We have discussed it and we’ve collectively decided that we hope you find your short time here to be of your liking, and that the good smells outnumber the bad ones.
Now then, if you took the time to read your syllabus ahead of time, then right about now you are expecting a presentation entitled “Race (An Idiot’s Guide).” Sorry to say and sad to report, however, that due to a misunderstanding between author and management – who knew that the “Idiot” in the title was supposed to refer to the readers? – that particular narrative shall never be narrated.
But of all the festering and verminous, rancid Rorschachian concepts that man has puked forth out of his primordial ooze – and Beelzebub knows there are a lot of them – the rancidest, Rorschachiest, the primordially ooziest granddaddy of them all has gotta be “racism”.
Yep. Yeah, I don’t know what that word means, either.
So if you’ve come here looking for a definition, you will be going from here feeling disappointed. Maybe even bitterly disappointed, what with bitterness level variations from person to person being what they are these days.
Legend has it that there exists a very elusive, technical and sophisticated context in which professionals known as “sociologists” are able to use the word in a laboratory setting with surprisingly polite results. Suffice it to say, I do not possess the knowledge, grace, or subtlety of a professional “sociologist”.
But I do know “bat shit crazy” when I see it. And with all due respect, when it comes to racism, you human beings are bat shit crazy.
I know. I hear you asking, “Adri! What in the blazes does THAT mean?” Well, real world research into this “bat shit craziness” is patchy at best. It’s just too too dangerous. It’s a modern tragedy how many people have died trying to investigate it. And to top it off, all the researchers turn out to be bat shit crazy, too.
But me, I did some research of my own before I came to here today, and I found me a couple of interesting finds.
Like, remember the “primordial ooze” that I mentioned? It turns out that ooze-pit dried up just day before yesterday. See? I’ve still got the flippers and gills to prove it!
Also, turns out that when it comes to race, bat shit craziness probably helped us back in the oozy, oozy days of yore. Here’s how:
Let us play pretend for a minute. Let us say that I am a caveman. Go ahead: Say it. And true to form, I have chosen to live in a cave. Every afternoon, roundabout this time, I saunter out of my cave to check the mail-rock. And for a long, long time, this routine goes swimmingly, although sadly, there is never any mail.
Then, one day, I am outside the cave and almost all the way to my mail-rock, when this other caveman – wearing a green sweater and argyle socks – runs up and he punches me in the nose!
Next day, same thing. I can’t vouch for it being the same caveman doing the nose-punching, but… I mean, green sweater, argyle socks, c’mon! Day after that, green sweater, argyle socks, punch in the nose. Green sweater, argyle socks, punch in the nose.
Eventually, one of two things’s gotta happen. Either I see a pattern emerging and DO SOMETHING when I see that green and argyle flash in the corner of my eye, or else I am going to end up with a permanently sore nose. And if I go the latter route… Well, no self-respecting cave-dude is ever gonna want to make babies with a crooked-nosed cave-babe.
And now it is night, and I am still a caveman, and I am sitting at the edge of a great and endless forest, roasting mastodon over the campfire (Yum!). And out there – out there in the great and endless forest – there are people. I can hear them. Some of them are strangers from different tribes, and they’re trying to steal my roast mastodon.
I know the strangers from different tribes when I see them. They look different than I look.
This is helpful.
You see, the problem comes later in the night, when the strangers change to shadows in my dreams and then the shadows grow teeth. Then the teeth change to fangs in the campfire light. Then the… Well, you get the picture.
The problem comes after I’ve traded in my saber tooth tiger coat and my cave for a business suit and a little condo out in the suburbs. Because then my daughter – who is a Sneetch who has stars – starts bringing home boy Sneetches with no stars on thars. And as soon as I see them, something wa-a-ay back in my head screams, “They’re trying to steal your roast mastodon!” so I hit ‘em over the head with a club.
Bat shit crazy. It can be so much simpler:
QUESTION 1: Is it racist to call President Obama an “anti-American Muslim from Kenya who is the antichrist foretold in Revelation”?
ANSWER: I don’t know if it’s racist, but it IS bat shit crazy.
QUESTION 2: Is it racist to be niggardly in the care of your chainmail – to allow a chink in your otherwise spic and span armor?
QUESTION 3: Does it make you a racist if you treat others badly, and then – when called on your actions – attribute the criticism to racism?
So now, the long and the short of all this – and the one take-away I’d like for you to take away from all this – is this:
If I should happen to refer to you as “a dumbass” or as “bat shit crazy,” then please! Do not interpret these words as an assessment of the color of your skin…
…or of the statistical odds of your having inherited sickle cell anemia.
Because really – and I do mean this in all sincerity – all I really intend to say is that you, my friend, are an irredeemable bat shit crazy dumbass.
And that’s something that knows no color.
I hope that wasn’t racially insensitive, Eddie. This could turn out to be “a teachable moment.”
Adri, when did you you start wearing a Burka?
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that you casually equate racism to being bat shit crazy. For years, noted Harvard psychiatrist has called for the APA to add racism to their DSM as a mental illness. Their are reasons not too, but I tend to agree with you and him, bat shit crazy indeed!
ReplyDeleteNow if this has something to do with beef between you and Eduardo, I like you both; therefore, my comments do not reflect at taking sides, just a rant against the mental ill (racist).
That's EXACTLY what I look like, Philster.
ReplyDeleteGood boy.
You know me: Ultra-orthodox in everything I do.
I'll be damned if I was going to show my face to a man I'm not married to...
Or whatever...
I'm also apparently a lot better tanned than I remember...
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't know that you could peg "racism" per se as a mental disorder in and of itself.
It seems like it could be a symptom of another underlying condition, at least when serious enough to interfere with daily functioning.
I occasionally represent clients in Social Security Disability hearings, and I'm trying to picture that hearing.
"My client is disabled and completely unable to perform substantial gainful activity due to his chronic racism."
I was going to use pics of the Geico cavemen.
ReplyDeleteI thought Mel Gibson looked and acted more like what I was looking for.
You can't create Neanderthal-ism like that with make-up and a mask!
But you showed your whatevers.
ReplyDeleteIn the blonde lady's defense...
ReplyDeleteThe uptight women generally do that whenever I get on an elevator, too.
But... But...
ReplyDeleteI thought the rule was just...
This religion stuff is hard!
No it's not, you just make it up as you go .... silly:-)
ReplyDeleteFirst, and I am only following your instruction, you are a caveman, or cavewoman or more correctly, cave person or cave dweller.
ReplyDeleteSecond, your crooked nose is quite cute and in no way a deterrent to breeding. On a side note, the punching incident must have been during Fred Rogers' angry period.
Third - the boys aren't after your daughter's roast mastodon. You were wise to crack them in the head.
Lastly - the misuse of the word niggardly is irritating. I recall a reporter in Chicago losing his job for correctly using that word. Get a dictionary people!
Brilliant, Adri! Brilliant!
ReplyDelete(Of course, the subject of this missive, whose behavior really is bat shit crazy, will go off - he'll foam at the mouth and rant that you didn't take him on where it 'really counted' - among his homies, yo, where he could gang-up and put a cap in yer ass for bein' a white-chick, yo....)
Eddie, for all of his supposed 'education', is an emotional midget, a moral degenerate, and an ethical moron. It is amazing, the number of people who've come out and told me 'Eddie stories' offline since yesterday's mental-meltdown.
A parting thought....
