For a while, I considered tearing off his face – his perfect flesh – his impressive pectoral muscle mass – and of course that cock – oh, that cock! – and attaching it all in its entirety – sewing and fastening it whatever which way I could manage – onto some inferior available corpus with a better mind.
But after three days trapped in a house with Arresting Officer, the cold and terrible reality of our situation hit us – hit both of us sort of all at once – and we realized that when we were finally done humping, we would eventually have to speak to one another.
We shrugged and attempted conversation.
The results were even less satisfying than we’d previously imagined.
There was nothing left to do but to keep on with the humping, to hump and to hump, in order to keep at bay the memory of that spectacularly awful conversation that we’d tried.
After four days trapped in a house with Arresting Officer, not even the face – the perfect flesh – the impressive pectoral muscles – not even that cock was enough to keep the voices away. And the voices, well, they said to go get an axe and they said to chop up this simpering moron into itty bitty pieces. To drain the blood from the itty bitty pieces and to individually wrap the pieces in garbage bags. To tape up the garbage bags and then to go sink them in the Gulf of Mexico.
The voices were very specific.
All play and no work makes Adri a crazy girl.
After five days trapped in a house with Arresting Officer, we reached a point where his body became utterly incapable of getting my endorphins flowing. Not even the really kinky, deviant shit worked anymore – or not much, anyway.
So after six days trapped in a house with Arresting Officer, I had to put Plan B into action. After six days, I convinced my friend, Kim, to stop by for a visit. Now, Kim is a great gal – eccentric – great taste in music and books and food – got Tom Waits tattooed on her arm! – knows all the fun things to do in town. I could talk to Kim for days on end about everything and about nothing at all.
But I would not have sex with Kim, oh no. She is frumpy and she is pudgy and she draws her eyebrows on using a magic marker or something. Kim’s body also lacks at least one appendage I find critical in my sexual relationships.
Soon, I had Arresting Officer and Kim securely strapped to chairs – back-to-back – and that’s when everything started going very, very right.
Arresting Officer now wore Kim’s clothes.
Kim now wore Arresting Officer’s clothes. His regular clothes, I mean. Not his cop clothes. I’m not a weirdo.
With an old-fashioned projector, I beamed a film of Kim’s face onto Arresting Officer’s head. With an old-fashioned projector, I beamed a film of Arresting Officer’s face onto Kim’s head. Through headphones, I played to Arresting Officer the sounds of Kim’s heart beating and her lungs breathing and her blood flowing. I played to Kim the sounds of Arresting Officer’s heart beating and his lungs breathing and his blood flowing.
I called each of them by the other’s name and I read them entries from the other’s diary.
And after seven days trapped in that house, my work was complete. And I saw what I had done, and it was good.
Because on the seventh day in that blasted house, Arresting Officer woke up in Kim’s body. Kim woke up in Arresting Officer’s body.
Of course, at this point, Kim’s pudgy, cockless body – containing as it did Arresting Officer’s dull and vacuous mind – was completely useless to me. I discarded it in the dumpster out back.
It’s still out there, I believe, if for some reason you care to look. Who knows? It might work well as a doorstop or maybe as an end table. It’s also talented at saying, “Can I see your license and registration?”
And what now? Oh, now! Now, with Kim’s brilliant and challenging mind and Arresting Officer’s face – his perfect flesh – his impressive pectoral muscle mass – and of course that cock – oh, that cock! – now the real fun can begin!
Sure, there has been some minimal deterioration of mental faculties due to the transference process – for instance, he/she believes Lady Gaga to be “edgy” – but nevertheless…
I have brought the perfect creature into the world. Something never before seen anywhere under the Great Big Sun. Me! Can you believe it?
Next week, we’re planning to trap ourselves in a house for a few days. Just me and him/her.
I’m expecting great things.
And our real enemy is in the mirror....
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming that's a photo of the two of you picking your next karaoke song from the song book? (No, not the elevator pic.) With your wrist under his neck like that he almost looks alive.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant plan, I can think of several times in my past when I wish I'd been able to pull something like that off! Love the pic, hope you are enjoying your creation. :)
ReplyDeleteLooking good!
