Professor ZaZeen (NSFW)

Reader Discretion is Strongly Advised…
…with apologies to Theodor Geisel…
(It’s not poetry, it’s Dr. Seuss!)

Said young Michael O’Malley to Bridget LaVey
                   “I do NOT want to wear one of those when we play
                   They are much too-too tight
                                                     And they get in the way!
                   I tell you, a real man cannot feel a thing
                   If he’s wearing a plastic skull cap on his ding.”

And young Bridget LaVey, who was suitably wise
She said,
I know you are PROUD of your size
But if you’ve made your mind up just to get to the prize
You should know that I’ve been round this block…
… once or twize.”


Then Miss Bridget LaVey,
Well, she thunk and she thunk
And then out from her closet
She pulled an old trunk
And said
          “Mike, you should know
          If we’re going to spelunk…”


When I was a sporting virginic young teen
I met the good Doctor Professor ZaZeen
Who showed me what happens when a boy puts his ween
Inside my Doyplophus without any screen


The good Doctor Professor Alphonsus ZaZeen
He said, Bridget, you’re going to meet boys who aren’t clean
That is why… I am giving you this Cork Guatreen
Now, a new Cork Guatreen is a great handy gadget
                       With space where a boy can insert potent fadget
                                           Without kiddies resulting, if you can imag’it

Oh the soft wrinkled babies to never be born
If we do all our glurking while wearing a Shlorn
You slide in over here, then you breathe through this horn
And you won’t catch the clap and I won’t be forlorn.

Yes, our 21st Century No-Baby choices
Will soon have us moaning
                             At tops of our voices!

          Now, just for example
          Now, just so you see
          I won’t EVER get knocked up
                             If we use a Pftieee
…But the blades on that thing
They move faster than me!

If you won’t use a condom for rolls in the hay
Well, you COULD get a Triffler shipped in from Taipei
But just how that thing works,
Well, I can’t rightly say…

There are so many ways you can axe procreation
With quintuple the fun…
…And no loss of sensation!


And he showed me a Mugwamp from Guada-la-loo  
That you take and you shove up inside her hoo-hoo
It eats incoming spermies, that’s all that it do!

Now if you’re up for danger, but don’t want quick eggs
Please allow me to introduce two or three Quaigs
They’re the perfect solution when your boy just begs


I would so love to tell you what the Quaigs, Batch and Megs
                                        Will insert here,
Or rub there
Up betwixt my legs
But we’d run quite afoul of old government regs

Oh the crotch you will see and the bodies you’ll pump
If you go see ZaZeen right whene’er you hump!

ZaZeen’s Famous Incredible Shop of Protection
Will keep you from need of unsightly C-Section!

And so!
 If you’re considering being my lover
With so many choices, man –
Who needs a rubber?

Then young Michael, he opened his mouth like a yawn
And things they got quiet all a-cross the lawn
He said, “Don’t be a smart ass –
                                      I’ll put the damn condom on.”



  1. I read it imagining that Jesse Jackson was reading it...

  2. Oral sex is the answer to birth control...especially performed on women.

  3. oh damn, why didn't I write this? I could have you know. probably not with your refined eloquence, but I could have just the same.

    This was a freaking' refreshing piece to stumble onto ... it's shows why you are the Master of the blog.

    Thanks Adri, this cracked me up!

  4. I love it.........Dr. Seuss is gone.........all hail the new Dr. !!!

  5. This is a message
    all people should hear
    We're six billion
    too many
    I fear
    And so
    you good people
    the next time
    you leer
    take Bridget's advice
    use rubbers
    in bed
    enjoy some nice sex
    with nary a fear

  6. I am sure some poet wanna be's will see poetic justice in Adri writing this verse. As for me I am going to sit back and enjoy her very good spin in a very difficult meter, if not subject.

    Well done Madam Oopsy.

  7. I was going to write a poetic response, but couldn't spell propolatic. Still can't

  8. Adri is that you in the second picture from the bottom?

  9. I can't see anything by seuss and not picture Jackson reading.

    One damn SNL skit a decade and a half ago, and I'm ruined for life.

  10. Hmmm... Yes, I think I can endorse that statement.

  11. Thanks, Gayle. I figured it was different from my usual stuff.

    Turns out this took way longer to write than my usual bits, though.