Many, many years ago, when my now-ex-wife decided to have a premature mid-life-crisis and melt down, herself (running off with someone ten years younger whom she met on a bicycle-tour), sought the assistance of a therapist to help make sense of it all.
He spent $20,000 in insurance money, helping me realize that my own gut feelings were correct.
That, and this missive, which I've never forgotten: "If people tell or show you what they are - believe them."
Thus endeth the lesson....
the Racists must be an after dark thing ... mostly .... closet racists
ReplyDeleteI said as much two years ago.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I didn't say it as brilliantly as Adri did! And is it wrong that I'm snidely enjoying all the people who sided with him against me, who now see how bat shit crazy he was the whole time? Shame on them all.
I don't know the latest story, but I'm not sure I have to. I recognize the pattern. Not much changes. This is possibly my favorite post ever.
And that ending picture LOL!!!! ONLY you would find something like that!
ReplyDeleteThe trick is to make it up as you go along by COMMITTEE or by BURNING BUSH...
I'm halfway through a Master's in Theology at a Catholic University/ local seminary.
I thought that legislatures boxed themselves into logic corners! That's NOTHING compared to ecumenical councils.
Hemmed in by rules on every side.
Stream of consciousness spontaneity would be a refreshing change...
wow. other than the teachable moment that almost happened in my head . . i can't help but agree with this assessment of a shitload of people i have recently had refer to me as a "racist".
ReplyDeleteit was a very good story, and you told it with such vim and vigor, as if you believed it yourself.
ok, i suck at recall. but yeah, i enjoyed it. and the pics . . were priceless. :))
hasn't he been burned to charcoal yet?
ReplyDeleteracists at the sanitarium? there goes the neighborhood.
ReplyDelete1. You mean I'm not even managing to be PC about my caveman language? Damn Neanderthals!
ReplyDeleteWho cares about gender neutral language when the hairy naughty bits are right there in your face, Neanderthalin' around for all to see?
2. I bet you say that to all the crooked-nosed chick. But they're still sitting at the bar when you take off with the hunchback at the end of the night...
3. I've been told that - despite my age - my roast mastodon still isn't all that bad.
4. The D.C City council had to pass an ordinance limiting speakers to 8th grade vocabulary words after an ugly incident involving the word "niggardly"...
I think Eddie might just have been the jumping off point for this...
ReplyDeleteYou know, I've been accused of it, but I've never been good at the racism thing, frankly.
It's tough for a misanthrope to maintain that degree of focus...
Well, this was one of my comments to Eddie, in an attempt to get the cocksucker to lighten up a bit - I believe my actual words were, "Eddie, I can't be a racist - I diss on everyone equally."
ReplyDeleteIt's the Eternal Fire, Random!
ReplyDeleteIt burns forever, and it never burns itself out...
...unless you were talking about W, in which case, yeah, he's charcoal now...
...or at least using a lot more of it than a couple years back...
smoke on the water. damn, i love a good party. :))
ReplyDeleteGeesh... I thought this was going to be about NASCAR...?
The picture above proves you have quite lovely mastodons!
ReplyDeleteI would accuse you of making up the part about the DC city council but know you didn't because it is too strange to make up. 8th grade? Talking about the dumbing down of america. Speaking of dumbing down, what ever happened to ebonics?
Only to the vestal virgins.
ReplyDelete..whilst a bit off topic, crooked isn't the objectionable attribute in my eyes.
ReplyDeleteI do like the way your closing is such an attractive openning. I always say.. when the going gets dicey - keep it primordial.
ReplyDeleteIt’s natural to fear that which is different. In today’s society most of us get over this fearALL ELEVATORS ARE EXPRESS ELEVATORS
ReplyDeleteMel Gibson is a racist. Disney/ABC just announced that they are cancelling his upcoming Holocaust miniseries. There are times in history when standing up against bigotry and racism is more important than money.
ReplyDeleteTens of Thousands of Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Hareidim) rallied in both Jerusalem and B'nei B'rak to assure that the schools they attend would continue to segregate students along racial-ethnic lines. It's hard to know where to begin a response to this ugly and tragic situation
ReplyDeleteFor a country working to bring Jews from around the world together, the Haredim are taking us back to the Middle Ages. "Racism" of this kind has almost entirely disappeared within the secular community. A huge number of "mixed" marriages are seen throughout the country, with the question of which community the bride or groom is from almost a thing of the past - or at least on the path to extinction.
more Mel Gibson stuff
Races do not exist. Hatred exists. The real problem is we are all bat shit crazy because we think race exists. The real problem is that we hate at all. Hatred itself is bat shit crazy.We are trying to treat the symptoms and not the disease.
ReplyDeleteAnd the real problem behind all the real problems is that we see ourselves as selves. Disconnected from each other. And we are not.The racist hates people of another "race". Then someone hates the racist. Then someone hates the person who hates the racist. We are all deluded and none of us can see reality for what it is.
I can however recognize georgeous breasts. There is no hatred there.
Perhaps that is really all the world needs to live in peace.
“It’s okay to laugh at the mentally impaired if they’re running for a public office, right?”
ReplyDeleteRepublican Gubernatorial Primary Battle Watch '010 - Tennessee
Ron Ramsey calls Islam a cultBasil Marceaux takes a bold stance against slavery at traffic stops.
thanks Staunton
According to this History book I read once, you're right. They came out at night and they put on ugly hats and they grabbed some big wooden crosses and gasoline.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what they do at night these days.
Just hang out on Multiply, I suppose.
Pattern recognition.
ReplyDeleteJust like I said!
I think we've learned something today...
I sorta feel like Edward James Olmos...
Yeah, it could be tourrette's.
ReplyDeleteSomeone really ought to start raising money for tourrette's. Between the people who shout "racist!" at everything, and the people who shout "socialist" at everything, this disorder appears to be growing.
Sarah McLaughlin can let them use her song in the ad. It will be annoying and beautiful.
I can't vouch for there being any racists, actually.
ReplyDeleteBut we're about full up on bat shit crazy dumbasses.
Keep livin' that life 'o sin, my good man, & you will!
ReplyDeleteThe devil WANTS ya to be lovin' you a good party!
And he wants you listening to "Smoke on the Water," too
Mostly because he wrote it, so he gets royalties when you do...
There's gotta be a joke there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteI mean, the fact that NASCAR fans are stereotyped as white Southerners...
I GUESS they are. I don't know a damn thing about NASCAR, now that I think about.
Isn't that the organization that wants men to be able to marry little boys?
Did you know vestal virgins only had to do the vestal virgin thing until they were like 40 or something?
ReplyDeleteThe harlots!
I could do the vestal virgin thing with one hand tied behind my back.
Celibacy does not make one wise...
A: Celibacy does not make one wise...
ReplyDeleteJerome: There is an ancient Indian Tantric belief that sex robs a man of some of his life force with each ejaculation. It can however make you lose your house.
ReplyDeleteYeah, there ARE people who believe that MUCH if not ALL of the Secret Society stuff and the occult teaching of Aleister Crowley is really all about Sex Magick.
The tendency to think such things, however, might have something to do with the 19th century Theosophist opposition to Western prudes...
You're right, though: the drive towards sex might have something to do with becoming WHOLE by connection to the OTHER, but if it involves the wrong HOLE you could lose HALF your stuff.
I'm so full of B.S. I could scream...
I have always believed I'd be best suited for putting on layers of animal skins and heading up a group of barbarians on horseback as we rape and pillage our way through Europe.
