Just sit back and relax and I’ll tell you all about it. Don’t even move a muscle, my friend; I’ll do all the work from here on out.
So sure, animals hate me, but I’m not going to let it get me down. I’ve learned, you can’t trust anything that has reached adulthood and still can’t hold down a steady job to support itself. How many classic works of art have come from the animal kingdom, huh? Ever? And don’t give me that about how there’s some elephant in San Diego who can paint by holding the brush in his trunk, because I’ve seen his work and it’s shit…
They say Old Dick Nixon couldn’t coax a dog anywhere within ten feet of where he stood. The mutts just didn’t trust him, had some kind of primal sixth sense that told their tiny, 72-ounce brains to stay the hell away. And Nixon’s handlers, well, they “interviewed” various and assorted dogs to see which one(s) could be tricked with the old “raw meat in the suit pants pocket” gimmick. The “winners” became famous, but at what price?
Yeah, Tricky Dick and me: the both of us, stigmatized by our complete and utter lack of appeal to creatures that eat their own feces.
You see, animals hate me.
Me, I like animals – all sorts of animals, in fact – but in the end it makes no difference. There’s just no reasoning with the critters, no matter how airtight the argument or how compelling the graph.
Or, to put it another way so my toughest critics might perhaps better understand me: arf arf arf arf arf.
Now, I’ve been around here long enough that I can predict that there are going to be skeptics among you – grizzled, jaded cynics who are going to suggest that it’s all or in part my fault. That I’ve done something to turn the entire freaking animal kingdom against me. That word of some perceived slight or sin on my part has gotten around – traveled by chirp of beak and whoosh of blowhole from this aquarium to that kennel to this here bird cage – but that it is all, in the end, very much my own doing, and that I’m simply reaping what I’ve sown.
And the truth is, sure, my law firm does high profile lobbying work in favor of the destruction of dogs. Not all dogs, mind you – I mean, c’mon, I’m not a monster – just the cute fluffy ones. The ones that have had it way too easy for way too long.
Then there was the unfortunate incident which occurred in my house around last Christmas in which I fatally shot a fat male housecat with a 22-caliber handgun. I have never addressed it directly in the blog, and honestly, I doubt I ever will. In my own defense, however, I will tell you that the freaky feline had it coming. I shot that cat in self-defense. It was a good kill.
We never had any pets around the house when I was a kid. My parents, I always assumed they only wanted to feed dependants that could understand and appreciate their insults. I’m not complaining or throwing this at you in some kind of half-assed attempt to garner sympathy or make you feel bad about how rough I had it. Don’t cry for me, Multiply. All I’m trying to do is begin to explain my relative lack of comfort when I’m near life forms further down the evolutionary chain.
But there is no real explanation for it. Animals hate me.
My roommate, little Bhoomi Popp Whizz Bang Crackle Click, she moved in this past Spring and brought with her an entire menagerie of tiny hissing things that specialize in despising Yours Truly. To wit: two cats, two rabbits, one Beta fish named Arrington, a Lorax, three hamsters, a Cthulu, one three-toed box turtle, two larval chupacabras, and a very moody ball python. To this, we have recently added roughly 200 Gulf Coast toad tadpoles found in a puddle outside my house.
I’m not even counting the raggy feral cat out back we feed or the family of raccoons that paws its way up to my back door nightly.
And each and every one of them hates me.
Other than the tadpoles, I think the only one of the whole bunch that hasn’t bitten me is the smaller chupacabra, and that’s only because I take great pains to keep the little fucker in its place. Every single time I see it, upon shimmying down my stairs first thing in the morning or arriving home after work, I tell it firmly, “You are funny looking, you have too much facial hair, and none of the boys are ever going to like you.”
Or sometimes, “I saw what you did and you should be completely ashamed of yourself!”
Or once in a long while, just to vary it up, I say, “You are a huge disappointment to Bhoomi and me.”
I mean, I don’t have any kids, and I have to pass on the collective parenting wisdom of the Oopsy family tree somehow, don’t I?
And with the animals, it’s not as though it’s going to harm my reputation. They already hate me.
Sometimes, at that hour when the night is at its darkest and there ain’t even any cars zooming down the queerest of Montrose streets, I can hear Bhoomi’s beasts plotting against me.
“You wrap yourself around her throat to slow her down while I chew her eyes out.”