    And I'll either end up losing some readers over it or gaining a few... or both...

  12. Man, it's not easy to write like Seuss.

    I had to give up to an extent, because I couldn't make it that long. But he switches between couplets and triplets and then back again. And makes up words even when he really probably doesn't need to.

    But it was fun.

  13. Nice.

    I've thought about that: about how in the world we can improve living conditions or basic rights for everyone when the numbers are growing so fast that we can't even ensure that for the currently living folks.

    Fortunately, I'm not the one making those decisions...

    But I CAN make sure my own numbers don't increase...

  14. Thank you, Brent! We'll see what the reaction to it is...

  15. I don't know whether I'd be interested in sticking around in that neighborhood very long. It looks a bit seedy...

  16. And the jokes commence! Neighbors are all dicks was too obvious.

  17. I absolutely love it! Thanks for posting... very amusing...

  18. And once you figured out the spelling, you'd have to find a word to rhyme with it.

  19. Thanks, Sam. I wasn't sure HOW you (being my ex-husband) would feel about it...

    There have been a handful of ideas I've had for the blog that I've been hesitant to write and post. TThis is one. It was just too potentially entertaining to let slip by, though...

  20. Good attitude, Phil! More people need to to feel like you.

  21. here's a solution that i have employed
    sensations not dulled, but quite fully enjoyed
    it works on all guys, no matter how they're equipt
    just go to the doctor and have yourself snipped
    pregnancy worries this procedure eases
    but you still have to worry bout nasty diseases

  22. Heck Adri, ex-husband or not, I like anything that is half delightful and half cynical and tongue-in-cheek... I hope this blog is the beginning of a trend on your part!

    There is a lot of stuff that I have written, photographed, and thought about that I have not blogged, either. I was telling someone the other day that I'm really a lot weirder than my blog posts. Probably by now, no one would have trouble believing that.

  23. Ooh, I liked this very much. And Bridget is damn cute.

  24. I think you're right. This could be an ugly week in comments...

  25. Stay focused on the theme of the blog man...oh you are...

  26. It's not poetry. Or she would have to cross-reference "Stop Writing Poetry."

    Adri: Awesome images. Your picture trawling time has been quite fruitful it seems.

  27. That was said firmly tongue in cheek; I needed a good way to use poetic justice

    I totally agree on the success of your picture trolling. Very well done. With the NSFW warning, I confess to looking at the pictures then reading the blog. Yes I am that shallow

  28. Haha... what a ringing endorsement.

    The weirdest thing so far? Ednabambrick stopped by and read it but didn't comment. Explain that one... I suspect the dude's head might have exploded or something.

  29. Thanks! I'm glad you liked. I try to keep everyone on their toes...

  30. Haha! That made me laugh.

    But yes, catching pregnancy is the least of the potential problems.

    I mean, if you look at statistics for STDs, you'd never want to date again (and I'm saying "you" generically).

  31. The fact that my regular readers can't even imagine why anyone would be turned off by some of my blogs is the reason why I love you folks so...

  32. Well, I think so. I mean... is that you I have my hand on? Right there?

  33. You should see the ones that didn't make it! Haha.

    But yes: I spend way too much time looking for potential pics.

  34. I try to have at least one high brow reference in most of my blogs. When I write one like this or like "Cocksucker Blues," I feel like it's too much of a novelty hit, as though I'm threatening to Jump the Shark.

    But it's irresistible, in the end. I post them anyway.

  35. Glad I could be of service.

    Oh wait, that sounded REALLY bad in this context!

  36. You ended the blog with a picture of a happy condom. How could we not love it?

  37. I think the fact they are "regular readers" means they are way past the "let's get the torches and pitchforks and storm the sanitarium" stage.

    So you are safe to Seuss.

    I think...

  38. Occasionally, someone pops a gasket and lets me have it on here. Usually, though, it doesn't happen at the times it SHOULD happen. A couple blogs back, someone got mad when they realized I was a lawyer, which is... well, I mean, it's too late for anyone to object to that, really.

    In recent months, the only things people legitimately took me on about was... some political point that unforgiven77 brought in and DJ's comments about my KKK blog.

    Outside that, I can't alienate readers when I TRY to...

  39. I tend to let things go when I should take you to task.

    It's the sulty redhead in you and the inner perv in me that takes the blame...

