Ignore the bodies for now. We’ll get around to them soon enough. Why else would I have called you here like this? And yes, yes it is amazing what a good taxidermist can do these days. They sew the parts back best they can – good as anybody could be expected to do, really – and then they stand ‘em up on these here little platforms, five inches high, real cherry wood, the works.
So gather ye round and raise a glass. A toast, perhaps, for the boys that have gone before. Lost! Lost much too early and much too young, more victims taken down during the ongoing mythic and immortal pursuit of…
…well, of me, to be perfectly honest.
All’s I can say is, be careful what you wish for, boy. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of… so on and so forth. You’re welcome to insert whatever moral of the story you wish to insert right up front here, but don’t go and pretend you were never warned later on.
It don’t make a lick of difference in the end, because one dead is as dead as another to a doornail.
Little Rodney was an Asian kid and the only one smarter than me in the whole second grade. Kissed me in the library one day, mostly because I insisted and he was too scared to say no. It was just a quick peck on the cheek and there’s no way he could have known.
Poor Rodney. When I close my eyes at night, sometimes I can still hear the screaming and “Get a medic! That bear just pulled Rodney into the cage!”
“He’ll be alright. You can live without an arm.”
“If they move fast, they can still… Oh, never mind. Probably not.”
And back then, way back in the Year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eighty-five, well, it looked merely tragic that the first boy who ever kissed you got mauled by a bear on a school field trip just two days later. Way back in 1985, you couldn’t see a pattern.
After so many years of this kind of thing happening on a semi-regular basis, it’s natural that you start to blame yourself.
And then there was Steve. And that was thirteen years! If anybody’s gonna be affected by the curse, it would have to be your first real boyfriend, wouldn’t you think? Thirteen years and everybody thought he was home free, except it turns out his bones was plottin’ against him the whole time and took him down when nobody was looking.
Ruben had dark hair and dark eyes and was quick with some hysterically lame pickup line for every time he saw me. “Nice legs, girl – what time do they open?” And me and Steve, we were going through a bit of a rough patch and so before I knew it, I was at the prom with Ruben One-Liner.
In retrospect, it’s an open question whether the handjob was worth what happened to him, if the two things can in any way be considered connected. It was not my best, which is still better than most people’s best. But it seems the earth just opened up and swallowed him up one day after that. The circumstances were suspect, and there’s even some so-called degreed Men of Science up in Milwaukee who claim the incident proves their ancient Hollow Earth Theory.
I think it was sometime after Jay broke out in eyes and went crazy that the feds started sniffing around. “You really have bad luck, don’t you Ms. Oopsy?” and “Back at headquarters, the words ‘black widow’ are starting to pop up.”
Is it physical contact with me that does it? An emotional connection? All of the above? Would casual dating be enough to raise the wrath of the Fates? Would my men be safe at a distance?
Now we come to this one here with the weird haircut, and he was Carl, and him I just flat-out killed, there ain’t no way to sugarcoat that. Did it just to see what it was like and because I figured the feds would never believe I’d be so brazen after all the other incidents. Johnny Cash wrote a song about it, only he got the town wrong and accidentally released it 20 years before I was born. But you can’t trust no one to get the specifics right these days.
And Terrence turned into a chicken pot pie while were in the throes of passion, which is why I always insist on being on top now. And Brian was abducted by aliens and boiled down for fuel. And I can not remember what this one was about, but it does churn the old stomach a bit, does it not? He tasted delicious, though.
That one right before you there? Why yes, that is seagull crap, but not just any. That seagull crap on the platform used to be fish that before that were Greg.
And then there’s… there’s… I’m sorry? What was that you said? Was it worth it to them? Oh hell yes. As much as I hate the things that happened in the end, they met their ends gladly and with smiles on their faces.
Well, probably not AWOL, but I’d always imagined a pack of wild dogs would make some sort of telltale sound before they sprang on a man.
But still the fact remains that, given half a chance, they’d do it all over again the same way. All of ‘em. The fact remains I’m just that good.
And so, Dr. 90210, if – after viewing the remains of the men who have gone before you – you still wish to see me, then I have just one thing to say to you.
Please sign this waiver here… and here...
…And if you think you are going to want sex, sign and here...
...And – yes, right here.
There! Now everything is in order… Are you feeling okay? You look a little pale, Doctor. I don’t want you coming down with anything… We’re just getting started, and I have more of these handy platform stands on their way.