“Let’s mix poison ivy in with her weed and then sit back and laugh when the insides of her lungs start itching. She’ll be begging us to kill her then.”
“Psst… You there! Whiskers! I want you humping her bedspread every day when she gets home from work. I don’t care that you’re neutered, start a’humping.”
As a matter of fact, as long as I’m all revved up and on a roll, I don’t really care if animals do hate me. If they’re so great, why is it the number of humans doubles every decade, while critters are facing the largest mass extinction since the waning days of the dinosaurs?
Maybe animals hate folks like Richard Milhous Nixon and me because we see right through this charade they’ve been foisting off on the rest of humanity for centuries.
Animals. They’re just a bunch of haters.
That’s it, Fido. Just lie there still. I won’t hurt you. That’s it…
Inquiring minds want to know if you had to shoot it 9 times.
ReplyDeleteIn self-defense, of course. But you never know if that old adage is true or not.
Does Houston have Truffula trees?
ReplyDeletei'll just confirm that thought now. you can figger out how it happened. but i woulda given the varmits the damn gun if i could trust them to do it right the first time when it did happen.
ReplyDeleteGod damn your house must smell like a zoo. Well....a zoo and a concert what with all the weed smoking.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of which, have you tried blowing it in their little faces? You should try it, they might like you more, or hate you less, or just start begging for munchies or something which would still be less actively hating you.
Have you ever seen a stoned cat with an orange Cheeto grin?
Absolutely priceless.
If you do it you should make sure to get the Baked Cheetos because the marketing team at Frito-Lay went to such great lengths to make irony come alive on our supermarket shelves.
i just love when a plan comes together. better than a half-baked cheeto. :))
ReplyDeleteNow I finally see what Sheila see's in you...
ReplyDeleteDo you perhaps show fear toward the dogs?
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to gather that you are the one that coined the bumper sticker:
ReplyDeleteIf we weren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?
Sheesh! It took me about as long to convince you as it did her!
ReplyDeleteKeep away from my puppy... hehe... Interesting tale, especially the passing of family wisdom. Would love to hear some of that one day...
ReplyDeleteThe following statement I say with love and respect.
ReplyDeleteYou're fucking crazy. xx
Seriously though, I don't know why animals have this huge problem with you. Maybe they think that enough humans love you already and you don't need the unconditional love one gets from a being with lower intelligence than yourself.
Personally, I wouldn't let it worry you Adri. Remember: you're the one who can open their cans of food - not the other way around, so if it starts to get to you, just teach them a lesson and starve them.
I'm surprised that you have such a roommate... I'm not keen on having pets or animals around either, because I always get attached to them and then they die or go away... so I guess it is a means to avoid getting hurt... but lately I feel as though life is too short to waste my life messing with them... well written blog, by the way...
ReplyDeleteAck! I figured it out! Adri, all you need to do is to teach these animals to read your blogs!
ReplyDeleteI'm not positive but I think I would hate you as much as these animals do, but I've benefited from reading your blogs. Please, please, let's give them a chance and teach them to read!
Oh god. For some reason dogs LOVE me. I was on a delivery, and left my back door open, and when I got back the family dog was sitting where I usually put my product, wagging his tail and looking at me with an expression of 'C'mon! let's GO!' Even the big mean pit bull a Mexican regular customer has loves me. His owner says I'm the only person outside the family the dog hasn't tried to bite.
ReplyDeleteAnd they tell me it's not you per se. Its more the sins of the father and all that.
Animals love me, too and I don't even know why... seeing as I eat meat and stuff....
ReplyDeleteCan't they smell death on my breath?
I suppose this problem could be called misanthropomorphism. See, I've solved it!
ReplyDeleteI like my meat without lawyers, thank you very much. The farther apart we can keep meat and lawyers the better. The two words should never even be uttered in the same sentence.
ReplyDeleteNothing personal.
Oh, this cat was already 8 lives in. Its reign of terror had to end sometime.
ReplyDeleteExactly. And thanks to Bhoomi and I, Houston has someone to represent the trees, too. That way, they don't have to go after us with an airborne suicide sickness like in the new M. Night Shamalayan movie.
ReplyDeleteWow, that line was just a shot in the dark. It makes me happy to know I hit something.
ReplyDeleteYou need to blog about THAT sometime.
