said, “AWOL: Itinerant Human Being.” “AWOL” was what people called Greg’s brother, or the people who knew him, anyway. “Itinerant Human” was, I surmised, a euphemism for “homeless person.”
And Jakob Dylan is a fifth rate John Cougar Mellencamp is a fifth rate Bruce Springsteen is a fifth rate Bob Dylan began as a second rate Woody Guthrie.
Well, so much for the moon. I climbed in the window. I walked down the stairs. I opened the back door and said to the pile of rags, all matter-of-fact-like, “AWOL, I presume?”
I said, “You haven’t by any chance seen the moon hanging around out here, have you?”
Bill Clinton contains but a pale sliver of John-Kennedy-ness, despite what he’d have you believe. Britney Spears is a poor man’s Madonna is a poor man’s Marilyn Monroe.
The pile of rags shook itself off and…
…straightened its bongo drums (on a strap around its neck, natch) and…
…gave off a burst of pheromones…
…and then hauled me in with its tractor beam.
“Adri at last,” the AWOL thing spoke, sweeping in to hug me, I think, but I crumpled into a pile on the ground before the move had reached the point of becoming a full-fledged hug. It failed in its hug-ness. I wasn’t accustomed to the pull of that Super Sex Tractor Beam, so it couldn’t be helped.
“Ya’kay, A?” the thing asked, reaching in to help me to my feet.
I waved him off. “Yeah… just’a… football... injury… knee, bum…”
When AWOL wrapped its arm around my shoulders to help me inside, the eggs in my ovaries all went sunny side up. The air all around got sucked into somewhere. My eyes dilated to pupil all the way around to the optic nerve.
“Inside on come …you …soon here be will Greg, called me he said.” Or something like that.
Darker, broader, smellier, this AWOL creature was a purer Greg. It was something primal that hadn’t limped through law school and fittings for suits and hair stylists and, you know… shoes and stuff.
Greg was an AWOL packaged for mass consumption!
Why had I not been made aware?
The Super Sex Tractor Beam had my panties halfway down by now, and only by sheer force of will did they manage to stay up.
As AWOL set me into the chair, his shirt was pulled up his stomach a bit and there was little AWOL – okay, the other AWOL, we’ll say, not so little, really – peeking up very attentively at me over his waistline from inside the worn hemp pants.
Normally that would seem inordinately creepy, you know?
Almost all of your modern female indie artists are cast as more marketable Patti Smiths or Kate Bushes. I suppose they get to choose which way to go, although they’ll have to choose one or the other, and if they choose Patti Smith, the sandpaper gets hauled out for those rough edges.
And no one can be avant garde composer John Cage, no matter how hard they try.
The pure, unadulterated thing itself could kill a man. Of any thing.
“Upstairs go to have I,” I shook my head around, trying to acclimatize myself to the room as if for the very first time. “Home at yourself make… ¿Ya will, time have you if, moon the find can you if see?”
Then I walked into a wall.
By the time I managed to get myself under the coldest water my shower could manage, Greg arrived. He spoke through the shower curtain. I think most of it was probably in English. The sounds included various vaguely English-sounding phrases.
Part of it might have been a question. Perhaps “What do you think of AWOL?” I say that because it sounds like something that could logically be asked, under the given circumstances.
Me: “You were right about him. Certain raw, animalistic quality… um…”
Greg: “Good Lord, Adri, did you sleep with him when he got here?”
Me, from shower: “Not yet, but he probably shouldn’t stay very long. At all. And you might want to keep him away from my friends. The girls AND the guys.”
Having been in the same room with AWOL for nearly 45 seconds, I considered whether I ought to take a pregnancy test. Greg was a domesticated, hormone-pumped piglet in a corporate corral compared to AWOL’s giant, deadly wild boar. A junior high trumpet player to AWOL’s Miles Davis.
Me: “You should probably get into the shower with me now.”
Greg: “Right now?”
Me: “Either that or send your brother up.”
Greg: “He’s my brother, Adri, jeez. Is this how you are with new guys?”
Me: “You know me. A real slut. Don’t let my largely sexless half decade nun-like phase fool you. Actually, I only seem to have this problem around you and your immediate family. Is this as cold as the water can get?”
Greg: “Well, calm down, he’s only going to be here until Monday morning.”
