The thing about Tacitus, he didn’t know about me. He didn’t know about me, and he surely was somewhat less than fully cognizant of rapper Kanye West.
In my role as lawyer, as attorney, as legal representative and officer of the court, I get to hear – on a daily basis, in fact – about how unfair absolutely everything is. About how that “Wet Floor” sign in the grocery store was nearly three feet away (!) from where your slip and fall happened. About how your previous attorney’s utter incompetence was the only reason you got sent to jail for that fourth DWI arrest. About how you honestly didn’t believe you had to pay federal income taxes because your friend told you the 16th Amendment was not ratified in the proper manner.
But there exists one special issue said to be so unfair, so gravely inequitable, so devastatingly punitive in nature that all other of life’s slings and arrows seem minor in comparison.
Of course, I speak of … CHILD SUPPORT.
How often am I afforded the opportunity to hear yet again how patently unfair it is that the state makes non-custodial parents pay money to support babies they’ve fathered? Well, enough that I would remark on it, for starters. But also, it seems, enough that I am able to counter these whining sessions in my sleep.
In my sleep! Literally!
And so it was on Monday night that I fell asleep with the television on a cable station known to its nearly 42 viewers as “Vh1.” And verily, my mind recoiled in disgust and my dreams were filled with righteous indignation, and not just at the wretchedly bland sounds of James Blunt, Fergie, and Sarah Bareilles, no.
No, for as I lay there upon my living room couch, that small part of my brain reserved for my professional activities lashed out at what shall hereafter be known as “THE GOLD DIGGER HYPOTHETICAL.”
Let’s take a quick look at each allegation within Verse 2 of Kanye West’s hit single “Gold Digger” one at a time, shall we?
1. “18 years, 18 years / She got one of yo’ kids, got you for 18 years.”
Now, Kanye West is just two months younger than I am. So I know, at this age, you can be what Kurt Vonnegut once described as “so full of lust and jism all the time.” And to be fair, I once had a guy tell me that his ex got pregnant by retrieving a used condom from his trash can. But assuming that the pregnancy was not obtained by hook or by crook, this sounds a lot like someone complaining because somebody has to pay for their toddler to eat.
We’ll come back to this point a little bit later…
2. “I know somebody payin’ child support for one of his kids / His baby momma’s car crib is bigger than his / You will see him on TV, any given Sunday / Win the Superbowl and drive off in a Hyundai.”
Not being a sports fan, this one caused my nocturnal mind a bit more trouble. But briefly, it appears that the allegation here is that the hip hop artist in question is acquainted with an NFL player from a team that has played in the Super Bowl. And this NFL player, due to child support payments, has been forced to drive not a mighty vehicle worthy of one of our nation’s glorious and essential players of the football, but rather, a [shudder] Hyundai.
In 2007, the lowest rookie salary in the NFL was $285,000, the median salary was $770,000, while the average salary was $1.4 million.
The manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) for the 2008 Hyundai Accent is $11,970, while the MSRP of the 2008 Hyundai Elantra tips the scales at a whopping $14,870. Of course, Hyundai makes an ugly minivan that costs damn near 30K, but I hope we can agree for the sake of argument that a man who doesn’t want to pay for baby diapers is not going to be driving around in a family-sized mini-van.
Let us also assume that an NFL player fresh from the Super Bowl is not making the lowest rookie salary in the league, but rather the (still relatively low) median salary of $770,000. This would leave him with a taxable monthly income of $64,166.
Good news! If this loverboy – cursed with a constant spray of sperm flying off of him and into every available gold digging vagina – impregnated a woman in Texas, his monthly child support payment would be $1,500, presumably leaving him with more than enough expendable income to upgrade from that Hyundai.
In the State of Texas , not even Bill Gates himself is gonna pay more than $1,500 in current support for one baby.
Other states calculate child support differently than Texas . Around the time “Gold Digger” was written, teams that had made it to the Super Bowl were from such exotic locales as Philadelphia , Oakland , Tampa , and St. Louis . But since most of those places (unlike Texas ) take Mom’s income into consideration when calculating child support, it doesn’t seem like he’d have to pay the maximum to a woman whose “car crib was bigger than his.”
But now, dear reader, we come to my personal favorite part of the program. We come to the lyric that inspired me to lay down this entire exercise in writing.
3. 18 years, 18 years / And on her 18th birthday, he found out it wasn’t his?”
This does indeed sound horrifying. Dare a man even walk down the street in a society that would do something so unfair? Surely, this so-called “child support” is but a sham foisted upon those unfortunate enough to have testicles in a gynocentric society.
The man about whom Kanye West is rapping is AN IDIOT. Someone should take steps to prevent this guy from engaging in adult activities with his own rosy palm, let alone actually breeding. For there are two ways and only two ways that this 18th birthday surprise could happen.
First, it could be that Spermy the Offensive Lineman signed a Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity. Since the Urban Dictionary informs us that he was never married to his self-proclaimed “Baby Momma,” this acknowledgement was both unnecessary and unwise. But even less wise was his failure to rescind the acknowledgement during the four years he had to do so.
Second, Kanye’s buddy might have defaulted entirely on the paternity action in court. Done nothing. Nada. Because if he didn’t answer or show up, then YES, he would have been adjudicated the daddy. But even then, he would have had four whole years to challenge the case and prove he was not.
Perhaps that meager $770,000 per year did not afford him the luxury of hiring one of our state’s esteemed family law attorneys. You don’t know!
Regardless, IN ALL OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES, there would have been a paternity test.
So Spermy the Offensive Lineman should think about that a bit while he’s cruising the streets of St. Louis in his Hyundai Accent bemoaning how terrible his Baby Momma is.
Somebody paid for Spermy’s food and clothes and shoes when he was a kid. Somebody paid for Kanye West’s food and his clothes and his shoes and even his ugly shuttered sunglasses when he was growing up. In fact, somebody even had to pay for the food and clothes and shoes of this kinda-sorta-but-not-saying-she’s-a Gold Digger when she was just an upstart bronze digger.