Who’s a girl gotta kill around here to find a decent boyfriend?
The Future Is Not Secure You Will Die by Mike Ballard
ReplyDeleteYou beat them
'cause of
That and a little violence
creates the State
The land's become property
enmeshed in law
No longer theirs
but then
it never was
They had no laws
no courts
no fountain pens
With girlfriends like you, who needs enemies?
ReplyDeletePlus, the Fates have to curse someone specifically for their curses to work. It's been proven that general curses (for example "I hope you all eat shit and die") are generally not that effective. That why the Fates learned a long, long time ago to pick out one special winner for their particular attention. So be thankful, you're one in a million.
I'm thankful that you're about 1,800 miles away, but who's counting, right?
I hear ya girl. I think the nuns & alcoholics have it made. Better yet, perhaps my goal will be an alcoholic nun!
ReplyDelete..ahh yes.. so few of those Eve poses with the shaved arm pits. But ever so precious.
ReplyDeleteMilwaukee School of Engineering. Not even a Big 10 school, clearly can't be trusted.
ReplyDeleteAnother lovely bit of prose Madam Oopsy. As long as the "good" Doctor signed the hold harmless, indemnification and force majeure wavers, assuming they were properly notarized, you should be clear of any messy civil litigation from whiny assed family members. He knew the risks going in.
Was he made aware of the German Sports Sedan/Sport bike clause?
Damn gf your good .........you love em and they die............I wanna know your secret.....is it too late to use that on my ex ? :)
ReplyDeleteOh, come on! No empire was ever built on a fair fight!
ReplyDeleteIf we start behvainv ourselves from her eon out, can I stll keep my cable TV?
I'm telling you, though:
ReplyDeletea) I am so worth it; and
b) Eventually, I'm going to find somebody strong enough to survive me.
I function pretty well on my own. Occasionally, though, I get tempted and date anyway, with the same disastrous results...
ReplyDeleteYeah, yeah. Somebody sent me a link to that picture. I have it in a folder of pictures marked "Various redheads".
ReplyDeleteIt's like Dr. Greg House says: "You start requiring that people give consent, next thing you know, they're going to want INFORMED consent."
ReplyDeleteAs long as they're still breathing, it's never too late...
ReplyDeleteWell dang.. that's the same place I have you on my hard drive. But really, you're one in a million, in a good way.
ReplyDeleteI wondered if you just did an image search of Redheads. People sending you material helps. The twin chainsaws and skull bra is perfect. Perhaps a bit much for around the office though (given your track record with assistants, an accidental decapitation may raise some eyebrows)
ReplyDeleteAnd you know this from last, dying gasps? Strangled cries of passion before slipping into the neither regions? Death bed confessions passed onto you by frightened first responders?
ReplyDeleteI love you, but now that I think about it, maybe not so much.
Plausible deniablity, good plan.
ReplyDeleteI have pics of me saved on my hard drive under "Me".
ReplyDeleteIt's like Chinese food in China: They just call it "food".
Note to self: Don't date girl with two chain saws strapped to her back. Regardless of how sexy that skull head crotch cover looks.
ReplyDeleteThe woman in that pic is just NEVER going to be able to dislodge her hair from the chainsaw blades the way she's holding them.
ReplyDeleteOther than that... assuming I could get through the courthouse metal detectors, I don't see a down side to that outfit...
Oh, come on. I just KNOW.
ReplyDeleteOh, sure: Just let Life pass you on by. You're going to be on your deathbed (which will NOT be my fault) thinking, "I should'a dated a girl in a skull bone bikini when I had the chance..."
ReplyDeleteI don't suppose even with your bar card you could get past the metal detectors. Unless the guard was staring at your "briefs" and thus missed the whole aura of death aspect. Heck that might work!
ReplyDeleteClearly you are going to need a scrunchie made form the bones of children's fingers to keep the hair out of the way.
I see the third photo is titled "Obviously Not Me" when I float my cursor over it.
ReplyDeleteWondering how is that obvious?
Then I might be limited to using the outfit during depositions and out-of-court settlement negotiations...
ReplyDeleteIn real life, I do not have an apple in my hand.
ReplyDeleteOhhh when did Broomie get a serpent?