ReplyDeleteMiddle Ages might be the tail end of such behavior, sadly...
He IS bat shit crazy, at the very least.
ReplyDeleteAnd doing what with the other?
ReplyDeleteYes, our rules about wandering off-topic are quite strict around here!
ReplyDeleteIs THAT why I love that song so much!!! Mystery solved!
ReplyDelete(I loved playing it too, even though it was seven notes and three chords)
Thankfully, I never had that experience....
ReplyDeleteI've always sort of wished the Devil/rock connection were actually there.
It reminds me of this Robyn Hitchcock verse:
"And the Devil asked me to supper
He said 'Careful with the spoons.'
And God said said 'Oh, ignore him!
I have all your albums!'
But I said 'Yes...
But who had all the tunes?'"
Typing, from the looks of it.
ReplyDeleteNot whatever YOU were thinking...
Helen Keller you're not?
ReplyDeleteNever had the experience of ejaculation?
ReplyDeleteI suspected as much.
You oughtta try it.
I've heard good things.
There's ANOTHER word I've never figured out!
Seems the only people who know what "cult" means are people in organizations that could also arguably be called a cult.
There's gotta be a reason "brainwashing" (to bring folks INTO a cult) and "de-programming" (to get folks OUT of a cult) are the same process...
I was referring to the whole 'losing the house' gig.....
No, I'm just deaf and blind.
ReplyDeleteMonday's experiment.
ReplyDelete& Will launches yet another charm offensive.
ReplyDeleteYou know, when I write these topical ones lately, I think about what YOUR take-away line is going to be.
ReplyDeleteI predicted it would be this one: "Of all the festering and verminous, rancid Rorschachian concepts that man has puked forth out of his primordial ooze – and Beelzebub knows there are a lot of them – the rancidest, Rorschachiest, the primordially ooziest granddaddy of them all has gotta be “racism”. "
Heh-heh. Heh-heh. Heh-heh m'heh. Uh. Whoa. Hey; Bevis! She said, "puked".....
ReplyDeleteI'd like to make things more primal, actually.
ReplyDeleteI started another blog - which is sort of sliding away - in which I JUST wanted to hit kind of primal images and feelings and screams.
My writing and thinking can be "busy".
If I could give myself a lobotomy in order to just hold one thought or feeling at a time, it'd be worth the cut in pay...
I've tried to say that to people - that race is strictly a social construct.
ReplyDeleteIf I - through some weird genetic mutation or illness - appeared black to everyone, I would in fact be black for all intents and purposes.
UNLESS, that is, you are concerned about my chances of having sickle cell anemia, heart disease, et al.
Which I'm assuming you're not.
Cause you don't give a crap about my genetic predisposition for certain medical conditions, do you, you bastard?
well, fuck. that was the reason you made that out of state visit. ok, maybe i was the only one that thought that.
ReplyDeleteI've said that very thing, myself - but then I realized as life went on that it was far better - and more fun - this way....
ReplyDeleteSo have I.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, I said that to Eddie on Thursday or Friday - and the rhubarb commenced.
I got accused of studying anthropology in 1950....
Too be fair "cult" is a numbers game, less then like 10,000 people believe in you, you're a cult(unless a larger religion decides that they don't ever want you to be recognized or official then your numbers mean nothing and you are always a cult), more then 10,000 members but have views that align loosely or otherwise with one of the more recognized religions you are a sect, have a few 100,000 members in one densley populated area you are a culture, and have a few 1,000,000 members spread out you are a religion.
ReplyDeleteI hope that helps. And before I forget hold a bunch of loosely tied to any religions rules, while obeying none of them, talking about all of them and just trying to get every hand out imaginable and only serving the needs of the ultra rich and you are a political party, gotta keep that religious group in it's proper perspective, because politics in and of itself is a religion, they just pander to them all depending on how much of the green stuff you have piles up
So basically we don't know what racism is, but it's stupid(basically if you know we can't go to merriam websters online and look up the definition), insane and really not too good for anybody. Racism may or may not just be a extreme reaction to fear of the unknown, because you know xenophobia makes sense IF somebody wronged you and they don't happen to look like you. Of course the question is minus the green sweater and argyle socks if the guy who wrongs you looks just like you then what do you do, hmm something that should really bake your noodle huh.
ReplyDeleteThen we get to the daughter and the sneetches thing, which in actuality has nothing to do with the starless sneetch and everything to do with most peoples problem with letting go of their little darlings when its time. Because unless that starred sneetch has your star, exactly the way you are starred and acts like you are you any happier letting your young precious sneetch go with him? Is that not natures original defense mechanism for the next generation you protect your young even past the point of them needing it?
Do I agree with the bat shit crazy thing yup, do I agree that some people complaining about being called racist may have done something racist and bat shit crazy yup.
Do I think this is a case of some chicken shit behavior on behalf of a few people who got called to the carpet about having a position they weren't prepared to defend because in their mind "sane people would agree with them" forgetting that like anything else SANITY is a matter of perspective, I mean how many crazy people actually think they are insane. Sanity is rarely a group mindset unless the groups LEADER is sane. Copernicus said the sun was the center of our solar system not the earth, he was said to be a loon, for the majority of human history the world was scientifically agreed upon to be flat Gallileo disagreed.
Sanity, intelligence and knowledge are rarities in human existance that when discovered are first poked, prodded, denied and ignored until the rest of society is face planted into it and forced to admit yes this is true.
So the question isn't are you racist or not, but when your views were challenged did you do the sane thing and stand up to further explain your position so that people could agree to disagree, still hold their opinion or retract it or did you further your proof of collective insanity and basically run home with your tail between your legs because you were "too good" to have to explain yourself. Then again what do I know I'm just another one of the crazies running the asylum so what would you like with your apple sauce: crayons, markers or paper mmmmmm paper
ReplyDeletegeez, write a book.
ok, my time is over. :)
lol so your complaining about being on a blog online and having to read, sure okay bye bye now but could you have the pour me a shot of tequila at the bar?
ReplyDeleteA: Cause you don't give a crap about my genetic predisposition for certain medical conditions, do you, you bastard?
ReplyDeleteJerome: Smack...Hey wake up...its me...Jer...it was just a bad dream.
I run away - their mind is all ready set - no matter what you say; you are not going to change their minds
ReplyDeleteOf course if you don't even try you are sure of that. So basically you'd love to die the thousand deaths huh yep I've never been one for that approach. Better to stand your ground and be heard then run away SWEARING their minds cannot be changed. Or is it not about changing their minds but being scared that they change yours. Because you know in all honesty we can all be wrong even you. Might want to remember that next time you sprout chicken feathers and start high tailing it.
ReplyDeleteSometimes you are the one who is wrong not them, sometimes they are wrong but the only way to find out is to stand and fight. Numbers don't matter its conviction and strength of will, unless of course you have a nuclear weapon and then only one number matters just 1 the idiot willing to set off the nuke
You predicted correctly - however, after a bunch of googly, I could not fit the pieces together - then I tried a Rorschach (comic book hero) thing - turn out too dark, like the book "Lord of the Flies"
ReplyDeleteI knew you didn't make it up. That will teach him to use a $4 word
ReplyDeleteI believe we used to keep stats on the number of comments before veering completely off topic. Sadly the statistician was eaten by zombies at the end of Season 4
ReplyDeleteYou mean the topic is not about Burkhas?