In the night, I struggled mightily against a thought slowly bubbling up…
No! I broke into a cold sweat…
Surely it can’t be true!
Kanye, buddy, don’t let your fans grow up to be deadbeats...
(NOTE: This blog is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Nothing herein should be relied upon in lieu of consultation with appropriate legal advisors in your own jurisdiction.)
I learned how to drive in a Hyundai Pony. Does that mean I don't care about young people? I get so confused about all the things hip hop singers want me to do. I'm still trying to "Fight the Power", like Public Enemy wanted me to, but apparently VH1 IS the power, and Flavor Flav hosts a show on VH1, so does that mean I have to fight Public Enemy?
ReplyDeleteMy brain hurts.
Yeah this guy is a piece of a lot of women throw themselves at guys like this then get in trouble. You see them on TV wondering why the guy wont pony up. Its crazy. We also have corporations that create and enable Frankenrappers for the dimwitted public to throw their money at.
ReplyDeleteI've been confused about pop lyrics ever since C&C Music Factory informed me back in 1990 that they wished to see me "sweat until I bleed." .
ReplyDeleteYou know, this Kanye song is three years old and until this blog entry, I had no idea that the unedited version of the song had a word that rhymed with "Gold Digger" in the chorus.
What kind of music fan am I, anyway?
But now that you mention it, I DO have a tough time taking Public Enemy as seriously with the whole "Flavor of Love" thing. Chuck D has/had a radio show - it would be interesting what he thinks about his former collaborator...
I don't know much about him, but I really did wake up arguing with his lyrics in my head.
ReplyDeleteProfessional hazard.
Kanye was an indie favorite for about 5 minutes a few years back. I'll admit to not being the target audience of rap/hip hop. I do like a political rap outfit called Dalek and the Madvillain album a few years back was good...
The whole genre leaves me cold these days. When rap had somethng coherent to say it was good...but like reggae the music has been turned into mindless junk to sell ringtones and confuse young minds. We went from Bob Marley to Shabba Ranks in such a short time on the reggae side. Then Public Enemy to whatever rapper we have now talkng about snuffing a girl after sex. What happened?
ReplyDeleteIs there a Cliff Notes for this blog? My attention span is quite short tonight ... I'm just saying ...
ReplyDeleteFsst, he'll probably just claim he was setup by some supremacy group anyways, it seems like this is one of the first things that flows from a mouth full of gold these days. To tell you the truth I kinda wish I was born a different color, this way I would at least have more rights than anyone else in this country, lol !
ReplyDeleteI just now edited out about 10% of it, actually.
ReplyDeleteYou've gotta give my blogs time to shorten after I post them. I generally get around to tightening the language up a bit.
Just ponder that for a few minutes Adri, lol ! Hugs, :-)
ReplyDeleteAnything I say about rap is going to make me sound like a middle aged yuppie white woman.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it is currently geared more towards a commerce mindset than... well, certainly more than other influential black musics of the past. Sonically, I think it's been a fairly good influence on the whole. Lyrically and culturally, probably not so much.
ReplyDeleteWell, I mean, I couldn't very well foresee race coming up as a topic after this blog, could I?
ReplyDeleteIncidentally, I don't think I would rather be black. Statistically speaking, I'd be less likely to have the level of education I have, the job I have, to live in the section of town I live in.
Oh, and I've tended to date black guys, and there's no way I would be able to snag one if I was a black woman...
See what I mean, I've already lost the chance at something already, lol !
ReplyDeleteThank you, although you'll have to take my word for the fact that the bad attitude I have makes it all - at best - kind of even out in the wash...
ReplyDeleteBut keep the positive opinion of me, please... ;-)
I wonder if there is an issue with testicular leaks in addition to sky sperm? Sperm so powerful that it cannot be contained by any human means. I mean there has to be another reason besides rappers/musicians/sports figures having random sex with strangers. Damm it, the poor boys it isn't their fault.
ReplyDeleteIt's not just entertainers, sadly.
ReplyDeleteI did an interview with a guy once furious that the Texas Attorney General was coming after him for child support on five kids from five different women.
After that, I started keeping condoms in my desk so I could give a few to these studs to take home when they insisted on blaming other people for their predicament...
Ha. Yes, were I a local, state, or federal government, my dating life could well violate the 14th Amendment.
ReplyDeleteWOW I had no idea the problem was so pervasive. Super Sperm attacking Fallopian tubes everywhere. Very kind if you to give them protection so they weren't bothered with the nusiance of tending the garden they sewed.
ReplyDeleteAnother outstanding blog Madam Director.
Sneaker, lol ! :-)
ReplyDeleteWell, at least your honest about it, you should have heard this Puerto Rican woman that was after me a couple weeks ago, she would have made you seem like Cinderella, lol ! Adri, I couldn't even speak to this woman without her bringing up the subject of "you know what", it became so rediculous finally had to tell her that there were many other fish in the sea and that I was sorry, but I wasn't going to be one of them, lol !
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm proud to say that there will be no Hundyai's or Kia's in my garage thank you very much, this is of course because my sons are all grown up now and have reached the age of majority. That's right I survived 15 years of support payments and verbal abuse from their mother and I now get to own not just one vehicle, but three, like my 740il or my 4x4 and last but not least, my own personal Suped Up Crown Victoria Police Special, that I use occasionally just to mess with the other lamers that think their beat up stock cruisers can out run mine, lol ! :-) Catch Me If You Can, Idgits, lol !
ReplyDeleteSome I suspect wouldn't know what to do with a condom. I'd hand them a pair of scissors and tell them to cut directly below the chin line personally.
ReplyDeleteREM arguments now! Not bad at all, Adri....but try dozing off to the BBC World Service broadcasts if you want the real thing.
ReplyDeleteGold Digger I believe was derived from when teeth fillings were real gold and certain types of women would literally dig the gold filling out either after the guy was drunk or dead. Not sure but I knew a couple of these types of women and they were capable of it.
ReplyDeleteI'm entertained by Adri's assessment here yet also speechless, so I'll go along with this.