You know that it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to litter train a Cthulu, right? Have you found out where it's hiding its droppings?
ReplyDeleteAnd, umm... a dog with 72 ounces of brain would have about 50% more than the average human - or maybe that's your point?
In high school, a couple of my friends used to blow pot smoke in their dogs' ears. It apparently gets them stoned really fast.
ReplyDeleteIn retrospect, it seems like something that should get the attention of the SPCA.
Or the Grateful Dead.
Definitely one or the other.
Dogs aren't my biggest foe in the animal kingdom, although a close friend used to have a miniature schnauzer that left me with a couple scars on my fingertips.
ReplyDeleteI don't show fear. The problem is that animals can sense disdain.
Haha... Animals realize the problem, too. Why do you think there are always cows trying to paint over billboards around town?
ReplyDeleteBut you've hit upon something. I keep threatening to put an ad in the local paper regarding the bunnies residing at my house: "Wanted: Good home for two delicious, delicious bunnies."
Hey there, Herb!
ReplyDeleteI think blogging about babies and animals is infinitely more entertaining than blogging about my family.
Someday, though, I'll run out of alternative material, and then you'll get your horrible, horrible wish.
Hell yes! It's all about the opposable thumbs.
ReplyDeleteAnimals are also time-consuming. I can't even keep a plant alive, so I'm pretty sure I shouldn't be moving on to animals. At least plants can't bite me...
ReplyDeleteI prefer to see animals outside my house, in the wild, where they were meant to be.
If God had intended animals to be in my house, he would have given them keys.
That is really a plus for you, I'd imagine, since you end up going up to so many strangers' houses and all.
ReplyDeleteThe cats that hate me, incidentally, were both taken from their mothers' too soon as kittens. Bad parenting can screw up offspring for life... Cats, too.
I'm glad my dog doesn't have opposable thumbs. He wreaks enough havoc on his "off" days without that advantage. He's like living with an 80 pound 3 year old.
ReplyDeleteA man down in Texas heard Pat on the radio mention the fact that our two youngsters would like to have a dog. And believe it or not, the day before we left on this campaign trip we got a message from Union Station in Baltimore, saying they had a package for us. We went down to get it. You know what it was? It was a little cocker spaniel dog in a crate that he'd sent all the way from Texas, black and white, spotted. And our little girl Tricia, the six year old, named it "Checkers." And you know, the kids, like all kids, love the dog, and I just want to say this, right now, that regardless of what they say about it, we're gonna keep it.
Haha... Most critters smell different after they're cooked, though, so maybe not.
ReplyDeleteHey, that would have been a much better title. It would have been the best since ""Pedophagia."
ReplyDeleteAgain, I am reminded again of the Texas Food Disparagement Act. It's the state law they tried to get Oprah under when she said she didn't eat hamburger anymore.
ReplyDeleteSo you could have a point...
The Texas Food Disparagement Law is my second-favorite state law, right after the one that says Texas cheerleaders cannot do suggestive dancing or cheers in public.
The dog's brain stores information in two ways - it can either be conditioned or it can store what it learns. Both responses rely upon the individual dog's information-storage systems and are,
ReplyDeletein part, determined by genetics. The brain consists of billions of cells (neurons), each of which may have up to 10,000 connections with other cells. The cells chemically communicate with each other through neurotransmitters. The speed of these transmissions depends partly upon a fatty substance called myelin. In the dog's prime, messages are transmitted at great speed, but as the brain ages, messages move more slowly. Anatomically, the dog's brain is similar to the brains of most other mammals. The cerebrum controls learning, emotions, and behavior, the cerebellum controls the muscles, and the brain stem connects to the peripheral nervous system. Each sense feeds into the brain through its own special nerves. A network of cells throughout the brain (the limbic system) almost certainly integrates instinct and learning. The conflict between what a dog instinctively wants to do and what we teach it to do probably takes place in the brain's limbic system. Humans can override this system by giving rewards to the dog for obeying its owners rather than its "instincts".
No, damn Cthulu is very secretive and overly ominous about that kind of thing.
ReplyDeleteI ran a search for how much dog brains weigh, and I kept finding this 72 ounce number. It sounded too high to me, but I figured that no one would catch it. They might have larger brains than us for all I know. I mean, the smarter ones have managed to avoid the whole "wearing clothes" thing.