ReplyDeleteB...b...b..but that picture!
While we are looking into this Racism thing; lets not forget EUGENICS
ReplyDeleteIn the first three decades of the 20th Century, Corporate philanthropy combined with prestigious academic fraud to create the pseudoscience eugenics that institutionalized race politics as national policy.
It's hard for folks today to imagine how pervasive the eugenics movement was back in the day--charities funded it, taught it, engaged in forced sterilization and other horrific practices . . .
truly, not one of our brighter hours
ReplyDeleteHere is a good example of what I am talking about. I try to learn from the pastOBAMA'S CITIZENSHIP CRAP
ReplyDeleteHomophobic Chants - the beat goes on
ReplyDeletePrimal, you're in damn poor company.
ReplyDeleteYour friend Eddie will make an egregious statement ('white person' = 'racist'); when he's challenged on that, he screams "See! You disagreed! You're a racist!"
His buddy Karen jumps in with a 1,000-plus-word tome, all hurt because I wouldn't fight with her when she picked a fight.
Primal, I'll say this plainly - Eddie is behaving like someone who's not taking his medication. Believe it or not, that's a charitable assessment - because the only other conclusion a person can reach about his recent rants, filthy name-calling and other egregious behavior is that he's just another asshole.
I'm hoping you don't want the same classification. That statement I've quoted above seems to indicate you do.
Relax. I won't rise to your bait. You win. So does Karen. And Eddie, for that matter. Now go away.
That was funny though I scratcha my head and ask myself if I am getting the complete picture here or if I'm even meant to :-) The scratching is due to the fuzz on my brain. :-)
ReplyDeleteBut whether by race of some other distinguishing characteristic, human always find some group or individual to unify themselves against and abuse the bloody hell out of. Color is just a really easy concept for dimwitted humans I guess.
I am confused....
ReplyDeleteIs it better to hate a race.
Or hate a racist?
For some reason when I see that woman in the Burkha I find it difficult to hate at all.
Why do you think that is?
Good night.
Somewhere around here I have a list of cool words I want to use in blogs.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite one was "cryptocracy."
"Omphalophobia" and "bachtrachophagous" I managed to use in a note a year ago.
I think all of us have been eaten by a zombie or two during our time at the Sanitarium.
ReplyDelete(There: I left a potential damn cunnilingus joke just sitting there for torrent to take up tomorrow...)
I know we used to have a guy who had charted out the relationship of comments to personal photos on these blogs.
That got screwed up when I ran out of pictures of young me.
I mean, the pics were taken in the 70's, and Jimmy Carter is in all the pics I haven't posted yet. I can only crop him out so well.
I was reading this thing about Alan Moore today - the guy who wrote "Watchmen." He has a multimedia box set out that he calls a combination of magic and performance art.
ReplyDeleteHe's very creepy looking.
When I leave Texas, I'm required to leave my frontal lobe behand anyway.
ReplyDeleteIt's the law.
Well, the certified Wise Men of the East say I should aim for a mind like the surface of a calm pond.
ReplyDeleteMy mind does not resemble that at all.
Hell, even Wise Men of the West.
My mind is not like a lily of the field.
Besides, I've sworn off Lotus Eating.
yeah - creepy - dark side stuff - but good brain food - not boring
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think the word "cult" get used and misused a lot, though.
ReplyDeleteNo one gets called a cult any more than the Mormons do, and I don't see them as meeting almost any definition, except they appear weird and cliquish to outsiders.
Because otherwise, you could almost draw the line between religion and cult by pointing to the political and cultural clout a religion has in a given geographic area.
Cryptocracy - Eugenics - Wise Men of the West Is this the start of a new conspiracy theory ?
ReplyDeleteshould the cool cats be afraid ?
ReplyDeleteRacism is hate for the other. Someone who is different from one’s own self. Why does difference create hatred? If we consider the Theory of Evolution, then our basic instinct is – Survival. This is universal. Explore any culture of the world, you will find societies trembling from the other (different) societies. At the root cause of all this, is Fear.
I've been holding that certain combo for ya for years now...
ReplyDelete"This is one insult too many!" -- Pat CondellPat Condell ably articulates everything that's wrong about the mosque at Ground Zero.
And I loved his idea of building a mosque in a more fitting location: the Arizona desert or in Death Valley, LOL ...
ReplyDeleteCouple things:
ReplyDelete1. If this is a reference to the Eddie thing, I honestly didn't see anyone run home with their tail between their legs.
I can see how you might have gotten that impression because Eddie and James BLOCKED everyone who disagreed with Eddie, thereby making it a bit of a one-sided discussion.
That didn't stop HIM from continuing to kick a blocked, dead horse...
2. Mostly, however, what made me speak up the other day was you, actually. YOUR disgusting and elitist and condescending behavior towards a friend of mine - spacestevie.
Not even so much Eddie, at first.
So a better question might be: Are YOU a racist?
I mean, you did act a certain way towards me, Stevie, and Will, but I won't take that as a sign of racism.
I take it as a sign of being a bat shit crazy dumbass.
At least, that one day you were.
I can't vouch for how you act on OTHER days.
3. I'm not telling you what to do, but if I were you, I'd go back to my momma and see if she could teach me how to treat other human beings before I spend any more time trying to communicate with others.
It's never too late to learn basic human decency and manners...
Class today was interesting. Sorry, I had to do the online version 'cause the bus was running a bit late.
ReplyDeleteCan't say I have been called Bat Shit Crazy or a dumbass, but there is always tomorrow when I return to school.
I don't remember what subject is next, so I will just sit back and see where my script tells me to go. I sure hope it's not MATH class. ;)
Enjoy your day Dr. And again, thanks for the lesson.
WOW! Very interesting! Love your question and answers.
ReplyDeleteWhat a photo!
Never gotten into graphic novels - yet.
ReplyDeleteI'm a nerd, but I'm into indie rock, prog rock, mysticism, grassroots politics, and weird movie directors, so my NERD quotient is way up there.
There's not room for any other nerdy interests. I'm full up - I'd pop.
It's easier for guys - depending on the one thought or idea, of course.
ReplyDeleteThey're pretty good - for the most part - on focusing in on the idea of sex and staying there.
With short, 15-minute intervals.
Until they're 45, when those intervals stretch out to 35 minutes...
I forgive you.
ReplyDeleteBut remember - I have a WAY higher chance of getting skin cancer than almost anyone else here.
Which is why redheads and blondes are going to be extinct in 200 years.
Actually, that's not at all why, but they are...
My blogs are Rorschach ink blot tests - everyone sees something different in them.
ReplyDeleteSo... You're seeing something to do with a burqa?
There was that scientist who used to have a line of human skulls on his desk - all different races - and he had them ascending from a gorilla skull or something, so as to show the evolution of humanity.
ReplyDeleteThat would probably be frowned on in most quarters today.
There are some topics that can't even be mentioned without people getting, um, excited.
ReplyDeleteLast year, I wrote a blog called "I (Sort of) Support the Troops" - It didn't say anything controversial, but the title was enough to start a feeding frenzy.
You seem far too level-headed to give a kneejerk reaction to things.
My tricks just don't WORK on you!
I'm in Texas - we have places of worship on every street corner. Sometimes even closer together than that.
ReplyDeleteWe've never been allowed to vote on where to put the places of worship.
That sounds like what people are proposing in NYC.
I dunno.