ReplyDeleteThat last picture looks just like you. Maybe you should post a picture of your boobs so we can check and see that its not you. Ha ha ha. I'm just kidding, mostly. I totally can relate to your blog here. All my boyfriends end up wearing my underwear and crying on a nightly basis. Except for one and he is a major pain in the ass. So the grass is always greener on the other side. I got to the point where I gave up a few years ago and tattooed a black widow on my back. I'm still cynical at this point and just let people fill various things that I need instead of believing in one person.
ReplyDeleteI never had a boyfriend
never had anyone wear my underwear.
I am the heart less traveled...
but somehow I can relate....
Maybe it is a past life thing? :)
Adri I'd chance the curse cause you freakin rock ya sweet lil thang...Where do I sign?
ReplyDeleteA virgin?...What's a virgin?
ReplyDeleteIs that you as Eve?
I thought you were out of town. Sorry, I will do the laundry of course.
ReplyDeleteThis seems nice. I'm so sleepy right now I'm gonna read it later.
ReplyDeleteI'm Shannyn Sossamon. Adri, I'll be your lesbian girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteGreat quote!
ReplyDeleteCelebrity accounts! Genius!
ReplyDeleteTell me about it, and we got a little dog cause someone had Adri's phone number, and you know what, we're going to keep it?
ReplyDeleteCliff notes: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checkers_speech
When the book is published, will you autograph my copy please?
ReplyDeleteI'm kind of relieved that we'll never date...
ReplyDeleteSomebody will.
ReplyDeletegood to know ... I mean, it is isn't it? haha!
ReplyDeleteWith or without Peter Gabriel?
ReplyDeletePeter Gabriel is into sledgehammers and steam.
ReplyDeleteFor his own safety, he should stay away from Adri.
not to worry Deb ... she's self-isolating
ReplyDeleteIs that so she's brown and crunchy all over? Because I hate it when you get that raw looking undercooked skin that looks white and flabby...
ReplyDeleteThread win.
ReplyDeleteThe question is not whether or not you will find someone strong enough to survive you. It's a question of whether you can find someone strong enough to survive you AND single.
ReplyDeleteI'd tend to agree that you're worth it, though. Redheads either really, really are, or really, really aren't.
Bhoomi DOES actually have a ball python in the house. It's relatively small, though.
ReplyDeleteIt sort of does look like me, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteI don't know if one person can be all things to another. People might need different people to fill different roles - one person filling all roles might be too much to expect. Either way, I'm pretty hard on guys...
Greg wasn't single when I met him. I mean, he wasn't married, but he was in a very long term relationship. I suppose I ought to feel guilty over that...
ReplyDeleteThere aren't a lot of other television characters I'd steal quotes from, actually.
ReplyDeleteI only steal from the best.
You probably don't want to know.
ReplyDeleteJust sign right here... in blood, of course...
ReplyDeleteIt's a largely mythical beast. Sometimes discussed but rarely witnessed first hand. Just like the unicorn and the chupacabra and the vaginal orgasm...
ReplyDeleteOh, and NO. Do all redheads look alike to you?
It will probably seem, um, less nice when you're fully awake.
ReplyDeleteWithout sleepy readers, I'd never get a compliment around here.
There's only one person around these parts who knows about my secret lesbian love of Shannyn Sossamon.
ReplyDeleteWell, up until just a second ago there was only one...
For the love of God, WITH. With!
ReplyDeleteIt's from a song called "The Knife."
Oh, I would give my left nut to go out with Peter Gabriel.
ReplyDeleteWait. That came out wrong...
I would think that would be the general consensus after a blog like this. Or a lifetime like this.
ReplyDeleteFor better or worse, though, there are still a few potential victims out there for me...
ReplyDeleteTorrent is in charge of personal appearances, media interviews, and autographs. It's all been planned out in advance. In addition, anyone wishing to stalk me is encouraged to stalk him instead.
ReplyDeleteCan you stalk the willing?
Would you be a love and date my exhusband for me?
ReplyDeleteWow Deb. I was just about to type the very same request. Great minds think alike. You can quit your lawyer job Adri and just date people's exes or enemies. You'd make a killing. Get it!! ha ha ha. I'm so witty.
ReplyDeleteI'm still mystified as to why you're not in bed with Jon Stewart.
ReplyDeleteas I recall you have pretty high expectations.
ReplyDeleteI'de jump up shouting "Thread win" at this comment.. but I don't want to look silly.
ReplyDeleteI offer you my heart, m'lady.