ReplyDeleteYou should look at the flip side of this issue, too. The flip side being men who DO support their kids financially, and unlike Texas, the level of payment is based on the father's income - and is SUPPOSED to take into account the mother's income as well.
ReplyDeleteBut one particular county has this judge... who deems himself above the actual LAW on how child support payments are supposed to be derived. He refuses to take into account the mother's income, and refuses to reduce child support payments should the father's financial circumstances take a radical change, but oh, will he ever INCREASE the payments if said father should have a POSITIVE change in income, no matter how fleeting.
His response to a male attempting to make the child support payments even FEASIBLE should his income take a nosedive - a reply which he must stand in front of a mirror practicing since it has become so rote - "Get a better paying job." I sat in court listening to him drone that response over and over again, to every single man. And he has done so for over a decade.
After looking at court records, I can only find ONE instance in which this judge found that possession of a penis did not automatically make an individual an unfit parent. Of course, it took that individual 4 years to prove it, and the incarceration of the mother for attempted murder, which did not automatically make her unfit as a parent, and the children were left in the care of the STATE for a year while said penis-bearer tried to get custody of the children. And during that year, when the children weren't even in her custody, and she WAS in custody, funds were still disbursed for her use.
In MY case, one child was living with ME, and the other in the custody of the state - and child support payments were STILL going to the alleged mother-figure, despite her not having to support either child. Her schizophrenia and drug addiction were deemed irrelevant by the judge, since I had a penis, I was obviously unfit. I am not alone. In 14 years on the bench, only one father has ever been deemed fit to be a parent by this judge.
Haha... Sometimes all you can do is make sure they get a fair shake at the hearing.
ReplyDeleteOf course, I also don't do a lot of family law because of the crying and accusations...
That would be the Zero Tolerance approach to deadbeats!
ReplyDeleteYou mean you don't like to be aggressively pursued?
ReplyDeleteThe one time I got drug into Family Court as a witness, it wasn't pretty. Criminal court is much more to my liking. Felony drug court was interesting. I heard an atty argue that the police officer shining his light into the guys car and seeing the big bag-o-drugs on the seat didn't fall under the plain view doctrine because he had to use a flashlight. He lost but it was an interesting argument.
ReplyDeletePeople look at me like I just kicked their grandmother when I say I don't want kids. But I know I'm selfish and self-absorbed, etc. It should be a good thing when someone recognizes they'd be a lousy parent and chooses not to be.
ReplyDeleteI assume at this point in your life, you can enjoy the adult kids and still have your freedom, which would be a good point to get to...
When I took high school psychology, I remember getting into an argument with my teacher about whether you could HEAR during REM sleep. And I KNOW I interact with sounds in the room during my dreams all the time!
ReplyDeleteBut she was having n one of it. She brought a book from home to prove we can't hear outside sounds during dreams. I remain unconvinced due to empirical knowledge...
That's funny - and sounds potentially true. I need to look up the story behind it for a future blog.
ReplyDeleteAnyone worth a darn today knows that the real money is in eyeballs, peglegs, and semen...
Dads get a raw deal a lot. And there are plenty who KNOW they have to pay SOMETHING to raise their kids.
ReplyDeleteI'm mainly complaining about the ones who would never DREAM of asking for primary custody of the rugrats but don't think they should have to pay anything, either. Kiddies are expensive, from my understanding.
I suspect you're probably not in the irresponsible deadbeat category (just a guess!).
Sorry about the penis...
hey... but it's got a nice beat and you can dance to it!... excellent blog... fine points and follow-up research. in the hip-hop game, kanye west is NOT a noted lyricist or rapper. he is great producer and hook machine, and that is what reels most of us in. his albums are excellent "popular" music listening experiences, but don't listen too closely or for an education... that's where the beat, head-nodding, and dancing come into play!
ReplyDeleteHow dare you. How dare you bring logic and common sense and a little elementary math into rap. Why do you hate America?
ReplyDeleteDoes LIGHT rise to the level of a search? Do you have a privacy interest in darkness? That's nice. However, it's been determined you don't have an expectation of privacy in the heat coming off your dope growhouse, so there's probably not one in your car's darkness, either. Nice.
ReplyDeleteWitnesses are so much fun. I mean, I'm not a fun witness, but other people are.
I've been involved in two criminal cases as a witness. The first was when I was 16, and I clammed up and didn't say anything at all. The second time was a couple years back, and I spent most of the time glaring at the non-questioning attorney to try and encourage him to object.
Hey, Markus! Thanks for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteI was cruising Youtube when I was planning this blog, and realized that some of his SOUNDS aren't bad at all.
It would be easy for me to dismiss it and say, "Well, I'm just not his target audience anyway," but actually... I probably am.
You're either with us, or you're with the rappers. If we let Kanye's words go unexamined, the terrorists have already won!
ReplyDeleteMy blog makes me laugh because it overexamines a pop song so badly, it really shows how anal I can be.
I can't help it.
Plus, the look on Mike Myers' face when Kanye goes off-message in that second clip is something I could sit here and watch all day...
Aw, now Adri. If he paid that $1500 in child support, he might have to drop one of his hos... or even... *shudder*... cut back on his CRACK HABIT! Heaven forBID! I mean, it's just a human life we're talking about. What is that compared to humpin' yo' hos or smokin' yo' crack? Hell, one o' them other dumb hos is probably gonna' end up pregnant too. You want him to pay for THAT KID TOO? I mean, just because he was too irresponsible to wear a prophylactic. Should a major football player or rap star be punished like that? How can you expect a major athlete to drive a vehicle that's not bigger than his Baby Momma's? Think of the agony of pulling up in his Hundai next to his teammates' Mercedes SUVS!!! Why, THAT would be emBARRASSING!!! After all, it's just a kid we're talking about. What's the value of a kid when you could have some bling with that money?
ReplyDelete(He could probably pay the child support from the gas he saves from the Hyundai, actually).
I love stuff like this.
ReplyDeleteI now truly fear you will start overexamining other poorly written pop songs and due to the unending volume, we will be denied a Professor Zuzeem blog.