If we get to zone ALL the places of worship - churches, synagogues, mosques - to a certain part of town, then... Kind of a red light district of sorts?
you know I always swallow those hook, line, and sinker.
ReplyDeleteI thought that Amnesia Chick was going to do away with them...
ReplyDeleteNothing will ever be 100%, life depends on balance. I mean while there is evidence of evolution we still have creationsist, and yet neither side has figured out a way to find a happy medium. While Intelligent Design would be nice it leans heavily towards creationism so that isn't really a happy medium.
ReplyDeleteBasically as we see with our everyday decisions life does have a butterfly effect something I do today may change something that would have happened to me tomorrow(hopefully say if I walk down to the gym I lose a few inches off my waist and live a few more years).
So no all of them would not agree with you. You do notice of course that out of the woodwork also came people who agreed with you. You also forced some of them to go and dig up more information to further try and disprove you(though the person who talked about a computer print out should have made the mental leap that hmm this must be a new law, but thats a digression so we won't go there) in an extreme debate even minor moves to the middle must be seen as progress because of how far out of the orbit of "the sane" they were.
I'm not saying everytime the fight will go your way, I'm not saying every time will the argument end up in an amen chorus. But your position was detailed, you defended it and people couldn't just say you were a tinfoil head, a socialist, or a maxist and be believed. Those who persisted were biased by a world view that is not based on reality but based on political propaganda and ideology. The animosity between people who at the base should remember are all americans is a problem we further have to deal with, thus my question "if you take off the socks and the sweater then what".
If any of these debates were easy we wouldn't be having them, doesn't matter where it starts they must be had and finished. And instead of being "scared of what we will be called" we have to be determined to prove who we are period. I'm sure if I wait long enough I am gonna be called some pretty interesting names even in this post myself, based on nothing more then the hope that mob mentality will make me go away, and to quote a certain cotton tailed rodent "they don't know me very well do they"
So you run from the question, hope to stroke my ego by saying oh you don't want to be an asshole right and then you turn tail and run.
ReplyDeleteDude I am an asshole, it's a product from growing up in new jersey, thus I'm not scared of being called names. If you are too frightened of defending your position exactly what respect do I owe you? You are telling me I must accept what you say on face value but demand that I prove mine? so one of us must be insane correct?
If you are not going to defend yourself exactly why should I disagree with their classification of you? Oh because they were mean to you, please if you wish to play chess cool, but moving one pawn is not going to get me to lay down my king sorry. I will slightly rise to your bait you want to call me an asshole sure here's a state bird, now would you like to continue on or basically is that all you have?
They met the parenthesis-they are a group that another larger religion has decided can never been given it's full legitimacy. I mean jehovahs witnesses, quakers, 7th day adventists they all look weird and cliquish to outsiders. Mormons just seem to be the more powerful and prominent of them. If they can get a few more positive spokes people(because nobody listens to the osmonds like that anymore) they can distance themselves from say scientology and be thought of more like protestants or baptists.
ReplyDeleteIt takes time and openness, which I think is the issue like many smaller religions they like to keep some of their procedures private which in this day and age especially allows you to be ridiculed and demonized
I fail to see why ANY discussion of racism should be framed as a "debate." Particularly in this forum.
ReplyDeleteThat is a big problem right there. These aren't 'debates,' but calling calling them such seems to permit adversarial posing and bullshit.
Oh yes it was my BATSHIT crazy behavior, so why not direct it towards me oh wait, if you change the target you are hoping for me to disappear.
ReplyDeleteYeesh poker and chess people
As for your one friend:he should learn to make his arguments based on reality not a hope of stringing similar things together and hoping for to dismiss them all as unimportant because oh well they will never change.
As for you hmm call me what you want, did you defend your positions, again new jersey bred I've been called worse and laughed it off, so what do you think I am doing now.
I know how to treat other human beings, like they treat other people, don't like the razor then be nicer when you talk to others. Golden rule I obey it, if you feel I was a little too firm be nicer yourself next time. Again I don't care where my current address happens to be I am who I grew up to be. My mother will tell you, nobody tells me what to do, I do what I feel is right. You want to call me out well here I am. I block no one I hide from no one, if they blocked you as you claim thats between you and them I say either petition them to come back(which since painted and cowboy were still in one of the discussions I don't know if your "I was blocked claim" is completely credible but hey your word versus theirs) or else start the topic here and invite them in, your page your rules.
I'm here aren't I, you have the Ban Hammer if you so wish kind of interesting how I got an anonymous invite to this discussion. I showed up because I thought it was an interesting discussion and I spoke my mind because in essense I am bat shit crazy enough to see 100 guns pointing at me and still pull out my knife and say lets dance. The beauty of circular firing squads is that I have fewer numbers to lose.
So crazy lady shall we dance, you're controlling the music so what would you like to do
"So you run from the question...you turn tail and run."
ReplyDelete"I am an asshole...I'm not scared of being called names"
"exactly what respect do I owe you?"
I think I get it now.
It's an East Coast thingamabob; you all behave this way.
Sorry, Mac - that doesn't fly, either. Seems you, Eddie, Karen, and the rest all like the throw-down over nothing. I don't.
You seem to be comfortable with that behavior - that's your problem, and it's why you all got blocked from several sites, including mine.
Now go. Shoo!
I'm onto this theme too. It's the whole debate/combat/black and white world. It's a racial "either you're with us or against us" thing.
ReplyDeleteHaving an argument is the goal - race is the gasoline... There's a lot of anger needing an outlet. Just ain't my thing.
So if I could be so bold what is a discussion where one side takes a pro stance and another side takes a con stance? I would believe that would be called a debate but I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteagain you said "in this forum", do forums not hold debates? so if these aren't debates exactly what are they? And if you really think anything will stop the adversarial posing and bullshit I got a bridge to sell you in brooklyn and ocean front property in AZ
Nice edit job, if you blocked me you blocked me. I don't think I've ever been to your site so um exactly what have I lost?
ReplyDeleteThis is kind of comical, now it's a throw down over nothing yup yeah what a winning attitude you have there.
I'm blocked so exactly why are you wasting key strokes responding to me. I take it by the all I'm supposed to believe you are from who knows where and everybody where you are accept a decent conversation and never have heated or spirited arguments? Riiight so I guess you're from mayberry right.
By the way the only person who can "shoo" me is the person who's blog this is now whenever she would like to ban me it is completely up to her. But acting like anywhere but on your blog the "shoo" comment is laughable. So I guess best I can tell you is stop responding, don't talk to me I have to respect that and NOT talk to you. of course that would mean you would have to stop trying to fling poo and we know how hard it is not to fling boo right
Hmm don't recall a "your with us or against us meme" at least not from me or karen. Eddie kind of gets off on mentally bending you over and making you say uncle so yeah he might be like that.
ReplyDeleteThe goal is to sit down and come to an understanding, the gasoline is life. Oh wait let me guess well I never experienced this so it can't be that bad, yeah that is a great way to look at life isn't it.
Since you basically played the annoying mosquito for the better part of one discussion I'm afraid your "the argument is the goal" response is a little self serving since for one discussion all you seemed to want was to spark an argument. Oh wait I'm not supposed to remember that right? I'm supposed to just say oooh only "the other side seemed off base and inflammatory".
Ignore the rock in my hand and just look at the other guy right?