ReplyDeleteIf you should decide to take my head with a swift blow from your sword, then so be it.
I don't seem to be of much use in this life, anyway.
Orally or through regular intercourse?
ReplyDeleteUh no...Not really. Well at least not body wise. I've dated a couple so trust me on this.
It makes me wonder whether you really like men or not. But then, as your ex-husband, I suppose I should know. At least I am not dead.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever, like Lindsay Lohan, been called a Firecrotch???
ReplyDeleteLeah, she has a pirate name, but if I tell you what it is ... I'll be banished! hahaha!
ReplyDeleteI'm over Jon Stewart. It took years, but I'm finally over him.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to talk to my Death Pimp about it...
ReplyDeleteYou probably shouldn't plan on landing on any aircraft carriers with a banner behind you then...
ReplyDeleteI think my biggest hurdle is accepting the idea that I require another person around at all in order to be fulfilled.
ReplyDeleteBe careful. I might just know my way around a sword better than you think...
ReplyDeleteSome things you can't do yourself.
ReplyDeleteIt's not my fault they all die! You're starting to sound just like those homicide investigators!
ReplyDeleteNo. If I had the list of the dead here in this blog would be at least a little longer...
ReplyDeleteI was talking statistically. Statistically, most women can't have vaginal orgasms.
ReplyDeleteAh I see...Maybe that's something that needs to be worked on.
ReplyDeleteI just know the women of the world are looking forward to your giving it a good try! ;-)
ReplyDeletehmmmm, it must have been a different Adri. Yes, that must be it. :)
ReplyDeleteYou never really know which one you're getting...
ReplyDeleteneither do you! *grin*
ReplyDeleteyou either ....
ReplyDeleteAdri have my fatansies effected your creative thinking? LOL. Love the artwork baby on this one. Are u assuming the powers of the sensouse RedQueen? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
ReplyDeleteThat's still not quite it. It's the monogamy angle too. You might not even been looking for one person to achieve fullfillment, but more than one, each to bring an additional puzzle piece. I think you're a strong advocate of monogamy, regardless of your fullfillment aims.
ReplyDeletePlenty of guys out there of the "Just because it happened to the previous 14 guys doesn't mean it will happen to me" mentality.
ReplyDeleteThere is a name for guys like this: "15th victim"...
..but statistically speaking, it's likely not the vaginal one. oh.. wait.. wrong thread...
ReplyDeleteAdr,the alluring RedQueen of Montrose, relaxed on her huge softbed.
ReplyDeleteShe grins at the storng looking masculaine shadow who is meters above her; a stranger she found to do her bidding. Outside the tropical storm flashed its lightening and the thunder clapped. But Adri didn't care as she feels the large strong hands run up her sides. This man slave Thing whom she captured beyond her garden had been worth it. Her blue eyes blazed her magic as she controled it. For her men are her toys. She sighs sensously as she feels his touch and his warm lips caressing her..she wanted attention and she gets it.
Outside the tropical storm rages. But in her quarters the storm feels so distance so far away; she leeps on Thing digging her nails into his shoulder blades and she kisses him agrressively. She begs more of out of him; she feels his muscled weight as they fall on her soft bed...
the redqueen desires have been answered...
I have a razor sharp katana if that will help. I haven't dulled the blade since I quit shaving with it. Should be perfect for the task. ;)
ReplyDeleteWell, I DO like surprises...
ReplyDeleteOh no! Kinda looks that way, doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteHmmm... I don't care what kind of lifestyle works for people. Everyone can have 10 wives and STILL go outside the house for sex as far as I'm concerned. I don't think it works for most, but if it does, then great.
ReplyDeleteBut for me? I don't know. I'm not an ADVOCATE for monogamy. Maybe for... what would the word be? Agamy?
That's called "magical thinking."
ReplyDeleteMy dungeons are littered with the discarded bodies of magical thinkers...
One who is of the "magical thinking" ilk should think twice when he notices that you have dungeonS for storage of past magical thinkers...
ReplyDeleteO, to die a martyr
ReplyDeleteIn service to m'lady
Queen with hair of fire
Beauty beyond reason
Magnificent and elegant
Fire from the heavens
Knowledge that knows no bounds
Wisdom beyond measure
Compassion for the masses
To give my life in her service
Would be an honor fit for the gods
Probably logic, fear, and tons of worn-out excuses?