I write to you now from within my bedroom closet, padlocked from both the inside and outside. Release requires two keys turned simultaneously, one on either side. The letter containing a map to the location of the keys is due to arrive for Greg on Tuesday afternoon.
Even with all these precautions, I’ve clawed halfway through the door.
I can hear the moon outside my window, laughing its moony ass off.
I don’t stand a chance.
good blog
ReplyDeleteits funny you mention this cause i'm trying to get my brother and my muslim/asian friend whose in india who i work with to talk to one another
ReplyDeletethat would make sense if i was dateing the woman . . . since you're dating greg
ReplyDeletebut heh give me some leeway
Bob Dylan is not a second-rate Woody Guthrie...
ReplyDeleteHmm... I'm willing to change the language to "started out as a".
I feel so cheapened, selling out my vision like this...
Ha. You might have revealed too much publicly. No one here cares if you share women with your brother, though.
ReplyDeleteIn the alternative, I can certainly understand the idea of not always being able to communicate effectively.
Hey that's a deal... I would go for that...
ReplyDeleteMaybe there was a deisel fuel spill nearby and you're having a toxic chemically induced hallucination, I guess you could always light a match if you really wanted to know. Personally, I'd stay in the closet and knaw on things. So what it you end up chewing your foot off again, afterall, it grew back last time didn't it.
ReplyDeleteLife is good. Tractor beams aren't forever.
And Romney is a fifth-rate Reagan was a third-rate FDR was on par with Lincoln.
ReplyDeleteNot your central point, but I couldn't pass it up.
btw, if it was a Tonka tractor beam, it means he has a small dick and you wouldn't have wanted to go there anyway.
ReplyDeletepardon my gutter mentality ... tractor beams have that effect of me
ReplyDeleteyou at a loss for words.....wow
ReplyDeletePlease note the passage: "As AWOL set me into the chair, his shirt was pulled up his stomach a bit and I could see little AWOL – okay, the other AWOL, we’ll say, not so little at all – peeking up very attentively at me over the waistline from inside the worn hemp pants."
ReplyDeleteI can defend AWOL's masculinity.... Ha.
Oh, and if Greg is reading this, um, hi Greg...
I get that effect when I see 'high beams' on a brisk morning.
ReplyDeleteIt's good to see the GOP keeps that Ronnie hair-helmet thing in good shape so they can loan it out to up and coming conservatives like Mitt.
ReplyDeletethree words ...."done with mirrors"
ReplyDeleteit'll fool the best of us
Normally, if I heard of ME entering this kind of state, I'd have to guess I was outside the state of Texas.
ReplyDeleteAs you may have heard, I lose my super powers outside the state of Texas...
Me too, obviously!
ReplyDeleteI have noted the date on my calendar, yes.
ReplyDeleteYou are stronger than most guys, then. It doesn't take even that much with most guys, it seems...
ReplyDeleteyou might want to make sure he doesn't show up in court next time you litigate...
ReplyDeleteWell, I am fussy and a wee bit picky.
ReplyDeleteBob Dylan wouldn't have changed his text. Bob Dylan would have toild you to shove it.
ReplyDeleteRight after he went and filmed those Victoria's Secret and Cadillac commercials, I suppose...
Thanks for clearing that up.
ReplyDeleteI was going to guess CGI.
Well you know, I don't expect you to change anything... and it is arguable by some people that Bob Dylan is a second-rate Woody Guthrie... I just don't happen to agree... Still a good blog, though!
ReplyDeleteListen to Yellow by Coldplay now. well? For music I listen to to them. Puts me to sleep.
ReplyDeleteadri adri adri... i tried warning you about that greg guy, but did you listen? no. and did it work out? well.... i can't always be right. but now it's his itinerant, pile of rags and fur, pheremone enhanced brother? what am i gonna do with you? just stay in that cold shower for a few more days.
ReplyDeleteReagan was hardly a third rate FDR...
ReplyDeleteAdri, blogs best your of one was that.
ReplyDeleteI like the title song to "Rush of Blood to the Head," actually. And that's the only album of theirs I have. Or have ever heard, for that matter...
ReplyDeleteThere was an old cartoon in Rolling Stone Magazine from many years ago entitled, "Woodie Guthrie's Poetry Class." Bob Dylan was sitting at a desk looking studious, and Bruce Springsteen was cheating off Dylan's paper, Mellencamp was cheating off Springsteen's paper. That pretty much dictated that line of the blog...