ReplyDeleteSpeak for yourself, buddy.
ReplyDeleteIf only everyone was more like me, the world would be a fine place.
You might not want to go out on the road in that sort of world, but... a fine place, nonetheless.
I like to think of that picture as me teaching him how to read.
ReplyDeleteFrom that angle, you can barely tell my hand is up his ass to make his eyes and mouth move.
I suppose it's all about priorities. Trade offs and such.
ReplyDeleteBut it's a tough balance, and there comes that point when I just want to turn to some of these guys and say, "I'm sorry, but you're too stupid to live."
Ah well, haha...
In real life, though, I have a head.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm not in an elevator.
ReplyDeleteI TOO... had a dream almost like that (but quite different).....Funny how our lives come back to us in the form of dreams.... ? ? ?
The mind of a woman and the appendage of a man, I believe you could have achieved same with a strapon.
ReplyDeletecluck cluck cluck. That reminds me of ~my~ quite different dream... birds of a feather, and such...
ReplyDeletewhat you mean is that no matter how many buttons you press.. the doors never open?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Your problem solving skills are phenomenal. It lights up my brain and makes me again en blows my mind but it does bring up the question? What game does this creature you've created prefer? Good Cop, bad C__t or Bad Cop, good C__t. Of course you'd and your fans will be forced to suspend disbelief because it coun't be played with you or your pseudodoppleganger,beingand a fine on he isaaat can't be portrayed any other way that Good Both, but that would compromise the very nature of cop dom. You haven't taken away his games have you Adri? Nor could Kim, no matter how talented, she could dehumanize him by taking away a cops favourite game. To do that would do is to physiologically impotentize him when he realizes he can no longer hangout and coop with his partners They will find out real quickly what this creature is so you and Kim have your work cut out for you.
ReplyDeleteAs Luck generally has it you''ll come out fine, maybe hawking your creature one of the small carnivals that round the country, while you churn out Stephen King monster sex books while you put the finishing touch on the real next great American novel. .
You'll both be on Law and Order next week. Can't wait to see how they twist it. Jerry Springer will be waiting in the wings, I'm might proud of you.
. .
(Frank, meet Chuck. Chuck, meet Frank.) ~our headless red queen presses the top button of the elevator, but just like at the chocolate factory, out the roof they fly, Houston the Jungle City fades below and all the motorcycle cops on motorcyles look from high up like motorcycle cops on motorcycles...~
ReplyDeleteIs this your defense strategy ? I am assuming that the Arresing Officer can no longer be a witness due to Retroactive Hallucinations and the False Memory Syndrome
ReplyDeleteDuring the late 1990s, there were multiple lawsuits in the United States in which psychiatrists and psychologists were successfully sued, or settled out of court, on the charge of propagating iatrogenic memories
they were told to close our eyes and listen to the sounds heart beats, lungsbreathing and blood flowing through of the garden hoses of life. The combination of light and sound, an audio-visual stimulation (AVS), is known to cause "significant changes in EEG patterns and cerebral synchronization." But why the old-fashioned projector? The new mobile phone apps work much better along with Red flashing LEDs. They're bright, inexpensive, and blood vessels in the eyelids pass red/orange light most efficiently.
ReplyDeleteYou have brought the perfect creature into the world. Something never before seen anywhere under the Great Big Sun
THANKS - Lots of good brain food!
One wonders; is the Arresting Officer missing a rib?
what? no Genesis 1:31 stuff
ReplyDeleteAnd in other news, The church of Adri achieved new status yesterday when on the seventh day it's founder created WoMan.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a double entendre.
ReplyDeleteSo no. That's not what I meant.
Normally, my blog entries get folks screaming more about Deuteronomy 5.
ReplyDeleteAnd all of the Book of Leviticus.
Sometimes with signs and torches and throwing-sized stones...
I hope you saw that I mentioned roosters quite a few times in this one FOR YOU!
ReplyDeleteAll those girl parts get CONFUSING!