ReplyDeleteSee, you haven’t told us what you found out about yourself on the 28th. So, if this whole blog is just yet another excuse to not get yourself another boyfriend because you have not let him go, then, bravo! But just make sure the future ones are all required to read this blog and interview your real friends, before they ask you out again on a Friday night. It’s the right thing to do, yes?
But then again, if any of them are like the few you had before, don’t bother telling them. I wouldn’t. Ha! Especially the Republicans, we are in an election year after all.
Adri I hope the redqueen of Montrose makes u and Angela chuckle...:)
ReplyDeleteLook at that. Mention that people around you tend to die and everybody starts planning to roast you at the stake...
ReplyDeleteI'd like to carry something small that takes some skill to use. Lugging around a gun is hell on my wardrobe selections...
ReplyDeleteI was being a smart ass and you called me on it! You're good!
ReplyDeleteJust because statistics are against it doesn't mean that any ONE woman you name doesn't have them though...
ReplyDeleteYeah, there used to be all that chivalry stuff, but they wouldn't let the women out of the house and we were seen as property...
ReplyDeleteThere are tradeoffs in life, I guess...
I'm not very good at follow-up on my blogs.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Chuck-man!
ReplyDeleteI believe the chivalry just lost its meaning after many years and the men who tried to be chivalrous misunderstood the basis of the concept. It was never meant for chivalry to hold women back. That's almost as bad as what the churches did to the name of Jesus. Of course, modern military training had something to do with the way that men treated women, even though women were supposed do defend the honor and dignity of their women. They scared the men so badly in order to get them to "fight for their women on the battlefield" that when the men got home, some of them felt that the only way to protect them was to keep them in the house.
ReplyDeleteThe Round Table, as first written about by Wace, was not only a physical ‘Table’, but as all now know, also the name of the highest Order of Chivalry at the Court of King Arthur. Its members were supposedly the ‘cream’ of the British military, which followed a strict code of honour and service. This was outlined as:
* To never do outrage nor murder
* Always to flee treason
* To by no means be cruel but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy
* To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows succour
* To never force ladies, gentlewomen or widows
* Not to take up battles in wrongful quarrels for love or worldly goods
In addition to the code, there were twelve basic rules for the Knights:
* To never lay down arms
* To seek after wonders
* When called upon, to defend the rights of the weak with all one's strength
* To injure no one
* Not to attack one another
* To fight for the safety of one's country
* To give one's life for one's country
* To seek nothing before honour
* Never to break faith for any reason
* To practice religion most diligently (Well, you know my views on that)
* To grant hospitality to anyone, each according to his ability
* Whether in honour or disgrace, to make a report with the greatest fidelity to truth to those who keep the annals
ReplyDeleteThe storm rages on...
ReplyDeleteAdr,the Sensous RedQueen knows her fate. She has no desire to change her destiny; now that the tropical storm has knock out the power of her Montrose palace she knows that Thing has his own plans for her. She feels his hands lift her up off her bed; she gasps when she falls over his bulgy shoulder. She feels his powerful fingers lock a vice around her thighs. All she gasp and moans softly as she sees reflections of lights dance in her room...
Thing open the portal.
Bright light blinds the RedQueen as she trys to get a bearing where they're going. She has no plans to escape Thing..for he's quick on his feet. Seconds later the blinding light is gone..Adri is sure he's taken her through a wormhole. She gazes with delight at the beauty of the jungle of this new world. She quirms restlessly but Thing's all powerful hand keeps her anchored in place...she calms down when she feels his fingers running her thighs. Thing knows he can keep redhead becouse of the unwritten laws of the universe..he who finds keeps her.
Adri didn't care where her Thing took her. She's no longer in Montrose she knows that. As the clouds of the new world race above she can only wonder what new wonders await..
Death Pimp? Princess Leahhk?
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha. Yeah it didn't work out for Brandon Davis either. To make things better for him for bashing Lindsay Lohan he had to apologize to her (which he did not do), and donate $250,000 to a charity of her choice, which I think he did do.
ReplyDeleteI think I know what type of guy you need exactly. One that acts like the grinch, one that thinks like Dennis Kucinich, and one that looks like George Clooney.
ummm Yeah buddy!
ReplyDeleteAh, I have survived an encounter with the dreaded Death Pimp. She was quite a character! She's a great friend.