I was going to say, "That's what they made the term '5th rate' for," but that's not accurate, either.
ReplyDeleteIt's a different hierarchy altogether.
Kind of a Darth Vader/Obi Wan Kenobi thing...
Haha... I can tell. Holding out for the headlights, that's almost elitist. I'm kidding with ya. I'm not in a position to pass judgment this week...
ReplyDeleteI know - I need to winnow down some of these characters. The cost to the production company to pay for this growing cast of characters is becoming prohibitive. Fortunately, thanks to your own foresight, Greg was placed on the antagonist list, so ways are being devised on how to kill him off at the end of the season even as we speak...
ReplyDeleteThank you, Abby! I'll go back and read it in a month, which is normally the earliest date I can go back and judge what I've written...
ReplyDeleteBut I did have the good sense to leave out words like "Parable" from the title of this one and include the word "Sex," which could lead to all sorts of better reactions this week... In my experience, people like sex more than parables, so we'll see.
Yes, AWOL may surpass my normally high threshold for distractions...
ReplyDeleteChrist, now I'm horny....thanks .............
ReplyDeleteWOW Adri, great blog! I got up early to work on a project and I have yet to even look at it. I know better than to try to read your blogs before starting work on a task with a deadline.
ReplyDeleteYour blog stated Dylan BEGAN as a Woodie Guthrie wanna be, you didn't sell out. He developed into something else, before selling out to the aforementioned marketing whores (being a low level marketeer, I have to be careful with my phraseology). The Dylan to Mellencamp to Dylan link is absolutely correct. Interesting that a Simon & Garfunkel's "Scarborough Fair" has some lyrical similarities to Bob Dylan's "Girl of the North Country" which was released 3 years earlier. Enough of the History of Folk Music Lyrics for $500, I need to at least pretend I am working this morning.
"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together"
ReplyDeletesomehow this belongs in this blog
it doesn't mean I'm an eggman wannabe or that I'm neccesarily having eggs for breakfast today although I think I'm smelling bacon.
ook. well, i'm sure he is irresponsible and would make a terrible companion i mean his name is awol and there is something to that isn't there and he doesn't offer any of the things that we k.n.o.w women look for in a man like security and responsibility and oh fuck oh fuck, i mean um damn damn damn it all up it's just three days, he wouldn't be heading east after, would he? wow, there was a little vicarious reading your writing blast.... you need to provide a warning label next time. now i am going to take a cold shower, thank you. strange hearts.
ReplyDeleteYou could just do like men do.......they read porn and take it out on their women. Consider AWOL your porn and get Greg busy!
ReplyDeleteIt's okay. I'm just assume you're sitting on a cornflake waiting for the van to come.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I've ever had a female admit to having that reaction to a blog around here.
ReplyDeleteIt's an exciting first!
I know, and I was so very much hoping to find a man who would take care of everything so I could stay home and cook and clean.
ReplyDeleteOh wait, no I wasn't.
Obviously AWOL's pheromones transcend the internet.
ReplyDeleteI tried. Apparently raunchy remarks about your significant othere's sibling are considered to be in bad taste, though. Who knew?
ReplyDeleteI am honored that you would choose my blog to your work.
ReplyDeleteThe first time I heard the Wallflowers' "One Headlight," I thought, "Oh no, that sort of sounds like Mellencamp."
I don't know enough of the early Dylan stuff to know for sure, but Bob used a lot of traditional songs and melodies etc on his early albums, and "Girl of North Country" and "Scarborough Fair" might have a common lineage in traditional music.
"House of the Rising Sun," for instance: the Animals' later hit version is generally the one people know, but on his first album (I think), Dylan sings it in a slightly altered version than its traditional form and put it in a form that the later hippies could appreciate.
"See That My Grave is Kept Clean," too.
You could do these back when Dylan was starting out, before intellectual property law had changed and copyrights went from 10 to 75 years or whatever. Music belonged to the community...
It's greater than all of us, yes...
ReplyDeleteThe old Starkist tuna ads went "we don't want Tuna with good taste, we want Tuna that tastes good"
ReplyDeletethis applies to any number of things
perhaps Greg is showing signs of being slightly anal
which is not to say he is an ass or even that he likes the way ass's taste
no, that was me... except for the cooking part. and the cleaning part. that blog have me a shiver. i went shopping. i am not going to reread it. i will try to believe that after a while you would get tired of bongo drums.