Left wing liberals have proven my dear to be the most racist. Already next door in Louiana where the BP oil spill happen racism has creeped into the arguement. One blog mentioned this already. Also personally to me racism cuts both ways. But since I went to public school my best friends stil are African americans we talk still don't act like children. Even the black caucus is trying to use racism to cry fowl in thier ethics case problems but the public is to smart. Now counsel would u agree with my arguement or challenge me in texas state court?
ReplyDeleteAnd can I hear examples of the pendulum swinging the other way?
ReplyDeleteAs for the ethics violations hmm 8 investigations all in the congressional black caucus in the last 18 months it is a fair question. Were any of the republicans in the house or senate who have been found to have been idiots in the last 18 months suggested by the OCE to be investigated if not it's their own damn fault for not going after both sides republicans and democrats and folks in and out of the CBC.
What in the BP argument has to do with race(I actually think I know what you are talking about but how about you expand on that so I can be sure)?
what do your child hood friends have to do with this conversation I am missing why they are important? I mean have you talked to them about your opinions on racism, do you have heated arguments do you agree about them. Or do you only discuss your positions on racism with your friends of similar hue, again I need context before I will just accept the "I have minority friends" defense. Because honestly that is like the dumbest response ever wow so all I am is your "I'm not a racist defense" gee thanks and here I thought you like me because we had things in common. Not calling you a racist just asking for the context in which your child hood friends are relavant.
Well on the BP issue which I saw this blog there is stil anger swirling at BP and the administeration for thier lack of caring for southners of all stripes. Some have are fisherman of vietnemes descent,african americans and so on. Now the president wouldn't stay a week in the damaged economic zone..he wouldn't spend his vacaton down in the Florida panhandle to bring business back up. Business of all forms have been hit. With my friends I didn't mean to offend you at all. I gues I was trying to make a point and failed. But I've never been racists at all. Honestly I'm colorblind and I shun the KKK as the past.
ReplyDeleteAs for that blog I couldn't shake it. It made me think that's all.
Okay yes I have seen a blog talking about black fisherman and hoping that they don't get screwed like black farmers did by the USDA, and I am sure that vietnamese, hispanic etc all farmers also have hopes of getting fairly representation.
ReplyDeleteAs for the president's vacation is there a place in florida for him to vacation, if I am not mistaken aren't there like "presidential vacation spots" where we allow our sitting presidents to go. I think Bush's ranch was one of the few times where it wasn't a staple spot like camp david etc that all presidents go to. When he was president elect he went to hawaii, where he was familiar with.
I can appreciate you wanting him to go to the panhandle but then again would he really be helping because you do know with the security requirements for a sitting president a lot of people can not be around. I remember when my mom said a few folks at an old job of hers had to get security checks because Al Gore was coming to speak there. Yes saying the president WAS there might help in the future while he is there though due to security visitation would be down because well he has to be secure. If we had never had presidents assassinated fine not a problem but we have had them assassinated and injured so we have to respect that fact of american existance.
Now when Sasha gets older just like the Bush twins you can say that she was there, though I doubt young males will be allowed in the vacinity if the presidents response to barbara walters is any indication. Sounds to me like he has some rather strict security on his daughters virginity.
Again I just wanted you to clarify the point I won't lie and say it isn't offensive because honestly who wants to be the mascot for somebody's defense instead of a friend. Like I said if you are about to recount a conversation you had with a friend and his opinion fine. Black or white it's relevant if it's your opinion and how you really feel, if you are just saying you have a black, asian, hispanic, latino, et al friend and thats why it's okay to say what you did because HE or SHE proves you aren't racist yeah um if it was me I'd be pissed at you. I would say look just tell them what you feel, I agree with you or I don't agree with you but you don't need a cupie doll for defense and if you do it ain gonna be me.
Back to the president and his vacation he got his head cut off by a few people for taking a vacation at all and as far as where he took it, anywhere he went down there he would have pissed somebody else off. I think he should take over clean up from BP and hire as many folks as it takes to clean up the mess then send BP the bill and I stand by that, you have people out of work shouldn't now I want every inch of beach spotless, and while your there replant some of that beach protecting long grass. Sorry I haven't lived near a beach in years so I can't remember what those dune protection programs call that grass.
If you DIDN'T, where would we be?
ReplyDeleteSitting around arguing about racism and bad behavior, I'd guess...
ANY religion sounds pretty weird if you've never been exposed to it before.
ReplyDeleteI mean EATING one's god every Sunday is an idea I wish I would have come up with, actually.
I don't know much about why we exist, so I'm all for wacky suggestion.
Now, the Mormons have grabbed hold of the political apparatus of Utah, rural Nevada, and northern Arizona and have twisted it into around into funny shapes. That can start to feel a little eerie.
But just thinking the Garden of Eden was in Mississippi? That makes my brain go delightfully gummy!
Haha... Torrent, as I recall, your "Maybe this is stupid to debate about" line of debate is what started this whole thing to begin with, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteIt's not useless: I think we're going to have this whole pesky "race" problem resolved by the time this thread burns out.
Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen...
I'm not sure that I actually HAD a position that required supporting - or not a position that differed greatly from yours or Eddie's.
I think my issues were more procedural than substantive.
If I ask what time a store opens, and the clerk replies, "9 pm, you stupid bitch!", the ass kicking the clerk is about to receive has nothing to do with what time they open.
Anyway, no one's getting banned from my page. I'm just... surprised... because ALL of the players in recent days - you, me, Will, Eddie, et all - ALL admit to being hardheaded jerks and say that's just how they roll, and yet they're STILL acting offended and talking smack behind each other's backs.
My door's always open. I've never blocked anyone for longer than a cooling off period takes, at any rate.
There was originally a Pop Quiz on the end of this, but I edited it out in the interest of length.
ReplyDeleteStick around: Everyone must get called bat shit crazy eventually. It's a Rite of Passage.
Thank you for stopping by, Kellie!
ReplyDeleteIt's not always this crazy around here.
Sometimes it's worse...
Don't ever go to Vegas, Chucky!
ReplyDeleteThat's going to be my controversial campaign platform when I run for office.
ReplyDelete"Vote ADRI: Pro-puppy. Anti-KKK."
I'm also considering coming out against kicking grandma in the stomach, but... my people are still polling on that one.
I got busted for that, you think you can pull it off cuz you're a chick lawyer? Fuck you.
ReplyDeletewell.. no.. actually I was trying to AVOID the issue because.. well.. I'm a Racist and Proud.. (Lordy)
ReplyDeleteoh.. hang on.. I think I read that in this blog title...
ReplyDeleteI was watching the O'Reilly Factor and Bernie Goldberg long CBS correspondant now on HBO Sports pointed out something very interesting about how the word racism,racist got marginlinized by the left where it's now totally meaningless. In the past liberals used this word against white conservatives to win thier arguements. Now what Rep Max waters of California wants to do is use the same word against the Ethics Committee which is made up all white man. Question in todays term would her arguement be valid? I doubt it.For the ethical charges outweigh her own arguement but since the libs have tossed around the world so much u might say its now comedy fodder for Wayne's World. I hope I've enlighten some here but upon hearing this I had to share it. Concluding note the honorable Rangel hasn't used the word at all. Overall it's interesting that this word is now meaningless,marginilized. Honestly times have changed.
ReplyDelete..yeah.. it's a been a while since I've seen anybody get really upset over the topic... Enlightening chuck.
ReplyDeleteYou're a better man than I am, Gunga Din.
ReplyDeleteI don't suffer fools. At all.
A bit raucous in here. Tough room to play. Glad I am not in the band.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the bar?