ReplyDeleteOf course, don't try this at home... I am, after all, Superman. lol
HEY! Men serve other purposes than being toys. They can do laundry and cook dinner. They can rub your feet. They can buy you expensive gifts so you don't have to spend your own money. When you cry, they have to do whatever you say until you stop. I'm sure if I really thought about it and made a list it would be sorta long,......
ReplyDeleteTsk, tsk, Leah. You STILL don't get it. People have much more to offer one another than the material. Why, I oughta' sick Billy Bob on yore hide! He'll teech ya' a thin 'er too.
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm not Adri's Death Pimp, but I would like to be....
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure that position has been filled and he is in Adri's attic playing checkers with Jesus. Now that I think about it, the downtime on that job doesn't seem too fun....
Leah, did you get that comment I left for you yesterday?
ReplyDeleteI was being dead serious Cal, but I do value the things that are not material. Like foot rubs, back rubs, laundry done well. Hmmm, feeding my dog. Cooking me dinner. Being products of my manipulation doesn't cost a cent.
ReplyDelete**throws back head and laughs with a very evil tone********
LOL. Well, I don't mind the foot rubs and back rubs, or even feeding the dog. I don't even mind cooking sometimes. In fact, I find it enjoyable if I can be creative. Laundry, on the other hand, I seem to have a problem with doing well. You should see the bleach stains on one of my Superman t-shirts.
ReplyDeleteThere is something to be said for emotional support and mutual understanding, though, and in some ways, they're even more important than food and back/foot rubs.
I already have one woman expecting those things of me, why would I need another...
ReplyDeleteIf it was Adri, I'm sure it would be worth it....
ReplyDeleteLook at all the noble souls who gave their lives in the pursuit of.....
I know she would be worth it, she's told us herself...
ReplyDelete..and there are limits to even your rapier like wit.
ReplyDeleteI just finished a book on secret societies that was much more objective and balanced than the usual conspiratorial New Agey pieces on such topics. However, even with the alleged objectivity, I don't know if I buy off on so many groups being cued into an elevated mystic view of life.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice, but if there were so many folks hooked in through the ages, how can you explain Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and "Project Runway"?
Great, now I have to start expecting to get sued for false advertising... Er, I mean, damn straight!
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to worry about me, I meant it as a compliment.
ReplyDeleteBesides, you are just saving us time. Why delve deep into all things Adri to determine her worthiness when you can just ask her.
Ah, the Illuminati just manipulated everything good to make it serve their purpose. They were right to do so, of course. Doesn't everyone want their women to be subservient and to keep them barefoot and pregnant all the time? Goodness! What's gotten into you Adri? Do you think women really deserve to be treated as equals, have their thoughts and opinions expressed and considered, and are better for anything more than child bearing, child raising, cooking, and cleaning. My word! What evil has gotten into you woman?
ReplyDeleteDon't ya' know, Bush was right?
She's easy enough to ask, and she seems to give pretty straight answers.
ReplyDeleteI asked, and she said "42".
ReplyDeleteHmmmmmmmmmmm imagine Adrianna hosting Project Runway or Top Cheif on Bravo...bet she would bring in the ratings:)
ReplyDeleteCome now, is there no honor? Gentlemen don't tell.
Ah well. Live and learn as they say. I'm not sure who "they" were, but they said some pretty smart things from time to time. haha
ReplyDeleteBut I made you wait for a long-ass time for that answer... It was, of course, worth it.
ReplyDeleteOf course.
ReplyDeleteI'm choosy about who I serve or should it be service..
ReplyDeleteAdri, I've often posted on dating, and other hazards of the biological imperative -- and while I've been in a position where someone has (1) upchucked a gallon of used champagne and oysters on the side of my car;(2) tried to burn my house down and got herself arrested, and (3) had my vehicle locked in a secured garage so I couldn't leave (hint - cabs are a beast in Portland, especially at 11:00PM) -- I've never had any of them die on me, turn into a chicken-pot-pie, or anything else.
ReplyDeleteGuess I'm normal, after all.
Still, from my vantage point here on the Hilltop, I still wonder sometimes if I'm fated to be more-or-less alone, based on my getting far choosier over the years.
Ah, speculation!
As our friend Dr. Greg House says, "There's no "I" in 'Team' - but there's "me" if you scramble it up a bit...." I'm supposing there's a price to pay, after all, for individuality......