ReplyDeleteoh.. and aside from all that... it was really more brilliant writing
ReplyDeleteWell opposites attract..........and it sounds like Greg is alot like you being a suit and all.......perhaps AWOL is the true love after all? lol Or are you just trying to recruit another for the sanitarium here?
ReplyDeleteGregg and AWOL - do we see them together? Or perhaps are they the one person?
ReplyDeleteIn which case, there must needs be many Adris..well at least two
..thin ice Missy, you're treadin' on thin ice.
ReplyDeleteyou're just saying that because of what you had to do with Flipper's disappearance
ReplyDeleteno guilt transference aloud
..especially the libidinous word jumble.. I liked those bits.
ReplyDeleteOh hell for it. It'll probably be the best you ever had or may ever have in your life.
ReplyDelete"When AWOL wrapped its arm around my shoulders to help me inside, the eggs in my ovaries all went sunny side up. The air all around got sucked into somewhere. My eyes dilated to pupil all the way around to the optic nerve."
ReplyDeleteI think this is the best part :) It's frickin' HOTT!
** gives me a peek at the inner workings of Adri in the grips of sexual rapture **
Oh, speaking of inner workings... here are the results of the cat scan you ordered (upper floor equipment; away from the dungeons whips, and chains on the lower floors of the Sanitarium), to make sure you weren't hurt from your fall.
From the examination of the scan I need to tell you... there's some good news and some bad news... or maybe more good news, depending how you take it. First the good news; you are perfectly health. Now the "other news" is... from the high level of adrenal-hormonal activity I see in this scan I need to advise you that your closet isn't going to be able to hold you till Tuesday!
This is something men learn very early, I have no comment beyond that.
ReplyDelete(a similar conclusion can be drawn for college roommates as well)
Haha... I also always sort of pictured myself with a guy who wore shoes, so that might be a deal breaker if it came down to it...
ReplyDeleteFortunately, Flipper gets the last laugh. Tuna now typically has so much mercury in it that if you eat it more than once a month, it could cause brain damage equivalent to... to... what was I saying?
ReplyDeleteYes, but you're talking about men.
ReplyDeleteIt's completely different with women: women are complately allowed to tease about male relatives. And the upside is, if I were to get pregnant from his brother, not even a DNA test would be able to prove it.
It's win-win.
Except for the pregnancy, of course, but I was just throwing out a hypothetical...
Oh crap! I made this one public? I thought I had it set so only me and Gayle and Torrent could read it! Oh noooo!
ReplyDeleteI look like such a tease now...
No complaints with Greg.
ReplyDeleteAWOL is objectively sexy. It's like if... if he could fly? I would note that he could fly. It would not mean that I'm going to leave Greg for him.
It's simply a factual statement that he is unbelievably sexy. That... Damn it. It's a good thing I'm locked in this closet...
Good point, James! You win two points for depth!
ReplyDeleteAWOL could be Greg's shadow self - the wilder, untamed side of man...
It's like the story of King Kong being carried out in my own living room...
You are potentially a very bad influence, Phil, and at a time when it might not take much to tip the scales...
ReplyDeletelawyer talk
ReplyDeletewhat's important here is recognizing that pigs can fly
This is new for me.
ReplyDeleteUsually, half my brain is thinking about music and enlightenment, the other half planning to win the world over to the cause of evil...
You mean you are NOT in love with Obama any more? He's winning all over the place tonight, you know. If you have found some real private faults with him, I would like to know.
ReplyDeleteJust how many boyfriends / crushes / pseudo-dates do you go through in a year? It feels like you didn't meet your quota last year.
I still prefer Obama to either Hillary Clinton or John McCain, yes. We'll see what happens: he's certainly no revolutionary, so he might or might not be enough to make be vote for a major party candidate for President.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, regarding dates and guys, I think if there's any quota anywhere for me and guys, I haven't been through my quota in many, many years now...
Torrent was right for once, but don't quote him on that!
ReplyDeleteum... yes... there you go! shoes! perfectly reasonable to want. and, apparently, underwear, because it won't be necessary that everyone always see, uh, know, uh. my ....
ReplyDeleteNext time I lock myself in this closet, I'm going to remember oven mitts and electrical tape...
ReplyDeleteWhat's the old saying? "A stopped clock is right twice a day"?