  40. I should expound further on this point. To be completely accurate, I don't take you to task on your blog lest you come to my blog to return the favor.

    I want to be free of scrutiny, kind of like those talking heads on cable news opinion shows...

  41. I'm sure it helps that I'm always right.

    Oh, and that most of my stuff is just for entertainment value.

    What would I take your site to task for. I mean, other than the photo folder entitled "Mostly pics of me with sunglasses on."

  42. Spelunk as in 'cave diving'? I don't think cave is the right word here though.

  43. I have a spouse that thinks the same thing too...

    I find your blog like "Fractured Fairy Tales" from the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show. Entertaining, but if you look close enough or in the right spot or after taking the right mind-altering chemical, there is a point to be made.

    Are you taking me to task that I've overstated the amount of sunglasses presence, or that those aren't pics of me? Because either is fair game...

  44. i was going to say why do i need a condom on my thing for cunnilingus

  45. I was more concerned with rhyming scheme than actual, you know, vocabulary. You gain that freedom when you bring in the Seuss.

  46. Really, that sounds like just the kind of endorsement I've always wanted actually.

    But YES, about your pictures: I was sold a bill of goods! I was pulled in by the promise of sunglasses. What do I get? TWO pics where you have sunglasses on. Which is admittedly 2 more than I have on my site, but I don't make promises like that...

  47. He did some propaganda pieces for the US during WW2 that are... um, racially questionable. Um, not at all PC. Culturally questionable.

    OK, some of them are rather offensive, actually.

    But he was German, and he was always trying to prove he was a good American.

  48. flip floppers with their promises these days

  49. it was the roaring 40s, we were at war, the music of the 40s, the rolling stones, the beatles,


  50. In each of the coaching pictures I have sunglasses on, albeit those pictures are far enough away where one can't tell the difference. But if you Cheney-fy the photos, you'll see sunglasses sans reflected naked women. Plus there is my wonderfully emotion packed profile pic with sunglasses, for a 83% photo's with sunglasses rate. Plus a 17% photo with witches hat rate as an added bonus!

  51. dick cheney was in the news for his sunglasses reflecting naked women

  52. That must have been a hellishly slow news day.

  53. for real

    and you know when VH1 does 2008 year in review they'll do a thing about it,

  54. When you have 168 hours a week to fill up with news 52 weeks a year, every day is a slow news day...

  55. Yes, I suppose one can get caught up in the zeitgeist and say and draw things one later regrets. Things that make huge negative generalizations about other races and cultures.

    I'm just glad we live in a time when that sort of thing no longer ever happens...

  56. go to your inbox right now and how many times does the word islam appear

  57. Yes, yes... You have technically complied with the promise. I can't sue you under the Texas deceptive Trade Practices Act.

    Frankly, the witch hat pretty much makes up for any disappointments in other areas...

  58. If all I needed was a beret to overcome my challenges

  59. It was so clearly the Veep's arm that I couldn't even twist my eyesight around to see a naked woman.

    But he issued a statement denying the naked woman anyway.

    Anyone worth their salt would have had a field day with that. "The Vice President's Office is currently in pursuit of the mysterious naked woman who flashed the VP."

    No, wait: "The Vice President's Office has talked to Lynn Cheney, and she has given us her solemn promise that in the future, she will stay fully clothed when there are cameras around..."

  60. Really, if he was reflecting the Chippendale Dancers or some male revue in San Francisco, then fine, put him on Larry King with Larry Craig and you have something. An old, white Texas republician looking at nekkid women sounds like a normal Tuesday lunch in Houston.

  61. No, I just think it demonstrates how guys see naked chicks everywhere.

  62. naked chicks are awesome
    I endorse naked chicks for vice president

  63. I was trying to think of a smart retort for this only to realize the depth and accuracy of the statement. That and I think I saw a naked woman walk by my window.

  64. I'll have to study this platform in depth before rising up for the cause...

  65. By yourself? Are you from Chicago or something??

  66. for historical purposes, the wiki entry on dick cheney

  67. Hey! I get it, this is the Love Scene blog I've been waiting for.

  68. You're a lawyer? Thanks for letting us know. There goes all of my respect for you.

    Wait a minute. Oh yea, I already knew that. Sorry, Monday mornings and all that.