ReplyDelete"What the hell does THIS do? I don't think I have one of these..."
Haha. I'm pretty sure MORE people would prefer one less lawyer in the world, but I wouldn't feel TOO bad iof he/she were unable to be a cop anymore, due to my manipulations.
ReplyDeleteMaybe HPD could disband the Adri Task Force, whose sole job appears to be pulling me over.
Sure, it keeps a LOT of revenue rolling in. A LOT.
But couldn't those officers be better utilized harassing homeless people or looking into corporate crime?
Last fall, they referred to it as "Witness Tampering."
ReplyDeleteIt's like a biofeedback thing! Cool.
ReplyDeleteThe old-fashioned film reels were supposed to be like William Burroughs time machines from his novels... Generally, people went back in time by folding today's newpapers over with yesterday's, playing films of themselves backwards, etc.
On the other hand, Burroughs tranferred minds from one body to another mostly through sex, which in this blog scenario would have been superfluous...
Gives "eating from the Tree of Knowledge" a whole new meaning, huh?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't spend 4 hours on its hair and nails, yet puts the toilet seat down!
ReplyDeleteIt IS a miracle.
I'm just correcting God's mistakes.
The tag-line The Sanitarium has been waiting for for oh so many years...
ReplyDeleteI’m expecting great things.......Good Luck With That........
ReplyDeleteThank you, thank you...
ReplyDeleteI just stumbled onto it. Accidental brilliance, as usual...
"Adri's Sanitarium: Correcting God's Mistakes Since 2006."
What could possibly go wrong?
ReplyDeleteMy plans are KNOWN far and wide for having fantastic outcomes...
One day, not too long ago, I woke up to the fact that I didn't have that many substantial relationships... and it was my own doing. I had avoided them because I didn't trust anybody to not come in and savage me, once they had gotten to know me. It was a painful realization, coupled with the fact that I also realized why I had become that way. Perhaps it is not too late for me, and I certainly don't wish that fate on anyone else. Perhaps this comment is way out of proportion in its seriousness to this blog, but I decided to post it anyway.
ReplyDelete~ reply cancelled at my request ~
ReplyDeleteYou know what? I think you could write this up as a true short story and speculate amongst prospecting publishers... If that work is half way near as good as this then I defy any of them to reject that finished piece.
ReplyDeleteWell, my stuff is ALWAYS pretty light, but yeah, I think I've tried to write in the past about how I'm not sure that a relationship is worth the compromise. We're all sort of brought up in an environment where we EXPECT to find someone - or at least to WANT to find someone and live happily ever after.
ReplyDeleteBut generally, my priorities have been elsewhere, and there has been nothing tragic about that. I've reached the very happy conclusion that I really prefer music.
;-) Thanks! This is about half as long as it started out. I generally try to keep my blogs to about 2 1/2 - 3 pages on Word. Any longer than that, and fewer and fewer people make it through. This one started out about 5-6, and I cut it down to the essentials.
ReplyDeleteI think it was mentioned six times.
ReplyDelete*Nod* After many abortive attempts to order my life for/around other people I'm dawning on the realisation that I like my furniture exactly where it is and my own space are not mutually exclusive propositions.
ReplyDeleteI'd so much rather have MY music in my ears than be ordered everywhere.
When I'm a publisher I'll look you up.
ReplyDeleteActually, I wasn't even thinking about a relationship about a significant other, or a spouse or whatever. It is more like a significant relationship of any sort. As time passes, and as people die off or wander off, one gets to be surrounded by people who have no idea of who you are. Plus, there is the propensity in some people, such as myself, to find making relationships to be problematic... relationships of any sort. Now, pardon me, I don't know how this relates to your blog in particular, but it just sort of set these thoughts off when I read it.
ReplyDeleteyou mean like, all of us here in The Sanitarium year after year...
ReplyDeleteWell the people in the Sanitarium don't know, didn't know in the first place, and never will know or get a clue, unless they all met in person, and even then they wouldn't know necessarily...