ReplyDeleteKanye makes me ill!! I have never cared for him or his dead mother, God rest her soul. If I thought it possible I would say he is capable of doing the whole "dead mother" just for media coverage!
ReplyDeleteHaving been on the receiving end of child support payments or lack thereof.....I feel mother or father PAY UP!!
Let me go on record right now as being thoroughly aware of and supportive of every person's God-given right to learn the joys of snorting cocaine off the firm rump of an underage hooker.
ReplyDelete(For pete's sake, don't interpret that as legal advice - merely a personal recommendation)
Thanks. It's good to know my mental problems can bring joy to someone...
ReplyDeleteIn that case, you'd better not bring up Kate Perry's "I Kissed a Girl."
ReplyDeletemental problems? I thought you were taking silliness and comparing it to the real world.
ReplyDeleteExactly, Nikole. Because those vicious children just eat and eat.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds a LOT better when you word it that way!
ReplyDelete(Actually, you just summed it up more clearly than I had in my head as I was writing it...)
Child support is like the medical industry. Its started at the wrong end of things. It should be prevention , not bandaids after the fact or accusations. Men should be taught how to operate those things , they obviously dont know how to control them otherwise. Maybe we should just give em salt peter till they learn what its really for....... and take responsibility.
ReplyDeleteAs they say if you cant do the time, dont do the crime!
We once had a guy who had 10 different child support garnishments with 10 different women. I had asked if we could call him in from the field so he could put a clinic on for us, but the owner thought that was a poor idea. Probably because he feared for the women in the office.
ReplyDeleteIs this racist, stereotypical, a good joke or just true?
ReplyDeleteI was in a deposition once (we were the plantiffs) getting the once over by this hot shot young bitch of a lawyer. We were suing a bunch of PRP's, so there are about 7 defense attorneys at the table, along with our attorney and myself.
ReplyDeleteShe slides a stack of documents across the table and barks out "You've seen these documents before". I looked at them and they were copies of our documents, but copies that we hadn't made.
"No, I haven't" I replied.
She looked up her note pad, flustered, and asked "What?". And I said "you asked if I have seen these before and I said no".
We went back and forth for about 10 minutes until she was about to come accross the table at me, when one of the older defense attorneys interrupted her and said "Are these copies of your original documents that someone else made?" With a smile I replied "Why, yes, that's what they appear to be, but I couldn't testify to that". With a smile he sat back and said to the woman attorney "I think we can move on now".
OMG, was she pissed, but it was so much fun. That's what happens when accountants absolutly have to tell the truth.
I recently heard someone refer to this as "Baby Mama Drama".
ReplyDeleteBTW, I drive a hyundai elantra (07 model) and I love it. I got the model with the 5 speed standard and that little shit will move when you want it to. It's got a great base stereo, MP3 plug in standard and I'm getting 34 MPG. I drive about 28,000 miles a year commuting to work, and I really didn't feel like transfering a lot of my wealth to some name-less car manufacturer for the privledge of driving their POC for the next 5 years. Also, the WSJ just rated the top of the line Hyundai (the genesis) better than the Lexus, BMW and Mercedes in the same class. All for 15K less.
I don't work for Hyundai, but if they want to spread a little green my way for this promo, that's cool with me.
"The Penis: An Owner's Manual."
ReplyDeleteSounds like a future blog entry!
The guy might have been a victim of Sky Sperm (
ReplyDeleteI couldn't figure out a way to work into this blog, but... that guy must have been the most virile dude in the city...
Too sexy for his own good.
I suspect it might be all four.
ReplyDeleteI haven't gotten any complaints about it yet, so the verdict is not in.
It's tough when somone throws you off unexpectedly. You're running along the path THIS way, and suddenly find the ball going THAT way.
ReplyDeleteNewbie attorneys have a TERRIBLE time laying foundation to get even the simplest exhibits in.
Man... harassing poor defense attorneys... Jeeez...
Yeah, well, you have to watch that BMW convertible 650i series. You drive one of them full speed into a parked car, they're history. Poof.
ReplyDeleteBut they give you good drugs in the hospital, so it's a toss-up as to whether it's worth it...
Wait, didn't the Supreme Court decide it was the anti-miscegenation laws that violated the 14th Amendment? And, thankfully, just one year before my parents were married. Whew! At least they weren't married in Virginia.
ReplyDeleteWell said. Although, some of these women need to bear the brunt of responsibility as well. But who pays the biggest price?? The kids.
If I were a state unto myself, I would not be able to take race into consideration when deciding who to date. I could not use race as a factor at all.
ReplyDeleteVirginia, in Loving v. Virginia, claimed it was okay because whites couldn't marry blacks AND blacks couldn't marry whites. That argument didn't fly, because their marriage laws still considered race.
In point of fact, I don't think I consider race when deciding who to date, but whatever factors I do consider are having what is called a "disparate impact" on whites. I haven't heard a lot of complaints from anyone involved...
I feel so silly having to do this Adri ...
ReplyDeleteYup. Equal discrimination is equal protection. Nice try.
ReplyDeleteOnce, during a college discussion class, I somehow ended up debating with a couple of folks about whether non-whites' behavior could be labeled racist. They argued racism was dependant on who has the power (not sure what kind of power). I argued it feels crappy to be harassed for your race, no matter who is doing the harassing. Our professor sat back with a huge grin on his face.
I thought Adri meant her only dating black men violated the 14th amendment because she wasn't dating and giving white men equal opportunity.
ReplyDeleteI just can not understand this. Black males are 15 times more likely to be under indictment, in jail, or on probation than others. They are 5 times more likely to have AIDS. They are 3 times more likely to have illegitimate children running around out there. They are way less likely to have a college degree or a job.
ReplyDeleteWhere can I get me some of that? No thank you.
I can't believe I just read that in 2008
ReplyDeletewell yea, This appears to play well for a significant portion of your audience, but then not many "influential black musics of the past" or present day are of a "commerce mindset "lyrically and culture" to care much about you critical scrutiny.
ReplyDeleteIt is my firm belief that there hasn't been a pop song ... maybe ever that could stand up to the kind of overscrutinizing I gave this song.