    Respect firmly back in place. For now.

  69. Well, there WAS the Sock Puppet Theater thing last summer.

    But yeah, outside that, if you've been waiting for a love scene, things have doubtlessly been very disappointing up until now...

  70. Yeah, it's way too late for you to hold that against me... ;-)

  71. Interesting read... Very informative and gives just the right amount of information.

  72. And the best part is, I could use made- up words for the really bad parts...

    Have a good week anyway, herb!

  73. Adri... You could call all the parts different things and I think I could trust you enough to not be overly concerned... You have a great week too... Hugs.

  74. Hey, by the way, in the picture of the girl holding up the directions, in the top panel, the right hand picture, doesn't it look like there is a line through the top of the penis? What's with that? Is there some geometry test that is associated with that brand of condums? "To ensure the proper placement of the condum, take a line perpendicular to the vertical axis of the penis...." Kind of ruins the moment, don't you think?

  75. lol HORNDOG...phew! i need a new pic of angela...

  76. The terrible thing is, this is the closest I've ever come to reading the instructions for condoms.

    I like the second panel on that one, where it says not to twist the tip of the condom around.

    Mainly, I'm just mourning the trees destroyed to print condom instructions I never read.

  77. All y'all look at those pictures way too closely

  78. Maybe you should figure out a way that when a condom is opened, directions are automatically texted to your phone. Then the advertising slogan could be "Enjoy sex while lowering your carbon footprint. Screw with our new "green" condom".

  79. It's ok, I've already gone blind from all the masturbation, so looking at pictures closely isn't a problem.

  80. Haha. Aren't you the one who said he was looking at the pictures instead of reading the blog?

  81. According to the corporate advertising, Trojan Man flies in and explains everything to you. Which is probably more fun than the texting thing...

  82. I guess some just need more assistance than others...

  83. Who really has time to read at this point??? Are there not other things that would take priority??

  84. Damn Counselor, you were paying attention.

    Yes, I did say under oath that I looked at the pictures of this blog before reading. Normally I read then look, the whole NSFW thing sucked me in. In my defense (as weak it may be) I have not studied the pictures to such an extent that I would notice if there was a stray line on the instructions or other oddities in some of the other pictures.

    I must confess the naked body encased in a condom floating through the penile sea is really quite mesmerizing. If you put in a couple eggs (chicken, not human) it looks like something my brother might have done in the early 70's.

  85. oh, you're right. Sock Puppet was much more fullfilling and to the point. You've got it covered.

  86. ...don't take much for me to be able to spot a Georgian in a crowd... we don't say that kinda thing up North.

  87. That picture is a French AIDS-prevention poster. You should see the other one - the one with the guy inside the condom.

  88. I say "all y'all," too.

    If this keeps up, I'm fixin' to kick some Yankees out of here.

  89. This reminds me of when the Governor of Virginia wanted their battle flag back that the First Minnesota regiment took during the battle of Gettysburg (it's currently on display the the Minnesota History Center). The Minnesota governor at the time said "Why don't you come up here and try and take it".

    Once thing that Governor Ventura was good for was an interesting turn of phrase.

  90. Pipe down. Y'all just damn lucky we let you have this new fangled internet thingy down there.


    I checked. It's still in the collection. Apparently the Governor of Virginia backed down...

  92. I thought that environmental dude from Tennessee started the internet...

  93. He did, just before he started global warming with all of his electricity use. Just how do you make all of those improvement to your house to make it more energy efficient, and then end up using more electricty? Oh, that's right, he worked for the government. Never mind...

  94. Just once - just once! - I'd sort of like to see two states go at it.

    I can pick the states and start the provocation, even. You should hear what Texas has been saying about Connecticut's mother...

  95. Sorry Torrent, that is the plural for y'all which we use in Texas quite often. Insert YOUSE GUYS and you get the meaning.

  96. That is the great thing about Europe in general, you don't need some silly cartoon when you can put in a picture of a guy in a condom. I still remember watching the TV ads for German phone sex lines. You don't need to speak German to get the idea of the commercial.

  97. Instructions for condoms...? There were instructions??

    How mechanically inept does one need to be to need instructions on condom usage. It's not like you are assembling a gas grill (wait, I didn't use instructions for that either) or changing the thermostat in your car (wait, I didn't use instructions for that either) or...