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean: everyone who really knew me is either in a different country, in a different part of this one, is dead, in prison, one's been sectioned under our mental health act for anorexia, all but two of my work colleagues are just not that interesting and I've known them long enough to really know that.
ReplyDeleteSadly I'm one of those dudes who needs an occasional cuddle: my skin itches if my bed goes empty for too long and as a result there are more than a few trysts I would rather have done without. I lost my virginity pretty young but found it again during three or four relationships that too way too long to die.
I could do with at least one person who knows everything not for 'relations' or drama or anything like that just for posterity. I wouldn't even mind if it happened to be a dude. I used to think sex was the epitome of closeness, boy how wrong I was!
At last your secret is revealed! Perhaps you could find a way to integrate the two. The judge's bench must be as roomy as an elevator. Who knows, you could get lucky and find a "hung" jury. Voir dire might take on a whole new dimension.
ReplyDeletetalk about ironic, i had a friend over yesterday and made a joke about him leaving and leaving me alone to watch the third place winner of the world cup.. he looked at me and reminded me that we all die alone. whether we have a roomful of people with us, we still die alone.....
ReplyDeletei commented that i plan to have an IED under my deathbed to make sure i take as many of my friends and family with me.. but i get the gyst of what he (and you) are saying..
sounds like the perfect reason to get together... in fact, tmz is having a party in north houston next weekend so we can all meet there...
ReplyDeleteor for something more laid back, i guess there's always starbucks.....
yeah - last week I made that mistake
ReplyDeleteI have linked to your outstanding blog at
(compelling work)
I got whiff of your party. Yeah I got whiff and I showed up. Of course I took your by surprise but once I showed up it didn't matter. What happen between Kim and the Arresting officer did-how it happened reminded of something right out Avatar. Of course the Arresting officer was puzzled over my explaination of Avatar. I was merely explaining how councious transfer had been fully utitlized by Dr. Sig Weaver. That in future it would be quite possible but it all depended on techonolgy which didn't exist. Now in this case something happen which u wouldn't give me explaination. Redheads love to keep thier secrets. Now that you're getting back on your two feet again..I didn't come to spoil the party at all. I like to have fun u know it...
ReplyDeleteThat's a lot of dick.
ReplyDeleteMusic and reading and writing - not any specific people - have been the constants in my life since childhood.
ReplyDeleteAnd it seems as though those things could well be around for the remaining 30 years I have left.
I'm hedging my bets, but think I'm safe there... Besides, my head works a certain way now, and I'm stuck with the music either way...
When I die, my unpublished writings will all be a in foot locker in my computer room.
ReplyDeleteI've thought about that. About being at an age where everyone who you've known and invested time in is already dead.
ReplyDeleteIn some cases, that's a good thing. But, I know, it's a loss to experience it.
I'm not a believer in a cosmic morality enforcer, but anyone who thinks that there are no negative side effects of casual sex outside disease and pregnancy has never been stalked by a spurned one-nighter. Relationships make people CRAZY, and that's a great reason not to get wrapped up in too many.
ReplyDeleteReally, arguing appeals in front of appeals panels is as close as I get to integrating the two. No client testimony, no frills - just arguing against an attorney and 3-9 judges at the same time on minor technicalities of the law.
With all eyes on me. What could be better?
The upside is that when we write more substantive stuff, fewer people read it, but the people that DO end up becoming more loyal to the page...
ReplyDeleteDamn! I didn't think about the "Avatar" parallel!
ReplyDeleteI have not seen "Avatar," so the fact I didn't think of it should not be surprising.
However, I probably wouldn't have gone this way with the blog had I remembered.
Poor Kim... At least the Arresting Officer had a good time while it lasted. I wonder if Kim realizes what happened over the course of the weekend and if she is having any issues working those members of a new body that she hasn't managed before.
ReplyDeleteno matter I like how you used it in your blog nice to have your imagitive self back
ReplyDeletewhat was interesting about avatar when I first saw it. I watch how late 22nd Century tech changed things. When you enter a chamber you're put to sleep and somehow your councious changes with that subject like the blue people for example. Cameron made my mind think that's all. With high tech leaping ahead of society it makes me wonder if would we be able to take our councious minds and insert them into another human and see what they see so to speak.