ReplyDeletenew exercise program
You are in the band aren't you?
ReplyDeleteDid you get that far?
ReplyDeleteThere's a couple different directions I could go with that, though.
ReplyDeleteOn one hand, you have someone like the President, who really DID rise up on the white ladder - he's not a civil rights type. So when people have complaints about him - and they should have complaints about him - those complaints ought to be of his policies. He's NOT at all some kind of black supremacist, no matter what some folks would tell you.
On the other hand, when you have a situation like Waters...
If a person comes into my office and is pissed because they got "wronged" with their job, I consider: Are they black? Jewish? Disabled? Over 45?
So when a person like Waters gets accused of wrongdoing, it IS a consideration: Is this just something that happens to powerful women? Powerful blacks?
My gut tells me that's NOT the case with her and Rangel. It doesn't pay to be powerful AND sloppy...
Torrent, meet Multiply.
ReplyDeleteMultiply, Torrent...
Well, my page isn't primarily a politics and religion thing.
ReplyDeletePlus, I'm wrong way too often to hold others' accuracy rates against them...
[Oh, and my long term memory has been shot to hell from the laboratory chemicals, which makes it tough to hold a grudge unless I tattoo it on my chest...]
Well, we DO put chicken wire across the stage to block the flying objects.
ReplyDeleteTonight, the band is playing Randy Newman's "Rednecks"!
Everybody now, together on the chorus!
I thought that was whenever you move to Texas, but I digress.... :-)
ReplyDeleteMy brother married a Russian woman. On her first visit to the US in her broken english she asked why only n***ers played American Football. I explained to her that it was a mixed sport, with whites, blacks, polynesians, etc. I left it to my brother to explain that using that particular word in the U.S. was not acceptable. I never heard her use it again. I found it interesting of all the words for her to use, that one came out. I know she did not learn it from my brother. Maybe too many Mel Gibson rants?
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my favorite songs about Racism. In its defense, I would say that I don't think Tom is racist when he sings this song.
ReplyDeleteI love this post!
Since you put it so eloquently, I guess I can hang out a little bit longer.
ReplyDeleteoutstanding Dude
ReplyDeleteStill you written an informantive realivtive blog:)
ReplyDelete“Every war when it comes, or before it comes, is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.” - George Orwell - never a truer word spoken Georgie
ReplyDeleteFor most human beings, it takes an awful lot to allow them to kill another human being," "The one way to do it is to justify the killing, to make the enemy look as evil as possible."
from Jan
OK - some serious "BAT SHIT CRAZY" stuff
ReplyDeleteMongolian neo-Nazis: Anti-Chinese Sentiment Fuels Rise of Ultra-nationalism
Thanks Jan
A: I do know “bat shit crazy” when I see it. And with all due respect, when it comes to racism, you human beings are bat shit crazy.
ReplyDeleteJerome: I just came here to look at the photographs.
You're in a completely different position than I, Adri.
ReplyDeleteBack when I was Yahoo's whipping boy 'feature', I had to tolerate every moron with a $300 computer from WalMart.
That's a hard habit to break. Some of the folks on my blocked-list here might actually have started a course of medication which would preclude their prior behavior. However, one thing my therapist told me long, long ago (I still don't know if this was worth the $20,000 in insurance money, but it was their money, not mine) - "when people tell or show you who and what they are - believe them", and another which I've always found useful, "prior behavior is the best indicator of future behavior."
It saddened me for about two hours and twenty minutes to feed Eddie in the same iggy-bin with Karen and the rest of the morons - but he earned it.
Sic semper imbecilis.....
Ba-dum Bum.
ReplyDeleteI'm an exception, actually.
Special "Adri Clause" of the Texas Constitution.
It's strange the way in which there has been a fundamental reappraisal of the use of the word in the past 20 years.
ReplyDeleteI stumble upon it in music form the 70's and 80's, as white artists and musicians and writers used it in order to make fun of racism.
But starting about 20 years ago, there was an increase in the use of the word in black pop culture and a tightening of the strictures of white folks using it.
It's just an interesting phenomenon. I'm not sure I have an opinion regarding it at all.
Gracias, Ridge!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be here all week...
No one seems to have been chased off yet, so... we'll have to work on that.
Thanks, Chucky!
ReplyDeleteIt was more fun than most of my recent ones...
Domestically, I like to watch the television talking heads do this about "the other side."
ReplyDeleteI was watching Rachel Maddow do it the other night - make the people who vote for Republicans look so subhuman that I feel like going out and shooting Republicans.
Preemptively. In self-defense.
"These people want to kill you, so you'd better kill them!"
I'm not going to kill anyone. Unless they bother me when I'm trying to read, but that would be justified...
It does seem a little odd for me to be accusing people of being crazy when I'm the one who claims to be running a Sanitarium...
ReplyDeleteAh well.
The hypocrisy keeps everyone on their toes.
There are no pictures, though. I assume you're seeing shapes in the water stains...
This is generally probably a fairly good rule of thumb.
ReplyDeleteIncreasingly - as I've been "supervising" various and assorted "employees," I've seen that ignoring a problem and hoping it gets better is NEVER a good path.
People generally continue on the path their on, with their faults gradually getting worse until they are knocked off route.
People are usually fairly decent to me on my page. It's elsewhere I have problems...
The Mantra of the Early 21st Century.
ReplyDeleteJerome: Umm...Err...Adri...thats not really water.
ReplyDeleteWell another ranting head I've listen rather force to listen too on the local am dial is Ed Schultz..his rants against Republicans is sllly. Like he calls them unamerican where in reality his own Democartic party has runned away from him and the netroot bloggers. But to use such terms..now Big Ed as he calls his own show on MSNBC which comes on 5pm..I've caught lies in his radio show. What has been interesting is that Comcast has one more hurdle to clear and NBCU is theres. Now word is NBC news that thos opioin heads from Schultz to Maddow could be out of job not becouse of thier mouths but becouse of ratings. Right now ed brags his show is doing well in its timeslot but I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteOops I did it again...
ReplyDeleteBlack folks is 'sho nuff scarey...
ReplyDeleteleft with a dangling metaphor.
ReplyDeletechuck I wish you all the best in finding Republican Leadership that will heard the call of the patriotism fulled electorcate. Honest.
ReplyDeleteRand Paul supports the right of private businesses to discriminate, and expresses qualms about the provision of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that bars segregation in privately owned places of “public accommodation.”
ReplyDeleteahhh this explains the loss of super powers when you cross the state line
ReplyDeleteAlso, they're taking our women.
ReplyDeleteAlso, they're taking our women...
ReplyDeleteNever seen or heard Ed.
ReplyDeleteI know his radio show is about the highest rated radio show of the "left" (by which I mean, Democrat, as opposed to actual liberal left...
But I try to keep away from folks who advertisers pay to tell me what to think...
Meanwhile, one Arizona Republican Senator supports the repeal of the post-Civil War Constitutional Amendment that made the Civil Rights Acts POSSIBLE.
ReplyDeleteIt's what happens when someone starts running their mouth before they fully grasp the basics of their civics lessons, I guess.
I dunno...
ReplyDelete(I want a post that gets 182 comments! WHAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!)
..I'm chasing my tail on this one.. but I might settle on something...
ReplyDeleteShe suffers fools much better than you do, remember?