  98. It appears that line is the arm of a person putting the condom on the first penii... but from the angle of the forearm, it's not the owner of said penis. Maybe it's one of the other two guys...

    So, apparently, according to the illustration, you need to have someone hold their arm over your penis. It doesn't specify if it needs to be the person the condom is intended for use in/on/by.

  99. We're really examining these things.

    Could you tell me what is going on in the third picture from the bottom of the blog? I can't tell what the guy behind the curtain is doing...

  100. There is a Texas family law case where these kids were on a double date: Boy A and Girl A front seat, Boy B and Girl B back seat.

    Boy A uses a condom and sexes Girl A in the front seat, then hands Boy B the condom in the back seat. Boy B turns it inside out and sexes Girl B.

    Girl B gets pregnant. Boy A is the father.

    The family court said they didn't care how it happened, Boy A was paying child support.

  101. It's called "left out".

    Not a good thing for your self-esteem when choosing up sides in kickball on the playground, but worse at an orgy...

  102. A new way for Boy A to learn that spending the extra couple bucks for the 6 pack of condoms beats the hell out of 18 years of child support...

  103. Notice my reply didn't have any mention of "Texas"... but that was because I was too lazy to go to Westlaw or whatever it is nowadays and see if there is a similar case in Minnesota...

  104. It's okay. The case DOES show that there are folks in the world who need good condom instructions, though. And that is why my blog is such a blessing for so many...

  105. I tend to think that everyone in this world thinks like I do, and they don't.


    The jury is still out on whether that's good or bad...

  106. I'm going to petition the local schools to include this blog in their comprehensive sex education curriculum.

    Wish me luck?!?!?!?!

  107. Go for it.

    The naked dude with the hat at the top is who I was picturing as the good Doctor Professor Alphonsus ZaZeen. He can be kind of a Cat in the Hat of safe sex.

    I think this could be a big part of the Bush Administration's "Abstinence Only" curriculum...

  108. Too bad he is leaving office, he could really screw this up too, pun intended!!

  109. (Half) our nation is ever thankfull for our Bush termination and the (inter)national coitus interruptus.

  110. I don't trust the government to get involved in sex education, though. The only thing I trust them on is religion: they can't do anything right, so they should be teaching our kids religion...

    You know, reading through my last sentence again, I'm not even sure which parts I'm being sarcastic about...

  111. It's closer to 3/4 at this point.

    I'll withhold my thanks or regret until I see who he is giving the keys to...

  112. Does it really matter... We all know that given any opportunity to rule or drive an option would only lead to chaos and misrepresentation on behalf of the people, by the people and for the people. We elected what, to do what, and we are still how many years behind the most struggling of nations.

    Putting ourselves and our lives (education and religion) into their hands would be like asking a snake not to eat the rat...

  113. ..and I meant to accentuate the 'interruptus'.. I'm not expecting cessation. Just a change in partners and perhaps style. It's what keep life exciting.. every 4 or 8 years.. hmm.. um.. oh nevermind.

  114. Did you just admit to having an improper relationship with the President?

  115. Oh, that's right: You're from the northwest. Ya'll didn't consent up there.

    Although you HAVE consented to the government in general. I mean, you sent in your taxes and so forth, I assume...

  116. If that cat doesn't promote abstinence, I don't know what will.

  117. His pubes are disturbing...they're a bit "don king" if you ask me...which you didnt. I would have opted for the landing strip myself.

  118. I found him a couple months back - his creator is this crazy artist guy. The guy made a sculpture of him, and the pubic hair of the statute is made out of tiny pieces of metal.

    Sadly, I can't find the page again.

  119. Doesn't everyone love happy condoms?

  120. Was it?

    Man, I suspect I'm just not very warm and cuddly.

  121. I like the European attitude about that osrt of thing in general. Sadly, I don't care for Europeans themselves.

    I've been in Texas too long - or else just the right amount of time, depending on one's position...

  122. ..and here I keep thinking your disdain for Others was more global in scope...

  123. Oh, it is.

    Except, a) I tend to dislike individuals, not groups of people. My disdain is specific to the person, and b) I'm constantly being told how my atitudes or leanings or whatever are European. And yet when I meet Europeans, I tend to want to rip their scalps off with my fingernails.