ReplyDeleteBetter pecs, testosterone raging through her mind for the first time, possession of a badge and a gun... what could possibly go wrong?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
ReplyDeleteOne a month! I'm going to do one a month...
depends on if she kept any of her own rages and emotions. sounded like Arresting Officer ended up more than dull. if so, she had to have kept something of her own during the transition.
ReplyDeleteBeing a dullard: Nature vs. Nurture.
u and I got the arrested officer jealous.
ReplyDeleteI did it when I took u in my arms..I spun u around the kitchen..u gigle that beautiful giggle u have..of course he didn't like the fact that u and I can slow dance. Of course he didn't like the fact I was dancing with my texan redhead..I shot him a real dirty look. Of course u knew I didn't owned u for I wasn't that type of guy. U had warned of arresting officer than I can punch a karate punch to his face and a strong front snap kick too. But I wouldn't use it unless forced. U under the rules of martials arts as Arresting Officer remain jealous as he watch us do the slow dance...
just had to have some fun
That sounds like a great idea. Great event... It would be evenly split between young guys hitting on me and old guys talking about the good old days.
ReplyDeleteThe upside is that if, say YOU died a year from now, we wouldn't all be picturing an ACTUAL fruit head when we thought of you.
This fruit head WILL be your legacy, you know...
Am thinking that this should be held in a controlled environment. Not sure of the demographics of your readership, but Dallas would be a great place to host a party.
ReplyDeletePerhaps in a sanitarium?
ReplyDeleteOh, sorry.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention the old guys hitting on me.
My apologies, Torrent...
I apologize for the rest of us old guys. It's a fine line we walk when we try to compliment a woman. Torrent's eyes are so bad the fine line is the 10 land in each direction, Katy Freeway.
ReplyDeleteAdri with me I don't look my age. I'm not making it up either. I'm forty nine but I don't look it nor act it. I can tell you some young guys I've observed tend to be a little inmature but even I treat a young lady like a lady. The ones that turn me off are jerks. My def of a jerk: he cheats on his girlfriend,his wife,doesn't really care about her period. Just leave her heart broken. At first I didn't know what to think but when I give a babe a compliment no matter what age they blush.
ReplyDeleteyes,I would hit on you too:)
ReplyDeleteShe broke up with you for the umpteenth time, didn't she? Well, who's fault is that?
ReplyDeleteaccepted, your Grace.
ReplyDeleteHa... I was going to say the same thing. I for one am not going to die alone. I'm taking everyone else out with me...
ReplyDeleteThere ARE things worse than getting old alone.
I've known people who - were I to marry them - would make me LONG for solitude.
I suppose that eventually, I'm going to have to break down and sit through "Avatar."
ReplyDeleteIt's a cultural thing - in order to make relevant social commentary, I ought to see the movies that OTHER people have in common.
I never DID see "Lord of the Rings," though, and I don't feel like I missed out...
ReplyDeleteGenerally, I'm not complaining about it.
I'm getting old! It's complimentary to be 170 years old and to still occasionally be getting comments and looks...
I think...
In some states, that could get you 5 to 7.
ReplyDeleteI'm kidding! I have no doubt that you are respectful and polite.
I ought to be MORE respectful and polite to women. INstead, I strap them to chairs and exchange their brain with someone else's...
We could start there. I was thinking a decent hotel chain, rent out a ballroom and see what the masses bring in. Though, the Sanitarium may be more the appropriate place to start.
ReplyDeletePeople watching would sure be fun!!!
oh you're such the gentleman, I'm sure that's an understatement.
ReplyDeleteIf I could mix two people I would mix Popeye with Lindsay Lohan. I don't really have a good reason for it or anything, I just think it would be interesting.
ReplyDeleteReading this made me remember the times I had sex with people I liked and I enjoyed it..... ah it seems like so long that I'm settled down and pregnant. I envy your fun and I'm glad you are enjoying yourself. Cute pic.
You're going to have to be cool for both of us right now. Don't disappoint me!