I can't believe I sat through that whole clip. I feel as though I have lost some self-respect for the experience...
ReplyDeleteHaha. Oh well.
I usually don't mind being on my own. I mean, people try to make ya feel like there's something wrong with it, but they're mostly just trying to get you to be as miserable as everyone else.
ReplyDeleteDespite all that, of course, I still see fit to date on occasion.
It's just another human weakness. I will overcome them eventually. Perhaps even soooon...
Just trying to do my part to keep the level of insanity around here at it's peak. ;)
ReplyDeleteDang, Astra! NEVER admit that in here or she'll take ya' off yer meds! :D
ReplyDeleteAdri,like upchucking in public and being hauled off to jail,it gets easier the more one does it.
ReplyDeleteBeing alone is like that, too. One gets used to it, and eventually you'll cease wondering what all the flap is about.
I agree with your statement that, in the end, people are just jealous of us -- I mean, we have to be as miserable as they are!!!
I've been alone since my late wife died. I just co-habitated legally with a woman for 7 months. lol
ReplyDelete...Yeah, there used to be all that chivalry stuff, but they wouldn't let the women out of the house and we were seen as property...
ReplyDeleteChivalry's dead. At least, the one belonging to the old gank down the road from me. Quit running the other day. Rumor has it he's replacing it with a cheap Japanese import.....
No, no, no! That's CHEVY! LMAO Haha! Good to see you joking, Astra.
ReplyDeleteWho’s a girl gotta kill around here to find a decent boyfriend?...
ReplyDeleteMaybe you're looking to close to home. After all the heat and humidity of Texas can do strange things to a man while in the throes of passion.
You see, what we didn't understand was that by "decent," she meant rich, handsome, and impotent. If we'd known that, we wouldn't have bothered. lol
ReplyDeleteAdri would make a good running mate for you, Will, especially since McCain has Palin.
ReplyDeleteCal, she and I also share this: We're both too smart to run for office.
ReplyDeleteSee, it wouldn't matter who was on 'top' (as it were) -- the media-jackals would skin us both alive.
I'm hardly the expert on any of this, and there would be part me that would be of two minds regardless of what lifestyle I led.
ReplyDeleteI'm not opposed to dating or having a significant other, but I'm also not afraid of being alone.
I see a lot of people who seem afraid of being single/alone.
I've been doing family law for 7 years and yet I have no idea what "co-habitating legally" might mean.
ReplyDeleteI suspect it might be related to the double super-secret illegal co-habitations I keep hearing about...
I could never have a job where a majority of the people had to approve of me - even if that 50%+ approval only had to last for an election day.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy having the freedom to make an utter fool of myself and hold ridiculous beliefs with no discernible consequences...
Texas guys are the only ones slow enough for me to catch...
ReplyDeleteOr lasso???
ReplyDeleteI played hockey with a guy who lived with a woman for 22 years. He maintained he was going to be the test case for palimony for the state of Indiana.
ReplyDelete..hey.. hey.. bring it back down a bit.. I've got no such high-falootin' desires... Some of us simple folks just want in yer pants. You and your always makin' a mountain...
ReplyDeleteIs that what they call it from your neck of the woods...excuse the pun.
ReplyDeleteNow, I agree with your first statement, but your second statement...
ReplyDeleteYou and Adri could start your campaign on my LiveShow. There are a lot of others there who would love your platform. I don't know about the national media, but you might find you spread like wildfire there. Who knows? Maybe enough to catch a little attention from the jackals.
Well, in West Virginia, since she was living in some government housing, we had to show proof that we were legally married, so we ran down to the Justice of the Peace, signed a few papers, and the next thing you knew, we were legally married. There wasn't much heart in it, but it kept the apartment owners off our backs.
ReplyDeleteOh, come now, Adri. Do you really think Bush had even 50% on his second election day?
ReplyDeleteI think they keep his figures up to 29% artificially just so he thinks he still isn't doing too badly.
You mean like Dubbya?
ReplyDeleteYEEEE HAWWwwwww Ah knowed thar wuz sumpthin' ah wuz missin' 'bout that thar Adri. Now mah spurs 'er all bristled!
ReplyDeleteHere's another little present to raise thuh insanuty level. Ah gots ta' do mah part, ya' know?
ReplyDeleteI was raised in the Houston suburbs.