The brain of a 20 kg (45 lb) dog would weight about 80 to 100 grams or
ReplyDeleteabout 3 to 3 1/2 oz. In contrast a human's brain weighs about 1500 gram or
3 pounds.
Or lasers.
ReplyDeleteThat would be bad, too.
ReplyDeleteI tried to work the Checkers speech in, but alas, I find people stop reading my blogs after about 12 pages.
ReplyDeleteHa. SNL also did a "Battle Cats" ad years and years back.
ReplyDeletethats pretty much the relevant passage, and you probably knew id copy and paste it as a reply to this blog
ReplyDeleteBring out the gallows. There is a reason they are the size of footballs.
ReplyDeleteMirrorMan played off of Adri's fear of four legged creatures.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't question him as she layed on the thorax of his four legged beetle. MirrorMan now smiled that he has the real Adri in his poession not her reflection. Adri gasps at the fact that the man from the mirror would come to her realm. Worst to use her fear of four legged creatures to control her. As she rests on the insect Adri wonders if her roommate played this trick with her. She feels the strong fingers of Mirrorman stroke her bare back,caress her long glowing redhair. Still she wonder what this alternate universe male wants from her. She squeals when she feels his powerful fingers squeeze her dierre...
Mirrorman is control and that she knows.
I would say animals hate you because they think you're evil but I don't think that's the case. Maybe it's because as a member of the legal profession you're one of the few members actually smarter than them.
ReplyDeleteThis ability isn't strictly limited to the animal kingdom. Humans of course tend towards the false-positive a bit more often in their sensing.
ReplyDeletethey say animals are keen judges of character. perhaps it's just politicians and lawyers they have problems with? by the way, aligning yourself with richard nixon isn't exactly a way to endear yourself to anyone, animal or human.
ReplyDeleteMirrorMan is kind of a bastard, isn't he? Ha.
ReplyDeleteI'm not afraid of animals. They don't like ME. I loved snakes when I was a kid.
It could be that critters don't like anything that slithers on the ground lower than they do.
ReplyDeleteOh wait. I just insulted myself, didn't I? Well, it was a lawyer joke...
Male humans in particular like to interpret statements by certain females in the light most likely to give them an in.
ReplyDeleteIndeed. The picture I paint of myself is sometimes pretty ugly.
ReplyDeleteWhich is difficult! It's not easy to cast oneself as the bad guy.
This is the real reason...you're one of the few members actually smarter than them
ReplyDeleteYeah Mirrorman is a bastard. I wonder if he's obsessive over you? But I thought I combined the four legged foe element with your mirrorman. It came out of no where to be honest with you. Bet your friend Angela would laugh what I could do with your elements eh? I couldn't resist becouse I found the four legged blog interesting. U should do a Mirrorman sequel in the future. But write the sequel as if it's not sequel at all but a brand new tale:)
ReplyDeletethats kinda hot...
ReplyDeleteAnd best of all, does not violate my Vow of Silence thanks to Rule #9: Involuntary vocal exclamations of pain, excitement, or ecstasy shall not be deemed to be violations of the terms of this vow agreement.
ReplyDeleteAlthough I wish I had certain animal senses/super powers. Like those beetles form out in the desert that can see the earth's magnetic pull or whatever in order to, well, get out of the desert or find water.
ReplyDeleteI'd also like to be able to spin webs.
Any stream of thought, character, or plot is always eligible to resurrection at any time, with or without warning.
ReplyDeleteNow Adri I'm AMAZED that MirrorMan didn't violate your now. I now figure that Mirroman has the real u...well your his toy now.
ReplyDeleteThis has inspired me to start a non-profit to teach animals to read. It's a worthy cause.
ReplyDeleteNot as funny as your organization to clean feral cats, JC, but still a worthy cause.
I'm going to kick ass on "Jeopardy" one day, thanks to you.
ReplyDelete"Yes, Alex, I'll take brain weights for $800!"
I think I'd make a lousy toy.
ReplyDeleteFor starters, I'm in the middle of a Silenc e Vow, so I don't say a damn thing when you pull the string on my back.
Which, now that I think about, might not get many complaints...
Eve liked snakes too, see where that got the human race
ReplyDeleteit always takes time to win over the kids. .... that blog was fun to read. did you used to tell scary stories to your kid friends... i mean not like the stories you tell in court now.