No!!!! Seriously. Don't do it. I made that same statement and I regret it very much because of the pain it caused. Avatar is the most horrible movie I have ever seen in my life. As a friend, I feel like its my job to tell you to NEVER GO WATCH AVATAR!!!! I don't really remember all of it because it was so horrible I think I blacked part of it out or was asleep. But it looks cooler than it is. Trust me. Under no circumstances should you ever watch AVATAR!!! The graphics are annoying and are a ploy to distract you from the fact that AVATAR sucks.
ReplyDeleteOk this is a mistake. I love the Lord of the Rings movies. I watched all three of them in a row two weeks ago. Some of it gets drawn out and annoying, but overall the movie is awesome. You do need to see the Lord of the Rings Trilogy sometime before you die.
ReplyDeleteI don't complain either. I love it when people ask for my ID. It makes me so happy I almost want to cry....
ReplyDeleteJames Cameron's last movie was "Avatar" - another movie I never saw all the way through. It wa son cable one weekend. When I turned it on, the ship was already sinking, so I thought, "Well, this is probably just about over."
ReplyDeleteIt wasn't.
I still hold that damn Celine Dion song against him, too...
We'd better do it soon.
ReplyDeleteThree more months and I'm not sure there's going to be anyone left on Multiply... now that it appears to be primarily a shopping site.
If a kid is working the check out lane, he can generally tell I'm over 21.
ReplyDeleteBut the middle aged guys tend to ask for ID.
Although they're probably just hoping to flatter me...
No babies and no Mel Gibsons.
ReplyDeleteThem's the rules.
Everything else is negotiable...
i will be sending out some invites later tonight - lots of new people
ReplyDeletethe shopping will bring more people ...
how about an old Popeye Hippy type Dude that is toilet trained. Who's mind is an empty void; not worth transferring
ReplyDeleteIt is so true that sex doesn't always equal closeness, and can sometimes increase alienation.
ReplyDeleteI was referring to just relationships in general, how an acquaintance can be more familiar than a 30 year old marriage, or how someone can enter old age without knowing anyone, or how your best friend ends up being a stranger.
Well it can't be my fault EVERY time now can it? Well maybe it can be...
ReplyDeleteI did say though, that they "never will know or get a clue, unless they all met in person, and not even then necessarily..."
ReplyDeleteNow, if I died a year from now, everyone would forget all about the fruit head, ACTUAL or otherwise, and perhaps go for bar-b-que, bowling and perhaps a brawl with all of their favorite Multiply friends. (Premium members vs. the cheapskates)
And no non descript cotton underwear!!! I had to buy some this week. It comes in a pack wrapped in plastic, which has got to mean something horrible. It was a huge blow to my ego, and also to my sense of fashion because its not stylish underwear. From Victoria's Secret to Target. Oh the shame.......
ReplyDeleteI like it when you kid. And don't knock yoursellf either. You're cool in my book and don;t let guys put you down either. SHHHHHHHH I enjoyed getting Arresting Officer jealous.
ReplyDeleteWhen I went to Puerto Vararta Mx back in the 90s I met up with a Mexican babe name Arlen who was hot,she and I cliqued. She worked at the resort and we got to know each other so well in fact she was my dance partner. She made the trip memorable twice. She gave me a workout. I frequently think her to this day. I wonder where she is from time to time.
Logistics, logistics... Now, to find someone with time to coordinate.
ReplyDeleteIf ANY of us spent 1/20th of the time coordinating an event that we routinely spend on Multiply, we'd have the party of the century...
ReplyDeleteEVERYONE is in that same boat, though. And it has nothing to do with the internet.
ReplyDeleteI see this realization in older, successful men. It slowly dawns on them that - not matter how important they felt a few years back - they are going to die and be almost entirely forgotten.
Legacies are few and far between...
That reminds me of a quote from the movie, "Chasing Amy":
ReplyDeleteAlyssa: I'm sure you don't love every girl you sleep with.
Banky Edwards: Some of them I downright loathe.