ReplyDeletePop music would certainly be far less fun if lawyers wrote the lyrics.
It would sort of be like attacking "Blazing Saddles" for not accurately representing the Old West.
However, I think I could debate against the idea of blues or jazz consistently placing commercial concerns before artistic. How many of the guys who died penniless changed American music? In addition, I think middle aged white yuppie women probably make up a WAY bigger portion of the rap audience than they ever did the blues or jazz audience...
Yup. I'd say you were arguing from a legal perspective, they were arguing from a sociological one.
ReplyDeleteClearly he needed to work on his witness ESP. That or he thought you were pissed off at him
ReplyDeleteI'd say they were arguing from the perspective of the brainwashed, without thinking about what racist behavior really IS.
ReplyDeletewell yea, This appears to play well for a significant portion of your audience, but then not many "influential black musics of the past" or present day are of a "commerce mindset "lyrically and culture" to care much about you critical scrutiny.
ReplyDeleteThis is why there are so many single statisticians.
ReplyDeleteI probably was mad at him. But it's rough when a witness knows the rules of evidence better than the attorney in charge of the case.
ReplyDelete"What happened?" You warm view of the past and “cold these day’ is not shared by many current with today’s time and music taste changes, so does what elders think will “confuse young minds.” Why do you claim commercial success was not important to Bob Marley or Public Enemy? They sold an album or two and didn’t return their royalties. “What happened?" The point is the music of the young is for those care and upsetting older generations has always been status quo.
ReplyDeleteI will pass on playing the race card this hand . Aways an easy card to play, I will save mine for later.
ReplyDeleteI have occasionally made attempts to get folks riled up on this blog. Sex, drugs, religion, politics - I can talk about any of these and not raise an eyebrow among the readers.
ReplyDeleteRace is in fact the ONLY I have found that gets people arguing on my blog. In the past 4 months, there have been a total of... 3, I guess, blogs that could have raised race issues. And of those 3, the only one where I was trying to get people riled up is the one where I made fun of the concept of White History Month.
And of course, no one is ever convinced of anything once arguments break out.
It is fascinating, though, how consistent it is.
Not being part ot the "target audience" the reason for you ignorance of current sales and popularity. A rap outfit you like, "few years back was good..." "compared to what?" "Compared to what" a "popular" song from back in my day.
ReplyDeleteThe target audience for pop-oriented hip hop like Kanye West records is likely high school kids - regardless of race. Which is a good target audience for any mainstream music act wanting record sales, because that's who buys a majority of music.
ReplyDeleteIn the end, the only yard stick anyone can use to deem music as "good" is their own taste, which isn't really objective, and shouldn't be. I'd like to say that the rap band Dalek - with their screeching ambient drones and far leftist lyrics - are objectively better than, say, Kanye. However, there's no way to "prove" it. Other than listening.
May be it is just me but a last commits I can appreciate. "A good beat and you can dance to it" in fact some take this all too seriously, "don't listen too closely or for an education…that's where the beat, head-nodding, and dancing come into play!" jelan... thanks for articulating the finer points of "excellent 'popular' music,” and "what reels most of us (who care) in."
ReplyDeleteI know the "can't help it" part. Lighten up Darryl, way to serious
ReplyDeletePop lyrics should not have to stand up to the kind of picking apart I did here.
I didn't know you were offered. An acquired taste, not recommend for a bland diet.
ReplyDeleteSee. You are just like my mischievous professor. Sprinkle some Pop Rocks around and then sit back and watch people salivate all over them.
ReplyDeleteBut I have to argue about people only arguing about race. I thought your Glugh Glugh entry was particularly brilliant and spot on, but some people got a little hot under the collar. And unless you start advocating *against* sex and drugs, I don't think many folks will argue with you. Is there such a thing as selective open-mindedness?
if you think race is an issue, try a gay marriage blog
ReplyDeletethen you see the absolute worst in people
title a blog evolution vs creationism - like a large pizza to a room of starving 5th graders,
ReplyDeleteif adri did that shed have 1000 comments in the first 24 hours
human behavior is predictable
white v black
straight v gay
the cognitive dissonance of australopithecus
imagine the look on that trolls face if adri said, "greg has a juris doctorate"
its like pavlovs dog
ding ding
and then like rats off a ship that's made shore, the fear mongorers rush to type
like the one quoting those stats, that troll heard that bell
ding ding
like a computer program
if interracial dating - then quote statistics about the worst stereotypes
gay marriage
ding ding
100 neocons start typing in unison, "what is next, a man marrying his dog, who will stop it, who will say what's wrong"
don't fall into the trap and debate them
their premise that being gay is wrong is the original flaw
this of course leads them to quote leviticus, responded to by quoteing darwin,
multiply accounts magicly dissappear
Every single time I walk past a bus stop.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I just remembered with one of them, I thought it was going to be perceived as a defense of Islam, and no one jumped.
ReplyDeleteWhich is good, in way, that the regulars around here respect things enough not to have tantrums. I shouldn't be too eager to turn things from a party into a dogfight.
I think it partially depends on the way it's handled in the blog.
ReplyDeleteIf I said, "Gay marriage: Wave of the Future!" there would likely be debates. If I worked it into a blog, I don't know.
Maybe someday, I'll find out.
I know this "season" of my blog was originally about escape. But I don't have any interest in politics and debate this year. In proving I have memorized a political philosophy more thoroughly than the next guy.
ReplyDeleteSuch boring people.
You should probably go back to just insulting my writing.
ReplyDeleterandy just did evolved into lustful naughty stuff...there was a man in a bunny suit...girls doing strange behaviors to each others private parts...overall it was very entertaining. As for the worst in people, one merely has to goto the city and hang out in order to see that. Gay men or lesbian women? i dont mind, neither should you.
ReplyDeleteKanye West is a fucking re-re. He should be volunteering for Make-a-Wish...instead of worrying about shit he has no control over.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've ever touched on the Intelligent Design issue or gay marriage in the blog. I'm not in a hurry to do either.
ReplyDeleteIs your blind date tonight with a black guy?