    Maybe it's just French people...

  124. Ha. You totally share that distaste with me wife.

    I however am so enamored with Paris and the lifestyle that I'm forced to cut the people some slack.

  125. This sucks. It reminded me of something a 13-year old boy might laugh at. I starting to wonder why so many people read your shit.

  126. I am sorry you disapprove. I can talk to the judge who sentenced you to reading my blog, if you'd like. I might be able to get you out of it...

    What? You mean you weren't sentenced to be here as punishment?

    Then, you know... problem solved.

  127. You can try and be witty in response to me but you know you're a blog whore who finds her sense of identity by getting guys to tell her how sexy she is and what a writer she is. The truth is you are only 1/2 as funny and 1/3 as cute as you think you are.

    But you already knew that didn't you?

  128. "I respect your right to disagree with me, and I'll defend it to the death, but I'm still going to shoot you for being a quiche eating frog"

    Did I summarize that properly?

  129. Can I be your blog pimp? Or since I only come here to enjoy myself, does that make me a blog john? I was once accused of being a page jumping whore, but I don't know any paiges, and as a white guy I can't jump that high, so I think the person was a little off the mark. Although, if I ever do meet Paige, I will jump her, 'cause I hear she'll blog anyone....

  130. Too rude. Much too. Please apologize to everyone; it's the only civil thing to do.

    The more you write, the more we understand (you).

  131. Torrent is right, Paris (France, along with Texas and Tennessee) is a great place. When I was there, the French were very polite to me (and my money), while they openly expressed nothing but disdain for the Brazilian tourists.

  132. Did someone mention poo? ... i was busy working sorry :P

  133. Hence 5/6ths of your charm is delusional. The remaining 1/6th comes out when you tell people to shove fajitas up their ass....

  134. what the hell is a blog whore anyway?

    far as i can tell people put these blogs up and no one is forcing me to read anything

    if fake compliments like i think your funny or sexy are what gives someone an identity that would certainly be pathetic

  135. guys tell every women on the internet they are funny and sexy, its become meaningless, i try to stand out and be different, so i call all the women ugly trolls

  136. Suddenly it feels like I am back working at a middle school.

  137. i dont like fajitas, but if i did, i certainly wouldn't want one that tastes like ass

  138. all i can think to say back is funny -obscenity- that starts with the word "-obscenity-" like...-obscenity- barnacle or -obscenity- sorry. I have nothing to like...add to the proceedings.

  139. i've just spent five minutes trying to research what a blog whore is,

    all that ended up is a bunch of pictures of women giving oral sex to guys,

    how come i never got a beejay hanging out on this blog? what the fuck

  140. just ask torrent wtf...he might even let you go -obscenity- to mouth...

    A person who addictively writes in his/her online journal and reads or comments in others'.

    "I had to defriend that crazy blogwhore because every time I checked my friends page, every other entry was hers -- and it was stupid -obscenity- like memes and how much she hates Dubya."

  141. oh, the only like text i got was stuff about selling advertisements, and yeah the thing about being addicted to it

  142. huh? no i just meant as a general comment it was directed at you

  143. yeah yeah, thats what im talking about, thats the word i was talking about

  144. so what are you trying to say? was it a general comment directed at me?

  145. you said "no its assjedi" (paraphrasing) and I just read it like you were responding to what I said which was the assclown comment, almost like you were doing a funny response to it - but i wasn't referring to you as an assclown, just trying to be polite with what i said which was huh? no i wasn't reffering to you as an ass clown

  146. you gotta check out this site...its -obscenity- hilarious

    you can logon and make your own entries.

  147. yeah i like urban dictionary, its got good entries for japanese flag and blumpkin

  148. you should look up "brick oven burrito"...its disgusting man...or like, "dirty sanchez w/extra gravy"

  149. that entry brings to mind "greek picaso"

  150. I'de like to nominate myself as... dang.. I just couldn't live up to my own expectations on that. (But I had to get my whoring two cents in.)

  151. That's funny, but you know exactly what I mean. She throws shit out here every week, and you guys swarm as though it was raw meat or free sex.

  152. One cannot keep everyone happy all of the time.

    Some people try harder than others.

    I'm not trying all that hard.