ReplyDeleteyou are listening the the dead? uh, bad choice. bad. bad. twirly skirts... bare legs.... patchouli oil... peasant tops... braided hair.... incense.... thick incense
ReplyDeleteI'd never heard anything by them before. Somehow a copy of the Anthem of the Sun CD ended up in my place.
ReplyDeleteit's not true that if you play it backwards owsley's own formula for making lsd is revealed.
ReplyDeleteI loved it when the eggs in your ovaries turned sunny-side up! Great writing!
ReplyDeleteI would stay and chat, but I have to put on my cape and fly to Paris for a date. When we leave California, I'm flying her to the moon where we're going to have a picnic of marshmallows and beer. Did I leave my microwave on when I left? I'm going to have to sell that thing. I hear the government is using microwaves to control our minds.
Love, Hope, Peace, & Christ Be With Us All,
More like Ullyses, in rags at the door.
ReplyDelete...and I know just enough not to be happy about scoring points here
You know, we see your nightdress perfectly well in the picture. It's no secret.
ReplyDelete(shhhhh! she found it in the pile of rags on the back porch. it's no secret, it's AWOLS)
ReplyDeletebtw, if you find anymore of those in the pile, would you send me one? they kinda cute in a back porch way! *grin*
ReplyDeleteNext you're going to tell me that smoking banana peels doesn't work, either...
ReplyDeleteWhy do you want to kill my dreams, Tina?
I did too.
ReplyDeleteOh, you're talking about the writing?
Yeah, that too...
Wise man. Apparently, once you have 25 points racked up, you're unable to exit the facilities.
ReplyDeleteIt's important to have a nice flowered house dress when you're doing your washing on the back porch and hanging clothes out to dry. Gotta impress the neighbors in the RV next door, after all. Or the pile of rags on the back porch with ya, as the case may be...
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's exactly what I wear to bed...
ReplyDeletethe question of bedwear having been answered begs yet one more question as we continue our assault on deprivitizing your life ..... what is your bed wearing, if anything?
ReplyDeleteI think it was a government plot in the early 70s to have Truckin' be the only GD song that the radio stations were allowed to play (and Nights in White Satin for Moody Blues but I digress). I think it was a monotonous repetitive attempt to get the public to tune them out. They had sooo many other good songs that needed to be played and heard, all a friend can say is ain't it a shame. Thank goodness Adri, I think with your age you may have just missed that. But how you were able to avoid any exposure to GD and then through some ways and means have Anthem of the Sun materialize in your collection, what a strange trip that is.
ReplyDeleteI'de ask which once this was, but perhaps it's of equal import just not knowing.
ReplyDeletei've heard it said that sometimes a banana is just a good stroke, uh, smoke ... i mean a cigar is. um. whatever.
ReplyDeleteof course you can smoke banana peels. some people think it makes the toad sweat taste better.
tell me fucking about it.
ReplyDeleteI MUST have heard them before, at least pieces, here and there. I like the album, and it doesn't become what I pictured the Dead as sounding like until it hits "Alligator."
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, I know what you mean about plots. I was never interested in Lou Reed because of "Wild Side," Flaming Lips because of "She Don't Use jelly," Peter Gabriel because of "Sledgehammer," or, yeah, Moody Blues because of "Satin." Took years to see past those...
Comment deleted at the request of the author.
ReplyDeleteSure no problem, I'll get right on with the telling of that story.
ReplyDeleteFirst, hold your breath...
lol dang ;P
ReplyDelete..ok.. I see I'm not going to be distracting from any themes here.. but.. is the tape to hold the oven mitts on.. or did you have something else in mind for the tape? Or is this a bit of the parable I'm just too obtuse for. Of. Which.
ReplyDeleteYes, the tape is to hold the mitts on.
ReplyDeleteDon't go around saying the word "parable"! It chases commenters away...
Parable.... trigger word... got it. I am assuming parabola would be OK?
ReplyDeleteHmm.... do readers have a fear of the word "parabola"? See? We ask the though quesitons around here.
ReplyDeleteI might just leave out descriptive words telling you what I'm going to write from now on.
could call it an allegory, but then Al Gore would claim that he invented your blog ....