ReplyDeleteShe might have meant to say that one can't speak out loud during REM? But Bhoomi speaks during my rem, whereas you do not! Weird....
ReplyDeleteSuch delusions of grandeur; imagine you walking past a bus stop have to contend with offers of unspeakable acts.
ReplyDeleteHahaha... Please review the definition of "blind date" in your nearest dictionary.
ReplyDeletei think it's a basic human characteristic to be certain that one's view is the correct view and everyone else is just completely and unbelievably stupid not to see that. a randy blog that touches on gay marriage or just being gay is a case in point. ugh. being gay is wrong. both the framers and the bible say so. moreover it's a lifestyle choice because i knew a woman whose husband beat her up and afterwards she would only live with other women. so there. ad nauseum.
ReplyDeleteand somehow our culture has gotten to the point where we don't allow people to think things through and change their minds. they become flip floppers. every once in a while it would be nice to read someone saying: 'you know, i never thought of that, i think i see things differently now, maybe you are right.' of course, I would never have to say that myself, because i am always right.
That's a really good point. Of course, I'm biased: I don't KNOW anything at all.
ReplyDeletei knew i could get you to see it my way. oh... wait.....
ReplyDeleteOh, come on - that's half the fun of the internet. Myself, I always assume that half of the people I communicate with are communicating from 1954. It makes me respect them more, because they have to be fairly clever to be online in 1954.
ReplyDeleteI have yet to convince any of them to make sports bets against me on games that occurred in the 60's, though.
This is the reply I would expect. You have a vested interest in seeing racism or bad intentions in every vague criticism. You do not have to defend an entire group of people. You only have yourself to answer for. Why would you take on an entire race and try to defend everyone?
ReplyDeleteThere's a sale at Wal-mart on white sheets:
It would be nice to live in a society in which everyone felt responsible for every child... but just another one of my pipe-dreams. Short of that, there is no fairness, no justice... and suffering will be meted out in an unfair manner.... and it gets even more unfair without a general sense of responsibility.
ReplyDeleteI waaaaaay over-examined these lyrics, oif course, but it's just such a dumb and typical guy-type argument - "Woe is me, having to take reponsibility for my actions" - that I had to post it.
ReplyDeleteIt almost makes me wish I'd taken responsibility for my own 15 kids. They're in better homes now...
LOL!!! You're a riot! ;)
ReplyDeletethen there was that recent russian case reported on the internets that a russian judge ruled against a woman claiming sexual harassment on the grounds that it was necessary for propagating the species, by which he may have meant neanderthal, but i don't know and i'm just saying. you are to be roundly commended for your contributions.
ReplyDeleteI'll second that, Tina!
ReplyDeleteWait a minute, if you have 15 kids, and I am your ex-husband, and you are a lawyer.... just forget I said anything, okay?
ReplyDeleteI am not trying to be a jerk here. He came after me then I challenged him on a point. Challenging someone on a point gets me labeled a Klansman?
ReplyDeleteThat isn't shallow PC thinking is it?
me and my hyberbole
ReplyDelete1954? Is that the problem? I wasn't born until 1956 and the technology wasn't near advanced enough for me to repair my time machine back then. Once they got the hang of microchips, though, it was a cinch! ;)
ReplyDeleteDo you find things you expect to happen, often come true? You bigoted attack on black men, and a black male responds, I am surprised you did not expect it. When you provide statistics with out providing source, reference, or any verification is like trying to sell excrement and calling it manna from haven, you only fool yourself.
ReplyDeletesquidma wrote on Aug 21
“I just can not understand this. Black males are 15 times more likely to be under indictment, in jail, or on probation than others. They are 5 times more likely to have AIDS. They are 3 times more likely to have illegitimate children running around out there. They are way less likely to have a college degree or a job.
Where can I get me some of that? No thank you.”
Do you see “him” coming after you as often as you are offended at bus stops?
ReplyDeleteNot every racist is a sheet wearing Klansman, some don’t need a sheet, when looking at your self in a mirror just imagine the sheet and then you are at your favorite bus stop.
Hold on, let me read that again.
ReplyDeleteHmmm... Maybe I'm not as familiar with how reproduction takes place as I thought.
Damn parents left a lot out about the birds and the bees. "And then the Daddy bird sexually harasses the Momma bird, and 9 months later, a blessed event occurs!"
You are unaware of statistics regarding black males in America? That seems negligent on your part especially if you are going to deem yourself worthy of defending an entire race! Statistics regarding black males and preventable illness, incarceration, and illegitimacy are well know. It is hard to believe you would not know about them.
ReplyDeleteI am not speculating as to the cause of any of it. But shouldn't any woman looking to date men be aware of the risks?
I laughed all the way through this.
ReplyDeleteI understand so much more now and I no longer feel sorry for the Hyundai driving linebacker.
I'm so glad you mentioned the linebacker part. I had to call a friend to figure out the lower-paid positions on a football team. He asked "Why? Are you trying out for a football team?"
ReplyDeleteIf I was going to try out for a football team, it wouldn't be the lowest-paid position.
Good to see you around, Deb!
Kayne West isn't as smart as he think he is. I wonder if he lost his fan base since bashed President Bush over Katrina.
ReplyDeleteI don't know. I mean, I'm sure Bush has a lower approval rating than Kanye West. But I don't know that Kanye would be any better in Chief Executive functions.
ReplyDeleteI prefer to think I can insult both of them :)
It's for the best. I have no idea which, if any, are yours.
ReplyDeleteDarling I wrote u up in my blog..I called it Abducted RedQueen,check it out and have fun commenting dear..kisssssssssss
ReplyDeleteDarling I just wrote u the sequel Thing of Everwhere...check it out. hmmmmmmmm u must love creatures kidnapping the way have your friend Angela read them too.
ReplyDeleteI see them. I'm keepin' up...
ReplyDeleteSigh of relief! And I'm not stepping forward to take any sort of paternity test. You will have to catch me at a local Krogers.