ReplyDeleteLet's not forget that veterinary science has taken all the fun out of being a pet owner. In the good old days, a guilt-ridden pet owner could just have Fido put to sleep, having exhausted all veterinary know-how. I keep hearing stories at work from pet-owners who drop $1,500 at once on a procedure for their cat... only to need another procedure performed. I would say that that type of expense, plus the time messing with it all, is not worth it. When the last cat died, I was glad that there were no more nasty expenses to come.
ReplyDeleteWeb spinning is all that it's cracked up to be and I think you've tried that a couple of times with guys.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this blog and all the comments, such wonderful comments I feel that truly it is the animals that win here :) all gods lovely little creatures!...but...didn't god make the vegitables too? aren't the veggies alive (outside of adri's care at least)? hmm? If vegitables are alive like hamburgers are alive then why do we eat at all? Thats it! Im not mowing my lawn anymore...it destroys the habitat for millions of tiny insects, frogs, snakes,etc. ... like a little rodent shoah. I bet they even have a soul...and they goto little buggy heaven...or some other place...like the landfill...poor poor innocent fucking bugs. Im gonna cry now.
ReplyDeletesounds like hinduism
ReplyDeletedogs don't go to heaven, its the last chapter of revelation
ReplyDeleteapparently thou its a mistranslation it meant in the original greek male prostitute and it got translated as dogs into the english
ReplyDeleteif only they had spelled it dawg thered be no confusion
just this morning i was talking with my brother about how i could eat beef without actually killing a cow. We decided it would be best to remove the cows hind legs...eat them (with some A1 steaksauce) and then strap a crude axle with large wheels to the cows hindparts.
ReplyDeletewhat a positively introspective week. Well, you're frequently introspective.. perhaps it's just the extra sardonic accuracy that is impressive.. *warm smiles*
ReplyDeletei don't mind the cow was killed so i can have my steak or cheeseburger, we'd like to think its done humanely
ReplyDeletetheres a movie, fast food or something, greg kinnear and bruce willis, good stuff,
"theres shit in the meet" cause the slaughterhouse hires these like illegal immigrants who dont care and so they put the cow on the assembly line or whatever and done cut off all the bad parts that include the shit - the cow feces
anyhow like 50 minutes into the film bruce willis all bald and smileing "theres shit in the meet"
ReplyDeletego to minute 1:36 here
they're drinking fat tire a beer made in colorado i think the movie takes place there
ReplyDeletearound minute 3 bruce willis gives an explanation, a corporate excuse about the "shit in the meat"
ReplyDeletecorporations vs health
ReplyDeletedid you know before ronald reagan the health dept could go into grocery stores and test meat and pull it if it was bad
reagan changed that
jimmy carter gave a speech in 1980 saying he wanted by the year 2008 20% of our energy to come from solar power
ReplyDeleteronald reagan killed that legislation,
i wonder what corporations donated to the ronald reagan campaign in 1980
its 2008, gas is $4.21 a gallon
ReplyDeletesorry adri i took over 10 comments in a row for a diatribe about how the corporations suck
ReplyDeleteRealms have been crossed.
ReplyDeleteAdri tensed her muscles under MirrorMan's firm strong hand. His hand feels like a heavy anchor keep her place as she remains silent. She figures MirrorMan must've cut some Faustion deal to aquire her. She gazes at the wild beautiful rainbow color jungle. She's a kidnaped Alice in Wonderland. Still the new realm which he has returned feels no different than her own. Yet this realm more primitive. Strong sweet scent of roses and other flowers make her nostrils flare. Earlier MirrorMan tied her wrists behnd her back and bound her ankles; no,he didn't want his redheaded doll to escape him,ever. Adri feels MirrorMan's huge hand shoving her closer to his saddle.
She knows there is no escape...but the realm feels like one of her surreal vivid dreams but a dream she can't wake up from.
Realms have now been crossed.
ReplyDeleteAdri tensed her muscles as she try to relax under the heavy anchor hand of MirrorMan. She glares silently at the jungle of the new realm. She suspects that Mirrorman cut Fasutian deal to aquire and keep her. Once MirrorMan brought the real Adri into his mirror realm,Adr's reflection disappeared. Her reflected self burted into particles...now that Mirrorman has his real redhead toy. Their was no need...