ReplyDeleteIt's all a parable. Me writing, "It's all a parable," is a parable. Me writing, "Me writing, "It's all a parable," is a parable," is a parable. Me writing, "Me writing, "Me writing, "It's all a parable," is a parable," is a parable," is a parable. And on and on... (That's parable too)
ReplyDeleteRecursive meta-parables.
ReplyDeleteYou bastard...
The hell with him. he's already complained about the warming effect that having Greg and AWOL in the same house is causing.
ReplyDeleteIt's worth a few dead penguins and a monsoon or two, in my opinion...
yeah, I've noticed that practice of late. This Greg guy is slowly affecting your writing. *evil grin* Sometimes it's *not* all about the words.
ReplyDelete..and this I suppose partly explains the rush to the closet to cower in monogamous asceticism. Eggs turn, words get jumbled, and you just don't know if your coming or going.. King Kong really just wants to fling Fay Wray about the Empire State for a bit.
ReplyDeleteThe movie "King Kong" is all about the girl. It's about being torn between the responsible civilized guy & the beast...
ReplyDeleteYou're saying the Empire State Building bit because you're a guy, and you like the explosions and such. But it's not what the movie is about...
ReplyDeleteI take u in my arms; u giggle everytime my hands run through your long lucious redhair. Out lips embrace...and I ordered u some sexy Palamagrams for your Valentine's Day. Well did I spoil u now?
I think I need to either increase or cut back on my meds. I swear your background picture winked at me when I opened the page... I can deal with the insomnia & stress, winking backgrounds are something else entirely.
ReplyDelete..once again, you have cut the to the heart of the matter. Architecture and artiface crumbling in all directions.
ReplyDeleteObama and Clinton are coming to UT Austin for a debate on the 21st. If you can get tickets through your lawyer lobbyist connections that you have built in strip clubs, I will be happy to drive you there.
ReplyDeleteI will of course get one of those Manhattan taxi cabs with bullet proof partitions inside the passenger compartment, just in case you decide to take things out on me on the way back. Hell, you may even want to shoot me for how I drive on the way there! Without such protection and with the way you argue in front of authorities, I can perfectly see you making the claim to the police that my lifeless bullet-ridden body in the back seat was one of your online stalkers, who was kidnapping you to the Texas hill country for a long weekend of Super Sex Tractor Pulls in a red abandoned barn somewhere. A dead man can never argue back, right?
Yep, I should always think ahead !
ReplyDeleteSounds like you need an increase!
ReplyDeleteI would worry about being a huge distraction for Barack, out there in the audience.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't want to throw him off his game: he might forget how to pronounce the word "change," and then where would he be?
You mean he still has some residual feelings for you? I am shocked, the nerve of the guy! Doesn't he know how to take rejection? We Texans will have to give him a big NO in March then.
ReplyDeleteWell, if it doesn't happen in March, it will happen in November.
ReplyDeleteThe chances of Texas voting for a black man who acknowledges the concept of community and social responsibility are slim to none.
Considering Texas is mostly consertive, I tend to agree.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I hate to admit it........ Obama represents something, and that something is a shift in political thought. And sadly, I fear the old guard is still to caught up the old "new deal" and "great society" thinking. It's time for a real change. A political revolution. Like it or not, Obama represents that shift. It's far past the time the torch should be passed, but it needs to be. The mindset that has given you Clinton and Bush, needs to change.
ReplyDeleteIt's too early for me to give Obama my blessing. However, he's not part of that late-60s crowd, which I take as a plus. I mean, I'm a bigger hippie than the next guy in any crowd, but that generation has been outright lousy in national politics.
ReplyDeleteSure, Obama will get dragged through the mud like everybody does, but I consider the un-Bush-ness and un-Clinton-ness of his name to be a point in his favor.
Will you be appearing on the cover of "O" when you do?
ReplyDeleteI'm not endorsing Oprah under any circumstances, dog.
ReplyDeleteA book club maybe?
ReplyDeletedon''t know if you noticed it or not, but Oprah has a prehensile tail ... pretty sure it's hers - would hate to think it was Obama's, but he was sitting next to her after all ....
ReplyDeleteLarry Flynt always wanted one.
The Sanitarium book club?
ReplyDeleteYeah, let's see if we can all end up on Homeland Security's watch list simultaneously...
Clearly, it belongs to Tom Cruise, who has regrown the tail from the extraplanetary travelers from which our minds/souls are descended...
ReplyDeleteyippee. so there IS a chance. I like the the open door for a possible return.