In defensive driving, they teach that although ONE party might be at fault in an accident, in most cases EITHER party could have prevented the accident...
ReplyDelete(Yes, it's a defensive driving analogy. I should be able to teach the damn course by now...)
Ha. I have turned down sex due to the underwear I've been wearing at the time.
ReplyDeleteBuying uglier underwear = a less promiscuous Adri.
Arrogant people can be self-deprecating.
ReplyDeleteHere's one: "Oh, me? I'm just an ordinary person. Nothing special. You know, just like all of you!"
Ha. No one really believes that I think I'm like everyone else. It's laughable...
Toilet trained hippie? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?
ReplyDeleteI'm kidding!
I try to be as inclusive as I can be...
Sounds rather "appealing" to me!
ReplyDeleteI was in court one time when the defense attorney, a rather attractive lady, came in wearing a very nice looking business suit, complete with trousers.
The old judge about had a fit. Told her she had 30 minutes to go put on a dress and be "presentable" in court or he would hold her in contempt.
She was from out of town, and her motel was more than 30 minutes away each direction. She ran out of the courtroom to the nearest department store and bought a skirt. She was still tucking her blouse into her skirt when she ran back into the courtroom.
when nature calls ...
ReplyDeleteLegacies are also false facsimiles of what once was... so the whole idea of leaving any kind of a legacy is kind of silly.
ReplyDeleteSometimes though, it is an advantage to accept the blame for everything, even stuff I couldn't have possibly done. I used that strategy at the office, it really took the wind out of their sails.
ReplyDeleteProbably some bed partners are loathsome, and probably some are not worth even THAT much passion... but sometimes people do all sorts of things to try to convince themselves that they are living and are connected with others, when it is a negligible connection at best.
ReplyDeleteI think that guy has asked me out...
ReplyDelete"There's no such thing as legacies. At least, there is a legacy, but I'll never see it."
ReplyDelete-- George W Bush
I know I've used that quote before, but I really like it. It has the kind of accidental, unartful wisdom of a child in it somewhere...
Yup. It's called "FEAR OF BEING ALONE."
ReplyDeleteI thought of fear of being alone showed signs of insecurity?
ReplyDeleteI think so.
ReplyDeleteIt probably shows other things, too, but would seem to be a symptom of insecurity.
I was dating a guy one time and asked him "Don't you ever just sit around by yourself and THINK?"
He asked, "About WHAT?"
Something's wrong if you can't just sit there by yourself and think (for 2-10 years at a go)...
when I'm alone watching tv,working with Dell Notebook on my projects,my mind does wonder. Yet I do wonder why I don't have partner and if I did I wonder what would we talk about it. This afternoon I watched the movie Inception and I came out asking myself what lingers in my subcouncious. LIke the matrix which makes us want to question reality around us. But on a late Friday/Saturday night I do wonder if I had a babe partner what would talk about into those wee hours of the morning. As for being alone I've learned to adapt with it; you know if we're in the den right now for instance I would let you let read one of my manuscript drafts and what criticism you would hit me with. That sort of thing.
ReplyDeleteYet having been rejection I'd learn to roll with it. A few nights ago my 7yr old neice told me she wanted to be my flower girl at my wedding--I chuckled.
I would have to agree... CHEERS...
ReplyDeleteThinking is under-rated. There is nothing like taking a few minutes out of a day and just thinking, letting your mind wander and putting the brain through its paces. Some of the most original thoughts were created while the originator was alone. No stats to prove that statement, but it sounded good.
ReplyDeleteI think I want to see that movie.
ReplyDeleteHey, wait! That doesn't mean you shouldn't spend hours on end on my site!
ReplyDeleteI spent my weekend largely vegetating. I need that in order to relax my mind enough to bring in new thoughts.
ReplyDeleteAlso, i was babysitting, but that's another story for another time.
Time spent with you would far outweigh the time spent on your blog. If permitted, I would still read and comment, but remember... the names would need to change to protect the innocent.
ReplyDeleteHow can you relax and babysit? Impressive...
ReplyDeleteHe's 6 - he played video games.