ReplyDeleteReal life stuff - fellow blogger
ReplyDeleteThis is hate. It is unprovoked hatred against a religious institution. Take a good look at this because America is full of hatred. And people feel entitled to express their hate. Whether it is against the Jews, gays/lesbians, abortion clinics, the Muslims, undocumented workers...hate crimes are hate crimes. There should be no justification in anyones mind!
Yeah - Times have changed
ReplyDeleteLOL...good. I could use the help gerlfren. . Getting too old to be a Man Ho anyway.
ReplyDeleteYou can fool some of the people all of the time.
And all of the people some of the time.
But you cannot fool all of the people all the time.
I can't service all these white gerls alone.I can't afford the toilet paper.
Bring it on. Mix it up. The result of interbreeding is an endless variety of beautiful flowers in a spectrum of traits and colors I have not seen before.
It is art.
I am all over this.
You must keep in mind that this is the most comments I've gotten THIS year.
ReplyDeleteAnd some of the comments are dazzling in their off-topic-ness.
And I've also sold my soul to the devil for comments.
The scrotal purse blog should have proved that...
The upside is, you don't need to go the "Club-Over-the-Head" route now that it's possible to just slip something in their drinks...
ReplyDeleteThe invention of date rape drugs is what separates us from the animals.
Usually - German or not - these things are by teenagers.
ReplyDeleteWhich doesn't make it any better.
In my (gay) neighborhood a few years back, a few suburban kids came down and killed a gay guy with a fencepost that had nails sticking out of it.
Three of them went to jail for this.
Since then, two of the three have come out as gay.
Finding your identity is a troubling thing.
Two words:
ReplyDeleteOta Benga.
But I think that young people - when they see beauty in another person - feel the need to possess it, Bed it. Whatever.
ReplyDeleteOlder folks can occasionally just enjoy the beauty.
Or they've at least convinced themselves that looking is enough.
Larry Gibbs bad day in the whitehouse press room..
ReplyDeleteReporters of various news nets,online blogs ask Press Secretary Gibbs take on Missouri voting overwhelming to kick out the force insurance mandates. His reply: "Means Nothing.Vote means nothing."
Stadler heckles from back out of the blue: "Hey Gibbs likes the SHOME state just showed your Obamacaare the door."
Gibbs: "Get them out of here."
"Sir we can't thier with the Muppet Show times."
Waldorf: "Hey Gibbs whatta stupid stunt you try to pull. You're a moronic press secretary. Dana P. was cuter and smater than you."
Stadler: "Elmo is from the SHOME state I can tell you his friends are laughing at you..nothing. What a dumb answer.."
Larry Gibbs: "Hey you guys stop it."
Waldorf: "Maybe if you read a St. Louis paper online you might learn something."
Stadler: "Better yet maybe you should apply for spokesman at Comedy Central."
GIbbs: "Shut up."
Waldorf&Stadler: "Hey you can't handle the heat..so get out the kitchen..but you don't tell voters thier vote don't mean nothin' sonny.."
note the above incident recieve continious air replay on C-Span all afternoon today..no comment from the white house on this morning incident.
Existence has three elements. Being, Doing, and Having. We be. We do. We have. And the opposites. Not being (death), Not doing, and Not Having (Letting go).
ReplyDeleteWe want to be with someone we see as beautiful. We want to do something with them or to them depending on how you interpret the Universe and your self and the other. And we want to have them.
This is good. It is how things are supposed to be with each other. This does not change with age.
What does change with age is wisdom. The wisdom of knowing that beauty is "not for me" because it may be harmful to possess it even for a little while. Harmful to the other person. Or harmful to the self.
There is no bright line rule on this. It depends on the people and the situation. And how they are to and with each other.
Robert Gibbs.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah.
Wouldn't want that job in ANY Administration.
My natural inclination is to - when insulted - to insult back.
And to win.
In politics - especially at the highest levels - you're expected to smile and come back with reminders of what you've done when someone insults you.
Not the ideal job for me, and the pay isn't high enough to justify being a whipping boy.
Beautiful people are rarely interesting.
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether this is owing to a rejection of interesting AND beautiful in combination or whether these beautiful folks simply don't need to add the extra dimensions.
There are very few gorgeous poets. Or theologians. Or physicists. Or hermits.
Now, human beings have some sort of genetic deal where they are attracted to certain things that we subconsciously connect with reproduction-worthiness.
But I don't want kids.
So, you know... Bring on Quasimodo...
Hey, Bert. Sorry, no, it's not. Though I did have a friend recently informing me that my enjoyment of NASCAR indicates that I am a racist, so I suppose it technically could be loosely hinged to this........whatever this is.
ReplyDeleteSomeone posted a link to here on my page. I didn't even see it til tonight.
Verner arranged for Ota Benga to live at the Bronx Zoo. Benga roamed freely on the grounds and was encouraged to interact with patrons; he later came to be "exhibited" in the zoo's Monkey House as part of a display intended to promote the concepts of human evolution and scientific racism.
ReplyDeleteA: Beautiful people are rarely interesting.
ReplyDeleteA: Now, human beings have some sort of genetic deal where they are attracted to certain things that we subconsciously connect with reproduction-worthiness
Jerome: I have seen these studies. You are correct Counselor. At least initial evaluations of preferences are predictable scientifically. In one study men selected a wide hipped small breasted woman over a narrow hipped large breasted woman almost all the time. The wide hips suggest fertility.
The problem is...these studies don't account for the "getting to know you factor". And some other things. Like the bonding that occurs from shared experiences such as being taken hostage in a bank robbery. Or being stranded on a desert island.
The interesting thing about people is beauty can appear where it was not before. A man can go his whole life preferring blonds over brunettes. But then quite by chance he meets a brunette. And notices for the first time that this is beautiful. Simply because he got to know her first.
Or a red head...
A:There are very few gorgeous poets. Or theologians. Or physicists. Or hermits.
Jerome: The beautiful people are busy making Hollywood movies. They have no time to write. There are exceptions. Do you know any pretty redheads that blog?
He he he...
Your witness...
Hi, Adri. Someone (I'm assuming one of your lil' buddies) decided to advertise this blog on my page.
ReplyDeleteI don't know most of you people at all and the rest I don't know well. I'd just as soon not read any more about the squabble.
I did go ahead and read the blog while I was here. Wow, Eddie really lit one under ya huh?
I'd really appreciate it if you and your pals not use my page to advertise petty name-calling..........as well written as this it....that's all it boils down to. You're ticked at Eddie and trying to trash him...........which is your bizz.
Just don't advertise it on my page.
If you ever do topics blogs, now that might be different. Still, I'd just as soon someone ask first, next time. Thanks!
Have a wonderful night/day....whatever it is where you happen to be.
This totally ignored the fact that only 23 percent of the state even bothered to vote at all and something passing with just 23 percent represents no mandate whatsoever. It also belies the fact that most of the downstate rural Missourians are morons due to the fact that they elected Roy Blunt for several terms as a Representative and His son screwed up the state so bad, he couldn't even be elected dog catcher and opted out of the 20008 elections because he didn't want to embarrass his daddy.
ReplyDeleteBP has just freed up some resources and they are going to come do some remediation in your mindful pond.
ReplyDeleteyou know it would be great if there were ways page owners could delete postings on their page.. or even control who has access to ones page.. and.. hmm.. if you were actually able to track a post back to the person who posted it.. I wonder if Multiply has ever considered any of these features?
ReplyDeleteSometimes I just feel so violated here on Multiply... woe is me.