ReplyDeleteLike we aren't already?
ReplyDeleteI have an FBI file. I mean, I had one even before the Sanitarium.
ReplyDeleteEventually, someone in charge is going to figure out that every 15th letter of my blog spells out detailed instructions about to overthrow the government.
enjoyed this read. it was lusciously descriptive. i reckon handcuffs would just exacerbate the situation. :)
ReplyDeleteThank ya, Random. I try to vary things a bit, so what's a better follow-up to a religious parable than a blog with "Sex" in the title?
ReplyDeleteI actually have handcuffs back in the bedroom closet where I said I was locked. But no, they probably wouldn't have helped.
Yeah right... till Monday comes along and you realize you have a different use for the cuffs, and a way to keep his raggedy fine ass from leaving ;P
ReplyDeleteI will just say that it is now Wednesday and AWOL is still here.
ReplyDeleteJust thought I have some fun...
ReplyDeleteWe beam up to our space yacht in low orbit. It's sleek and curvy but u love the bedroom part of this ship. You're dressed in your sexy Pajamagrams that I bought u; the pink color compliments your long glowing redhair...when u lay on your back on the soft bed I come on top of u..our lips meet. U murnur "Chuck..." we lost thoughts whenever we embrace. U giggle real hard when my lips caress your warm neck...just had to play off the tractor beam idea of this blog..like our space tryst?
LMFAO and now back to our irregularly broadcast blog from whatever up-uranus planet it was just tuned in to..
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! Whoops! I forgot. QUICK! PUT ME BACK ON MY MEDS!!! Ahhhhh... Terrible blog. How could you say such bad things about such good people? I'm ashamed of you. Oh, did you like that imaginary nightdress I made for you? I WAS the man mentioned in the story who made the original garment in "The Emperor's New Clothes." How much do you think our glorious leader, Dubbya, would pay if I made him such a dictator's uniform? Do you think he could scratch up a billion for it?
ReplyDeleteLove, Hope, Peace, & Christ Is With Us All,
CrrrraaaAAAAZY CAL!!!
I think we've paid billions for less. Didn't we lose pallets with literally billions on them? By "we," I mean the government of the country where I live, not that you and I specifically lost billions.
ReplyDeleteThere has not been a Democrat elected in a statewide race (meaning seat for which everyone in the state votes) since 1994. And that guy ended up in jail.
ReplyDeleteUnless McCain goes on a murder spree, killing the first born of Texas on national TV, he's going tot ake Texas in November.
And if he's running against Obama, he might STILL win Texas if he does that. But it would at least be close...
Darn. I was hoping that I had been a billionaire and I had just given it to keep us safe from terrorism. What a slap in the face. Now I can't tell all my girlfriends that I used to be a billionaire. What will they think of me?
I'll assume they are invisible, just like the clothes...
ReplyDeleteROTFLMAO !
ReplyDeleteWas the water cold enough ?
LOL ! :-)
Ha. I'm sure a guy can understand: Sometimes, the water can simply not BE cold enough...
ReplyDeleteWell ummm, I guess that's what the closet with the dual locks, straight jacket and handcuffs were for right ? A lil backup never never hurts, lmao ! :-) To bad you didn't have a chain saw, lol !
ReplyDeleteAnd a bobbie pin...hehe
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm sort of the Houdini/MacGyver of horny female bloggers.
ReplyDeleteMaybe, maybe not,I think you just need a good vacation and since all of your clients are all looking for that greener side of the mountain, you may never get one as long as they have your six booked up in court trying to settle their pathetic squabbles, lol ! But hey ! That's why they have these things and the internet, lmao ! Hugs, Jeffy :-)
ReplyDeletePathetic squabbles? My clients? I tell you, McDonald's never should have had the coffee that hot. or that fattening. I'm going to nail their ass to the mat...
ReplyDeleteI love to have Adri as my valentine
ReplyDeleteshe's a trip
she's hotter looking than Hillary
bet she makes men fall everytime she enters into the Houston Starbucks
Hotter than Hillary? You DO know how to make the gals swoon...
ReplyDeleteI might be a trip, probably not the best "Valentine." We'll find out tomorrow, though, huh? First time I've been dating someone on Valentine's Day in... years...
I can only hope you're playing Barry White's disco classic, "Love Jedi," which we discussed during the last blog. Because that song always makes me melt in really girly ways...