ReplyDeleteNot a lot of stress. He didn't catch anything on fire.
The most stressful part was the way he leaped up and danced every time the theme music to "Fanboy and Chum Chum" started.
that explains it all right there...
ReplyDeleteany good ideas flow through... from the theme song?
The show appeared to mostly consist of fart jokes.
ReplyDeleteLOL !
ReplyDelete<----- NLOL.
ReplyDeleteCan't help you there... Maybe you should invest in Avatar - The Last Airbender DVD's. That cartoon is decent for kids.
ReplyDeleteHe mentioned that cartoon, actually.
ReplyDeleteSo long as M. Night Shyamalan wasn't allowed near it, I'm game.
Please don't get me started. That movie was horrible. Especially if you tried to compare it to the cartoon. Yes, I do watch the cartoon and it actually isn't that bad. The movie had so many errors, was slow and urgh...
ReplyDeleteThat is the extent of my recommendations. Good luck with your future cartoon choices.
It's hard for me to believe that this one was worse than his last one, in which the already limited actor Marky Mark found himself having to act scared as he ran from WIND.
ReplyDeleteOh well.
Hey, I just noticed there's a blog above this comment thread!
LOL - Great stuff Adri ! Geez I guess I'm gonna have to actually read words when I come to this page instead of just gawking....I hope my vacouus and feeble mind can handle this :)
ReplyDeleteIt generally gets easier once the drugs kick in...
ReplyDeleteThe indecency of some folks to add blogs to our normal conversations, provided we can call it that based on my and others comments as normal.
ReplyDeleteHope your weekend went well. Be safe!
Yes, well... these comments are a bit like those 90's soundtracks that were "Music From and Inspired by the Movie".
ReplyDeleteThose soundtracks basically were full of stuff that wasn't even in the movie, had nothing to do with the movie...
... and were generally better than anything in the movie.
The Pranksters were now out among them, and it was exhilarating--look at the mothers staring!--and there was going to be holy terror in the land. But there would also be people who would look up out of their work-a-daddy lives in some town, some old guy, somebody's stenographer, and see this bus and register...delight, or just pure open-invitation wonder. Either way, the Intrepid Travelers figured, there was hope for these people. They weren't totally turned off...the citizens were suitably startled, outraged, delighted, nonplused, and would wheel around and start or else try to keep their cool by sidling glances like they weren't going to be impressed by any weird shit--and a few smiled in a frank way as if to say, I am with you--if only I could be with you!" — Tom Wolfe
ReplyDeleteGo ahead----drink the Kool-Aid. Drink it!
I remember those soundtracks, in fact, I think I have one or two.
ReplyDeleteI do think though, that of the soundtrack tapes that I listened to, at least one song reminded me of the movie it was about. Of course, the daily "vitamins" we take here have long since removed the names of these movies and soundtracks from my mind.
Thankfully, we don't need that type of rememberance since we have you to fill in our voids...
We all drink the Kool-Aid eventually.
ReplyDeleteIt's just the flavor that varies.
Some of them were pretty damn good.
ReplyDeleteI mean, I'm pretty sure that Tom Waits' "Walk Away" doesn't appear in "Dead Man Walking."
And I didn't hear Flaming Lips' "Bad Days" in the 3rd "Batman" movie.
I didn't hear Captain Beefheart's "Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Miles" in "The Big Lebowski."
But, I mean... Tom Waits, Flaming Lips, and Captain Beefheart!
And to think I was going to ask if you'd like to meet in Venice, New York or Paris sometime, for dinner and optional humping. I'll get in line behind the arresting officer with impressive pecs - oh that cock!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I can go to Venice or Paris until I've been sober for a whole year.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, my hump-ees generally have kind of black widow/praying mantis level mortality rates.
Oh. Wait. I'm not supposed to tell you about that BEFOREHAND, am I?
*giggle* you mean it's still possible to 'contribute' here at the Gallery?
ReplyDeleteDon't you miss these days, Torrent?
ReplyDeletemore than I can put in words. The price of progress and growth I suppose....
ReplyDeleteI suppose.