ReplyDeleteI carry a gun and say "y'all" and sometimes "fixin' to." But using a lasso is pushing it. Probably more West Texas.
It's important to aim high in life!
ReplyDeleteThe only making mountains out of molehills that I have noticed in these parts are in guys' self-descriptions...
ReplyDeleteAh, West Virginia. That explains it. You had to prove she was your sister.
ReplyDeleteI'm kidding! West Virginia actually has stricter laws regarding consanguinity than MOST other states, probably because of the old jokes.
No, worse than Dubya.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I don't want to kiss babies and claim to care who sold the most Girl Scout cookies and worry about whether 51% of the voters liked my joke last night and apologize if I say I believe something that has nothing in common with the real world...
So more like Cheney, now that I think about it...
Haha... Mission accomplished!
So bondage is out?
ReplyDeleteHey, I didn't say THAT! I just said I can't use a lasso.
ReplyDeleteall this time I thought they only sacrificed lambs .... damn!
ReplyDeleteTurns out that the gods prefer virgins to lambs.
ReplyDeleteActually, turns out that everybody does...
(However, I suspect you're probably safe either way...)
Interestingly, the last time I saw working cowboys on a horse with a lasso was in central California. Driving back up to San Jose, I opted for the load less traveled (I had a sporty rental car and was abusing it on backroads through the mountians). It appeared to be a grandfather, father and son herding dairy cows.
ReplyDeleteTwo weeks in El Paso all I saw was road runners and a lot of desert.
ReplyDeleteImagine my surprise this morning when I discovered it had nothing to do with the guy:
Science. It's always one step ahead of my vagina...
I think my lasso viewing over my lifetime has been limited to the rodeo.
ReplyDeleteYeah Adri it is...some kooks though the world was going to end today with the Supercollider would end the world. But it didn't happen:)
ReplyDeleteYou gotta have Faith.
ReplyDeleteWhy yes, it actually works out best that way.
ReplyDeleteWell, not as of this moment.
ReplyDeleteBut we have to keep checking this web site to see if the Hadron Collider has destroyed the world yet:
Keep checking!
..are you sayin' doing Adri is like upchucking? (yeah, yeah, I'm taking this line out of context, but I'm just in a mood.)
ReplyDeleteThat's one charmin' burlap sniffin' singer, that Cal.
ReplyDeleteI'll bet you don't have an 'eat me, beat me, eat me' licorice whip either? Handcuffs, Trapeze, hanging chair? Any of that?
ReplyDeleteStalking the willing... Wouldn't that just be following?
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'm going to admit to any sexual fetishes I might or might not have.
ReplyDeleteI do have police-issue handcuffs (and admitted it once in a blog), but it's because I dated a cop for a while. Poor Barry - still the only person to have ever been killed by space junk falling to earth...
Not fetishes, just toys. Edible at that.
ReplyDeleteAlas, just the handcuffs and more vibrators than any one person could ever actually need...
ReplyDeleteSounds like you could sponsor an orgy for oneists.
ReplyDeletewow adri, thanks for posting this very sex pic of you. you look incredible!
ReplyDeleteI'm torn.
ReplyDeleteOn one hand, perhaps I should be polite and just say thanks.
On the other hand, IT'S NOT ME.
no habla inlges
ReplyDeleteAdri I would be your bodyguard anyday. Just holler:) or did I make u chuckle?
ReplyDeleteDon't like apples? Oh wait it was a quince that the serpent offered eve.
ReplyDeleteI suspect GPS coordinates or at least bread crumbs might also be involved.
ReplyDeleteSTOP bragging about your fetishes and conquests, and the tragic demise of your said conquests. You are starting to sound like a man, in fact, a Republican! Woooo…
ReplyDeleteOuch, I just burnt my retina from visualizing that one.
Still, there is no way even half of your stories here are true, since without details nothing can be believed. We all know that only two jobs in the world where lying is tolerated: the President of the United States, or, a writer on her blog.
I thought you were long gone...
ReplyDeleteAre you saying you don't believe that Brian was abducted by aliens and boiled down for fuel?
I'm not bragging! If I were, I'd tell you about how the guys all experience shock and awe... But since I'm not, I'm not sure how your Republican statement makes any sense...
Sure it's not 'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww' as in awww darn it.
ReplyDeleteNo. Although I've said that a few times.
ReplyDeleteInteresting because I counted the exes names up there and their are only 5. That disappointed are you?