ReplyDeleteWell, yeah... I mean, the closet might turn out to be popular with readers... And there's some interesting stuff in here.
ReplyDeleteIt's at least 30% about the pictures.
ReplyDeleteBarry White's croning voice echoes from the ship's digital loudspeaker. Rose scents fill our nostrils as we lay on the huge bed. Earth and stars dance outside...u roll over and lay on my chest. Oh Adri you're hot on this Valentinie's Day..u giggle when my fingers play in your glowing redhair. Love Jedi plays again and u break out laughing when the Hal 9000 asks what u want. Then I take u by surprise when I embrace u madly...u yell CHUCK STOP...but the yell turns into your sexy flirty giggles. I tickle u and u laugh...we kiss again for hours on end...
ReplyDeletechuck - I think Hal is gonna ask to you step outside. How do you feel about podbay doors?
ReplyDelete...My mind, Torrent...
ReplyDelete... I can feel it going, Torrent...
... I can feel it going...
Resistance is futile
ReplyDeleteTorrent you're a trip LOL.. Don't worry the space yacht has pod bay doors on lower bow.
ReplyDeleteThanks chuck - same to you. And Happy Valentines Day.
ReplyDelete"from inside the worn hemp pants"
ReplyDeleteSuddenly everything becomes clear! I was blind, but now I see.
You were unaware I am a hippie?
ReplyDeleteI just love it when my blog brings residents together...
ReplyDeleteBtw, Happy Valentines Day Adri :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you. It was... a mixed bag.
ReplyDeleteNothing to blog about? ;^)
ReplyDeleteMine was ;P
Seems anything you do ends up being blog material Adri. It's like you have a blog cloud following you around or something, it's odd, bizarre, funny, and always such a good entertaining reading.
Are you going to blog about yours?
ReplyDeleteMy life ends up bloggable - possibly - because of something that happens between when an event happens and when my brain is done scrambling and interpreting it. I'm pretty sure anyone else would find my life boring to live through...
I meant mine was nothing to blog about. But I suppose being sick at home for a day has some blogability to it, now that I think about it. I mean it wasn't any Ferris Bueller's Day Off or anything, but it was something. It's always something isn't it, huh, how stupidly profound of me, lol.
ReplyDeleteYes, I see, after it makes it's way through that inner sanitarium resting on your shoulders...
My sanitarium is more like an assembly line with storage bins at the end... ahrg... I think my sanitarium is in bad need of a make-over... :(
Depends on what you do with the tmie.
ReplyDeleteA couple Robitussin bottles (or anything with DXM in it) can make a sick afternoon in bed quite a bit more interesting...
MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH well Adri did my kisses drive u wild or did I make u laugh or both?
Oh jeez, I don't know if I'd be coherent and lucid enough to blog on that stuff, but you may find photos making there way to my page as a result. Any, "Oh, you're one sick bastard," comments would seem appropriate and unoffensive in that case though.
ReplyDeleteWho told you? Will you up my meds now? lol
ReplyDeleteSo you were in your see through night dress by the moons cheery light and I missed the boat again???
ReplyDeleteI gots me a nice supply of Cuban Cigars and Nigerian Safe Sexxy drugs to sell to the big AWOL dude!
Beam me up Adri!!!!! I hear the HUMMMMmmmmmmmiiinngggg......xxxx
I just jumped to the bottom of the comment page, but whenever Deepak is mentioned, I wish somehow he and Miss Winfrey would hook up and wed, so the world could have...
ReplyDeleteOprah Chopra.
Yeah, my mind works like that sometimes. I blame Minnesota winters and over the counter cold medicine...
Truly, this MUST happen.
ReplyDeleteHas someone introduced them?
Hey u ravenous redhead: why not we ask Senator Obama to do the intros? Whatya think?
ReplyDeleteHe's busy at the moment, best I can tell.
ReplyDeleteIn my town, as a matter of fact.
I'd rather get a different bunch of guys in charge of the White House right now than get Oprah and Deepak together. Although it's a close call...
Now THAT is a classic comment!!!
o my
ReplyDeleteHey Adri!! Your vibrator got loose again! You better catch it before it get's itself in too deep with the wrong crowd! lol
ReplyDeleteYeah! Those things are getting harder and harder to sterilize, especially since the price has gone up so much on anti-fungal and germicidal cleaning products! haha