ReplyDeleteI'd never bring a kid to that Kroger! The parking lot is nuts - it's the one I talked about in the blog where the man knocked over my motorcycle. It's ALWAYS packed to the gills.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'll just get the DNA for the paternity test off the blue dress...
Yes that parking lot is trouble, indeed. I usually park on the extreme left side close to the dumpsters, right across from that pub. Not a good place for motorcycles, however.
ReplyDeleteI guarantee you won't find any fruit juice on the blue dress....
Your response can be so whimsical, mine is to confront or ignore, vive la difference
ReplyDeletePlease, your initial attack is in your use of statistics, you failed to substantiate, you are unable or unwilling to support your claims with data upon request, what educated person accepts statistics with out some research data? Who provided you with the numbers, did you do independent reach, if not, name you source for any one to check for credentials or bias slant.
ReplyDeleteMust I remind you, that your initial post included the statement was
squidma said
"Where can I get me some of that? No thank you. "
darrylw wrote on Aug 21
I didn't know you were offered, an acquired taste, not recommend for a bland diet.
You and Your taste are inconsequential to many black men. African Americans can respond to racist like you by ignoring your bigotry or with confrontation, once you begin you have no say in how we might respond.
Your final statement regarding risk, again you failed to provide data history regarding documented abuse cases.
ReplyDeleteThis is the latest report for the State of Texas. Blacks account for about 32% of new HIV/AIDS cases, 52% of gonorrhea, and 52% of syphilis cases. They are 10% of the Texas population. So this means they have incredibly high rates of STDs.
You can get mad about those statistics if you want, but that does not change them. Quoting statistics is not racist, and ignoring them does not make them go away.
I'm going to stop, or else this conversaiton is going to have to be taken back to the ZaZeen entry...
ReplyDeleteAdri the redqueen has been kidnapped from Thing's Lair. Check it out baby
ReplyDelete...first Kanye then its...wait, lets play it out.
ReplyDeleteadri: "I hate Kanye"
timothy: "yeah yeah"
timothy: "who?"
adri: "Kanye KANYE"
long pause....
adri: "WEST...KAN...fuckit nevermind..."
bong sound...
timothy (trying to talk while holding breath): " wanna know who else I hate?"
timothy: "the fucking chipmunks....wannnnnn a rinnnng that looooop da loooooooop"
Someone should really interfere NOW before we have jews in ovens again.
if the white sheet fits wear it
ReplyDeleteDon't make me start examining Alvin and the Chipmunks songs. I'm pretty sure their Christmas songs violate the separation of church and state.
ReplyDeleteInstead of arguing against what I say or pointing out how I am wrong, you repeatedly call me a Klansman. Constructive!
ReplyDeleteThis is a yawn. No one chooses who to date by researching racial stats.
ReplyDeleteSee, people like you, and Chief, just have no heart.
ReplyDeleteYou people, for some ungodly reason, just have absolutely no love or care or even the most minimum human decency towards your fellow men. You treat others with such disdain, you view yourself as “pure” and “superior”, I can’t help but to think that you are one of the new-age Nazi that we need to hunt down and destroy, for the good and harmony among all mankind.
Let’s assume that there are some factual basis for the statistics you cited, so then, your conclusion was that this blogger, whom you assumed to be a white woman sharing your values, should therefore not date a black man. Moreover, you clearly expressed to the world that YOU would clearly not date a black man.
No brotherly love, no helping hands, not even a hint of your anger in this injustice bestowed by the white man on parts of the human race, no, you don’t care at all. To you, there was no need to do anything about this problem in our society. To you, the only thing you care to do was to tell a white woman, whom you assumed to be on your side of this issue, to stay away from a large part of the human race, to in fact be a bigot just like you.
Bravo, man! Bravo. I have not seen a squid making himself into a dog as competently as you.
Hard to see him being any worse.
ReplyDeletePardon me, I have not been at my best lately. I will clean up my act, and stop watching so much wrestling on TV.
ReplyDeletesquid--may i call you squid?...maybe he has a crush on you. You remember how boys used to kick girls in the shins when they couldn't think of something brilliantly charming and witty to say?
ReplyDeleteMaybe in some alternate boy universe being called a "klansman" is like:
"Hey we're all one big happy klan...wanna join? We're drinkin' alc-alcohhhhh-hol. Hhhh-ey no reason to be all hhhhhostile? AINT KLANS GREAT?"
Have you ever read that book "Klan of the Cave Bear"?
...or "The Mammoth Hunters"?
...neither have I but it had "klan" in the title. I can't help but think that it was some kinda "happy klan". Then again it WAS a bunch of cave guys.
please--that "white guilt" shit is over-rated.
ReplyDeleteI was the one who mentioned the dress!
ReplyDeleteI am incorrigible.
rebuttal # 1
ReplyDeleteher last black boyfriend had a law degree and was working as a lawyer
rebuttal # 2
anyone we fuck might have some disease and in 2008 we're all aware about stds
Fortunately, no one is forcing her to date anyone she doesn't wish to date, as far as I know. I mean, I don't know her and can't say for sure.
ReplyDeleteI don't think someone even needs human decency or brotherly love of any kind to remain above this sort of thing.
By the way, I would NOT place Chief T's blogs and/or comments in the same category as Squidma.
I do not consider this blog hijacked at all. Actually, the race discussion added meat to it. Raw meat, as it turns out.
ReplyDeleteAl Gore is calling from 1954 and he would like his internet back. He needs to start propagating rumours about global warming so he can then later save us from it.
ReplyDeleteLove, Al "Munchausen" Gore
Adri don't let them boss you around. Nor tell you what u can do sweety:)
ReplyDeleteUnder the title of "I hope you're happy with yourself"
ReplyDeleteYou know how sometimes you'll have a song stuck in your head? I've had that Journey song "Wheel in the sky keeps on turning" buzzing around the cranium all morning long. And then I noticed that my subconcious had substituted "sperm" for "wheel". So I've been singing to myself "the sperm in the sky keep on turning...."
I hope you're happy with yourself.
Ahhhh... Yes.
ReplyDeleteI've made the world a little bit weirder.
You'll probably sleep better tonight knowing this.