Adri let out another squeal,never has she felt fingers so strong and powerful. When MirrorMan kissed her with his big Mick Jagger lips she ignored him.
im not sure if im reading soft core porn or not
ReplyDelete..I think in this case.. if you have to ask.. you aren't.
ReplyDelete..but chucks writing always stirs something in me.. that.. um.. nevermind...
ReplyDeletewanted to make sure
not that theres anything wrong with that
ReplyDeleteYup. It led to our having to wear clothes. And to pain during childbirth.
ReplyDeleteGuys I tend to think visually when I write something. Sorry for both versions but I wasn't sure if the first one got published by the mulitply generator here.
ReplyDeleteI frequently visualise whirled peas. Keep the words flowin' 0chuck.
ReplyDeleteYou're going to ruin my rep.
ReplyDeleteNot that it matters.
I mean, even female black widow spiders get laid.
You'd think the females would have to hide the red hourglass thing, you know, so the males wouldn't know. But nope.
I don't know how introspective my blogs have been lately. But then, my critics are a tough lot to satisfy...
ReplyDeleteCool. I thought this was a throwaway blog, but people seem to dig it.
ReplyDeleteI used to tell scary stories to my older brother. And my my bf was dying in the hospital, I wrote a story to tell him every day.
And now, as you point out, I lie for a living.
Adri my dear you're correct about the Black Widow Spider. Becouse if we were black widows making out--u would kill me with your poison as part of the mating ritual eh? But before I die,I would make sure it was the best night in the web we had.
ReplyDeleteThe more something reminds us of a person, the less likely we are to eat it, I think. If plants could scream, they'd be spared.
ReplyDeleteI knew a guy who was... a Jainist, i think, who would not eat a vegetable or fruit if it killed the plant to eat the fruit of it. In other words, apples were okay, but not carrots.
He was a wacko.
You're such a kind-hearted person. I'll pitch in some cash for the bovine wheelchair!
ReplyDeleteNo, no. I don't play this game.
ReplyDeleteIt's the Simpsons, from when they went to Sunday School:
"If you lose your leg in the war, will it be waiting for you in heaven?"
"What if you are a rat with a human brain, do you go to heaven?"
I used to know a lot of animal activists, who are a strange lot, but they have good points. Government regulators freely admit the animal slaughter regs are the least enforced of anything on the books.
ReplyDeleteIt's vaguely scary.
If I wasn't such a lazy bitch, I'd go vegetarian.
You can spend as much time and space as you want with that message.
ReplyDeleteFour out of five senses are brought in during this one. If you'd had someone make a sound, you'd've had all 5.
ReplyDeleteAnd there's a squeal.
I think it has more to do with your enjoyment of sinking your teeth into a good fleshy bite. Your laziness has yet to be proven.
ReplyDeleteNo, it's laziness. I've tried to go vegetarian, and actually go without meat maybe... 2 days out of a week.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if I go more than that, I end up eating junk food.
I only eat beef once a month. Maybe less.
what senses sweetheart did the tale arouse u? Just courious:)
ReplyDeleteis incredulity a sensation?
ReplyDeleteShe has no sense of time...
ReplyDeleteAdr stands on her feet on a Wizard of Oz like trail. Mirrorman's shadow dwarfs her as she feels his lance poke her back. Under the realm;'s sun her long redhair glows as she marches in a blind silence. Around her she sees gold and violet colored cobwebs. Her wrists feel numb from the short tight silk rope; she strolls slowly through the beautiful surreal landscape her eyes dart with a panic here and there. She stops to catch her breath near a large four leg root tree; her nostrils flair once again with to the sweet scents of the new land. She looks into the tree and sees a yellow hourglass blackwidow spider stroll reall fast taking dinner to her young. For a brief second she swears that she and the spider make eye contact; then she continues down the trail.
All she knows she's a slave. As she follows the trail she stops dead when she feels a strong cool current of water run over her barefeet. Seeing that the stream is deep, Mirrorman grabs a memorizied Adri and thrusts her over his shoulder. She feels his large fingers lock like a vice around her thighs. She feels helpless for some reason...as MirrorMan wades through the stream...she stares at her watery reflection...for a moment she swears she sees the skyline of Houston...
Your blog rocked!