    I would simply remind you - if you do not like the Sanitarium - your time might be much better spent finding a place you do like. I would hate to hold you back in your enjoyment of the internet.

  153. Yeah, I've got charm oozing out of every orifice.

    Wait... ew... that IS charm, isn't it?

  154. I'd just like to point out that one of my most-utilized tags on my blogs is "cryptozoology." I would offer that a blog whore is a mythical little woman appearing in some of the lesser known Tolkien novels.

    Oh wait. That's a bog whore...

  155. ..keep in mind this is The Sanitarium, and you don't cook all your own food.. so.. um.. just be carefull with the assumptions regarding coercion, or lack thereof.

  156. If I said you are "without hope" would it be an inside joke that only those who visited said douchebag's blog this afternoon would get?

  157. I only come here for the multi-syllable vocabulary. Ignore what I said earlier about the pictures.

  158. Look, there is some stuff here that Adri writes that I don't necessarily get. But you know, that's ok 'cause I'm a middle aged white guy, and other than keeping the oppressed down, we're not good for very much anyway.

    Anyway, what I was trying to say (much like she did) is that no one is making you read her blog. If you don't agree with it, or in your own I-live-in-a-wharehouse-but-I'm-not-really-homeless enlighed way, you think that Adri's got bigger problems, that's fine. Just go on your merry way and leave her and the rest of us alone. If it helps you sleep better at night because you've stopped by and thrown around some unsubstantiated allegations about her character, then good for you. Now you can go back to your commune and tell them how you beat down the blog man. Or woman, in this instance.

    Frankly, Adri and I have gone back and forth on several issues, and there is a lot more there than what you're seeing here. What you're seeing here (at least from my perspective) is her attempts to entertain and at time enlighten us. If you don't want what she is selling, that's fine, move along.

    It's kind of like arguing that ID4 with Will Smith wasn't based on facts. You're missing the point. It's supposed to be fun and entertaining. If you want facts, go to the X files. Oh, wait a minute...

    Anyway, it's not like Adri needs me to defend her, she is more elequent at it than I am. But, I stick up for friends, even if they have more liberal tendancies than I really like.

  159. you know,

    not to beat a dead horse,

    but maybe adri actually is sexy and funny to some of us,

  160. OK, OK. I think she's dead. Y'all can stop now...

    Your extra allotments of meds will be in your boxes tomorrow.

  161. For Odin's sake..... If a little F'Tard wants to make some negative comments..... well, I do think the character you portray (with words and pics) is sexy, but that doesn't mean I wanna tap ya. little people can't let anyone be more than they are, eh?

  162. Excuse me... I'm am owed some serious goodies for much of 2007.

    I'm all about fair and equitable treatment of employe... oh.. inmates.. guests.. residents. Fair and Equal. Gosh you're lookin' extra.. mumble mumble...

  163. Well, I'm not complaining about the feed. No siree.

  164. i was just wondering if...after a girl you know...DIES...does the pussy troll like...die too? ... or does it hang out waiting for someone to violate her corpse...not that i would do that because i TOTALLY respect the dead.

  165. lol you make a great comic foil...did mccoy call that girl a douchebag? YUCK

  166. That research must have been hell for you.

  167. You're not supposed to TELL people that! There always has to be that vague hope hanging out there...

    Thank you for the kind words, though.

  168. I think I was just turned down by Lach.


    Left hanging.


  169. Ohhhh Yippee!!! Can I have more of the yellow and blue capsules? Are you sure these are not plain Tylenol? They look like what i used to take on the outside.

  170. Damn, $20 just like downtown.

  171. lach is nuts...if you died, i would totally violate your corpse...i mean like if you um...died today...not like say thirty years from now...coz that would be disgusting. :D

  172. No, not turned down. Just put some limits on our relationship. ;)

  173. necrophilia
    always good for a laugh

  174. hey i dont -obscenity- around when it comes to necrophilia...dont tell me there are some people in here who are going to sexually harrass me because of my firmly held beliefs on the subject of necrophilia...i bet you guys make fun of gimpy crippled -obscenity- in wheelchairs too. THATS BAD. I WILL PRAY FOR YOU ALL.

  175. i masturbate to chicks in wheel chairs

  176. um,
    yeah some chicks in wheel chairs are hot,

    just saying,


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