ReplyDeleteheyyyy there's a sale at Wal-mart on white sheets:
let's all dress up like ghosts....anybody wanna touch my ghost ass?
plagerismo (all in good fun)
ReplyDeleteMan, Wal-Mart is getting all kinds of ad time on my page this week...
ReplyDeleteI hate on walmart
ReplyDeletethe only...i REPEAT ONLY reason i still shop at Walfart is because they had all three seasons of "Weeds"... i figured they would have pulled it since the start of their "gettin right with jesus" campaign.
ReplyDeleteI think its about once a month on multiply on a blog I've huddled with other Americans about how we hate walmart but we've gone there to buy something.
ReplyDeleteI got Harry Potter book 7 - which like your saying - the fundamentalist ain't likeing the harry potter,
theres the we love jesus and we hate all other christianity, then theres the we love jesus but we love the free market also christianity the end when the beast we call the desolate one comes to devour your sinning soul for not accepting jesus, he will come from one of the many bottomless pits strategically located in the "electronics" dept. of your nearest local Walfart. They have all the "One Tree Hill" box sets too! (in spite of the fact that they advocate lesbianism and homo-erotic tendencies).
ReplyDelete"hey anybody wanna smoke some gilleyweed?"
ReplyDeletethat is funny
ReplyDeleteWhen this country becomes a legal corporate subsidiary of WalMart, those words are going to come back to haunt you.
ReplyDeleteJust you wait and see, you hater.
I have no idea what "One Tree Hill" is other than an old U2 song, but I do like what I'm hearing about their style.
ReplyDelete...the writing sucks (too predictable). It's full of subliminal ad placement targetting young greedy often horny teens who mistake themselves for thirty-something divorcees. If there were such a thing? EYE VOMIT. (omgwtf i should have saved this for IMDb)
ReplyDeleteJust in case, sending WalMart mucho love.
ReplyDeleteon this post we have near universal love for Walmart...
ReplyDeletePlease note that my standards are very high.
ReplyDeleteOk. Now that we all agree and understand, I think it's time to introduce the new pledge of allegiance:
I'm now torn. On one hand, I'm hearing you say the writing sucks. On the other hand, you mentioned horny teens, lesbians, and homo-erotic tendencies.
ReplyDeleteOh pop culture! Why do you taunt me so?
We ALL know that attractive and/or rich people don't have STD's.
ReplyDeleteI don't have any STD's and I'm neither attractive nor rich.
ReplyDeleteSo ha! The jokes on you.....errrr, wait a second.
I like to use both's more like a threesome that way.
ReplyDeleteI can be pretty jealous at times...with myself. Does that make sense? Anyway if I am true to my belief that "noone can love me like ME" then I feel pretty safe from the icky bods. Would I fuck me? Definitely yessssss...if i had a clone...omg 5 clones...of me, and i came home from work and caught them in the bedroom being naughty i would so lose it.
ReplyDeleteok wait...lets play it out.
Timothy (opening bedroom door): "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!!"
clone #1 (ass to ass w/clone #2): "WADDAP DAWG?"
clone #2: "WADDAP DAWG?"
clone #3 (snorting lines off back of clone #4): ~snifffffff~
clone #4: "tim found your stash"
clone #3 (slaps clone #4 on the asscheek): "quiet BITCH!"
clone #5 (from closet): "are they done yet?"
(then they all shriek in unison and spontaneously combust.)
...and SCENE
Call me crazy but...ok, dont call me that.
is madam dragon coming back or was my rebuttal the closer
ReplyDeleteThat one is a B117 Stealth blogger. Ya dont hear her, then POW ya got a 10ft concrete block sitting on your chest.
ReplyDeleteThis is a big selling point, though.
ReplyDeleteI mean, you can wear a sign: "Yeah, ladies, but I'm disease-free."
You're a lucky, sexy man.
ReplyDeleteI can hardly put up with ONE of me.
where did eva braun go
ReplyDeleteI think she committed suicide in the bunker with her boyfriend, didn't she?
ReplyDeleteWait. Did they find her skull fragments in a box in Russia labeled "pens" too?
I could get lots of ladies that way...
ReplyDeleteThen I couldn't use the sign any more.
Damn that Catch-22...
Was your claim that I am in the Klan your rebuttal? Or was it your statement about what Adri's last boyfriend did for a living?
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out why I didn't run back over and respond right away to that clever, clever comeback.
ReplyDeleteo im zinged
ReplyDeleteIt's OK man. You'll recover. I have faith in you. Follow her, be one with the master race. Only then will you take your rightful place at the top of the heap...
ReplyDeletethat's not my crowd
ReplyDeleteim more allies than axis
I don't want to join any side that will tolerate me.
ReplyDeletegrochomarx dot com called
ReplyDeletethey nt their classic joke royalty
ReplyDeleteIt was a variation.
ReplyDeleteTell to bring it on!
Those Marxists... Oh, wait...
This needs to be published somewhere!
ReplyDeleteGood one Adri
ReplyDeleteThank you, although publishing would take all the fun out of it!
ReplyDeleteGood to see you around, Abby!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks - it was at least the most arbitrary blog entry in recent memory, if nothing else...
ReplyDeleteAwesome rant.
I agree entirely. Which may seem to contradict my lament that men have only one reproductive right - to withhold intercourse. After that, every other decision regarding reproduction is made by women, alone. Which, though unfair, is how it should be. Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself.
And I still really like the song.
Men seem pretty lousy at withholding, though. Y'all should work on that, since it apparently brings with it a degree of control...
ReplyDeleteYelling at a pop song is a sign of insanity. Which in this case is me self-diagnosing...
I KNOW! It's totally unfair.
ReplyDeleteMen used to have a right to ignore whether their lady friends were enjoying the experience, and we were pretty good at that. But now even that's been taken away by the jackbooted lesbofeminazi-equalitarian radicals and their precious "orgasms".
Thank the pagan gods for abortion, and the natural evolution of gay marriage!
[lights fuse, runs.]
ReplyDeletei like the walt whitman quote
ReplyDeleteDamn, I thought I'd made that up.