ReplyDeleteSpeaking from the other side of the animal kingdom (Homo sapien), most animals like me too much, oh, and the mentally challenged seem to gravitate in my direction (not you Sam, not you Bob C.).
...and to sex standing up...which everybody knows led to dancing
ReplyDeletei may be reading too much into this but i guess animals like me a lot too...what with the whole inter-species erotica thing going on in some places It may be possible someday to actually marry an animal...like a sheep...or a donkey maybe. What about a Lorax? I wonder what thats like...heh people would be all...there he goes...dude fucked a Lorax once.
ReplyDeletebe careful with that chupacabra. If you piss it off it might poke a hole in your chest and drain out your organs...it happened to me before.
ReplyDeleteAnd then they eat their mate or should I say the young eat the widows mate.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the animals that I want to hate me, it's a large portion of the human population. Imagine what a blessing that would be. Shoot for the most part, animals are far more self-sufficient several adult humans I know.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are hopeless. I meant that you had sights, sounds, smells, etc.
Thank you, thank you.
ReplyDeleteI used to think I attracted people who liked to hear themselves talk. Then I realized that it wasn't me - those types just need a set of ears to tlak into.
This reminds me of a joke in Christopher Moore's "Lamb" novel:
ReplyDeletePerson A: "That is an Abominable Snowman."
Person B: "That's what happens when a person fucks a sheep?"
Person: "No, not 'abomination'. Abominable."
I'm completely aural. Everything is sound.
ReplyDeleteI said "aural," Torrent. Not what you were thinking...
I like that. Wow and you has branez two
ReplyDeleteyeah thats in the last chapter i read
ReplyDeleteWell, of course. Absolutely! That animals are preferable to people goes without saying.
ReplyDeleteAnd come to think of it, most people aren't crazy about me, either...
Well I;m NOT one of them just to let you know.
ReplyDelete"crazy" is a relative term...
ReplyDeleteSounds like my relatives
ReplyDeleteHoly Carp... are we related?
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, you aren't crazy about them, either...
ReplyDeleteMaybe. I have a lot of relatives who 'horsed' around.
ReplyDeleteI'm still trying to figure out what the deal is with people tolerating me online.
ReplyDeleteI won't judge you for putting up with me, though ;-)
Ha! Someone HAS been paying attention!
ReplyDeleteDid you have pets growing up as a child?
ReplyDeleteJust a turtle.
ReplyDeleteIf there's any stories about the turtle that you've have online perhaps you could share or if they're significant perhaps a future blog,
ReplyDeletei had a turtle for a few months, it died, i named it george sam,
we had a dog, when i was first "aware" the dog was there, so my parents got him when i was an infant or earlier
the dog died after we moved, i was 11, i've shared this with adri the blog owner how for a while moving to me was equated with a death,
the family got like 2 cats in high school but then i went to college
I never wanted pets as a kid, but my parents insisted that I have them.
ReplyDeleteAnd then they wouldn't take care of them! It was heartbreaking and wrenching, and I won't go into any more detail other than to say... if you have kids, listen to them....
It is not you, it is them. I AM an animal person and generally too nice to some people for my own good. That combination sticks me with feeding people's cats while they are on their honeymoon. While my friend is off doing god knows what on a cruise to Mexico (actually, I know what and you covered that topic quite well in previous blogs), I am stuck feeding her satanic cat that hisses and claws at me immediately upon entry. Wearing cowboy boots protects me from the ankle slasher.
ReplyDeleteSince I am an animal person & this cat has a rather hostile reaction to me, it is the cat, not me. Using linear interpolation, the same argument could be made for you, with a somewhat greater degree of uncertainty. I am too tried to flush out all the math, just trust me. You are fine, the pets are evil.
A Cthulhu, huh?
ReplyDeleteDid it bring the shoggoths with it?
They're terrible on the carpeting.
as long as we're on a roll here.. why should this bemusement be limitted to your online audience.. haven't you already admitted that you're pretty much more touchy feely here than in person. (Well.. aside from the touchy feely parts I suppose.)
ReplyDeleteIt would seem that you must have charms you're unaware of.
i've run out of appropriate comments for this blog
ReplyDeleteHmm... If I think of a story about the turtle, I'll write about it, definitely.
ReplyDeleteI had it for 20 years. It died this year.
Where did the name "George Sam" come from?
Oh no!
ReplyDeleteThat just smacks of hidden trauma.
Being a 21st century Western civilization type, my first thought when a cat hisses at me in my own house is, "Damn it, this is MY house: You can't hiss at me in my own house!"
ReplyDeleteIt's an absurd example of the thought process behind notions of ownership, but it happens all the time.
That and an ancient sense of dread, yeah.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure I'm just loaded down with hidden charms.
ReplyDeleteThey're very subtle.
I noticed...
ReplyDeleteHaha! I'm kidding. I mean, I shouldn't have said that.
OK, I should have found a different way of saying that.
I mean... oh never mind.
A valid point! I suppose being hissed at upon entry of YOUR house would be much different. Hopefully they will strike some sort of diplomatic agreement where they will at least tolerate you in your house.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, If you need recipes for things like, turtle soup, let me know!
Haha... I'm getting used to it. The little female cat that was taken from its mum too early, it hisses a lot. As a matter of fact, it kind of over-uses the hissing thing, to the point where it becomes ineffective as a tool.
ReplyDeleteIt does so while hiding behind sofa or under a chair - so kind of a disembodied hiss.
So after so long, I realized that getting mad about it was kind of a poor reflection on me.
George and Sam - just two really common first names.
ReplyDeleteOf course it is hidden... it wouldn't be a tease otherwise... nor would it be convincingly traumatic unless it needed to be dredged up...
ReplyDeleteI prefer Sam, actually...
ReplyDeleteWell does George the FruitGuy sound right to you? Not to me....
ReplyDeleteSam the FruitGuy... long lost relative to Sam The Butcher?
ReplyDeletelisa the card shark
ReplyDelete..there's an elvis costello lyric in there...
ReplyDeleteI was over at my friend's house last week. While we talking to here while the cat was hissing at me. Finally she turned and yelled "stop it!" I hadn't even noticed, her hissing had become white noise in the apartment. Like a noisy refrigerator that shuts off suddenly, you only notice it when it stops.
ReplyDeleteMy cat is name Schlick becouse of his fur. The Reggie-Teddy becouse my neice and nephew wanted to give the cat names they liked.
ReplyDeleteWe can safely say there is a story. :-)
ReplyDeleteThis is another one of them allegories ain't it?
ReplyDeletei agree with torrent on these issues
ReplyDeleteYour canine syntax is coming along nicely....
ReplyDeleteNope. It was a turtle. one day it was alive, the next it wasn't.
ReplyDelete..she's gotta an affinity.. even beyond syntax, don't ya think?
ReplyDelete329 in dog years, Tor. 329.
ReplyDeleteSome times a turtle is just a turtle?
ReplyDeleteHaha! Be careful, Brent: One more line that good and I might assign you to respond to all the comments on my blogs.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's just about a full-time job.
Just the research to be your ghost commenter would probably kill me. The non-mainstream music and literary references would indeed be a full time job. Although a generation older, I enjoy non-traditional music and literary stuff, so that would at least be a fun job.
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for the compliment. From you that is high praise indeed.
I'm acquiring a fondness for my dog's glucosamine.
ReplyDeletedon't I fucking know it.. it's why I've been so thankfull for drmccoy.
ReplyDeleteObviously, I agree. I mean, just think about the negative repercussions to the national economy and world affairs if I didn't get 150 comments each time out...
ReplyDelete..in a pinch you could always post photos of Angela.. oops..
ReplyDeleteI bet Angela is one wild Party Animal :)
ReplyDeleteit all depends on the length of the leash. woof.
ReplyDeleteAny classes or activities scheduled tonight?
ReplyDeleteHilarious watching y'all last Friday on your beds phone sexing yourselves. Argen
Strangely, I didn't see Adri or Angela. You know, I didn't see any women. Somebody got screwed, but not the girls.
Generally, we at the Sanitarium do not mention to the residents when they're the only ones there. Many of them have pathological or physiological reasons for believing someone else is around them or talking to them or performing sex acts upon them. At these early stages of treatment, to learn the truth... well, the cognitive dissonance is still too entrenched...
ReplyDeleteAmazing. Always one step ahead. You've got them talking TO each other instead of mumbling.
ReplyDeleteYou are truly a service to the community.
..and she's got a mean fucking backhand too. (Tennis humour, sorry)